Statements and Speeches of Hugh D. Galusha
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Hugh D. Galusha. Galusha served as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis from 1965 to 1971.
- 1960s
- Notes for a Presentation on the Physical Geography and Related Economy of the Ninth Federal Reserve States
- Notes from Galusha's Trip to India in 1965
- Notes from Galusha's Trip to Bombay in 1965
- Wingspread : Presented at the Johnson Foundation, Racine, Wisconsin
- Banking in Transition
- Montana Agriculture : An Outline
- North Dakota Tour
- Current Economic and Financial Conditions : Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Speech before Minneapolis Retailers Association
- Northwest Bancorporation Directors' Meeting
- Current Economic and Financial Conditions : Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System
- Speech before the Rotary Club of Minneapolis
- Current Agricultural Conditions : Memo from Richard Herder
- Speech before Minnesota Bankers Association District Meeting
- Montana Agricultural Conditions : Memo from Richard Herder
- Public Interest, Private Capital, and Outdoor Recreation
- Bank Directors' Conference : Billings, Great Falls, Missoula
- Federal Reserve System : Notes
- Retail Trade
- "A Window on the World" : Six O'Clock Club, Minneapolis
- 22nd Conference of Examiners
- Monetary Policy and Current Economic Trends : Economic Roundtable Luncheon at Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Six Keys to the City
- Speech before Minnesota Fiduciaries Association, Town and Country Club, St. Paul, Minnesota : Notes
- Speech before the Great Falls Chamber of Commerce : Notes
- Speech before the Montana Livestock PCA Association, Helena : Notes
- Speech before the Kiwanis Club
- "A Window on the World" : Chamber of Commerce Dinner, Helena, Montana
- Central Banking Function : Notes
- Talk before Suburban Mayors of the Metropolitan Community
- Remarks at the Scholarship Awards Dinner, Charles K. Blandin Foundation, Grand Rapids, Minnesota
- Trade, Aid, and Monetary Issues in the U.S. Balance of Payments Problem : Remarks prepared for the Upper Midwest Conference on Agricultural Export Trade, Minneapolis, Minn
- History of FRS : Notes
- Local Government and Economic Growth : League of Minnesota Municipalities, Rochester, Minn.
- Monetary Policy
- American Banking Mythology : Montana Bankers Convention
- The Unlearning Process : Commencement, University of Minnesota
- Statement before the National Advisory Commission on Food and Fiber, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Federal Reserve Bank Economic Policies : 13th Annual Conference of the Mid-Continent Research and Development Council, Curtis Hotel
- The Entrepreneur and Outdoor Recreation : Washington, D.C.
- The Ninth District in Profile : Financial Analysts Federation, 1966 Regional Conference, St. Paul-Hilton Hotel, St. Paul
- Tight Money : 13th Annual Institute University of Minnesota School of Business Administration Alumi Association, St. Paul Hilton Hotel
- The New Regionalism : Annual Meeting Nebraska Association of Commerce & Industry, Sheraton-Fontenelle Hotel, Omaha, Nebraska
- Baconian Dialogues, Quadna Mountain Lodge, Hill City, Minnesota : Notes
- Speech before the Greater North Dakota Association, Minot, North Dakota : Notes
- Rural Resource Development : Fifteenth National Agricultural Credit Conference (Agricultural Committee of the ABA)
- The Business of Agriculture : Montana State University Agricultural Conference, Bozeman, Montana
- The Service Gap : Before the Montana Taxpayers Association, Helena, Montana
- The Checkless Society : Before the Rotary Club of Saint Paul, Saint Paul, Minnesota
- Annual Advertising Sales Conference of the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, Radisson Hotel
- Ninth District in Profile : South Dakota Executive Committee of UMRDC, Pierre
- Federal Reserve Policy: In Retrospect and Prospect : Wisconsin Bankers Association, St. Paul Hilton Hotel
- Monetary Policy : Investment Bankers Association of America Seminar, Minnesota Group, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Portion of Statement before the Financial Institutions Committee of the Minnesota House of Representatives : Concerning Par Banking Legislation
- Where Will the Money Come From? : Farm Forum, Leaming Hotel
- Talk to the North Central Petroleum Credit Association : Radisson Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- West Coast Industrial Promotion Tour : Los Angeles and San Francisco
- A Review of Recent Monetary Policy : Money and Banking Workshop, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis
- Banking Trends and Agriculture : 83rd Annual Convention, Montana Stockgrowers Association, Billings, Montana
- Business and Industry in the Rural Community in Transition : Rural Banking School, University of Minnesota Morris Campus, Morris, Minnesota
- Directors' Montana Trip : Billings, Montana
- An Assessment of Current Monetary Policy : Member Bank Service Conference, Great Falls & Billings, Mont.
- Outreach of a University : Communiversity Conference, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- The Banker and Economic Growth : Minnesota Bankers Association 18th Annual Junior Bank Officer and Staff Conference, Hotel Leamington, Minneapolis
- Investment Strategy for Regional Development of the Upper Midwest : 1967 Minnesota Economic Association, University of Minnesota, Duluth, Minnesota
- Expansion of Foreign Trade in the Ninth Federal District : International Symposium on Canadian-American Legal and Business Problems, Marlborough Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba
- An Assessment of Current Monetary Policy : Ins. Fed. Of Minn., St. Paul Hilton
- The Structure of Banking to Come : Officers Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- The Case for Increased Taxes : Newspaper Day, South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota
- Your Future in Banking : Bank Personnel Seminar, Hickory House Motor Inn, Huron, South Dakota
- Developing and Financing Private Outdoor Recreation in Montana : Finlen Hotel, Butte, Montana
- Federal Reserve System and its Relationship to Monetary Policy : World Press Institute (Foreign Newsmen), Macalester College
- Railroads, Politics, and the Early History of Yellowstone National Park
- Rural Economic Development : Western States Veterinary Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Gold, the Dollar and Our Balance of Payments : University Club of Milwaukee
- Gold and the Dollar : Rotary Club, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Remarks at the Seminar "Economic Policy and the Montana Press," University of Montana, Missoula, Montana
- Mythology of Community Development : 43rd Annual Conference of the American Industrial Development Council, Saint Paul Hilton Hotel
- Transcript of Speech given to PCA Conference : Helena, Montana
- Remarks at the1968 MARUC Convention, Bismarck, North Dakota
- Remarks at the 14th Annual UMACC Conference, Kahler Hotel, Rochester, Minnesota
- Remarks at the Tenth Annual Controllers Conference, National Sand and Gravel Association, National Ready Mixed Concrete Association : Saint Paul Hilton, Saint Paul, Minnesota
- Remarks before the Graduate School of Banking, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin
- An Address at Carleton College, Northfield, Minnesota
- International Monetary Developments and the Mining Industry : American Mining Congress, Las Vegas
- Case for Increased Taxes : South Dakota Newspapermen, Brookings, South Dakota
- Mid-Winter Conference : Savings League of Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota
- Galusha Answers Fed Critics : Press Information
- Dissent : Remarks at the Money and Banking Workshop
- Banks, Bankers, and Change : Tri-Regional Conference, National Association of Bank Women, Radisson Hotel, Minneapolis
- Regulatory Agencies and Bank Protection : 1969 National Convention of the American Safe Deposit Association, Saint Paul Hilton Hotel
- Effective Application of Monetary Policy : 49th Annual Conference, National Association of Mutual Savings Banks, Leamington Hotel, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- International Financial Outlook : International Mining Congress, Annual Convention, San Francisco
- 1970s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis and Galusha, Hugh D., 1919-1971. Statements and Speeches of Hugh D. Galusha. 1965-1970,, accessed on February 10, 2025.