Statements and Speeches of M.S. Szymczak
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of M.S. Szymczak. Szymczak served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from June 14, 1933, to May 31, 1961.
- 1930s
- Recent Relations of the Federal Reserve System with Business and Industry : Speech delivered before the Illinois Bankers Association, Decatur, Illinois
- Statement before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Banking and Currency of the United States Senate.
- The Banking Act of 1935 : Address before the New York Bankers' Convention, Lake George, New York
- Loans to Industry and Business by the Federal Reserve Banks : Speech Delivered over National Broadcasting Company System
- The Banking Act of 1935 : Speech Delivered before Essex County Bankers Association, Newark, New Jersey
- Speech Delivered before Mortgage Bankers Association, French Lick, Indiana
- The Federal Reserve System : Address Delivered before the Kiwanis Club, Chicago, Illinois
- The Federal Reserve System and the Banking Act of 1935 : Address before the Cleveland Chapter, American institute of Banking, Cleveland Ohio
- Cooperation within the Federal Reserve System : Speech Delivered before Employees of the Federal Reserve Bank, Richmond, Virginia
- Federal Reserve System Loans to Industry : Speech Delivered before Cosmos Club, Washington, D.C.
- Credit Control by the Federal Reserve System : Speech Delivered before Richmond Chapter, American Institute of Banking, Richmond, Virginia
- The Federal Reserve System and the Banking Act of 1935 : Speech Delivered before Pacific Northwest Conference on Banking Under the Auspices of the State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington
- The Banking Act of 1935 : Title II : Speech Delivered before the Baltimore Chapter, American Institute of Banking, Baltimore, Maryland
- The Federal Reserve System and Credit Control : Speech Delivered before the Economic Club of Chicago, the Palmer House, Chicago, Illinois
- The Polish Constitution of May 3, 1791 : Radio Address Over National Broadcasting System, Washington, D.C.
- Business Recovery and Industrial Loans : Speech Delivered before Real Estate Board of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri
- The Federal Reserve System and the Banking Act of 1935 : Speech Delivered before Annual Convention of Maryland Bankers Association, Atlantic City, New Jersey
- Speech Delivered before the Manhattan Society, New York, N.Y.
- The Federal Reserve System and the Banking Act of 1935 : Speech Delivered before Seattle Convention, American Institute of Banking, Seattle, Washington
- Credit Control : Speech Delivered before Oregon Bankers Association Convention, Portland, Oregon
- Industrial Loans : Speech Delivered before Washington Bankers Association Convention, Spokane, Washington
- Speech Delivered before Michigan Bankers Association Convention, Mackinac Island, Michigan
- Address at Polish Day Celebration of United Polish-American Citizens Clubs of Beaver County, Ambridge Borough Park, Pa.
- Address at Unveiling of Monument in Memory of General Thaddeus Kosciuszko at the Battlefield at Bemis Heights, Saratoga Springs, New York
- The Federal Reserve System and the Banking Act of 1935 : Address Delivered at the Forum Dinner of the Trenton Chapter of the American Institute of Banking, Trenton, New Jersey
- What Is the Federal Reserve System? : Speech Delivered before Winston-Salem Chapter, American Institute of Banking, Winston-Salem, North Carolina
- What Is the Federal Reserve System? : Speech Delivered before Students of Notre Dame College, Baltimore, Maryland
- Address at the Polish Center, Baltimore, Maryland
- Marshal Joseph Pilsudski : Speech Delivered at Memorial Services for Marshal Joseph Pilsudski, Under Auspices of Certain Polish Organizations, Hotel Hamilton, Washington, D.C.
- The Federal Reserve System : Speech Delivered before North Dakota Bankers Association, Fargo, North Dakota
- The Federal Reserve System : Speech Delivered before Philadelphia Chapter, American Institute of Banking, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- The Constitution : Speech Delivered at Toledo, Ohio
- The Technique of Credit Regulation : Speech Delivered before Eighth New England Bank Management Conference, Hotel Statler, Boston, Massachusetts
- Address at Banquet in Honor of Professor Thomas Siemiradzki, Cleveland, Ohio
- Federal Reserve Responsibilities : Address at a Meeting of the Municipal Bond Club of New York, Held at the Bankers Club, New York, New York
- The Federal Reserve System as a Central Banking Organization : Speech before Pittsburgh Chapter, American Institute of Banking, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- What Is the Federal Reserve System? : Speech Delivered before Wisconsin Bankers Association, Madison, Wisconsin
- The Role of the Federal Reserve System in Financing a War : Speech Delivered before the Army Industrial College, Washington, D.C.
- Mutual Savings Banks and the Federal Reserve System : Speech Delivered before National Association of Mutual Savings Banks, New York, New York
- Challenge in the Use of the Polish Room : Speech at Cornerstone Laying in the Polish Room, Cathedral of Learning, Pittsburgh University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Address at Polish Day Celebration, Erie, Pennsylvania
- What Is the Federal Reserve System? : Speech Delivered before Convention of Polish Physicians, Dentists and Lawyers, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
- Address at Pulaski Day Commemoration Banquet of Polish-American Society of Lackawanna County, Scranton, Pennsylvania
- Speech before Federation of Polish-American Societies of Newark and Essex County, Newark, New Jersey
- Credit and Our Economy : Speech Delivered before Polish-American Luncheon Club of Metropolitan New York, George Washington Hotel, New York, New York
- Speech before Polish National Alliance of Brooklyn, New York, New York, New York
- The Federal Reserve System and Business Conditions : Speech Delivered before Associated Retail Credit Men of Washington, D.C., Inc., Mayflower Hotel, Washington, D.C.
- The Federal Reserve System : Speech Delivered before Detroit Chapter, American Institute of Banking, Detroit, Michigan
- Bridging the Gap : Address before National Conference of Polish Arts Clubs, New York, New York
- Address at Polish Day Celebration, Court of Peace, New York World's Fair, New York, New York
- 1940s
- 1950s
- 1960s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935- and Szymczak, M. S. Statements and Speeches of M.S. Szymczak. 1935-1961,, accessed on March 11, 2025.