United States. Works Progress Administration. "WPA Issues Instructions for Reduction of 400,000 in Employment April 3 as First of Cuts Necessary Under Present Appropriation : March 19, 1939, 4-1918," Press Releases of the Works Progress Administration (March 19, 1939). https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/6753/item/619856, accessed on March 28, 2025.

Title: WPA Issues Instructions for Reduction of 400,000 in Employment April 3 as First of Cuts Necessary Under Present Appropriation : March 19, 1939, 4-1918

Date: March 19, 1939
Page 1
image-container-0 4- 1918 A D M I N I S T R A T I O N - - - - - - - ------ - - - - - 17 0 R K S For Immediate Release , Monda~r , Harch 20 , 1939 . PR O GRESS * * * WPA ISSUES INSTRUCTIONS FOR REDUCTION OF 400 , 000 IN EMPLOYMENT APRIL 3 AS FIRST OF CUTS NECESSARY UlIDER P.2ESEN'r AP:?RO? RI...':.TION Inst ructions covering a nation- wide r educt ion of 400 , 000 in employment of the Works Progress Administrati on and listing th e cuts necessary in each State were issued today by Colonel F . c. Harrington , Federal Administra t or . The orders will become effectiv e during tb,::: week beginning April 3 unless add.i ti onn.l fumls are a pp r opri ated by the Cong r e ss in the mean time . Reductions will be made on a project basis , to maintain maximum ef- ficiency of operations, according to the methods ~utlined by c~lontl Harrine t on . The text of his instructions to all State W , nks Progress Administrat ors , the A~ri l empl oyment quo ta on the present basis and the reduction f or this month, by Stat es , follows : "P ending acticn "by C0ng r ess on House J o int Resolut i on 209 , which :pr ovic1es additional app r opriatic-n of $150 , 000 ,000 f o r WPA and which is now und e r co~si deration in c ommitt ee on app ropri a ti ons of House o f Re p resentatives , it is necessary to p l an operntion of W o rks Program f or Ap ril on be.sis of funds actua lly n.va ilao le . If addi tion.:l funds a re n ot approprided by Congress it will be necess a ry tc reduce empl oyment on n :,ti on2.l WPA pro 6 ram by 400 , 000 during week begi nning Mcndn.y April 3. in this D(~~is e11p lnyment nu ~ho :ciz::i,ti on for y our state for Ap ril , as r e c omme nded by ret;i onnl directer [~nrl here,-,i th app r oved , will b e (s ae Sta t e t able ) pe rs ons . Th is maans reduct io n dur ing week ending Apri l 8 of a"9:;:roxir:1::i,tely (see Stn.te t ab l e ) pe rsons from Harch em- ployment authoi~i zation . If r educti on becomes necess[).ry it is ess entL. , l for Digitized by NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
image-container-1 4-1918 projects n o,-: i n ope r a on , includ ing both constructi on and n on-c onst r uc t ion pr o j e ct s . Hor,ev e r , no reducti on should be made on feder a l agency p r o j ec ts and VfPA f e de r n.lly s ponsored nati on- ~i de pr o j e cts . 11 It i s es s en tial t hnt s uch consultat i on s with sponsors as a r e r equire d t o de t e rmine p roj e cts t o b e di s c ontinu e d b e hold TTithout del c.y ond thc1-t p l ans fo r e f fe cting r e ducti on b e compl e t ed in de t a il as s oon c~s p oss i b l o. Hov;evor , o.,ctun.l r eduction will no t b e begun until fina l i nst ruc ti ons o.r c receive d fr om t h is offic e , ,,hich will be in t el hic fo rm t o r cnc h y ou morning of 1hrch 30 a nd. to be c ome effe ctive mo r n i ng of Ap ril 3. In mc0,nti me furthe r t ol egr c,phic a dvic e will be d ispntchod t o r eac h you mo rni ng of March 25 givi ng current s t a t u s of l egi s l a ti on p r ovidi ng additi onal o.pp r opria ti on. 11 ( Tabl es shovling Ap ril emp l oyme nt quot a s a nd r edu cti ons from }far ch quot a s , by St a t es , a r c a t tac he d . ) Digitized by NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Original from NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY
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