Press Releases of the Works Progress Administration
Press releases and publicity information from the Works Progress Administration (WPA). Records include speeches and statements made by Works Progress officials to the public concerning WPA programs and expenditures.
- Works Progress Administration Press Releases
- WPA Press Releases
- 1930s
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for South Dakota : May 15, 1935, 4-4
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrators for Delaware and New Mexico : May 16, 1935, 4-5
- Radio Address of Harry L. Hopkins : May 17, 1935, 4-6
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Ohio : May 17, 1935, 4-7
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrators for Texas, Oregon, and Washington : May 17, 1935, 4-8
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrators for Massachusetts and Arkansas : May 22, 1935, 4-9
- Hopkins Announces Work Districts Under Works Program in 48 States : May 25, 1935, 4-11
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Montana : May 24, 1935, 4-12
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Utah : May 27, 1935, 4-13
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Illinois : May 29, 1935, 4-14
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Minnesota : May 30, 1935, 4-15
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for New Jersey : May 31, 1935, 4-16
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for California : May 31, 1935, 4-17
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Nebraska : June 4, 1935, 4-22
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for North Carolina : June 5, 1935, 4-23
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Tennessee : June 5, 1935, 4-24
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for West Virginia : June 8, 1935, 4-25
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Colorado : June 8, 1935, 4-26
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Connecticut : June 8, 1935, 4-27
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Rhode Island : June 8, 1935, 4-28
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Nevada : June 13, 1935, 4-29
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for North Dakota : June 13, 1935, 4-30
- Hopkins Gives Details of Project Sponsorship Under Works Progress Administration : June 19, 1935, 4-33
- Hopkins Appoints Mrs. Ellen S. Woodward as Assistant WPA and FERA Administrator : June 19, 1935, 4-34
- Mrs. Woodward Cites Visiting Housekeepers as Works Progress Project for Women : June 24, 1935, 4-35
- Jacob Baker Gives Comprehensive Review of Works Program Policies and Motives : July 3, 1935, 4-38
- Dr. Alderman Speaks on Character-Building Aspects of Works Program : July 2, 1935, 4-39
- Preparation Begun for Educational Projects Under Works Program : July 2, 1935, 4-40
- Hopkins Appoints State Works Progress Administrator for Wisconsin : July 2, 1935, 4-41
- Hopkins Approves 2,196 Projects in Alabama, Georgia, and Indiana : July 3, 1935, 4-42
- 140-Hour Month Established for Persons Employed on Projects Under WPA : July 5, 1935, 4-43
- First of Series of Policy Conferences on National Youth Program Adjourns : July 12, 1935, 4-44
- Directors of National Youth Administration for Seven States Named : July 16, 1935, 4-45
- John J. Corson, 3Rd, Appointed Assistant Director of the National Youth Administration : July 17, 1935, 4-46
- Jobs to be Provided for 125,000 Students in College Aid Program : July 18, 1935, 4-47
- Four State Directors Named by National Youth Administration : July 18, 1935, 4-48
- Walter Newman Named State Director of Nya for Virginia : July 18, 1935, 4-49
- Hopkins Appoints Labor Policies Board of Works Progress Administration : July 25, 1935, 4-50
- Hopkins Emphasizes Rural Phase of Works Progress Administration Projects : August 1, 1935, 4-51
- Hopkins Announces Advisory Board for Works Progress Administration : July 26, 1935, 4-52
- Hopkins Announces Regional Director for Women's Division of WPA : July 26, 1935, 4-53
- Hopkins Appoints Four Technical Assistants to Direct Cultural Projects : July 26, 1935, 4-54
- Hopkins Appoints Consulting Engineer for Works Progress Administration : July 27, 1935, 4-55
- Adult Education Projects to be Continued Under Works Progress Administration : July 30, 1935, 4-56
- Hopkins Announces Regional Director for Women's Division of WPA : July 29, 1935, 4-64
- Coordinating Committee of Central Statistical Board and WPA Guides Research : August 1, 1935, 4-65
- Hopkins Appoints Dr. Shanley Chairman of Western Regional Advisory Board : July 30, 1935, 4-66
- Hopkins Announces Regional Director for Women's Division of WPA : August 6, 1935, 4-69
- Hopkins Announces Southern Regional Director for Women's Division of WPA : August 2, 1935, 4-81
- Hopkins Sets Minimum Hours Rule for Works Progress Administration Projects : August 8, 1935, 4-99
- Hopkins Cites Increasing Needs of White-Collar Workers on Relief With Figures on 13 Cities : August 9, 1935, 4-100
- Governor McNutt Appointed Member of Advisory Board for Works Progress Administration : August 16, 1935, 4-149
- Hopkins Rules on Method of Supplying Union Labor to Works Program Contract Jobs : August 17, 1935, 4-157
- First Federal Safety Program to be Launched by Works Progress Administration : August 26, 1935, 4-0231
- Charles Braun Appointed Assistant WPA Field Representative for South : August 24, 1935, 4-234
- President Approves Works Progress Allotments for Women's Projects : August 28, 1935, 4-264
- 150,000,000 Yards of Cotton Cloth will be Bought for Women's Projects : August 28, 1935, 4-270
- Hopkins Announces Regional Director for Women's Division of WPA : August 29, 1935, 4-274
- Works Program Brings End to Federal Relief in Alabama and Wyoming : August 29, 1935, 4-278
- Numerous National Organizations to Work with WPA Writers on American Guide : September 15, 1935, 4-384
- Works Progress Compensation for Injured Workers Will be Quick : September 16, 1935, 4-400
- Hopkins Stipulates Four Fundamental Policies for Operation of State WPA programs : September 22, 1935, 4-466
- C. B. Treadway Resigns as Florida WPA Administrator Because of Ill Health : September 26, 1935, 4-498
- Aubrey W. Williams to be Acting Works Progress Administrator in Hopkins' Absence : September 26, 1935, 4-525
- Col. Harrington Appointed WPA Chief Engineer : September 30, 1935, 4-540
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : October 4, 1935, 4-560
- Consulting Engineers to Study Methods of Expediting WPA Construction Projects : October 9, 1935, 4-579
- Regional Field Heads Appointed for Cultural Program : October 11, 1935, 4-590
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : October 18, 1935, 4-654
- Hopkins Announces National Advisory Committee for WPA Music Project : October 25, 1935, 4-712
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : October 27, 1935, 4-731
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : November 2, 1935, 4-781
- Maryland, Delaware, and South Dakota Off Federal Emergency Relief : November 5, 1935, 4-799
- 2,900 Writers from Relief Rolls Provided Employment by Federal Writers' Projects : November 12, 1935, 4-813
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : November 9, 1935, 4-820
- Streets, Highways, Sewers, and Watermains Comprise More Than Half of WPA Federal Allotment Approved by the President : November 11, 1935, 4-821
- Woodward Begins Trip to Confer with Directors of Women's WPA Work : November 13, 1935, 4-849
- Nine Additional States Have Been Given Their Last FERA Funds: Total Now 26 : November 14, 1935, 4-864
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : November 15, 1935, 4-877
- Hopkins Accepts Resignation of Frank Upman, Jr., and Appoints Ross as Nevada WPA Administrator : November 15, 1935, 4-880
- Hopkins Emphasizes Usefulness of WPA Projects Before U.S. Conference of Mayors : November 19, 1935, 4-892
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : November 22, 1935, 4-914
- WPA Assistant Chief Engineer Praises Cooperation of Planning Bodies : December 5, 1935, 4-1002
- Gill Announces Establishment of National Research Program Under WPA : December 10, 1935, 4-1016
- More Than 8,000 Musicians Now Employed on Federal Music Projects In 19 States : December 16, 1935, 4-1019
- Four Fields of Public Improvements Constitute 72.6% of WPA Work, Hopkins Reports : December 16, 1935, 4-1020
- Works Program Employment Figures Announced : December 19, 1935, 4-1021
- Dr. Luther H. Evans, of Texas, Appointed Head of WPA Historical Record Survey : December 31, 1935, 4-1022
- Women on WPA Projects Provide Hot School-Lunches for Needy Children: Utah Cited : January 7, 1936, 4-1024
- Hopkins' Investigators Reveal Why WPA Jobs Not Taken: Many Already Employed : January 10, 1936, 4-1025
- Works Progress Administrator Harry L. Hopkins Protects Labor : January 13, 1936, 4-1026
- Text of Aubrey Williams' Speech Before Buffalo, N.Y., Council of Social Agencies : January 16, 1936, 4-1027
- WPA Officials Shocked by Death of W. R. Dyess and Robert H. McNair: to Attend Funeral : January 15, 1936, 4-1028
- Jacob Baker, Assistant WPA Administrator, Speaks Before Landscape Architects : January 21, 1936, 4-1029
- Hopkins Warns Against Shirking on WPA Projects; Sets Penalties : January 31, 1936, 4-1030
- Hopkins Accepts Arthur Rotch's Resignation from Mass. WPA; Appoints Edwards : February 1, 1936, 4-1031
- First American Index of Design Started on Federal Art Project : February 10, 1936, 4-1032
- WPA Writers' Projects Locates Long-Lost Lincoln Manuscript : February 12, 1936, 4-1033
- Aubrey Williams Cites Adult Education as Vital Question : February 9, 1936, 4-1034
- Holger Cahill Reports on Progress of Federal Art Project : February 16, 1936, 4-1035
- Col. Westbrook Praises WPA Supervisors for Cold-Weather Action, Raps Critics of "Lost Time" : February 10, 1936, 4-1036
- Joseph E. Parker Appointed WPA Administrator for Montana; Ray Hart Resigned : February 8, 1936, 4-1037
- Allotments Made to 21 States for Household Workers Training Program Under WPA : February 16, 1936, 4-1038
- Aubrey Williams, Deputy WPA Administrator, Addresses American Association of Social Workers : February 16, 1936, 4-1039
- Reports on Payment to WPA Workers for Time Involuntarily Lost : February 18, 1936, 4-1040
- Hopkins Simplifies Procedure for Employment of Union Labor on WPA Projects : February 27, 1936, 4-1043
- Hopkins Denies Information Refused Congressmen : February 27, 1936, 4-1044
- Hopkins Reports Bulk of WPA Projects Involve Public Property Improvement. Sponsors' Contributions Cited : March 2, 1936, 4-1045
- More than Half of Illinois' WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair of Highways and Buildings : March 9, 1936, 4-1046
- Approximately 70 Per Cent of District of Columbia's WPA Project Cost for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1047
- Bulk of Kentucky's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1048
- More Than Half of Alabama's WPA Funds to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1049
- Approximately 75 Per Cent of Maine's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1050
- Approximately 65 Per Cent of Massachusetts WPA Project to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1051
- Over 85 Per Cent of Michigan's Relief Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1052
- Nearly Half of Minnesota's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Road and Building Construction and Repair : March 9, 1936, 4-1053
- Bulk of WPA Project Cost In Montana to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1054
- Nearly 50 Per Cent of Works Progress Administration Funds to be Spent for Repair and Construction In Louisiana : March 9, 1936, 4-1055
- The Bulk of Kansas' WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1056
- Bulk of WPA Project Cost In Wyoming to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1057
- More Than 70 Per Cent of WPA Project Costs for West Virginia to be Spent for Construction and Repair of Roads and Buildings : March 9, 1936, 4-1058
- Nearly All of Wisconsin's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1059
- Approximately 60 Per Cent of Virginia's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1060
- Bulk of Vermont's WPA Project Cost for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1061
- Approximately Half of Tennessee's WPA Project to be Spent for Repair and Construction of Buildings and Roads : March 9, 1936, 4-1062
- More Than Half of South Dakota's WPA Project Cost for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1063
- More Than Half of South Carolina's WPA Cost to Supply Work for Women and White-Collar Workers : March 9, 1936, 4-1064
- Bulk of Rhode Island's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1065
- Bulk of WPA Project Cost for Pennsylvania to Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1066
- Nearly 75 Per Cent of North Dakota's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1067
- Bulk of New York State's WPA Cost for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1068
- Bulk of New Jersey's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1069
- Approximately 75 Percent of New Hampshire's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1070
- More Than Half of Nebraska's WPA Project Cost for Construction and Repair of Roads and Buildings : March 9, 1936, 4-1071
- More Than Half of Arkansas' WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair of Public Buildings and Roads : March 9, 1936, 4-1073
- Bulk of Colorado's WPA Project Cost for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1074
- Bulk of Connecticut's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1075
- Slightly More Than Half of Delaware's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repair Work : March 9, 1936, 4-1076
- More Than 55 Percent of Florida's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Highways, Roads and Public Buildings : March 9, 1936, 4-1077
- Nearly 55 Per Cent of Georgia's WPA Project Cost to be Spent for Construction and Repairs of Highways and Public Buildings : March 9, 1936, 4-1078
- Hopkins Answers Senator Vandenberg : March 5, 1936, 4-1095
- Seventy-Five Per Cent of California's WPA Project Cost for Construction and Repair Work : March 12, 1936, 4-1098
- WPA Workers to be Ready for Flood Emergencies : March 10, 1936, 4-1103
- First Volume of National Series of American Guide to be Issued This Fall : March 11, 1936, 4-1105
- Administrator Hopkins Accepts Resignation of Earnest L. Klein, Chicago : March 12, 1936, 4-1107
- Hopkins announces emergency flood control allocations : March 15, 1936, 4-1110
- Hopkins Orders Posters Banning Political Contributions : March 18, 1936, 4-1112
- WPA Purchases of Industrial Supplies Total $83,799,672 as of March 1, 1936 : March 19, 1936, 4-1113
- Hopkins Announces Results of Rural Relief Survey : March 23, 1936, 4-1114
- Over 400 Airport and Airway Projects Released for Construction : March 29, 1936, 4-1115
- Hopkins Says Scientific Projects of WPA Add to World's Store of Knowledge : March 22, 1936, 4-1116
- Hopkins Receives Telegraphic Reports from Stricken Flood Areas : March 19, 1936, 4-1117
- Hopkins Sends Army of 50,000 WPA Workers to Flood Areas : March 19, 1936, 4-1118
- Hopkins Assures Connecticut Governor WPA Will Aid State in Rehabilitation Work : March 21, 1936, 4-1120
- Hopkins Keeps Advised on WPA Flood Relief Activities : March 22, 1936, 4-1121
- Radio Address of Works Progress Administrator Harry L. Hopkins : March 21, 1936, 4-1122
- WPA Workers Average $50.03 Monthly Throughout Country : March 24, 1936, 4-1123
- Hopkins to Visit Flood-Stricken Connecticut; Assigns Ranking WPA Officials to Other Devastated Areas : March 23, 1936, 4-1124
- WPA Workmen Begin "Mopping Up" in Flood Devastated Areas : March 24, 1936, 4-1125
- Hopkins Says Works Progress Administration Reconstruction Work in Flood Areas Now in Full Swing : March 30, 1936, 4-1141
- Radio Address by Col. Lawrence Westbrook, Assistant Works Progress Administrator : March 31, 1936, 4-1142
- Hopkins Reports 96 percent of WPA Workers Taken from Relief Rolls : April 2, 1936, 4-1144
- Hopkins Appoints Michael J. McDonough to WPA Labor Policy Board : April 7, 1936, 4-1145
- Hopkins Orders Workers and Supplies to Tornado-Stricken Towns : April 7, 1936, 4-1146
- Hopkins Announces $2,500,000 Fund for Storm Stricken States : April 8, 1936, 4-1147
- Hopkins Makes Public Works Program Progress Report : April 13, 1936, 4-1148
- WPA Choristers and Musicians to take part in Easter Programs : April 11, 1936, 4-1149
- Hopkins Confers with Governor Curley of Massachusetts Regarding Flood Relief Program : April 14, 1936, 4-1150
- Hopkins Expects Research Program to Yield Valuable Data on Unemployment Causes : April 17, 1936, 4-1151
- 104 Works Progress Administration Flood Rehabilitation Projects in Connecticut Are Approved : April 16, 1936, 4-1152
- 138 Works Progress Administration Flood Rehabilitation Projects in Maine Are Approved : April 16, 1936, 4-1153
- 64 Works Progress Administration Flood Rehabilitation Projects in Massachusetts are Approved : April 16, 1936, 4-1154
- 20 Works Progress Administration Flood Rehabilitation Projects in Pennsylvania Are Approved : April 16, 1936, 4-1155
- 32 Works Progress Administration Flood Rehabilitation Projects in Virginia Are Approved : April 16, 1936, 4-1156
- 67 Works Progress Administration Flood Rehabilitation Projects in West Virginia are approved : April 16, 1936, 4-1157
- $10,000,000 Damage Prevented by WPA and ERA Flood Control Work in Three Eastern States : April 19, 1936, 4-1159
- Study of Transient Problems is Made Public by Hopkins : April 23, 1936, 4-1160
- Meeting of State Directors of the Division of Women's and Professional Projects of the Works Progress Administration in Washington, D. C. --- May 4th, 5th & 6th : April 26, 1936, 4-1162
- Hopkins Reports 461 Airports and Airway Projects for Works Progress Administration Have been Approved : May 3, 1936, 4-1163
- Hopkins Reports Works Progress Administration's Road and Street Program Is Now the Largest Single Relief Activity : May 4, 1936, 4-1164
- Approximately 10,000 Persons Have Volunteered to Assist in Compilation of the Works Progress Administration's American Guide : May 10, 1936, 4-1165
- Meeting of Regional and State Directors of the Division of Women's and Professional Projects of the Works Progress Administration in Washington, D. C. -- May 4th, 5th and 6th : May 4, 1936, 4-1167
- Works Progress Administration Exhibit, Division of Women's and Professional Projects, Mayflower Promenade, May 4 and 5 : May 4, 1936, 4-1168
- [Address by Perry A. Fellows at the Washington Meeting of Society for the Advancement of Management] : May 5, 1936, 4-1169
- Hopkins Reports 1,485,822 Enrollees in Works Progress Administration's Emergency Education Program : May 8, 1936, 4-1170
- Marionettes in the Federal Theatre : May 24, 1936, 4-1171
- Hopkins Issues Works Progress Administration Regulations on Relations with Workers : May 13, 1936, 4-1172
- President Allocates $40,000 Additional for Talking Book Machines for the Blind : May 18, 1936, 4-1174
- WPA Federal Theatre Produces 18 Plays in Five Months : May 20, 1936, 4-1175
- Works Progress Administration Purchases of Industrial Supplies Total $120,978,953 : May 25, 1936, 4-1176
- Session on "Political Action for a Social Welfare Program" : May 26, 1936, 4-1177
- The Problem and Policy of Works Progress Administration Interpretation : May 29, 1936, 4-1178
- Hopkins Reports Slight Rise in WPA Wage Rates : May 28, 1936, 4-1179
- Hopkins Replies to Missouri Republican National Committeeman : May 27, 1936, 4-1180
- Radio Panel Discussion on "Which Way to Social Security?" : May 28, 1936, 4-1181
- Works Progress Administration Plans Exhibit at International Conference of Country Women in Washington, D. C., June 1 to 6, 1936 : May 31, 1936, 4-1182
- Patriotic Societies at July Memorial Service to Recognize Samuel Wilson of Troy, N. Y., as the original Uncle Sam : May 31, 1936, 4-1183
- Works Program Employment Figures Show 3,449,146 Persons Employed as of May 16, 1936 : May 29, 1936, 4-1184
- All State Share in Decline of WPA Employment : June 4, 1936, 4-1185
- Reduction is Shown in WPA Employment in Leading Cities : June 4, 1936, 4-1186
- Kentucky WPA Workers Will Take Part in Sixth Annual American Folk Song Festival at Ashland, June 14, 1936 : June 6, 1936, 4-1187
- Speech of Works Progress Administrator Harry L. Hopkins on the Works Program Delivered Over a Nation-Wide Radio Network of the Columbia Broadcasting System, 9;45 to 10 P. M., June 4, 1936 : June 5, 1936, 4-1189
- Federal Theatre to present plays in Southern Cities : June 8, 1936, 4-1190
- A Mural Presented at West Point Alumni Exercises : June 11, 1936, 4-1192
- Federal WPA Summer Music Program Provides Opportunity for Developing American Talent : June 13, 1936, 4-1193
- 100 Selected Works of WPA Artists are Exhibited in Washington : June 15, 1936, 4-1194
- Hopkins Makes Public Report on Direct Relief Conditions in New Jersey : June 16, 1936, 4-1195
- WPA to Use Radio for Nation-wide Staff Meeting : June 17, 1936, 4-1196
- Hopkins Reports Construction Leads List of WPA Projects Selected for Operation Through April 15 : June 22, 1936, 4-1197
- Hopkins Announces the Resignation of Colonel Lawrence Westbrook : June 19, 1936, 4-1198
- Prevailing Wage and Work Relief Need to be Determined Locally, WPA Officials Announced at Nation-wide Radio Staff Meeting : June 19, 1936, 4-1199
- Robert H. Hinckley, Ogden, Utah, Reappointed as Assistant WPA Administrator : June 23, 1936, 4-1200
- Hopkins Instructs State WPA Administrators on Rates of Pay, Hours of Work, Monthly Earnings and Conditions of Employment Under the New Work-Relief Act : June 23, 1936, 4-1201
- Hopkins Answers New Jersey Critic of Relief Survey : June 23, 1936, 4-1202
- Security Earnings for WPA Project Workers Averaged $52.03 During March, 1936 : June 29, 1936, 4-1203
- Colonel Somervell is Appointed New York City WPA Administrator : July 3, 1936, 4-1204
- Hopkins to Preside at Midwest Drought Conference : June 26, 1936, 4-1205
- Hopkins Raises Minimum Wage Rates in Southern States : July 1, 1936, 4-1206
- Works Progress Administration to Aid University of Florida in Vocational Courses At Engineers Camp, Ocala, Fla. : July 1, 1936, 4-1207
- $350,000,000 Allocated to States for 1936 Works Program : June 30, 1936, 4-1208
- Works Progress Administration Employees on Project Payrolls Ineligible for Annual and Sick Leave Benefits : June 30, 1936, 4-1209
- WPA Exhibition of Index of American Design to be Held in Washington, July 6 - August 6 : July 2, 1936, 4-1210
- Assistant Administrator Ellen S. Woodward to Direct Federal Arts Projects and Women's Activities : July 3, 1936, 4-1211
- Hopkins Finds Drought Intensifying Relief Rehabilitation Needs : July 5, 1936, 4-1212
- Williams Reports Approximately $145,000,000 of WPA Funds Being Expended for Public Utility Projects : July 8, 1936, 4-1213
- Williams Reports $167, 000,000 of WPA Funds Being Used for Public Building Projects : July 9, 1936, 4-1214
- Williams Reports WPA Employment Totals 2,268,542. as of June 20th : July 9, 1936, 4-1215
- Williams Reports on Works Program Expenditures During 1935-36 Fiscal Year : July 9, 1936, 4-1216
- Williams Reports $500,000,000 Being Expended on WPA Projects for Materials : July 10, 1936, 4-1217
- WPA Speeds Drought Program in Western States : July 8, 1936, 4-1219
- Thousands Reported at Work on WPA Projects in Drought Areas : July 9, 1936, 4-1220
- 20,000 Drought Affected Farmers to be Given Work Aid by WPA in Southern States : July 9, 1936, 4-1222
- Williams Reports WPA Drought Headquarters Set Up in South as Forest Fires, Grasshoppers and Crickets Intensify Relief Needs in Western States : July 11, 1936, 4-1223
- Oklahoma Is Added to Drought States as WPA Rushes Water Conservation Projects in West and Road Building in South : July 12, 1936, 4-1224
- Drought Conference to be Held in Bismarck, North Dakota; Southern States Facing Worst Conditions in a Decade; NYA Workers Combat Grasshopper Invasion in Several States : July 14, 1936, 4-1226
- The following item was airmailed from Pierre, South Dakota, to Washington for distribution : July 14, 1936, 4-1227
- Hopkins Issues Statement on Drought Effects : July 14, 1936, 4-1228
- [Statement on Drought Conditions in Montana] : July 15, 1936, 4-1229
- Gill Reports WPA Employment in 11 Selected Cities Shows a Decline : July 15, 1936, 4-1230
- President Allocates $3,000,000 to WPA for Soil Erosion, Flood Control and Forestation Program : July 14, 1936, 4-1231
- Williams Cancels Trip to Dakota Drought Areas : July 15, 1936, 4-1232
- [Water Conservation Activities, Western Central Minnesota] : July 16, 1936, 4-1233
- WPA and Other Government Agencies Combine to Aid Drought Sufferers in Southeastern States : July 15, 1936, 4-1234
- Williams Reports 23,074 Destitute Farmers at Work on WPA Projects in 5 Western Drought States as of July 13 : July 16, 1936, 4-1235
- WPA and State Officials Complete Arrangements to Speed Drought Relief Program in Dakotas at Conference held in Bismarck : July 16, 1936, 4-1236
- Drought Aid Program is Adopted for Dakotas; Destitution Reported Spreading in Southern States; Nurses in Demand in Parched Areas : July 17, 1936, 4-1237
- $27,422 Additional WPA Funds Allocated to Combat "Mormon" Cricket Invasion in Idaho and Nevada : July 17, 1936, 4-1238
- Water Conservation Projects are Approved for Montana to Take Care of Destitute Farmers in Drought Area : July 18, 1936, 4-1239
- Williams Announces $1,768,202 Allocation for WPA Projects : July 22, 1936, 4-1247
- Williams Reports 2,231,117 Project Workers Employed as of July 11, 1936 : July 23, 1936, 4-1248
- Williams Reports WPA Now has 28,000 Destitute Farmers on its Rolls in Western Drought Areas : July 23, 1936, 4-1249
- WPA Makes Swift Advance in History of Water Conservation in Drought Areas : July 24, 1936, 4-1250
- Williams Dismisses Seven WPA Employees in Oklahoma for Political Activities : July 24, 1936, 4-1252
- Occupations of Workers Employed on WPA Projects : July 28, 1936, 4-1253
- WPA Drought Conference Called in Kansas and Nebraska : July 27, 1936, 4-1254
- Hopkins Reports to President 32,010 Destitute Farmers at Work on WPA Projects in Six of the Nine Western Drought States : July 29, 1936, 4-1255
- President Allocates $1,000,000 for Conservation Projects in North Dakota : July 30, 1936, 4-1256
- [Louis Guglielmi Selected as Fellow, Edward MacDowell Association] : July 30, 1936, 4-1257
- Williams Announces Missouri Will Receive Special Drought Allotments : July 31, 1936, 4-1258
- Williams Appoints Robert A. Hurley State Works Progress Administrator for Connecticut : July 31, 1936, 4-1259
- Williams Reports 1,826,034 enrollees in Works Progress Administration's Emergency Education Program : August 3, 1936, 4-1260
- Williams Reports WPA Drought Program Employment Exceeds 35,000 in Western Drought Area : August 1, 1936, 4-1261
- Works Progress Administration Rushes Drought Relief Aid to Kentucky : August 2, 1936, 4-1262
- Works Progress Administration Drought Relief Employment Quota in Great Plains Area Raised to 89,000 Persons : August 3, 1936, 4-1263
- 40,000 Destitute Farmers Now at Work on WPA Projects in Western Drought States : August 5, 1936, 4-1264
- Williams Announces Works Progress Administration Raises Drought Quotas in Great Plains States to 93,500 : August 6, 1936, 4-1266
- Williams Reports $40,690,290 in Expenditures Authorized for Works Progress Administration's Nation-wide Airport Program : August 16, 1936, 4-1267
- Williams Reports Works Progress Administration Putting 1,200 Farmers a Day at Work in Drought Area : August 7, 1936, 4-1268
- Williams Reports WPA Has Put to Work 46,099 Farmers in 30-day Period : August 9, 1936, 4-1269
- Williams Reports Women Comprise 16 percent of Works Administration Workers : August 12, 1936, 4-1270
- Williams Replies to Critics of Works Progress Administration Motion Picture Program : August 9, 1936, 4-1271
- Surveys Indicate National Appeal for Clothing May be Necessary for Drought-Stricken Farm Families : August 10, 1936, 4-1272
- Williams Raises WPA Drought Employment Quota in Western States to 108,500 : August 10, 1936, 4-1273
- Williams Authorizes 2,500 WPA Drought Employment Quota for Illinois : August 11, 1936, 4-1274
- Works Progress Administration Health Projects Give Employment to 7,444 Women : August 16, 1936, 4-1275
- Williams Reports 56,893 Farmers at Work in Western Drought Areas : August 12, 1936, 4-1276
- WPA Studies in 13 Representative Cities Show Only 5 Per Cent of Works Program Workers Received Veterans' Bonus : August 13, 1936, 4-1277
- WPA Increases Employment Quota in Drought Area : August 14, 1936, 4-1278
- Additional Hurricane-Proof Shelters Ordered Built on Florida Keys : August 14, 1936, 4-1279
- President Allocates $4,228,377 for Flood Repair Work in Four States : August 14, 1936, 4-1280
- WPA Drought Employment Now Nearing 74,000 Mark : August 17, 1936, 4-1281
- Dismissed WPA Actresses in Boston Retract Charges : August 15, 1936, 4-1282
- WPA Makes Preparation to Take Care of 75 Per Cent of Farm Population in Dakotas : August 17, 1936, 4-1283
- Williams Reports 80,501 Destitute Farmers Employed by WPA in Western Drought Area : August 18, 1936, 4-1284
- Williams Advised 99,405 Farmers Assigned to WPA Jobs in Drought Areas : August 19, 1936, 4-1285
- Plans Approved to Enlarge Kansas WPA Drought Program : August 19, 1936, 4-1286
- Hopkins Reports 20,000,000 Persons Have Attended WPA's Music Concerts During Six-Month Period : August 29, 1936, 4-1289
- Livestock Feed Profiteering Protection Planned for Drought Area : August 25, 1936, 4-1290
- WPA Completes Arrangement With Sinclair Lewis for Nation-wide Theatrical Production of "It Can't Happen Here" : August 21, 1936, 4-1291
- President Allocates $114,827 for Flood Repair Work in Two States : August 25, 1936, 4-1292
- Hopkins Orders Uniform Security Wage Scale for Rhode Island : August 25, 1936, 4-1293
- Columbus, Ohio, Officials Deny Republican National Committee Charge of Waste on WPA Project : August 29, 1936, 4-1294
- Hopkins Reports Rains in Drought Area Out WPA Job Demand : August 30, 1936, 4-1295
- Hopkins Orders Drought Quotas Raised in Minnesota : September 4, 1936, 4-1301
- Fargo Forum Withdraws Faked Picture Charge : September 5, 1936, 4-1303
- Former West Virginia Banker Answers Charges Against WPA : September 9, 1936, 4-1305
- WPA Has Put to Work 160,552 Farmers in Two Months of Operation in Drought Areas : September 9, 1936, 4-1306
- Gill Defines WPA Policy Relative to Workers Accepting Private Employment : September 9, 1936, 4-1307
- WPA Drought Quotas Changed in Five Western States : September 10, 1936, 4-1308
- State WPA Administrators Instructed to Avoid Over-supply of Labor in Cotton Fields : September 10, 1936, 4-1309
- American Guide Exhibition Scheduled : September 14, 1936, 4-1310
- Five WPA Employees in Tennessee Ordered Dismissed for Political Activities : September 12, 1936, 4-1311
- Drought Employment in 13 States Passes 150,000 Mark : September 13, 1936, 4-1312
- WPA Projects in Unprotected Areas Ordered Suspended Due to Course of Storm : September 18, 1936, 4-1314
- WPA Musical Project to Present Major Concerts This Fall : September 26, 1936, 4-1315
- Works Progress Administration Musical Shorts : September 1936, 4-1316
- Survey of 13 Cities Shows Rise in Former Relief Cases Now Supported by Private Employment : September 28, 1936, 4-1319
- Mrs. Woodward Praises American Guide Exhibit : September 26, 1936, 4-1320
- Drought Employment in 13 Western States to Reach 200,000 on October 1 : September 29, 1936, 4-1321
- President Allocates $971,836 for Flood Rehabilitation Work in Virginia, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Maine and Vermont : September 30, 1936, 4-1323
- Cotton Pickers Speed Trend of WPA Workers to Private Payrolls : October 1, 1936, 4-1325
- Back at his desk after an inspection tour of 10 Western States, Harry L. Hopkins, Works Progress Administrator, prepared the following summary of his observations : October 2, 1936, 4-1326
- Hopkins Replies to Director of the Kansas Emergency Relief Committee : October 6, 1936, 4-1328
- Pennsylvania WPA Administrator Denies Political Charges : October 7, 1936, 4-1329
- President Allocates $771,700 for Flood Rehabilitation Work in Maine, Connecticut and New Hampshire : October 8, 1936, 4-1330
- Hopkins Reasserts Records of WPA Are Available to Public : October 7, 1936, 4-1331
- Hopkins to Speak Over Nation-wide Radio Hookup Friday Night, October 9 : October 7, 1936, 4-1332
- Hopkins Cites False Charges in Republican National Committee Radio Broadcast : October 8, 1936, 4-1333
- "Dollars and Sense" : October 9, 1936, 4-1334
- Hopkins Answers Spokesman for Contractors : October 11, 1936, 4-1336
- Hopkins Announces Administration Costs of WPA : October 12, 1936, 4-1337
- [Address by Harry L. Hopkins before the WPA's Free Exhibit at Philadelphia] : October 13, 1936, 4-1338
- Address by Perry A. Fellows before National Society of Professional Engineers : October 12, 1936, 4-1339
- Hopkins Refuses Request from New Jersey Republican Campaign Committee : October 16, 1936, 4-1344
- WPA Employment of Farmers in Drought Area Reaches 259,474 : October 18, 1936, 4-1345
- [Radio Address by Harry L. Hopkins] : October 18, 1936, 4-1346
- WPA Workers Complete 45,000 Braille Maps for Free Distribution to Schools for the Blind : October 19, 1936, 4-1347
- Hopkins Replies to Arthur M. Curtis on Missouri Charges : October 21, 1936, 4-1349
- [Colonists of Matanuska Valley, Alaska] : October 26, 1936, 4-1350
- Gill Defines WPA Policy Relative to Workers Accepting Private Employment : October 24, 1936, 4-1351
- President Allocates $810,927 for Flood Rehabilitation Work in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Massachusetts : October 24, 1936, 4-1353
- "Winning National Well-Being Through Work" : October 28, 1936, 4-1354
- Hopkins Issues Statement on Kansas School Situation : October 26, 1936, 4-1355
- Hopkins Answers Petition of New Jersey G.O.P. for WPA Lists : October 26, 1936, 4-1356
- President Allocates $75,150 for Flood Rehabilitation Work in Connecticut, Maine and New Hampshire : November 5, 1936, 4-1358
- President Allocates $1,233,827 for Flood Rehabilitation Work in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts and Vermont : November 8, 1936, 4-1359
- Former Relief Client Refunds Value of Government Aid : November 11, 1936, 4-1360
- Delegate Dimond says Success of Matanuska Colony Assured : November 13, 1936, 4-1362
- Relief Rolls Show Decline : November 12, 1936, 4-1363
- Works Program Employment Reaches 3,498,012 October 15, With Drought Chief Factor in Slight Rise : November 12, 1936, 4-1364
- President Allocates $264,000 to Reconstruct Flood-destroyed Bridges in Maine : November 14, 1936, 4-1365
- The Realities of Unemployment : November 17, 1936, 4-1366
- WPA Spends $282,000,000 for Works Program Materials : December 2, 1936, 4-1376
- Williams Replies to U. S. Chamber of Commerce on Relief Costs : December 6, 1936, 4-1378
- WPA Rolls Show Reduction of More Than 100,000 in November : December 8, 1936, 4-1379
- Summary of Physical Accomplishments on Selected Types of WPA Projects : December 11, 1936, 4-1380
- WPA Educational Program Reaches 1,300,000 Persons : December 13, 1936, 4-1381
- Accidents and Fatalities on WPA Projects Far Below Expectancy Rate : December 16, 1936, 4-1384
- Hopkins' Farm Tenant Report Shows Need of Special Program : December 19, 1936, 4-1385
- Ingram Appointed State WPA Administrator for Florida : December 17, 1936, 4-1386
- WPA to Make 725,000 Christmas Toys for Needy Children : December 19, 1936, 4-1387
- President Roosevelt Allocates $153,096 for Bridge Construction in Maine, Massachusetts and West Virginia : December 18, 1936, 4-1388
- Carol Festivals to Span Nation : December 20, 1936, 4-1389
- Mr. Hopkins Reassures Needy Artists, Writers, Musicians and Actors : December 21, 1936, 4-1390
- President Roosevelt Allocates $125,773 for Bridge Construction in Vermont and Pennsylvania : December 29, 1936, 4-1391
- President Roosevelt Allocates $227,047 for Bridge Construction in Connecticut, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania : December 29, 1936, 4-1392
- Administrator Hopkins Answers Rumors of Slash in Federal Arts Projects : December 29, 1936, 4-1393
- Resignation of Assistant Administrator Holt Announced : December 1936, 4-1394
- Vast Increase in Relief Data Shown : January 10, 1937, 4-1397
- WPA Employment Shown in Monthly Report for All States during 1936 : January 18, 1937, 4-1400
- WPA Employing 2,350 in Flood Control Work With Thousands in Reserve : January 19, 1937, 4-1401
- WPA Increase in Midwest Flood Area : January 19, 1937, 4-1402
- Three Thousand WPA Workers in Flood Area Aid Rescue Work and Reinforce Levees : January 19, 1937, 4-1403
- WPA Workers Aid 7,000 Homeless in Flood Area : January 21, 1937, 4-1405
- Flood Relief Forces of WPA Doubled as Danger Spreads, 4-1406
- WPA Marshals Force to Conserve Health in Flood Zone : January 24, 1937, 4-1411
- WPA Forces Reach New Peak in Flood Zone : January 25, 1937, 4-1412
- WPA Forces Fighting Flood in Ten States : January 26, 1937, 4-1414
- Mississippi River Families Evacuated from Danger Zone : January 26, 1937, 4-1415
- WPA Speeds Evacuation of Flood Zone and Transport of Supplies : January 27, 1937, 4-1416
- Hopkins Instructs State Administrators to Cooperate with Army : January 27, 1937, 4-1417
- WPA Reports Rehabilitation Beginning in Upper Ohio Flood Zone : January 28, 1937, 4-1418
- Hopkins Summarizes Flood Activities : January 28, 1937, 4-1419
- WPA Projects Produce 413,093 Articles for Flood Victims : January 28, 1937, 4-1420
- WPA Rescue Crews Turn to Mississippi River as Ohio Valley Mop-Up Begins : January 29, 1937, 4-1421
- Army of WPA Workers Begin Task of Rehabilitation : January 29, 1937, 4-1422
- WPA Mobilizes Workers to Save Tiptonville, Tenn., Levee : January 29, 1937, 4-1424
- WPA Investigates Report on Prosecutions : January 30, 1937, 4-1425
- Hopkins Cites Gain on Educational Front : January 30, 1937, 4-1426
- 150,000 WPA "Shock Troops" to Battle Mississippi Valley Floods : January 30, 1937, 4-1427
- McLaughlin Resigns as California Works Progress Administrator; Lawson Appointed : January 30, 1937, 4-1428
- WPA Tripling Force for Clean-Up Drive in Ohio Valley : February 1, 1937, 4-1429
- Women WPA Workers Provide Thousands of Garments for Flood Victims : February 1, 1937, 4-1430
- WPA Women Workers Concentrate on Emergency Flood Relief Projects : February 3, 1937, 4-1431
- Mrs. Roosevelt to Receive Delegation of WPA Women : February 3, 1937, 4-1433
- WPA Surveys Ages of Workers from Relief Rolls : February 7, 1937, 4-1434
- Memphis Mayor Praises WPA Flood Aid : February 6, 1937, 4-1435
- Court Sentences Defendants in Conspiracy to Defraud WPA on Lumber Contract : February 10, 1937, 4-1436
- WPA Releases Occupational Survey : February 12, 1937, 4-1437
- First Report on Technological Study Nears Completion : February 28, 1937, 4-1441
- WPA Nursery School Unite Caring for 50,000 Children : February 26, 1937, 4-1442
- WPA Employment Rolls Show Slight Rise in February : February 25, 1937, 4-1443
- Hopkins Announces Change in Federal Arts Administration : February 28, 1937, 4-1444
- [Radio Address by Harry L. Hopkins, Administrator of the Works Progress Administration] : March 1, 1937, 4-1445
- WPA Reinstates Employable Widows : March 7, 1937, 4-1448
- President Directs Publication of Report on Cooperatives : March 12, 1937, 4-1449
- WPA Airport Program Shows Rapid Development : March 14, 1937, 4-1450
- "How Far Should Federal Relief Go?" : March 18, 1937, 4-1453
- Aubrey W. Williams to Speak on Town Hall Program : March 18, 1937, 4-1454
- Household Service Demonstration Projects Launched by WPA : March 21, 1937, 4-1455
- Study of Unemployment and Increasing Productivity Released : March 28, 1937, 4-1456
- WPA Summaries Accomplishments During One Year of Operation : April 4, 1937, 4-1457
- WPA Allocates $915,135 for Conservation Projects in 22 States : April 1, 1937, 4-1459
- WPA Puts More Than Two Billion Into Pay Envelope of Needy : April 8, 1937, 4-1460
- WPA Announces "Washington: City and Capital" Guide Book : April 7, 1937, 4-1461
- WPA Releases First of Social Research Reports on Drought Area : April 14, 1937, 4-1462
- WPA Workers Aid Weather Bureau Facilities : April 16, 1937, 4-1463
- WPA Workers Aid Weather Bureau Facilities : April 26, 1937, 4-1515
- State and Local Expenditures for All Types of Relief Show Sharp Rise, 1933-36 : May 3, 1937, 4-1518
- WPA Reviews Child Health Aid : May 1, 1937, 4-1519
- WPA Rolls Show Continued Decline in April : April 30, 1937, 4-1520
- More Than 52,000 Children Enrolled in WPA Nursery Schools : May 3, 1937, 4-1521
- WPA Marks Second Anniversary : May 6, 1937, 4-1523
- Thousands of Foremen on WPA Projects Enrolled in Job Discussion Groups : May 9, 1937, 4-1524
- Sullivan Appointed to Succeed Hurley as Connecticut WPA Administrator : May 6, 1937, 4-1525
- WPA Employment Declines to 2,059,798 on May 1 : May 6, 1937, 4-1526
- Stevens Appointed to Succeed Key as Oklahoma WPA Administrator : May 8, 1937, 4-1528
- More than 118,500 Persons Employed on 6,000 WPA Conservation Projects : May 16, 1937, 4-1529
- Illiteracy Reduced One-Sixth Through WPA Education Program : May 17, 1937, 4-1532
- Proportion of Relief Workers on WPA Shows Continued Rise : May 14, 1937, 4-1533
- WPA Education Program Reaching 2,000,000 Persons : May 23, 1937, 4-1534
- [Address of Harry L. Hopkins at Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York City] : May 15, 1937, 4-1535
- WPA Issues Study of "The People of the Drought States" : May 18, 1937, 4-1536
- WPA Reports on Job Opportunities in Mineral Industries : May 18, 1937, 4-1537
- Hopkins Releases Survey of Migratory Workers : May 23, 1937, 4-1539
- WPA Airport Program Nearing 70 Per Cent Completion : May 30, 1937, 4-1540
- Intracoastal Waterway Guide Published : May 24, 1937, 4-1542
- WPA Workers Urged to Accept Even Brief Employment Elsewhere : May 26, 1937, 4-1543
- [Address of Harry L. Hopkins at Banquet of National Conference of Social Workers, Indianapolis, Indiana] : May 27, 1937, 4-1545
- Increase Seen in Direct Relief Since January : May 31, 1937, 4-1546
- "The Business of Relief and the Relief of Business" : June 12, 1937, 4-1548
- Jones Resigns as Pennsylvania WPA Administrator; Hudson Appointed : June 17, 1937, 4-1551
- WPA Employing 1,980,236 as of June 5 : June 18, 1937, 4-1552
- Gold Mining Prospects for Jobless Found False Hope : June 27, 1937, 4-1553
- Labor Shortage Charges Refuted by WPA : June 22, 1937, 4-1554
- WPA Issues Final Bulletin in Series of Drought Studies : June 28, 1937, 4-1558
- Williams Announces Building on WPA Projects Reduction : June 30, 1937, 4-1560
- WPA Employment Declines to 1,821,151 During Last Week of June : July 2, 1937, 4-1562
- WPA Mine-Sealing Operations Show Huge Profit : July 13, 1937, 4-1563
- WPA Expenditures Show Sharp Decline : July 16, 1937, 4-1564
- Recreational Facilities Show Greatest Gain Under WPA : July 19, 1937, 4-1565
- Large Labor Turnover Shown by Study of WPA Project Rolls : July 25, 1937, 4-1568
- Hopkins Releases Costs of Living Study : August 1, 1937, 4-1571
- Sponsors Contribute More Than 40 Per Cent of WPA Materials, Supplies, Equipment : August 13, 1937, 4-1573
- WPA Employment Declines to 1,527,450 During Last Four Weeks : August 19, 1937, 4-1574
- President to Dedicate W.P.A. Project : August 18, 1937, 4-1575
- WPA Analyzes Coal Mining Wages, Supply Costs, Employment : August 22, 1937, 4-1576
- Hopkins Releases Survey of Farm Families on Relief : September 1, 1937, 4-1578
- WPA Expenditures Decrease : August 29, 1937, 4-1579
- WPA Employment Declines to 1,482,707 During Week Ending August 28 : September 3, 1937, 4-1580
- "The Future of Relief Expenditures" : September 16, 1937, 4-1584
- "The Works Progress Administration Program for 1938" : September 17, 1937, 4-1585
- Slight Decline Shown in WPA Employment for Week Ending September 4 : September 17, 1937, 4-1586
- WPA Safety Measures Bring Low Accident Rate : September 21, 1937, 4-1587
- WPA Outlines Broad Program Aiding School Children : September 26, 1937, 4-1591
- WPA Literacy Classes to Enroll Millionth Adult This Term : September 23, 1937, 4-1592
- [Address by Aubrey Williams before the Southern Tenant Farmer's Union and the United Cannery, Agricultural, Packing and Allied Workers of America] : September 27, 1937, 4-1594
- Advent of Mechanical Cotton Picker Foreshadows New Labor Problem for South : October 25, 1937, 4-1600
- [Address by Aubrey Williams before the State Conference of Social Work] : October 20, 1937, 4-1601
- [Address by Ellen S. Woodward before the Women's Court and Civic Conference] : November 17, 1937, 4-1611
- WPA Material, Supply and Equipment Purchases Exceed $500,000,000 : November 19, 1937, 4-1612
- [Address by Harry L. Hopkins before the United States Conference of Mayors] : November 16, 1937, 4-1613
- Hopkins to Dedicate Historic Theater Restored by WPA Workers : November 21, 1937, 4-1615
- WPA Airport Program Shows Rapid Development in Year : November 28, 1937, 4-1616
- [Digest of an Address by Ellen S. Woodward before the Democratic Women's Club] : November 30, 1937, 4-1617
- 1,700 WPA Workers Meet Emergency in Louisiana Cane Fields : November 30, 1937, 4-1618
- WPA Reports Shows More Than $1,500,000,000 Devoted to New Construction : December 5, 1937, 4-1619
- WPA Enrollment Rises to 1,537,539 : December 9, 1937, 4-1622
- Pre-Christmas Earnings of WPA and NYA Workers Nearly $85,000,000 : December 12, 1937, 4-1623
- WPA Sees Limited Benefits From Part-Time Farming by Industrial Workers : December 19, 1937, 4-1625
- WPA and NYA Workers Make 1,500,000 Toys for Needy Children : December 19, 1937, 4-1627
- WPA Outlines Policy Affecting Workers Eligible for Unemployment Compensation : January 7, 1938, 4-1634
- Hopkins Submits Report On Progress of Works Program : January 11, 1938, 4-1635
- 97 Percent of WPA Projects Are Result of Local Demands, Report Shows : January 12, 1938, 4-1636
- WPA Carries on Program to Rehabilitate Crippled Children : January 29, 1938, 4-1640
- Hand Cigar Makers, Displaced by Machines, Face Relief Rolls : February 6, 1938, 4-1642
- WPA Report Shows Trends of Relief Expenditures, 1910-1935 : February 6, 1938, 4-1643
- WPA Summaries Accomplishments During Two Years of Operations : February 20, 1938, 4-1646
- WPA Exhibit of Skilled Work to be Moved to Brooklyn : February 21, 1938, 4-1650
- WPA Funds Made Available for Flood Emergencies : February 24, 1938, 4-1652
- WPA Ready to Turn Emergency Flood Forces to Rehabilitation : March 10, 1938, 4-1656
- Report Analyzes Recent Employment Trends in Philadelphia : March 20, 1938, 4-1659
- WPA Announces Marketing Laws Survey : April 3, 1938, 4-1663
- WPA Reports Findings on Industrial Changes and Unemployment : April 10, 1938, 4-1665
- Purchasing Power and Government : April 16, 1938, 4-1666
- Jobless Mechanic Repays Government $100 for "Shelter" : May 2, 1938, 4-1669
- First Geodetic Control Surveys by WPA Near Completion : May 6, 1938, 4-1671
- Hopkins Links Political Freedom Orders to Pay Checks of All WPA Workers : May 5, 1938, 4-1672
- "Politics and the WPA" : May 8, 1938, 4-1676
- Director A. H. Martin, Jr., Discusses Marketing Laws Survey : May 20, 1938, 4-1679
- WPA Reports Progress in Airport and Airway Development : May 29, 1938, 4-1680
- Administrators Hopkins Delivers Commencement Address At U. of South Carolina : June 1, 1938, 4-1689
- Detroit Labor Leader Charges Senator Vandenberg With Misuse of Telegram Requesting WPA Assistance : May 28, 1938, 4-1690
- Fuel Savings as High as 55 Per Cent Made by Technological Changes Since War : June 12, 1938, 4-1692
- Aubrey Williams Reviews Development of Liberal Thought in Last Quarter Century : June 4, 1938, 4-1695
- Report Denies Charges of Political Activity By WPA in Kentucky : May 9, 1938, 4-1696
- Ohio Officials Confer with Williams on Relief Problems : June 10, 1938, 4-1697
- WPA Official Challenges Critics of Federal Art Project : June 14, 1938, 4-1698
- Continuing Problem of Unemployment Calls for Permanent Comprehensive Program of Economic Security : June 19, 1938, 4-1699
- Older Workers Not Wanted in Mass-Production Industries, Survey Shows : June 19, 1938, 4-1700
- Hopkins Announces WPA Purchase of $10,000,000 Worth of Clothing for Relief Distribution : June 15, 1938, 4-1703
- President Roosevelt's Forebears Pioneered for Work Relief Before the Civil War : June 21, 1938, 4-1705
- Differences in Annual Living Costs Shown in Intercity Comparative Study Released by Hopkins : June 26, 1938, 4-1707
- Hopkins Announces Appointment of O. K. Hine as State WPA Administrator for Idaho : June 22, 1938, 4-1708
- [Address delivered by Harry L. Hopkins on the WOR Forum Hour] : June 19, 1938, 4-1710
- Unskilled WPA Workers in 13 Southern States Receive Pay Raise : June 27, 1938, 4-1714
- Hopkins Refutes Charges of Political Coercion in Kentucky : June 30, 1938, 4-1715
- Hopkins Cites Fifth Year of Growth in WPA Education Program; Says Illiteracy Reduced 25 Per Cent : July 5, 1938, 4-1720
- Mechanization Reduces Employment in Cigar Industry : July 6, 1938, 4-1721
- Hopkins Gives Further Warning Against Political Activity : July 14, 1938, 4-1726
- WPA Employment Totals 2,853,354 : July 14, 1938, 4-1727
- Hopkins Announces Further Wage Increases in South : July 14, 1938, 4-1728
- What Is the "American Way?" : July 16, 1938, 4-1729
- 15,000 WPA Teachers Attend Summer Training Conferences : July 21, 1938, 4-1730
- Employment Approaches 3,000,000 Mark : July 21, 1938, 4-1732
- Hopkins Announces Increase in Southern Job Quotas : July 21, 1938, 4-1733
- Child Welfare A $25,000,000 Project for WPA : July 31, 1938, 4-1734
- One Fifth of Philadelphia Wool, Carpet, Upholstery Weavers Jobless More Than Five Years : July 31, 1938, 4-1735
- Hopkins to Meet With Southern WPA Officials Planning 200,000 Increase in Rolls : July 31, 1938, 4-1738
- Marked Decline Found in Labor Required to Produce Corn Crop : August 7, 1938, 4-1739
- WPA Aids Nation's Drive for Safer Highways : August 21, 1938, 4-1742
- WPA Workers Exempt from Security Wages Decline; Unskilled Group Increases : August 5, 1938, 4-1743
- WPA Recreation Program Stirs Communities to Independent Action, Survey Shows : August 8, 1938, 4-1744
- Hopkins Cites Rapid Turnover in Project Employment : August 5, 1938, 4-1745
- American Guide Series Popular as Travel Tour Books : August 13, 1938, 4-1746
- WPA Workers Aid in Crime Prevention : August 14, 1938, 4-1747
- "America's Economic Problem Number 1" : August 6, 1938, 4-1748
- Hinckley Resigns as Assistant WPA Administrator; H. E. Smith Named Acting Field Representative : August 8, 1938, 4-1749
- Employment on WPA Projects Rises to New Peak : August 26, 1938, 4-1751
- Hopkins Answers Senator Berry's Charges in Letter to Sheppard Committee : August 29, 1938, 4-1753
- "The Essence of Democracy" : August 30, 1938, 4-1754
- Dies Asked Why No Federal Theatre Officials Have Been Called to Testify : September 2, 1938, 4-1756
- WPA School Aid Program to Reach More Than 1,000,000 Children : September 18, 1938, 4-1763
- Dies Committee Called Upon to Hear Testimony of Responsible WPA Officials in Hearings on Federal Arts Projects : September 17, 1938, 4-1766
- Technical Advances in Mining Make Available Low-Grade Ores, Offset Depletion, and Increase Output Per Worker : September 25, 1938, 4-1767
- WPA Expenditures for Material and Equipment Total Nearly $700,000,000 : September 23, 1938, 4-1769
- Many Leaving WPA Rolls Despise Net Increase, Williams Announces : September 23, 1938, 4-1771
- WPA Publishes Summary and Index of Research : September 25, 1938, 4-1772
- "Meeting the Challenges of Disaster" : September 26, 1938, 4-1790
- Hopkins Says 70,000 Regain Jobs Following Clothing Purchase; Distribution Plan Announced : October 2, 1938, 4-1791
- Hopkins Orders Comprehensive Survey of Airport Facilities and Plans for Expansion in Cooperation with CAA : October 7, 1938, 4-1798
- Increasing Number Leaving WPA Rolls, Labor Turnover Study Shows : October 11, 1938, 4-1800
- "Resurgent Democracy" : October 8, 1938, 4-1802
- Williams Warns that No Strike Against Government Will be Tolerated : October 8, 1938, 4-1803
- Cotton Raising Being Mechanized: Requires Less Labor : October 15-16, 1938, 4-1805
- WPA Authorities Employment of 35,000 to Remove Fire Hazards in Storm Area : October 12, 1938, 4-1806
- Adult Education Classes to be Opened to Additional 500,000 : October 30, 1938, 4-1808
- Williams Submits Report on Pennsylvania to Senate Campaign Investigating Committee, Finding Every Charge by Senator Davis Untrue : October 25, 1938, 4-1813
- Hopkins Reaffirms Absolute Political Freedom of WPA Workers : October 25, 1938, 4-1814
- Williams Answers Charges That WPA Rolls Are Padded in Election Years : October 30, 1938, 4-1815
- 228,000 WPA Workers Left Projects in September, Williams Announces : November 1, 1938, 4-1818
- Labor Requirements Cut in Half in Beet Sugar Manufacture : November 5-6, 1938, 4-1819
- Four Employees Discharged as Result of WPA Inquiry in Pennsylvania; Kressler Charges Found Untrue : November 2, 1938, 4-1821
- WPA Provides Leisure-Time Activities for Millions: 10,000 Communities Participate : November 13, 1938, 4-1824
- Williams Reports Review of Sheppard Committee Findings Shows "Not A Word of Truth" in Charges Made by Senator Davis : November 7, 1938, 4-1825
- Promotions Announced in the Federal Theatre Project : November 10, 1938, 4-1828
- [Address by Corrington Gill at the Dedication of the University of Minnesota Hydraulics Laboratory] : November 17, 1938, 4-1831
- Study Finds Increase in Automatic Control in Industry : November 26-27, 1938, 4-1834
- Hopkins Cites WPA Airport and Construction Program as National Defense Factor; Announces Approval for Extension of Aviation Facilities : December 4, 1938, 4-1839
- Mechanization in Phosphate Mining Reduces Labor Requirements: Present Sources Seen Adequate for Several Generations : December 3, 1938, 4-1844
- One Out of Every 15 Workers Left WPA Rolls in October : December 4, 1938, 4-1848
- WPA Study Finds Employment Declines in Agriculture in Spite of Increased Production : December 17-18, 1938, 4-1854
- More Than 7,000 from Federal Music Project to Join in Christmas Carols : December 24, 1938, 4-1857
- Committee on Folk Arts Appointed : December 26, 1938, 4-1858
- WPA Workers Complete 1,827 New Public Buildings; Improve 5,125 in Four Months : December 29, 1938, 4-1861
- Clothing Distribution Reaches Million by January 1, WPA Announces : December 30, 1938, 4-1865
- Florence S. Kerr Appointed Assistant WPA Administrator : January 3, 1939, 4-1867
- WPA Report Finds Only 40 Percent of Urban Homes in "Good Condition" : January 9, 1939, 4-1869
- WPA Completes 30,000 Miles of New and Improved Highways in Four Month Period: Other Facilities Listed : January 12, 1939, 4-1871
- Howard O. Hunter Appointed Deputy Administrator of WPA : January 19, 1939, 4-1872
- American Guide Series Reports Show Sponsors' Pledges Totaling $500,000 : January 29, 1939, 4-1874
- WPA Improving Hundreds of Water and Sewer Systems Monthly : February 5, 1939, 4-1877
- Fred R. Rauch Appointed Assistant Administrator of WPA : February 1, 1939, 4-1878
- Dallas Dort Named Assistant Administrator to Head New Division of Administration : February 4, 1939, 4-1880
- Gill Elected to Documentation Institute : February 5, 1939, 4-1881
- Nine Regional Directors Named by Harrington in New WPA Administrative Set-Up : February 6, 1939, 4-1882
- "The Outlook for the WPA" : February 5, 1939, 4-1883
- Mechanization Reduces Farm Labor Requirements, WPA Study Shows : February 12, 1939, 4-1884
- WPA Beginning Investigation of Need of Its 3,000,000 Employees : February 10, 1939, 4-1885
- National Contest Expected to Improve WPA Safety Record : February 17, 1939, 4-1889
- WPA-Built Facilities Provide Recreation for Thousands : February 19, 1939, 4-1890
- Roy Schroder Appointed WPA Administrator for Florida : February 22, 1939, 4-1899
- "Misconceptions Concerning the WPA Program" : February 26, 1939, 4-1901
- Declining Employment Despite Rising Output Found in Crushed-Stone Industry : March 4-5, 1939, 4-1903
- "Relief-- More of Less?" : February 26, 1939, 4-1904
- WPA Announces Revision of Administrative System : March 5, 1939, 4-1909
- WPA Issues Regulations to Prevent Illegal Political Activities : March 9, 1939, 4-1913
- WPA Advances Aviation With 154 New Fields, Improvements to 494 : March 19, 1939, 4-1916
- WPA Issues Instructions for Reduction of 400,000 in Employment April 3 as First of Cuts Necessary Under Present Appropriation : March 19, 1939, 4-1918
- Advisory Committee Appraises WPA Educational Work : March 26, 1939, 4-1919
- 81 Percent of WPA Workers Employed on Construction Projects : March 29, 1939, 4-1923
- WPA Summarizes Accomplishments in Three Years' Operation : April 9, 1939, 4-1925
- WPA Sets 2,800,000 Employment Quota for April : April 1, 1939, 4-1927
- Study Shows Declining Employment in Brick and Tile Industry : April 10, 1939, 4-1930
- Review of WPA Rolls Eliminates 1.3 Percent as Not in Need : April 19, 1939, 4-1940
- Colonel Harrington Addresses U. S. Conference of Mayors : May 15, 1939, 4-1960
- WPA Administrative Salaries Below Federal Average, Survey Shows : May 18, 1939, 4-1964
- "Do WPA Workers Refuse Jobs in Private Industry?" : June 3, 1939, 4-1973
- WPA Employment to be Reduced to 2,100,000 by August 1, Chiefly by Dropping Workers on Rolls 18 Months : July 14, 1939, 4-2006
- Eight Months Total of WPA Road Construction Would Span U.S. 24 Times : July 28, 1939, 4-2013
- WPA Construction Program Averages 15 New Buildings Daily : August 3, 1939, 4-2015
- WPA Construction Program Provides Variety of Public Facilities, Eight Months Review Shows : August 11, 1939, 4-2018
- Colonel Harrington Orders Resumption of WPA Dismissals Under 18-Month Provision : August 7, 1939, 4-2022
- John D. Newsom Appointed Director of Federal Writers Program : August 9, 1939, 4-2023
- WPA Announces New Schedule of Monthly Security Wages : August 16, 1939, 4-2025
- Dr. Earl Vincent Moore Named Special Consultant on Music : August 16, 1939, 4-2026
- Project Workers Given Preference in Filling WPA Supervisory and Administrative Posts : August 21, 1939, 4-2027
- Howard O. Hunter, Acting WPA Commissioner, Broadcasts Address on Outlook for Unemployed : August 24, 1939, 4-2028
- Murray Requests Leave of Absence as Missouri WPA Administrator, E. M. Basye Appointed Acting Chief : August 23, 1939, 4-2029
- WPA Announces Changes in Field Staff : August 28, 1939, 4-2031
- Material Purchases for WPA Projects Pass Billion Mark; Equipment Rentals Reach $600,000, 000 : September 10, 1939, 4-2032
- WPA Prepares Flexible Program to Cushion Effects of European War : September 7, 1939, 4-2033
- WPA Arts program to Continue with Little Reduction : September 10, 1939, 4-2035
- Increasing Employment Opportunities Indicated in Petroleum and Natural Gas Industry : September 24, 1939, 4-2040
- More than 7,000 WPA Administrative Employees Dismissed During July and August : September 19, 1939, 4-2041
- WPA Investigation of Need to be Started in All States by October 1 : September 25, 1939, 4-2043
- "American Unemployment and the European War" : September 27, 1939, 4-2045
- Colonel Harrington to Discuss "American Unemployment and the European War" : September 26, 1939, 4-2046
- WPA Employment Stands at 1,732,960; Present Quotas to be Maintained : September 28, 1939, 4-2047
- WPA Announces Beginning of Program in Puerto Rico Combining Benefits to National Defense with Economic Aid : October 2, 1939, 4-2048
- Colonel Harrington Speaks at Dedication of North Beach Airport : October 16, 1939, 4-2051
- "Municipal Co-Operation with the WPA" : November 2, 1939, 4-2057
- Corrington Gill Calls "War-Trade Cure for Unemployment" Fantastic and Absurd : November 28, 1939, 4-2065
- Half of Soft Coal Mined will be Loaded with Machines Within Ten Years, WPA Report Estimates : December 10, 1939, 4-2070
- WPA Musicians Present Christmas Programs in 37 States : December 24, 1939, 4-2076
- 1940s
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United States. Works Progress Administration. Press Releases of the Works Progress Administration. 1935-1942., accessed on March 25, 2025.