United States. Works Progress Administration. "President Allocates $810,927 for Flood Rehabilitation Work in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Massachusetts : October 24, 1936, 4-1353," Press Releases of the Works Progress Administration (October 24, 1936). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/6753/item/619640, accessed on March 28, 2025.

Title: President Allocates $810,927 for Flood Rehabilitation Work in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Massachusetts : October 24, 1936, 4-1353

Date: October 24, 1936
Page 1
image-container-0 .North"" pqt prn ncurviuu o ROO t.-. THE Unlverslt, LILrary WORKS PROGRAM *** OCT 2 8 1936 No. 4-1353 --Wcn·ks Progress Administration-- For Immediate Release, Saturday, October 24, 1936. President Allocates $810 , 927 for Flood :S.ehabilitation Work in Hew Har1pshire, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and M;:issc1chusetts . The President today alloc9ted $810,927 from the funds of the Emer- gency Relief Act of 1936 to reconstruct bridges damaged or destroyed during the 1936 floods in New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and Massachusetts . New Hampshire received an allocation of $61,500, to which sponsors agreed to contribute an additional $20,500; Pennsylvania received an alloca- tion of $135,686, wit h a sponsors ' contribution of $11,000; Connecticut re- ceived $32,350, the sp ornrnrs' contribution being $4,650, and Massachusetts was granted $581,391, with a Spons ors' contribution of $206,927. The projects 'Nill be carried on under the supervisi on of the Bureau of Public Roads, Department of Agriculture . Treasury w, <>rrants hAve been countersigned 1iy the Comptroller General. The allocations are as follows: PEilWSYL VANIA Location Cambri a Co. John stown Route No. 52 Westnorel1:md & Armstrong Cow1ties Digitized by Name of Bridge Construction of bridge between J·ohnstown and and Ferndale over Stony Creek. Section C-1 Reconstruct bri dge -between West Le echburg Boro and Leechburg Boro in Armstrong Co . over Kiskiminetas River . NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from Allotment $45,800 89,886 NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
image-container-1 Location Windhr,m Co. Brooklyn Windham Co. Brooklyn Windha!!! Co. Eastford Windham Co. Er-1stford. Windham Co. Pomfret Windham Co. Woodstock Sullivan Co. Cornish Merr i ma.ck Co. Webster M errimac k Co. Web st e r Sullivan Co. Newpo rt Me rri mack Co. Conco rd Hillsboro Co. New I pswich - 2 - No. 4 - 1353 COIDJECT I CUT Name of Brid.,_g,_ e ___ ______ A_l_l_o_t_m_e_ n_t Con st ruct reinforced concrete $ 5,100 bri dge over Blackwell Br ook . Town owned p roperty. Replace re inforced concre te 5 ,100 bridge over Blackwe ll Br ook. Tatnic Road . Town owned property. ReplP.ce r einfo rce d concrete 5,400 bridge over Still River, County r oad . Town owned p rop erty. Replace reinforce d concre te 6 ,~00 bridge over Bi gelow River, Floetning Bridge , Town owned p rope rty. Replace r e inf orced concrete 5, 950 bridge (Botham Bri dge) over Mashamoquet Brook. Town owned p rope rty. Replace r e inforce d concrete 4,500 bridge (Ben semon Bri dge) over Per ri n Brook . Town owne d prope rty. NEW F.AMPSHIP..E Repair or rep lace Wild Hill Bridge . Town owned p rop erty. 7,500 Repair or rep l ace Burbank 14,250 Mil l s Bridge . Town owned p roperty. Repair or replace Holmes Bridge. 9,750 Town owned p r ope rty. Repair or repl0 ce br idge at 15, 000 North Newpor t. Town owned prop erty. Repair or replac e abutment s under truss. Ove r Merr i mack River At Sewe ll 1 s Falls. Town owned p rope rty. 7,500 Repai r nr replace bri dge 7,500 ove r Balch Rive r on r oad t o Ashby, Mass . Town owned p r ope rty. Digitized by NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
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