United States. Works Progress Administration. "Approximately 10,000 Persons Have Volunteered to Assist in Compilation of the Works Progress Administration's American Guide : May 10, 1936, 4-1165," Press Releases of the Works Progress Administration (May 10, 1936). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/6753/item/619490, accessed on March 28, 2025.

Title: Approximately 10,000 Persons Have Volunteered to Assist in Compilation of the Works Progress Administration's American Guide : May 10, 1936, 4-1165

Date: May 10, 1936
Page 1
image-container-0 N•~·rthwf#Jtsil"n r·•~ :, f . t ' • T t t, ·,· . 6'r:ivar::1 !ty ...,t..taty T H E W O ILK .. L . P R O G R A M 4-1165 ********* ·y_;, .. -~ --Works Pror:;re ::; s Ad.ministration-- To be released in newspapers Sundcy, May 10, 1936 Approximately 10, 000 Persons Have Volunt e ared to As sist in Compilation of the W or ks Progress Administration's Jurerican Guide. More than 10,000 volunteer advisors and worke rs are assisting 6,500 paid WPA worke rs who are compiling The Ame rican Guide, the Works Progress Administration's forthcoming five-volume travel handbook, according to an an- , nouncement made by Henry G. Alsberg , Director of the Federal Writers Project. ~ A minority of the worke rs are cataloguing and translating historical document s , doing historical research , renderi:1g editorial aid to state and fede r a l depart- ments, or teaching journalism in settleme~t house s. The American Guide will embrace . the entire United States and. will treat such scientific, historic, scenic, folklore and commercial subjects as: Gene r al topography, flora and f auna, historical settings and b a ck- grounds, Indian tribes and reservations, archeological r emains, national, state and city parks, Army and Navy posts, armori e s, rnon1unents and lM.dmarks, lit era- ture , art, music, drama, libraries and museums, . educational faciliti e s, socie ti e s and as sociations, nei ghborhood arc hi t P. cture--go-.rernrnent buildine s, churche s, hotels, houses, ethnography--races rapresented; folk ct..st oms and folklore , hi gh- ~ays a~d by-ways for autoists or hikers, manufa ctu ring a~d industrie s, power ."/) ;· availaple--water and. e l ectric and nearne ss of coal mine s; products--axports and imports; marke t proximity, transport a tion--railro ads, wat e rways, bus and air line s; natural resources, deve lope d and undeveloped. · Digitized by NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
image-container-1 4-1165 -2- .Among the volunt ee rs are St~te governors, mayors, college pre sident , ~ . . Ct' ) and p rofessors, tech_TJ.ical expe rts, architects, authors, historians, editors and trRnsportation executives . About 5, 000 volunt ee rs are writing or e diting articles which r equire specializ ~i d knowledge ; othe rs are working in remot e localities in- accessible to WPA res earch workers and writers. More thRn 450 Ch!-3lllbers of Comme rce are coope rating. Rotary, Kiwanis, Lions clubs, automobile clubs, historical soci e ti e s and other patriotic and civic organizations have appoint e d thei r secretari e s or groups of members to assist Guide workers. Some organizations have appoint e d joint co~~unity com- mittees to serve as loca l advisors on mat e rial to be included in the Guid, :i and · f .l' ~ to help workers colle ct informati on. Through the Associ a tion of Ame rican Railroads, practically every railroad in the Unit ed Stat e s has appointed special repres ent a tives to cooperate in compiling the Guide . Stat e r epres ent a tives of the association have direct ed all non-mechanical railroad employees to assist Guide writers in local communitie s. The Association ha s appointed a liaison office r to serve in the .Americnn Guide headquarters in Washington, D. C. The National :S,..1s Traffic Association, with the concurrence of the National Association of Motor Bus Operators, has appointed State representatives he aded by L, G. Markel, chqirman of the National ]us Traffic Association. Edgar S. Gorrell, President of the Air TraTJ.sport Association of America, is organizing a committee of State aeronautical r8pre sentatives, R. J. Baker, Pre~id.e:it of the Ame rican Ste arr.ship Owners I Asso- ciation, is chairman of a committee to advise .Amaricr:m Guide executive s on coast .. wise, river and lake trave l, E. H. Duff, counsel for t he Association, is vice chairma.-ri.. Digitized by NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
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