Statements and Speeches of George Wilder Mitchell
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of George Wilder Mitchell. Mitchell served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System beginning on August 31, 1961, and as vice chairman from May 1, 1973, until he resigned on February 13, 1976.
- 1960s
- Monetary Analysis and Monetary Statistics : Remarks before the Chicago Chapter of the American Statistical Association, Chicago, Illinois
- Financing the Business Expansion : Summary of Remarks before the Chicago Chapter of the Robert Morris Associates, Chicago, Illinois
- Economic Growth and the Banking Structure : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Independent Bankers Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Some Implications of Current Economic Developments : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Indiana Bankers Association, French Lick, Indiana
- Recent Economic Expansion, Monetary Policy and Credit Markets : Remarks at the Graduate School of Banking, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
- Economic Knowledge and Government Responsibility : Remarks at Carroll College, Waukesha, Wisconsin
- Statement before the Joint Economic Committee
- The Three Faces of Economic Policy : Remarks before the Bankers Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- Savings and the Price and Quality of Credit : Remarks at the Annual Luncheon of the Mortgage Bankers Association of New York, New York City
- Statement before the Subcommittee on Bank Supervision and Insurance of the House Committee on Banking and Currency : On H.R. 5874
- Growth and Inflation: Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Financial Analysts Federation, Chicago, Illinois
- Tax Policies to Make U.S. Exports More Competitive : Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the National Association of Tax Administrators, Seattle, Washington
- Economic Outlook : Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical Association, Cleveland, Ohio
- Paying for Urban Growth : Remarks at the Conference on "The Metropolitan Future" Sponsored by University of California at Berkeley, California
- The Role of a Stable Dollar in Expanding World Markets : Remarks at the Freedom Forum XXV of the National Education Program, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Evaluating the Effects of Monetary Action : Remarks at The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio
- Statement before the Committee on Banking and Currency, House of Representatives
- State Sovereignty and Fiscal Policy : Remarks at the Annual Conference of the National Association of State Budget Officers, Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Interest Rates at Home and Abroad : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Iowa Bankers Association, Des Moines, Iowa
- Economic Policy in the Months Ahead : Remarks at the Commercial Bank Management Program of Columbia University at Arden House, Harriman, New York
- Is the Business Cycle Really Dead? : Remarks at the Economic Club of Chicago Forum, Chicago, Illinois
- Recent Credit Trends in the U.S. Economy : Remarks for a Meeting of the Municipal Bond Club of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- Banking -- Then and Now : Remarks at the Bankers Club of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Balance in Bank Regulation : Remarks at the Annual Business Meeting of the Chicago District, Illinois Bankers Association, Chicago, Illinois
- Protecting the Public Interest in Bank Mergers : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Pennsylvania Bankers Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Impact of Pension Funds on National Economy : Remarks at the Annual Conference of the Municipal Finance Officers Association of the United States and Canada, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Concentration Ratios and Banking Competition : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Wisconsin Bankers Association, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Statement before the Subcommittee on Domestic Finance of the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives : On S. 1698 and Related Bills
- New Challenges for Monetary Policy : Remarks at the Edward A. Filene Lecture Series of the Roosevelt University, Chicago, Illinois
- Monetary Tools and Capabilities : Remarks before the Missouri Economics Association, Columbia, Missouri
- Statement before the Joint Economic Committee
- Effects of Automation on the Structure and Functioning of Banking : Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association, New York City
- Statement before the Legal and Monetary Affairs Subcommittee of the Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives
- Key Problems in Maintaining Monetary Stability : Remarks at the Financial Conference of the National Industrial Conference Board, New York City
- Will Small Banks Survive? : Remarks at the Bank Presidents' and Senior Officers' Policy Seminar of the Independent Bankers Association (Twelfth Federal Reserve District), San Francisco, California
- Floors and Ceilings: Guidelines and Understandings in Commercial Banking : Remarks at the Annual Executive Forum of the American Institute of Banking (St. Louis Chapter), St. Louis, Missouri
- Statement for the Committee on Banking and Currency of the House of Representatives
- Confrontation Within Banking: Machines vs. Bankers or Bankers with Machines : Remarks at the National Automation Conference of the American Bankers Association, Chicago, Illinois
- Credit Unions in a Rapidly Changing Financial Environment : Remarks at the International Credit Union Executives Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Tomorrow's Money as Seen Today : Remarks at the Annual Stockholders Meeting of the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, Boston, Massachusetts
- Monitoring Monetary Policy : Remarks before the New Hampshire Bankers Association, Whitefield, New Hampshire
- Some Current Problems of Monetary Policy : Remarks at the Joint Luncheon Meeting of the Southern Economic Association and Southern Finance Association, Atlanta, Georgia
- How the Federal Reserve Looks at the Balance of Payments : Remarks before the American Management Association, Washington, D.C.
- Interest Rates Versus Interest Ceilings in the Allocation of Credit Flows : Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the American Finance Association, San Francisco, California
- Automation and Banking Structure : Remarks at the American Institute of Banking Philadelphia Chapter Forum, Philadelphia
- Monetary Policy and Municipal Finance : Remarks at the Annual Seminar of the California Municipal Treasurers' Association, Anaheim, California
- Living with Monetary Management : Remarks at the Annual Stockholders Meeting of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Greensboro, Washington, D.C.
- Commodity Money : Remarks at the Graduate School of Banking, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
- Statement before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions of the Committee on Banking and Currency, United States Senate : On S. 1306, to Authorize Commercial Banks to Underwrite Revenue Bonds
- Liquidity and Monetary Management in 1967 : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Wisconsin Savings and Loan League, Green Bay, Wisconsin
- Dealing with Inflation : Remarks at the University of Illinois (Centennial Year Lectures), Urbana, Illinois
- Current Business and Monetary Developments : Remarks at the Oakland-East Bay Life Underwriters Association, Oakland, California
- Dilemmas in Monetary Management : Remarks at the Annual Forecasting Conference of the American Statistical Association (New York Chapter), New York City
- Statement before the Joint Economic Committee
- Our Changing Banking Structure : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Maine Bankers Association, Bretton Woods, New Hampshire
- Banks and Money : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the Michigan Bankers Association, Mackinac Island, Michigan
- Statement before the Joint Economic Committee on the Report of the System Steering Committee on Reappraisal of the Federal Reserve Discount Mechanism -- Its Rationale and Implications
- Monetary Policy and the Economy, 1967 and 1968 : Remarks at the State University of New York at Binghamton, Binghamton, New York
- Getting the Most Out of the Banking System in the Seventies : Remarks at the Annual Homecoming Seminar and Luncheon Sponsored by the School of Business Administration and the Alumni Board of Managers of Temple University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Banking Structure and Banking Markets : Remarks at a Conference Sponsored by Marketing/Savings Division of the American Bankers Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- Public Reaction to the Proposed Changes in the Operation of Federal Reserve Discount Facility : Remarks at the National Credit Conference of the American Bankers Association, Chicago, Illinois
- Monetary restraints and the Flow of Funds to Savings Institutions : Remarks at the Savings Institutions Forum Sponsored by the University of Miami with the Cooperation of First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Miami, Miami, Florida
- What We Can Do About Bank Structure? : Paper Presented at the Sixth Conference on Bank Structure and Competition Held at the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- A New Look at Monetary Policy Instruments : Remarks at the Conference of University Professors, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Everybody's Problem -- the Movement of Money : Remarks at the Annual International Conference of the Financial Executives Institute, Chicago, Illinois
- Bank Lending Practices and Changes in the Monetary Environment : Remarks at the Robert Morris Associates Conference, San Juan
- New Standards for Credit and Monetary Policy : Remarks before the Business Week Conference on Money and the Corporation, Sponsored by Business Week and McGraw-Hill Publications Company
- 1970s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935- and Mitchell, George Wilder, 1904-1997. Statements and Speeches of George Wilder Mitchell. 1961-1978,, accessed on February 10, 2025.