Statements and Speeches of Karl R. Bopp
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Karl R. Bopp. Bopp was president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from 1958 to 1970. Prior to his appointment as president, he was the Research Director of the Philadelphia Fed from 1942 to 1958. He was also the technical secretary for the Bretton Woods Monetary Conference in 1944 which later established the International Monetary Fund.
- 1930s
- Instruments of Federal Reserve Policy
- Ration Banking
- Justice and International Finance : Paper Delivered to the Co-operative Seminary on Justice in the Department of Philosophy, University of Missouri
- Who Controls Central Banks? : Lecture delivered to the Classes in Money and Banking, State University of Iowa
- The Human Side of Central Banking : Address delivered to the Order of Artus, State University of Iowa
- 1940s
- The Tradition against Rediscounting
- Impact of the War on Bank Assets and Earnings : Outline
- [Bibliography of for Unknown Speech]
- Inflation : Notes for talk given to the City Business Club at the Bellevue Stratford Hotel
- Executive Training Program : Outline for Lecture given at Temple University
- Federal Finances, the Federal Reserve, and the Banking System : Outline of Talk to Economic Club
- War Finance
- Eligibility for Discount
- Monetary Statesmanship : Outline, New School for Social Research
- Financial Fight on the Home Front : The Bridgeton Hotel, Bridgeton, New Jersey
- Control of Central Banks : Graduate Course in Central Banking, Wharton School of Finance
- The Committee For Economic Development : Before the Citizen's Council on City Planning at the University Club
- Fashions in War Finance : Before the Fashion Editors at the Warwick Hotel
- A.I.B. Seminar No. 1, Held at The Midday Club : Notes
- The Future of the Automobile Industry : Based on "Markets after the War" by the U.S. Department of Commerce.
- The Battle Against Inflation : Outline
- What's Ahead In Business? : Outline
- What's Ahead In Business? : Outline of Speech, Lancaster Bankers Association and the American Institute of Banking, Hotel Brunswick, Lancaster, Pennsylvania
- The Relation Of Money to the Post-War Reconstruction Period : Notes of Speech before Lions International of Camden and Camden County Chamber of Commerce, Walt Whitman Hotel, Wednesday, November 17, 1943
- Summary And Projections : Outline of Lecture 5 of the 1943 Seminar, Philadelphia Chapter, A.I.B., Midday Club
- Summary and Projections : Lecture 5 of the 1943 Seminar Philadelphia Chapter A.I.B., Midday Club
- The Control of American Corporations Versus the Control of Government : Outline of Speech, The Alumni of the Graduate School of Banking, Tiles Restaurant, Samson Street, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Central Banking at the Crossroads : Preliminary Draft of Address before Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, Washington, D.C.
- Banking Marches On : Address to Group 2, Pennsylvania Bankers Association
- From War to Peace with Banks : Outline of Speech before the Delaware County Bankers Association, Media Inn
- From War to Peace with Banks : Program and Outline of Speech Given befor the Lebanon County Chapter, American Institute of Banking, Lebanon Country Club
- Implications of Current International Monetary Plans : Outline
- Post-War Industrial Activity and Employment : Philadelphia Chapter of the American Statistical Association
- Thirty Years of Deposit Growth
- International Monetary Fund : Substance of Remarks to the Business Advisory Council Washington, D.C.
- Ownership of U.S. Government Securities, Direct and Fully Guaranteed : Outline
- Outline of Discussion before the Committee on International Finance, Pennsylvania Bankers Association : Board Room, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- The International Monetary Fund : American Institute of Banking, Philadelphia Chapter, Midday Club
- Interest Rate Prospects : Outline
- The Bretton Woods Agreements : American Statistical Association, Philadelphia Chapter, Christian Association Building, 36th and Locust Streets
- Credit Aspects of International Finance : Robert Morris Associates, Lincoln Room, Union League
- Enabling Legislation : Outline
- Budget Board Meeting : Outline
- The Bretton Woods International Financial Agreements : Outline of Speech at Mannheim Cricket Club
- Banking Looks Ahead : Outline of Speech before the National Association of Bank Auditors and Comptrollers, Philadelphia Chapter at the Fidelity-Philadelphia Trust Building
- The American Bankers Association on Bretton Woods : Notes for Board Meeting
- Business Looks Ahead : Outline of Speech, The Hill School, Pottstown, Pennsylvania
- The Bretton Woods Proposals : Before a Special Meeting of Philadelphia Bankers at the Rittenhouse Club
- Bretton Woods Agreements : Outline of Speech before Sunday Breakfast Club, The Midday Club
- The Bretton Woods Agreements : Outline
- Changing Concepts of Bank Reserves : Outline of Speech before Philadelphia Chapter American Institute of Banking
- Standards of Monetary Conduct Under the Bretton Woods Agreements : Outline of Speech before Credit Men's Association of Eastern Pennsylvania, Bellevue-Stratford Hotel
- Recent Economic Developments : Outline of speech before the American Institute of Banking
- Substance of Remarks before the U.S. Savings Bond Conference, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
- Notes of Address before Annual Meeting of Norristown Chamber of Commerce, City Hall, Norristown, Pa
- Transition from Government Credit to Private Credit : Robert Morris Associates, Union League
- Gold : Notes of speech before Board of Directors, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, Pa
- Development of American Monetary Policy : Princeton Economic Seminar, Princeton University, Princeton, N.J.
- The World You Will Enter in June : before Business Week Assembly, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri
- A Reappraisal of Commercial Bank Reserve Requirements : Address before Forty-seventh Annual Conference, National Association of Supervisors of State Banks, Louisville, Kentucky
- Federal Reserve Policy from the Inside : before M.B.A. Club, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
- The Near-Term Outlook : before The Credit Men's Association of Eastern Pennsylvania, Kugler's, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Notes on Talk before Central City Bankers at Field Round Table Conference : Benjamin Franklin Hotel, Philadelphia
- Notes on Talk before F.R.B. Chairmen's Conference : Washington, D.C.
- Business and Banking Prospects for 1949 : before the Financial Analysts, Homestead Restaurant, Philadelphia, Pa.
- The Basis of Federal Reserve Policy : before the Federal Reserve Forum, Minneapolis
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1970s
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Karl R. Bopp's papers are housed by the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Some documents subject to copyright restrictions have been withheld.
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Bopp, Karl R., 1906-1979 and Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Statements and Speeches of Karl R. Bopp. 1931-1970,, accessed on March 4, 2025.