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- S. 1631, A Bill to Provide for the Safer and More Effective Use of the Assets of Federal Reserve Banks and of National Banking Associations, to Regulate Interbank Control, to Prevent the Undue Diversion of Funds Into Speculative Operations, and for Other Purposes : 73d Congress, 1st Session
- S. 2232, A Bill to require a full audit of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal reserve banks by the Comptroller General of the United States, and for other purposes., 114th Congress, 1st Session
- S. 3025, An Act to Amend Section 12B of the Federal Reserve Act so as to Extend for One Year the Temporary Plan for Deposit Insurance, and for Other Purposes : 73d Congress, 2d Session
- S.31: A Bill to Amend the Federal Reserve Act, to Restore and Maintain a Stable Price Level, and for Other Purposes : 76th Congress, 1st Session, Box 1, Folder 6, Item 4
- S. 3487, A Bill Relating to Direct Loans for Industrial Purposes by Federal Reserve Banks, and for Other Purposes : 73d Congress, 2d Session, Calendar No. 901
- S. 3487, An Act Relating to Direct Loans for Industrial Purposes by Federal Reserve Banks, and for Other Purposes : 73d Congress, 2d Session
- S. 828, A Bill to Amend the Federal Reserve Act, and for Other Purposes : 80th Congress, 1st Session
- Safety Code for Forging and Hot Metal Stamping : Tentative American Standard, Approved April 8, 1927, American Engineering Standards Committee : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 451
- Safety Code for Laundry Machinery and Operations : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 375
- Safety Code for Mechanical Power-Transmission Apparatus : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 364
- Safety Code for Mechanical Power-Transmission Apparatus : First Revision. Rules for Guarding Prime Movers, Intermediate Equipment, and Driven Machines : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 463
- Safety Code for Paper and Pulp Mills : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 410
- Safety Code for Power Presses and Foot and Hand Presses : American Standard, Approved November 11, 1926, American Engineering Standards Committee : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 430
- Safety Code for Rubber Mills and Calenders : Recommended American Practice, Approved March, 1927, American Engineering Standards Committee : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 447
- Safety Code for the Construction, Care and Use of Ladders : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 351
- Safety Code for the Protection of Industrial Workers in Foundries : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 336
- Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 338
- Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 436
- Safety Code for the Use, Care, and Protection of Abrasive Wheels : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 527
- Safety Code for Woodworking Plants, as Revised, 1930 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 519
- Safety Code for Woodworking Plants : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 378
- Safety Code Series
- Safety Codes for the Prevention of Dust Explosions: American Standard, Approved by the American Standards Association : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 617
- Safety Codes for the Prevention of Dust Explosions : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 433
- Safety Codes for the Prevention of Dust Explosions : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 562
- Safety Movement in the Iron and Steel Industry, 1907 to 1917 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 234
- Salaries and Hours of Labor in Municipal Fire Departments, July 1, 1938 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 684
- Salaries and Hours of Labor in Municipal Police Departments, July 1, 1938 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 685
- Salaries for Selected Occupations in Services for the Blind
- Salaries of Members of Congress : Recent Actions and Historical Tables
- Salaries of Office Workers in Large Cities, 1949 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 960
- Salaries of Office Workers in Selected Large Cities : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 943
- Salaries of White-Collar Workers in Hawaii, Puerto Rico, and Alaska, May-June 1963 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1392
- The Salary Schedule and Classification of Schools
- Salary Structure Characteristics in Large Firms, 1963 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1417
- Salary Trends: City Public School Teachers
- Salary Trends: Federal Classified Employees, 1939-64 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1444
- Salary Trends: Firemen and Policemen, 1924-64 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1445
- Sale of Foreign Bonds or Securities in the United States : Hearings Before the Committee on Finance, United States Senate, Seventy-Second Congress, First Session, Pursuant to S. Res. 19 (1931-1932)
- Sample Design and Estimation of Volumes and Trends in the Use of Paper Checks and Electronic Payment Methods in the United States
- Sanitary Drinking Facilities: With Special Reference to Drinking Fountains : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 87
- Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002
- Save 100,000 Babies : Get a Square Deal for Children, Children's Year Leaflet No. 1, Bureau Publication No. 36
- Save the Youngest : Seven Charts on Maternal and Infant Mortality, with Explanatory Comment, Bureau Publication No. 61
- Scholarships for Children, Children's Year Leaflet No. 9, Bureau Publication No. 51
- School and Early Employment Experience of Youth : A Report on Seven Communities, 1952-57 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1277
- Science & Cents: Exploring the Economics of Biotechnology : Proceedings of a Conference Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, April 19, 2002
- Scientific and Technical Personnel in Industry
- Scientific Research and Development in American Industry: A Study of Manpower and Costs : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1148
- The Scope of Monetary Policy Actions Authorized Under the Federal Reserve Act
- The Search for Work in Philadelphia , 1932-36 : An Analysis of Records of the Philadelphia State Employment Office, Report No. P-7
- Seasonal Adjustment Factors: Wholesale Price Index: Selected Series, 1948-61 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1379
- Seasonal Factors, Consumer Price Index: Selected Series, June 1953-May 1961 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1366
- Seasonality and Manpower in Construction : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1642
- Seasonal Variations in the Relative Demand for Money and Capital in the United States : A Statistical Study
- Second Legal Tender Act
- Second Meeting on the Condition of the Banking System : Hearing Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-Fifth Congress, Second Session, May 25, 1978
- Second Meeting on the Conduct of Monetary Policy : Hearings Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-fourth Congress, First Session, November 4 and 6, 1975
- The Second Year : A Study of Women's Participation in War Activities of the Federal Government
- Section 16 of the Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation Act, Approved January 31, 1934, Amending Sections 13 and 14 of the Federal Reserve Act
- Sections 7 and 8 of the Act Approved April 27, 1934 (Public No. 178, 73d Congress) Amending Sections 13 and 14 of the Federal Reserve Act and Authorizing the Federal Reserve Banks to Act as Depositaries, Custodians, and Fiscal Agents for the Home Owners' Loan Corporation
- Securities Act of 1933
- Securities Acts Amendments of 1975
- Securities and Exchange Commission : Documents Relating to the Financial Crisis of 2007-2009
- Securities Exchange Act of 1934
- Securitization Markets and Central Banking : An Evaluation of the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility
- Security and Accountability for Every Port Act of 2006 and Unlawful Internet Gambling Enforcement Act of 2006
- Selected Data on Foreign Direct Investment in the United States, 1950-79
- Selected List of the Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics
- Selected List of the Publications of the Bureau of Labor Statistics: 1943 Supplement to 1940 Ed : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 747
- Selected Papers of Allan Sproul
- Selected References on the Health of Women in Industry : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 71
- Selected Regulations of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Selected Reports and Investigations of the Office of Inspector General
- Selected Techniques of Seasonal Adjustment
- Selected Techniques of Seasonal Adjustment : A Revision of Selected Techniques of Seasonal Adjustment Published June 1962
- Selecting Fund Managers for the Legacy Securities Public-Private Investment Program, SIGTARP-11-001
- The Selection and Training of Volunteers in Child Care, Bureau Publication No. 299
- Selective Factors in an Expanding Labor Market : Lancaster, PA. : A Study of Employment Opportunities in Four Manufacturing Plants in Lancaster, Pa., 1928-36, Report No. L-4
- Select List of References on the Monetary Question
- Selling the First Installment of the Liberty Loan : In the Seventh Federal Reserve District, May 4th to June 15th, 1917
- The Semiannual Monetary Policy Report to Congress : Hearing Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, One Hundred Sixteenth Congress, Second Session, June 16, 2020
- Semiannual Report to Congress
- Semiannual Report to Congress of the Office of Inspector General
- The Semiannual Testimony on the Federal Reserve's Supervision and Regulation of the Financial System : Hearings Before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate
- Semi-Annual Testimony on the Federal Reserve's Supervision and Regulation of the Financial System : Hearings Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
- Senate Concurrent Resolution on Monetary Policy : Testimony Prepared for the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs
- Senate Manual Containing Standing Rules and Orders of the United States Senate : Sixty-Third Congress, Box 4, Item 1
- Senate Manual Containing Standing Rules and Orders of the United States Senate. Washington, DC: Government Printing Office : Sixty-Seventh Congress, Box 4, Item 2
- Series of Studies on Employment of Women in Various Defense Industries : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 192
- Services for Crippled Children Under the Social Security Act : Title V, Part 2, Development of the Program, 1936-39, Bureau Publication No. 258
- Settlement for Accidents to American Seamen : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 466
- Seven Stranded Coal Towns : A Study of an American Depressed Area, Research Monograph XXIII
- The Share of Wage-Earning Women in Family Support : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 30
- Sherman Silver Purchase Act
- Shipyard Injuries, 1944 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 834
- Shipyard Injuries and Their Causes, 1941 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 722
- Shortages in Skilled Labor : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Economic Goals and Intergovernmental Policy of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, Ninety-Seventh Congress, First Session, November 3, 1981
- Short Talks About Working Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 59
- A Short-Term Training Program in an Aircraft Engine Plant : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 245
- Short-unit Courses for Wage Earners and a Factory School Experiment : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 159
- Should the Federal Reserve Buy Long-Term Securities?
- Should the Federal Reserve Offer Electronic Funds Transfer Services? : Hearing Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives, Ninety-Seventh Congress, First Session, October 22, 1981
- Sick Leave Provisions in Union Agreements : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 832
- Sickness and Accident Insurance Law of Switzerland : Bulletin of the Bureau of Labor, No. 103
- SIGTARP Survey Demonstrates That Banks Can Provide Meaningful Information on Their Use of TARP Funds, SIGTARP-09-001
- Silver Purchase Act of 1934
- Six Rural Problem Areas - Relief, Resources, Rehabilitation : An Analysis of the Human and Material Resources in Six Rural Areas with High Relief Rates, Research Monograph I
- Sixth District Agriculture Since 1910 : Facilities, Output, Income, Debt
- Sixth District Manufacturing Index : Technical Note and Statistical Supplement
- The Size of Federal Reserve COVID-19 Programs
- Small Banks in the Capital Purchase Program : Congressional Oversight Panel July Oversight Report
- Small Business Administration : Documents Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- The Small Business Credit Crunch and the Impact of the TARP : Congressional Oversight Panel May Oversight Report
- Small Businesses and COVID-19 : Relief and Assistance Resources
- Small Business Investment Act of 1958
- Small Business Lending : Field Hearing, Congressional Oversight Panel, One Hundred Eleventh Congress, Second Session, Hearing Held in Phoenix, Arizona, April 27, 2010
- Social and Economic Character of Unemployment in Philadelphia, April, 1929 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 520
- Social and Economic Character of Unemployment in Philadelphia, April, 1930 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 555
- Social Security Act of 1935
- Social Security Administration Educational Comic Books
- Social Security Administration Posters
- Social Security in America : The Factual Background of the Social Security Act as Summarized from Staff Reports to the Committee on Economic Security
- Social Service Division Staffs of the State Emergency Relief Administrations, 1935 and 1936 : Reduction Procedures, Functions, Personnel Standards, Trends, L-3
- A Social Study of Mental Defectives in New Castle County, Delaware, Dependent, Defective, and Delinquent Classes Series No. 3, Bureau Publication No. 24
- Social Work Series : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 235
- Some Competitive Aspects of the Dual Banking System Evidenced By Statutory Changes and Administrative Practices
- Some Effects of Legislation Limiting Hours of Work for Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 15
- Some General Features of the Federal Reserve's Approach to Policy : A Staff Analysis
- Sound Monetary Policy : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Monetary Policy and Trade of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Fifteenth Congress, First Session, March 16, 2017
- Source of Income of Former Urban Relief Cases, Series I, No. 22
- Southeastern Economic Perspectives
- SouthPoint
- The Southwest Economy
- Special Bulletin of the Women's Bureau
- Special Consular Reports
- The Special Master's Determinations for Executive Compensation of Companies Receiving Exceptional Assistance Under TARP, SIGTARP-12-001
- Special Report from the Banks of the United States
- Special Report on Unemployment Statistics : Meaning and Measurement
- Special Reports (United States. Bureau of the Census)
- Special Study of Wages Paid to Women and Minors in Ohio Industries Prior and Subsequent to the Ohio Minimum Wage Law for Women and Minors : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 145
- Specifications of Laboratory Tests for Approval of Electric Headlighting Devices for Motor Vehicles: Illuminating Engineering Society, New York, N.Y., Sponsor. Tentative American Standard, Approved November 11, 1922 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 350
- Speculation and the Reform of the New York Stock Exchange
- A Speech Delivered at the Democratic Celebration by the Citizens of the Second Congressional District of Pennsylvania, of the Fifty-Eighth Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1834
- Speeches Delivered by H. Clay, of Kentucky, in the Senate of the United States, on the 19th of August, 1841 : On the Message of President Tyler, Returning the Bank Bill, with his Veto, and in Reply to Mr. Rives, Defending the Message
- Speeches of Hon. Joseph R. Hawley, of Connecticut, in the United States Senate, upon the Three Per Cent Funding Bill, the Anti-Chinese Bills, and upon the Bill for the Removal of Certain Disabilities : First Session, Forty-Seventh Congress
- Speech of Henry Clay : Delivered at the Great Barbecue at Lexington, (Kentucky,) June 9, 1842
- Speech of Henry Clay, of Kentucky, on the Bill Imposing Additional Duties, as Depositaries, in Certain Cases, on Public Officers : In Senate of the United States, September 25, 1837
- Speech of Mr. Allen, of Ohio, on the Bill to Separate the Government from the Banks : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 20, 1838.
- Speech of Mr. Barnitz, of Pennsylvania, on the Subject of the Bank of the United States, and the Removal of the Public Deposites : Delivered in the House of Representatives, 1834
- Speech of Mr. Brockway, of Connecticut, on the Sub-treasury Bill : Delivered in the House of Representatives, in Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union
- Speech of Mr. Buchanan, of Pennsylvania, on the Power of the Bank of the United States, under Its Pennsylvania Charter; in Support of the Bill to Prevent It from Re-issuing and Circulating the Notes of the Old Bank ... in the Senate of the United States. Also, His Reply to Mr. Clay, of Kentucky, on the Same Day
- Speech of Mr. Calhoun, of South Carolina, on the Sub-treasury Bill : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 15, 1838
- Speech of Mr. Chittenden, of New York on the Sub-Treasury Bill : Delivered in the House of Representatives of the United States, in Committee of the Whole on the State of the Union, June 27, 1840
- Speech of Mr. Collier of New-York, upon Mr. Clayton's Resolution, that a Committee be Appointed to Examine into the Affairs of the United States Bank : Delivered in the House of Representatives U.S., 13th March, 1832.
- Speech of Mr. Davis of Pennsylvania, on the Independent Treasury Bill : In the House of Representatives, June 27, 1840
- Speech of Mr. Floyd of New York, on the Independent Treasury Bill. House of Representatives. Tuesday, June 11, 1840
- Speech of Mr. Garland, of Virginia, in Opposition to the Sub-Treasury Scheme : Delivered in the House of Representatives, September 25, 1837
- Speech of Mr. Hill of New Hampshire, on the Subject of the Removal of the Deposites from the Bank of the United States : In the Senate of the United States, March 3 & 4, 1834
- Speech of Mr. Huntington of Connecticut, on the Amendment to the Bill to Incorporate the Subscribers to the Fiscal Bank of the United States... : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 3, 1841
- Speech of Mr. Huntington, of Connecticut, on the Subject of the Removal of the Deposites : Delivered in the House of Representatives, January 1834
- Speech of Mr. Leet of Pennsylvania, on the Independent Treasury Bill : Delivered in Committee of the Whole, in the House of Representatives, June 2, 1840
- Speech of Mr. M'Duffie : On the Subject of the Removal of the Deposites, December 19, 1833
- Speech of Mr. Niles, of Connecticut, in Senate, January 5, 1839, in Reply to the Remarks of Mr. Rives : On the Resolution Submitted by Him Calling on the President for Additional Information Relative to the Transactions between the Government and the Bank of the United States, Growing out of the Sales of the Bonds of Said Bank
- Speech of Mr. Rayner, of N. Carolina, on the Sub-Treasury Bill : Made in Committee of the Whole, in the House of Representatives, June 22, 1840
- Speech of Mr. Rives, of Virginia in Opposition to the Subtreasury Bill and in Support of His Substitute : Delivered in the Senate of the U. S., Febraury 6, 7, 1838
- Speech of Mr. Southard, on the Removal of the Deposites : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January, 1834
- Speech of Mr. Wall, of New Jersey, on the Bill to Separate the Government from the Banks : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, March 23, 1838.
- Speech of Mr. Woodbury, of New Hampshire, on the Capital of the Fiscal Bank : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, July 10, 1841
- Speech of Samuel McDowell Moore, on the Deposite Question : Delivered in the House of Representatives U.S.
- Speech of the Hon. Daniel Webster, on the Sub-Treasury Bill : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 31, 1838
- Speech of the Hon. Henry Clay, on the Subject of the Removal of the Deposites : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, December 26, 30, 1833
- Speech of the Hon. Horace Binney, on the Question of the Removal of the Deposites : Delivered in the House of Representatives, January, 1834
- Speech of the Hon. James K. Polk, of Tennessee, on his Motion to Re-commit to the Committee of Ways and Means the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the Removal of the Deposits; and the Amendment Offered by Mr. [George] McDuffie, Instructing Said Committee to Report a Bill for Their Restoration : Delivered in the House of Representatives December 30, 1833, and January 2, 1834
- Speech of the Hon. William C. Rives, on the Subject of the Removal of the Deposites : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, January 17, 1834
- Speech of the Hon. William Wilkins, on the Subject of the Removal of the Deposites : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February, 1834
- Speech of William H. Seward : On the Resolutions Concerning the Removal of the Covernment Deposites. In the Senate of New-York, January, 1834
- Speech (Suppressed by the Previous Question) of Mr. John Quincy Adams, of Massachusetts, on the Removal of the Public Deposites, and Its Reasons
- Speech the Hon. Henry Clay, of Kentucky: Establishing a Deliberate Design, on the Part of the Late and Present Executive of the United States, to Break Down the Whole Banking System of the United States, Commencing with the Bank of the United States and Terminating with the State Banks, and to Create on their Ruins a Government Treasury Bank, under Exclusive Control of the Executive, and in Reply to the Speech of the Hon. J.C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, Supporting that Treasury Bank : Delivered in the Senate of the United States, February 19, 1838
- Spendable Earnings of Factory Workers, 1941-43 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 769
- Spending and Saving of the Nation's Families in Wartime : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 723
- Spotlight on Women in the United States, 1956-1957
- Stabilization : Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, Seventieth Congress, First Session, on H.R. 11806, March 19, 20, 21; April 30; May 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 9, 15, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 28, 29, 1928
- Stabilization : Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, Sixty-Ninth Congress, First Session, on H.R. 7895 (1926-1927)
- Stabilization of Commodity Prices : Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives, March 16-18, 21-22, 28-29, April 13-14, 1932
- Stabilization of Purchasing Power of Money : Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives, Sixty-Seventh Congress, Fourth Session, on H.R. 11788 (1922-1923)
- Stabilization Policies: Lessons from the '70s and Implications for the '80s : Proceedings of a Conference Cosponsored by Center for the Study of American Business and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, October 29 and 30, 1979
- Stabilizing the Dollar : A Plan to Stabilize the General Price Level Without Fixing Individual Prices
- Staff Investigation Relating to the Nomination of G. William Miller to Be Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Staff Report on Employment, Growth, and Price Levels : Prepared for Consideration by the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States
- Staff Reports (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
- Stagflation : Hearings Before the Special Study on Economic Change of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, Ninety-Sixth Congress, First Session, April 30, and May 7 and 9, 1979
- Standard and Scheduled Hours of Work for Women in Industry: A Study Based on Hour Data From 13 States : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 43
- Standardization of Industrial Accident Statistics: Reports of the Committee on Statistics and Compensation Insurance Cost of the International Association of Industrial Accident Boards and Commission, 1915-1919 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 276
- Standards and Problems Connected with the Issuance of Employment Certificates : Proceedings of a Conference Held Under the Auspices of the United States Children's Bureau and the National Education Association at Boston, Massachusetts, July 5-6, 1922, Bureau Publication No. 116
- Standards and Recommendations for Hospital Care of Maternity Patients, Bureau Publication No. 314
- Standards and Recommendations for Hospital Care of Newborn Infants : Full-Term and Premature, Bureau Publication No. 292
- Standards for Day Care of Children of Working Mothers : Report of the Subcommittee on Standards and Services for Day Care Authorized by the Children's Bureau Conference on Day Care of Children of Working Mothers, Children in Wartime No. 3, Bureau Publication No. 284
- Standards for Employment of Women in Industry: Recommended by the Women's Bureau : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 173
- Standards for Guiding Monetary Action : Report of the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States
- Standards for Physicians Conducting Conferences in Child-Health Centers, Bureau Publication No. 154
- Standards for the Employment of Women in Industry: Issued by the Women's Bureau, U.S. Department of Labor, Fourth Edition, December 15, 1928 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 3
- Standards of Child Health, Education, and Social Welfare : Based on Recommendations of the White House Conference on Children in a Democracy and Conclusions of Discussion Groups, Bureau Publication No. 287
- Standards of Child Welfare : A Report of the Children's Bureau Conferences, May and June, 1919, Conference Series No. 1, Bureau Publication No. 60
- Standards of Legal Protection for Children Born Out of Wedlock : A Report of Regional Conferences Held Under the Auspices of the U.S. Children's Bureau and the Inter-City Conference on Illegitimacy, Chicago, Ill., February 9-10, 1920, New York, N.Y., February 16-17, 1920, Conference Series No. 3, Bureau Publication No. 77
- Standards of Placement Agencies for Household Employees : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 112
- Standards of Prenatal Care : An Outline for the Use of Physicians, Bureau Publication No. 153
- Standards of Public Aid to Children in Their Own Homes, Bureau Publication No. 118
- State and Community Planning for Children and Youth : Proposals of the National Commission on Children in Wartime, Bureau Publication No. 312
- State and Local Fiscal Conditions and Economic Shocks
- State and Regional Variations in Prospective Labor Supply : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 893
- State Bank Call Reports - Texas
- State Banking Before the Civil War and The Safety Fund Banking System in New York, 1829-1866
- State Banking Reports
- State Banks and Trust Companies Since the Passage of the National-Bank Act
- State Banks in Federal Reserve System : Letter from the Governor of the Federal Reserve Board in Response to a Senate Resolution of January 19, 1920, a Communication Submitting a Report as to Alleged Coercive Measures Attempted to Make State Banks Submit to Rules Made By the Federal Reserve Board or any Federal Reserve Bank
- State Commissions for the Study and Revision of Child-Welfare Laws, Bureau Publication No. 131
- State Commissions for the Study and Revision of Child-Welfare Laws, Children's Year Follow-up Series No. 6, Bureau Publication No. 71
- State Government Employee Compensation, 1972 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1899
- State Hour Laws for Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 250
- State Hour Laws for Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 277
- State Income Payments, 1929-37
- State Labor Laws for Women: Hours, Home Work, Prohibited or Regulated Occupations, Seats, Minimum Wage : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 144
- State Labor Laws for Women: Part II - Analysis of Hour Laws for Women Workers : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 156-II, March 31, 1938
- State Labor Laws for Women: Part I - Summary : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 156-I, December 31, 1940
- State Labor Laws for Women with Wartime Modifications : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 202
- State Labor Legislation, 1937: Including Workmen's Compensation Legislation : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 654
- State Laws Affecting the Geographic Expansion of Commercial Banks
- State Laws Affecting Working Women: Hours, Minimum Wage, Home Work : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 40
- State Laws Affecting Working Women: Hours, Minimum Wage, Home Work : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 63
- State Laws Affecting Working Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 16
- State Laws of Special Value to Women, January 1, 1950
- State Materials Relating to the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Statement by the Eurogroup and ECOFIN Ministers
- A Statement on Handling of Evacuee Property
- Statements and Speeches of Abbot Low Mills
- Statements and Speeches of A. David Meadows
- Statements and Speeches of Adolph C. Miller
- Statements and Speeches of Adriana D. Kugler
- Statements and Speeches of Alan Greenspan
- Statements and Speeches of Alan S. Blinder
- Statements and Speeches of Alan S. McCall
- Statements and Speeches of Alberto G. Musalem
- Statements and Speeches of Albert Strauss
- Statements and Speeches of Alice M. Rivlin
- Statements and Speeches of Allan Sproul
- Statements and Speeches of Andrew C. Hove, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of Andrew F. Brimmer
- Statements and Speeches of Anna Kovner
- Statements and Speeches of Anna Nordstrom
- Statements and Speeches of Anthony M. Santomero
- Statements and Speeches of Arleas Upton Kea
- Statements and Speeches of Arthur F. Burns
- Statements and Speeches of Arthur J. Murton
- Statements and Speeches of Arthur L. Beamon
- Statements and Speeches of Austan D. Goolsbee
- Statements and Speeches of Benjamin Strong
- Statements and Speeches of Ben S. Bernanke
- Statements and Speeches of Beverly J. Hirtle
- Statements and Speeches of Bret D. Edwards
- Statements and Speeches of Brian P. Sack
- Statements and Speeches of Bruce K. MacLaury
- Statements and Speeches of Carl E. Allen
- Statements and Speeches of Carmen J. Sullivan
- Statements and Speeches of Carter Glass
- Statements and Speeches of Cathy E. Minehan
- Statements and Speeches of C. Canby Balderston
- Statements and Speeches of Charles B. Aycock
- Statements and Speeches of Charles E. Thacker
- Statements and Speeches of Charles F. Alden
- Statements and Speeches of Charles I. Plosser
- Statements and Speeches of Charles L. Evans
- Statements and Speeches of Charles Noah Shepardson
- Statements and Speeches of Charles S. Hamlin
- Statements and Speeches of Charles V. Collier
- Statements and Speeches of Chester B. Feldberg
- Statements and Speeches of Chester C. Davis
- Statements and Speeches of Christie Sciacca
- Statements and Speeches of Christine Maureen Cumming
- Statements and Speeches of Christopher J. Waller
- Statements and Speeches of Clark Warburton
- Statements and Speeches of Daleep Singh
- Statements and Speeches of Daniel K. Tarullo
- Statements and Speeches of Daniel R. Crissinger
- Statements and Speeches of Daniel W. Persinger
- Statements and Speeches of Darryl R. Francis
- Statements and Speeches of David C. Cooke
- Statements and Speeches of David J. Erickson
- Statements and Speeches of David Maher Lilly
- Statements and Speeches of David P. Eastburn
- Statements and Speeches of David W. Mullins
- Statements and Speeches of Delos C. Johns
- Statements and Speeches of Dennis Lockhart
- Statements and Speeches of Diane Ellis
- Statements and Speeches of Dianne Dobbeck
- Statements and Speeches of Dina Maher
- Statements and Speeches of Dino Kos
- Statements and Speeches of Donald E. Powell
- Statements and Speeches of Donald L. Kohn
- Statements and Speeches of Donald S. Thompson
- Statements and Speeches of Don Lester Waage
- Statements and Speeches of Donna A. Tanoue
- Statements and Speeches of Donna Gambrell
- Statements and Speeches of Doreen R. Eberley
- Statements and Speeches of Douglas H. Jones
- Statements and Speeches of Edison H. Cramer
- Statements and Speeches of Edmund Platt
- Statements and Speeches of Edward G. Boehne
- Statements and Speeches of Edward H. Cunningham
- Statements and Speeches of Edward M. Gramlich
- Statements and Speeches of Edward T. Lutz
- Statements and Speeches of Edward Watson Kelley, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of E. Gerald Corrigan
- Statements and Speeches of Eliot J. Swan
- Statements and Speeches of Elizabeth Ashburn Duke
- Statements and Speeches of Elvadore R. Fancher
- Statements and Speeches of Emmett John Rice
- Statements and Speeches of Eric Rosengren
- Statements and Speeches of Erle Cocke, Sr.
- Statements and Speeches of Ernest G. Draper
- Statements and Speeches of Ernest T. Patrikis
- Statements and Speeches of Ernst A. Dauer
- Statements and Speeches of Esther L. George
- Statements and Speeches of Eugene Meyer
- Statements and Speeches of Eugene R. Black
- Statements and Speeches of F. Christopher Calabia
- Statements and Speeches of FDIC Chairmen
- Statements and Speeches of FDIC Officials
- Statements and Speeches of Federal Open Market Committee Participants
- Statements and Speeches of Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Officials
- Statements and Speeches of Federal Reserve Bank of New York Officials
- Statements and Speeches of Federal Reserve Officials
- Statements and Speeches of Frank E. Morris
- Statements and Speeches of Frank Wille
- Statements and Speeches of Frederic A. Delano
- Statements and Speeches of Frederick Henry Schultz
- Statements and Speeches of Frederick L. Deming
- Statements and Speeches of Frederic S. Mishkin
- Statements and Speeches of Gary H. Stern
- Statements and Speeches of George A. LeMaistre
- Statements and Speeches of George French
- Statements and Speeches of George H. Clay
- Statements and Speeches of George H. Hamilton
- Statements and Speeches of George Roosa James
- Statements and Speeches of George Wilder Mitchell
- Statements and Speeches of G. H. King
- Statements and Speeches of G. J. Oppegard
- Statements and Speeches of G. William Miller
- Statements and Speeches of Harold B. Ward
- Statements and Speeches of Harry A. Shuford
- Statements and Speeches of Harry L. Severson
- Statements and Speeches of H. Earl Cook
- Statements and Speeches of Henry A. Moehlenpah
- Statements and Speeches of Henry Christopher Wallich
- Statements and Speeches of Henry S. Newport
- Statements and Speeches of Homer Hoyt
- Statements and Speeches of Homer Jones
- Statements and Speeches of H. Robert Heller
- Statements and Speeches of Hugh D. Galusha
- Statements and Speeches of Irvine H. Sprague
- Statements and Speeches of Jack Gutt
- Statements and Speeches of Jack Guynn
- Statements and Speeches of J. Alfred Broaddus, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of James B. McDougal
- Statements and Speeches of James Bullard
- Statements and Speeches of James E. Smith
- Statements and Speeches of James Hennessy
- Statements and Speeches of James J. McAndrews
- Statements and Speeches of James Kimble Vardaman, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of James Louis Robertson
- Statements and Speeches of James P. Bergin
- Statements and Speeches of James R. Dudine
- Statements and Speeches of James R. Wigand
- Statements and Speeches of Jamie B. Stewart Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of Janet L. Yellen
- Statements and Speeches of Janice M. Smith
- Statements and Speeches of J. Anton Conner
- Statements and Speeches of Jason C. Cave
- Statements and Speeches of J. Charles Partee
- Statements and Speeches of J. Dewey Daane
- Statements and Speeches of Jeanmarie Davis
- Statements and Speeches of Jeffrey M. Bucher
- Statements and Speeches of Jeffrey M. Lacker
- Statements and Speeches of Jelena McWilliams
- Statements and Speeches of Jeremiah O. Norton
- Statements and Speeches of Jeremy C. Stein
- Statements and Speeches of Jerome H. Powell
- Statements and Speeches of Jerry L. Jordan
- Statements and Speeches of Jesse G. Snyder
- Statements and Speeches of Jesse P. Wolcott
- Statements and Speeches of Jimmy Carter
- Statements and Speeches of John C. H. Miller, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of John Corston
- Statements and Speeches of John C. Williams
- Statements and Speeches of John E. Sheehan
- Statements and Speeches of John F. Bovenzi
- Statements and Speeches of John F. Lee
- Statements and Speeches of John G. Heimann
- Statements and Speeches of John H. Rich
- Statements and Speeches of John J. Balles
- Statements and Speeches of John J. Early
- Statements and Speeches of John J. Slocum
- Statements and Speeches of John L. Douglas
- Statements and Speeches of John M. Reich
- Statements and Speeches of John N. Peyton
- Statements and Speeches of John Patrick LaWare
- Statements and Speeches of John R. Mitchell
- Statements and Speeches of John Skelton Williams
- Statements and Speeches of John W. Stone
- Statements and Speeches of Joseph A. Broderick
- Statements and Speeches of Joseph A. Erickson
- Statements and Speeches of Joseph S. Tracy
- Statements and Speeches of Joshua V. Rosenberg
- Statements and Speeches of Jo Zach Miller
- Statements and Speeches of J. Roger Guffey
- Statements and Speeches of J. W. Barr
- Statements and Speeches of K. A. Randall
- Statements and Speeches of Karen N. Horn
- Statements and Speeches of Karl R. Bopp
- Statements and Speeches of Kathleen O'Neill
- Statements and Speeches of Kenneth C. Montgomery
- Statements and Speeches of Kenneth L. Walker
- Statements and Speeches of Kevin J. Stiroh
- Statements and Speeches of Kevin M. Warsh
- Statements and Speeches of Lacey Dingman
- Statements and Speeches of Lael Brainard
- Statements and Speeches of Laurence H. Meyer
- Statements and Speeches of Lawrence Clayton
- Statements and Speeches of Lawrence Gross
- Statements and Speeches of Lawrence K. Roos
- Statements and Speeches of Lawrence Lindsey
- Statements and Speeches of Leonard Lapidus
- Statements and Speeches of Leo T. Crowley
- Statements and Speeches of Leslie A. Woolley
- Statements and Speeches of Linda S. Goldberg
- Statements and Speeches of Lisa D. Cook
- Statements and Speeches of Loretta J. Mester
- Statements and Speeches of Lorie K. Logan
- Statements and Speeches of L. William Seidman
- Statements and Speeches of Lyle E. Gramley
- Statements and Speeches of Lynn Nejezchleb
- Statements and Speeches of Manuel H. Johnson
- Statements and Speeches of Marc Steckel
- Statements and Speeches of Margaret L. Egginton
- Statements and Speeches of Mark H. Willes
- Statements and Speeches of Mark L. Mullinix
- Statements and Speeches of Mark Pearce
- Statements and Speeches of Mark Walter Olson
- Statements and Speeches of Marriner S. Eccles
- Statements and Speeches of Martha Romayne Seger
- Statements and Speeches of Martin J. Gruenberg
- Statements and Speeches of Mary C. Daly
- Statements and Speeches of Members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Statements and Speeches of Michael Alix
- Statements and Speeches of Michael Held
- Statements and Speeches of Michael H. Krimminger
- Statements and Speeches of Michael J. Zamorski
- Statements and Speeches of Michael Moskow
- Statements and Speeches of Michael S. Barr
- Statements and Speeches of Michael Strine
- Statements and Speeches of Michelle Neal
- Statements and Speeches of Michelle W. Bowman
- Statements and Speeches of Miles A. Cobb
- Statements and Speeches of Mitchell L. Glassman
- Statements and Speeches of Monroe Kimbrel
- Statements and Speeches of Mortimer J. Fox, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of M.S. Szymczak
- Statements and Speeches of Nancy H. Teeters
- Statements and Speeches of Nathaniel Wuerffel
- Statements and Speeches of Norris C. Bakke
- Statements and Speeches of Oliver S. Powell
- Statements and Speeches of Patricia Zobel
- Statements and Speeches of Patrick K. Barron
- Statements and Speeches of Patrick T. Harker
- Statements and Speeches of Paul A. Volcker
- Statements and Speeches of Paul G. Fritts
- Statements and Speeches of Paul M. Warburg
- Statements and Speeches of Paul Wiechman
- Statements and Speeches of Peter R. Fisher
- Statements and Speeches of Philip Chappell Jackson, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of Philip E. Coldwell
- Statements and Speeches of Philip N. Jefferson
- Statements and Speeches of Phillips Lee Goldsborough
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- Statements and Speeches of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Statements and Speeches of Preston Martin
- Statements and Speeches of Quinton Thompson
- Statements and Speeches of Randal K. Quarles
- Statements and Speeches of Randy Kroszner
- Statements and Speeches of Raphael Bostic
- Statements and Speeches of Ray M. Gidney
- Statements and Speeches of Raymond E. Hengren
- Statements and Speeches of Ray Testa
- Statements and Speeches of Rex J. Morthland
- Statements and Speeches of Richard A. Brown
- Statements and Speeches of Richard Dzina
- Statements and Speeches of Richard F. Syron
- Statements and Speeches of Richard H. Clarida
- Statements and Speeches of Richard J. Osterman, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of Richard Ostrander
- Statements and Speeches of Richard W. Fisher
- Statements and Speeches of Ricki R. Tigert
- Statements and Speeches of Robert A. Eisenbeis
- Statements and Speeches of Robert C. Holland
- Statements and Speeches of Robert D. McTeer Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of Robert E. Barnett
- Statements and Speeches of Robert F. Miailovich
- Statements and Speeches of Robert L. Owen
- Statements and Speeches of Robert N. McLeod
- Statements and Speeches of Roberto Perli
- Statements and Speeches of Robert P. Forrestal
- Statements and Speeches of Robert P. Mayo
- Statements and Speeches of Robert S. Kaplan
- Statements and Speeches of Robert T. Parry
- Statements and Speeches of Robert V. Shumway
- Statements and Speeches of Robert W. Mooney
- Statements and Speeches of Roger A. Hood
- Statements and Speeches of Roger Walton Ferguson, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of Ronald Ransom
- Statements and Speeches of Roy A. Young
- Statements and Speeches of Rudolph M. Evans
- Statements and Speeches of Sandra C. Krieger
- Statements and Speeches of Sandra L. Thompson
- Statements and Speeches of Sandra Pianalto
- Statements and Speeches of Sara A. Kelsey
- Statements and Speeches of Sarah Bloom Raskin
- Statements and Speeches of Sarah J. Dahlgren
- Statements and Speeches of Sharon Powers Sivertsen
- Statements and Speeches of Sheila C. Bair
- Statements and Speeches of Sheila L. Tschinkel
- Statements and Speeches of Sherman J. Maisel
- Statements and Speeches of Silas Keehn
- Statements and Speeches of Simon M. Potter
- Statements and Speeches of Stanley C. Silverberg
- Statements and Speeches of Stanley Fischer
- Statements and Speeches of Stanley J. Poling
- Statements and Speeches of Stanley Pugh
- Statements and Speeches of Stephen Symmes Gardner
- Statements and Speeches of Steven A. Seelig
- Statements and Speeches of Steven D. Fritts
- Statements and Speeches of Susan M. Collins
- Statements and Speeches of Susan M. Phillips
- Statements and Speeches of Susan Schmidt Bies
- Statements and Speeches of Terrence J. Checki
- Statements and Speeches of the Chair of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Statements and Speeches of Theodore H. Roberts
- Statements and Speeches of Thomas A. Brooks
- Statements and Speeches of Thomas B. McCabe
- Statements and Speeches of Thomas C. Baxter
- Statements and Speeches of Thomas C. Melzer
- Statements and Speeches of Thomas H. Norwood
- Statements and Speeches of Thomas J. Curry
- Statements and Speeches of Thomas M. Hoenig
- Statements and Speeches of Til Schuermann
- Statements and Speeches of Timothy F. Geithner
- Statements and Speeches of Tom Barkin
- Statements and Speeches of Tynan Smith
- Statements and Speeches of Wayne D. Angell
- Statements and Speeches of W. Braddock Hickman
- Statements and Speeches of Wilbur D. Fulton
- Statements and Speeches of William C. Dudley
- Statements and Speeches of William F. Kroener, III
- Statements and Speeches of William J. McDonough
- Statements and Speeches of William L. Rutledge
- Statements and Speeches of William McChesney Martin, Jr.
- Statements and Speeches of William McChesney Martin, Sr.
- Statements and Speeches of William M. Isaac
- Statements and Speeches of William Poole
- Statements and Speeches of William R. Watson
- Statements and Speeches of William Taylor
- Statements and Speeches of William W. Sherrill
- Statements and Speeches of Willis J. Bailey
- Statements and Speeches of Willis J. Winn
- Statements and Speeches of W. Lee Hoskins
- Statements and Speeches of W. P. G. Harding
- State Minimum-Wage Law and Order Provisions Affecting Working Conditions: July 1, 1942, to April 1, 1959 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 269
- State Minimum - Wage Law and Order Provisions Affecting Working Conditions: July 1, 1942 to January 1, 1961 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 280, Revision of Bulletin 269
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: 1942: An Analysis : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 191
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: An Analysis : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 167
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: July 1, 1942-January 1, 1949 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 227
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: July 1, 1942-July 1, 1950 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 227 (Revised)
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: July 1, 1942-March 1, 1953 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 247
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: July 1, 1950-January 1, 1952 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, Supplement to Bulletin No. 227 (Revised)
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: July 2, 1954 to May 1, 1955 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, Supplement 2 to Bulletin No. 247
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders: March 2, 1953 to July 1, 1954 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, Supplement to Bulletin No. 247
- State Minimum-Wage Laws and Orders : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 267
- State Minimum-Wage Order Provisions Affecting Working Conditions: July 1, 1942 to June 1, 1955 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 259
- The State of Coin : A U.S. Coin Task Force Report
- State of the Economy and Policies for Full Employment : Hearings Before the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States, Eighty-Seventh Congress, Second Session, Pursuant to Sec. 5(a) of Public Law 304 (79th Congress), August 7-10, 13-17, 20, 21, and 22, 1962
- State Personal Income
- State Public Welfare Legislation, Research Monograph XX
- State Quarterly Economic Developments
- State Quarterly Economic Developments
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Alabama
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Alaska
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Arizona
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Arkansas
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, California
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Colorado
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Connecticut
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Delaware
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, District of Columbia
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Florida
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Georgia
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Hawaii
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Idaho
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Illinois
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Indiana
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Iowa
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Kansas
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Kentucky
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Louisiana
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Maine
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Maryland
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Massachusetts
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Michigan
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Minnesota
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Mississippi
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Missouri
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Montana
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Nebraska
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Nevada
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, New Hampshire
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, New Jersey
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, New Mexico
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, New York
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, North Carolina
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, North Dakota
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Ohio
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Oklahoma
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Oregon
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Pennsylvania
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Rhode Island
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, South Carolina
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, South Dakota
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Tennessee
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Texas
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Utah
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Vermont
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Virginia
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Washington
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, West Virginia
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Wisconsin
- State Quarterly Economic Developments, Wyoming
- State Reporting of Occupational Disease: Including a Survey of Legislation Applying to Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 114
- State Requirements for Industrial Lighting: A Handbook for the Protection of Women Workers, Showing Lighting Standards and Practices : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 94
- The States and Child Labor : Lists of States with Certain Restrictions as to Ages and Hours, Children's Year Leaflet No. 13, Bureau Publication No. 58
- Statistical Abstract : August 1989/September 1995
- Statistical Abstract of the United States
- A Statistical Analysis of Non-Family Men on Relief in St. Louis 1925-1936
- Statistical Atlas, 1900
- Statistical Atlases of the United States Series
- Statistical Atlas of the United States, 1880
- Statistical Atlas of the United States, 1910
- Statistical Atlas of the United States, 1920
- Statistical Atlas of the United States : Based on the Results of the Ninth Census 1870
- Statistical Atlas of the United States : Based Upon Results of the Eleventh Census, 1890
- Statistical Bulletin - Securities and Exchange Commission
- Statistical Data : Federal Reserve Committee on Branch, Group and Chain Banking
- Statistical Measurement in Group Work : A Manual on Statistical Records for Use by Staff Members, Bureau Publication No. 248
- Statistical Supplement to the Federal Reserve Bulletin
- The Statistical Work of the National Government
- Statistics for Great Britain, Germany, and France, 1867-1909
- Statistics for the United States, 1867-1909
- Statistics of Building Construction, 1920 to 1937: As Shown by Building Permits Issued : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 650
- Statistics of Cities Having a Population of Over 25,000
- Statistics of Cities Having a Population of Over 30,000
- Statistics of Income
- Statistics of Industrial Accidents in the United States : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 339
- Statistics of Industrial Accidents in the United States to the End of 1927 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 490
- Statistics of Unemployment and the Work of Employment Offices : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 109
- Statistics of Women at Work
- Statistics of Youth on Relief, Series I, No. 16
- Statistics on Banking : A Statistical History of the United States Banking Industry, Historical 1934-1996
- Statistics on Commercial Banks, Sixth District, 1940-1959
- Statistics on Commercial Banks : Sixth District, Selected Dates - 1940-1969
- Statistics on the Structure of Commercial Banking in the Sixth Federal Reserve District 1950, 1960, and 1965
- Statistics on the Structure of Commercial Banking in the Sixth Federal Reserve District 1950 and 1960
- Statures and Weights of Children Under Six Years of Age, Community Child-Welfare Series No. 3, Bureau Publication No. 87
- The Status of Labor in Puerto Rico, Alaska, Hawaii : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1191
- The Status of the Federal Reserve System in the Federal Government
- The Status of Women in the Government Service in 1925 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 53
- The Status of Women in the United States, 1953 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 249
- Stemming Inflation : The Office of Emergency Preparedness and the 90-Day Freeze
- Stock Exchange Practices : Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, (1932-1934)
- The Stock Market of 1929 Revisited : A Note
- The Story of the Liberty Loans
- Strategic Plan for the Resolution Trust Corporation
- Strategy for U.S. Balance of Payments Policy
- Street Begging in St. Louis, Including a Report of a Fact-Finding Survey of Street Begging Made During November and December, 1936
- Street Railway Employment in the United States : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 204
- Stress Testing and Shoring Up Bank Capital : Congressional Oversight Panel June Oversight Report
- Strikes in 1941 and Strikes Affecting Defense Production : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 711
- Strikes in the United States, 1880-1936 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 651
- Structure of the Residential Building Industry in 1949 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1170
- Structure of the U.S. Economy in 1980 and 1985: Projections of Gross National Product, Its Income and Demand Composition, Input-output Relations, and Output, Productivity, and Employment : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1831
- Student Cooperatives in the United States, 1941 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 740
- Student Research File
- Students, Graduates, and Dropouts, October 1980-82 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 2192
- Studies of the Effects of Long Working Hours : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 791
- Studies on Causes and Consequences of the 1989-92 Credit Slowdown
- Study by System Committee on Branch, Group, and Chain Banking
- A Study of a Change From 8 to 6 Hours of Work : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 105
- A Study of a Change From One Shift of 9 Hours to Two Shifts of 6 Hours Each : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 116
- Study of Banking Laws, Financial Institutions Act of 1957 : Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, Eighty-Fifth Congress, Part 2
- Study of Banking Laws : Hearings Before the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate, Eighty-Fourth Congress, Second Session, Part 1
- Study of Check Collection System : Report of Joint Committee on Check Collection to the American Bankers Association, Association of Reserve City Bankers, Conference of Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks, June 15, 1954
- A Study of Large-Dollar Payment Flows through CHIPS and Fedwire
- A Study of Maternity Homes in Minnesota and Pennsylvania, Bureau Publication No. 167
- A Study of Mechanisms for the Denomination of Currency By the Blind Or Visually Impaired
- A Study of the Dealer Market for Federal Government Securities : Materials Prepared for the Joint Economic Committee, Congress of the United States
- Study of the Savings and Loan Industry
- A Study of Two Groups of Denver Married Women Applying for Jobs : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 77
- The Subcommittee on Domestic Finance of the House Banking and Currency Committee Releases "Proposals for Improvement of the Federal Reserve" : Press Release for Sunday A.M., June 28, 1964
- Subcontracting Clauses in Major Collective Bargaining Agreements : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1304
- Subject Index of Bulletins Published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1915-1959 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1281
- Subject Index of the Publications of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics up to May 1, 1915 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 174
- Subject Index of Volumes 52-71: Monthly Labor Review, January 1941 to December 1950 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1080
- Subject Index of Volumes : Monthly Labor Review
- Subject Index to the Monthly Labor Review: Volumes 12 to 51, January 1921 to December 1940 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 696
- Subject Index to the Monthly Labor Review, Volumes 1 to 11, July 1915 to December 1920 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 695
- Subprime and Predatory Lending: New Regulatory Guidance, Current Market Conditions, and Effects on Regulated Financial Institutions : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit of the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First Session, March 27, 2007
- Successful Practices in the Employment of Nonfarm Women on Farms in the Northeastern States, 1943 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 199
- Sugar Prices, From Refiner to Consumer : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 121
- Suggested Changes in the Administrative Features of the National Banking Laws : Replies to Circular Letter of Inquiry of September 26, 1908, and Hearings, December 2 and 3, 1908
- Suggested Plan for Monetary Legislation : Submitted to the National Monetary Commission
- Suggested Plan for Monetary Legislation : Submitted to the National Monetary Commission, Box 5, Item 9
- Summaries of Manpower Surveys and Reports for Developing Countries, 1958-68 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1628
- Summaries of Studies on the Economic Status of Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 134
- Summary of Child-Welfare Laws Passed in 1916, Miscellaneous Series No. 7, Bureau Publication No. 21
- A Summary of Juvenile-Court Legislation in the United States, Legal Series No. 5, Bureau Publication No. 70
- Summary of Labor Legislation for Women, January to June 1933 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, Supplement to Bulletin No. 98
- Summary of Manufacturing Production Workers Earnings Series, 1939-68 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1616
- Summary of Proceedings of Conference on Productivity, October 28-29, 1946 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 913
- Summary of Reports Prepared for the Information of the Federal Reserve System
- Summary of State Hour Laws for Women and Minimum-Wage Rates : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 137
- Summary of State Reports of Occupational Diseases With a Survey of Preventive Legislation 1932-1934 : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 147
- Summary of Surveys of Job Refusals by Relief Clients Reported in Six Communities : March to June 1935, Series I, No. 15
- Summary of the Activities of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and Its Condition
- A Summary of the Electronic Payment Order Forum
- A Summary of the Final Remittance Transfer Rule (Section 1073)
- Summary of the Monetary Policy Improvement Act of 1979 : (To Be Introduced in the 96th Congress)
- Summary of the Report on Condition of Woman and Child Wage Earners in the United States : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 175
- Summary: The Effects of Labor Legislation on the Employment Opportunities of Women : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 68
- Supervised Homemaker Service : A Method of Child Care, Bureau Publication No. 296
- Supervisory Issues : Supervisory News and Views for the Eighth District
- Supplementary Compensation for Nonproduction Workers, 1963: Employer Expenditures ; Employer Practices : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 1470
- Supplementary Material to Joint Answers Prepared Under the Direction of a Special Committee of Federal Reserve Bank Presidents
- Supplementary Wage Practices in American Industry, 1945-46 : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 939
- Supplement to Banking and Monetary Statistics
- Supplement to Economic Indicators
- The Supply-Side Effects of Economic Policy : Proceedings of a Conference Cosponsored by Center for the Study of American Business and Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, October 24 and 25, 1980
- Survey and Diary of Consumer Payment Choice
- A Survey of 1022 Relief Cases Closed in March 1935, Baltimore County, Maryland, Series II, No. 10
- Survey of Cases Certified for Works Program Employment in 13 Cities, Series IV, No. 2
- Survey of Cases Closed from Relief Rolls for Administrative Reasons in Little Rock, Arkansas : Study Made in November 1935 Covering August Closings, Series II, No. 14
- Survey of Cases Closed from Relief Rolls in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, in July 1935, Series II, No. 11
- Survey of Current Business
- Survey of Current Business. Business Statistics (Biennial Supplement)
- Survey of Current Business. Business Statistics (Weekly Supplement)
- Survey of Foreclosure Operations
- Survey of Hygienic Conditions in the Printing Trades : Bulletin of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics, No. 392
- A Survey of Laundries and Their Women Workers in 23 Cities : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 78
- Survey of Rural Relief Cases Closed for Administrative Reasons in South Dakota : Study Made in November 1935, Covering June and July Closings, Series II, No. 12
- Survey of Social Work in Three Rural Counties
- A Survey of the Shoe Industry in New Hampshire : Women's Bureau Bulletin, No. 121
- A Survey of the Transient and Homeless Population in 12 Cities : September 1935 and September 1936, Series TR-12
- Survey of Unemployable Cases Transferred from Federal Care to State and Local Care in Two Colorado Counties : Study Made in November 1935 Covering June and July Closings, Series II, No. 13
- Survey of Workers Separated from WPA Employment in Eight Areas During the Second Quarter of 1936, Series IV, No. 3
- Susan B. Anthony Dollar Coin Act
- The Swedish Banking System
- The Swiss Banking Law : Study and Criticism of the Swiss Legislation Respecting Banks of Issue, and Especially of the Federal Act of October 6, 1905, Concerning the Swiss National Bank
- Synthetic Fuel Production : Hearing Before the Subcommittee on Economic Stabilization of the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate, Ninety-Sixth Congress, First Session, June 20, 1979
- Systemic Risk: Examining Regulators' Ability to Respond to Threats to the Financial System : Hearing Before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives, One Hundred Tenth Congress, First Session, October 2, 2007
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