Statements and Speeches of Roger Walton Ferguson, Jr.
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Roger Walton Ferguson, Jr. Ferguson served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System beginning on November 5, 1997, and as vice chairman from October 5, 1999, until he resigned on April 28, 2006.
- 1990s
- The Asian Crisis: Lessons to be Learned and Relearned : Remarks before America's Community Bankers, Washington, D.C.
- Bank Supervision: Lessons from the Consulting Perspective : Remarks before the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, Washington, D.C.
- The Changing Banking Environment and Emerging Questions for Public Policy : Remarks before the Ohio Bankers Day Conference, Columbus, Ohio
- The Federal Reserve's Role in the Payments System and its Effect on Competition : Remarks before the Bankers Roundtable, Phoenix, Arizona
- Are Banks Safe for the World and is the World Safe for Banks? : Remarks before the Urban Bankers Coalition, Inc., New York, New York
- Implications of Developments in Electronic Commerce : Testimony before the Subcommittee on Finance and Hazardous Materials of the Committee on Commerce, U.S. House of Representatives
- Exercising Caution and Vigilance in Monetary Policy : Distinguished Speaker Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Themes in International Bank Supervision : Remarks before the International Banking Conference, Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, Arlington, Virginia
- The State of the U.S. Economy: Near Term Challenges and Long Term Changes : Remarks at the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City
- Electronic Banking: Where are the Customers? What Do They Think? What Does it Mean for the Federal Reserve? : Remarks at the Bank Administration Institute's Symposium on Payments System Strategy, Washington, D.C.
- The Role for Small Businesses as Viewed by a Macroeconomic Policymaker : Remarks at the Florida Black Business Investment Board, Tallahassee, Florida
- The Challenge of Preparing for the Year 2000 : Remarks at the Global Year 2000 Summit, London, England
- Three Themes in Search of an Audience : Remarks at a Meeting of Women in Housing and Finance, Washington, D.C.
- Some Observations on the Future of the Financial Services Sector and Related Public Policy Issues : Remarks at the College of Management, University of Massachusetts, Boston, Massachusetts
- Looking Forward, Looking Back: Thoughts on the Start of a New Year : Remarks at the National Economic Association Forum, New York, New York
- The Making of Monetary Policy : Remarks at the East Hanover Area Chamber of Commerce, East Hanover, New Jersey
- The International Millennium Challenge : Remarks at the Bank Administration Institute, Orlando, Florida
- Latin America: Lessons Learned from the Last Twenty Years : Remarks at the Florida International Bankers Association, Inc., Miami, Florida
- Evolution of Financial Institutions and Markets: Private and Policy Implications : Remarks at the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York
- Global Financial Integration: Historical Perspective and Policy Implications : Remarks at the Annual Policy Seminar of the National Association for Business Economics, Washington, D.C.
- Small Business Access to Capital: Current status and Initiatives : Remarks at the National Black Business Council, Washington, D.C.
- The Payments System and Year 2000 : Current Preparations and Challenges : Remarks Before the National Automated Clearing House Association, Atlanta, Georgia
- The Making of Monetary Policy : Remarks before the East Hanover (N.J.) Area Chamber of Commerce, East Hanover, New Jersey
- Public Information and Public Confidence in the Year 2000 : Remarks before the Second Global Y2K National Coordinators Conference, United Nations, New York, New York
- Continuing the Countdown to Year 2000: Focusing on Public Disclosure and Public Confidence : Remarks before the George Washington University Y2K Group, Washington, DC
- Transparency and Responsibility in Monetary Policy : Remarks before the National Economists Club, Washington, D.C.
- Is Information Technology the Key to Higher Productivity Growth in the United States and Abroad? : Remarks before the 2000 Global Economic & Investment Outlook Conference, Carnegie Bosch Institute, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Year 2000: Ninety-four Days and Counting : Remarks before the Wallenberg Forum at Georgetown University, Washington, D.C.
- Year 2000: Eighty-six Days and Counting : Remarks before the National Association of Federal Credit Unions, Washington, D.C.
- Financial Market Lessons for Bankers and Bank Supervisors : Remarks before the Bond Market Association, New York, N.Y.
- 2000s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935- and Ferguson, Roger Walton, 1951-. Statements and Speeches of Roger Walton Ferguson, Jr.. 1998-2006,, accessed on January 18, 2025.