Statements and Speeches of Charles Noah Shepardson
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Charles Noah Shepardson. Shepardson served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from March 17, 1955, until he retired on April 30, 1967.
- 1950s
- Butter, the Economic Balance Wheel : Remarks at the 47th Annual Meeting of the American Butter Institute, Hotel LaSalle, Chicago, Illinois
- Agriculture in a Dynamic Economy : Address before the Sixty-Ninth Annual State Convention of the Iowa Bankers Association, Hotel Fort Des Moines, Des Moines, Iowa
- Leadership in the Advancement of Agriculture : Remarks at the Meeting of the Executive Committee of Division of Agriculture, Association of Land- Grant Colleges and Universities, at Michigan State College, East Lansing, Michigan
- The Changing Credit Picture in Agriculture : Remarks at Fourth National Agriculture Credit Conference, American Bankers Association at Morrison Hotel, Chicago, Illinois
- Some Aspects of Our Agricultural Problem : Remarks at Luncheon Meeting of Agricultural Credit Conference, Arkansas Bankers Association at Hotel Marion, Little Rock, Arkansas
- The Need for and Availability of Agricultural Credit : Remarks at Stockholders' Meeting of the Federal Land Bank of Houston, Houston, Texas
- Intermediate Term Credit : The Need and the Challenge : Remarks at the Eighth Annual Colorado Farm and Ranch Credit Conference, the Shirley-Savoy Hotel, Denver, Colorado
- The Changing Agricultural Credit Picture : Remarks before the Ninth Federal Reserve District Assembly, Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Current Credit and Monetary Problems : Remarks before Meeting of the New Hampshire Bankers Association, Portsmouth, New Hampshire
- The Farmer's Interest in Our National Economy : Remarks before the Farm and Home Week Assembly, Agricultural Extension, University Station at Baton Rouge, Louisiana
- The Role of the Federal Reserve as Related to Farm Credit Needs in the Current Economic Situation : Remarks before the National Farm Credit Directors' Conference, Hotel Statler, St. Louis, Missouri
- Some Aspects of the Livestock Credit Problem in the Current Economic Situation : Remarks at the Annual Convention of Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association, Houston, Texas
- Some Factors Affecting Monetary and Credit Policy : Remarks at Pacific Northwest Conference on Banking, at State College of Washington, Pullman, Washington
- The Banker's Interest in Rural Development : Before Agricultural Conference of Tennessee Bankers Association, Nashville
- Credit Policies and Their Implications for Agriculture : Remarks at Meeting of the New England Agricultural Economics Council, University of Connecticut, at Storrs, Connecticut
- What Are the Challenges Now Facing Agricultural Lenders? : Remarks at Meeting of American Institute of Cooperation, Fort Collins, Colorado
- Federal Reserve Policy in Today's Economy : Remarks at Meeting of American Agricultural Editors' Association, Woodner Hotel, Washington, D.C.
- The Role of the Federal Reserve System in Economic Stability : Remarks at Meeting of American Association of Land Grant Colleges and State Universities, Denver, Colorado
- Monetary Policy in Our Economic Climate : Remarks at Meeting of National Agricultural Credit Conference, American Bankers Association at Chicago, Illinois
- Agricultural Credit : Remarks at the Meeting of the National Credit Conference, the American Bankers Association, Chicago, Illinois
- The Farmer's Interest in Industrial Development : Remarks at 68th Annual Convention of the Tennessee Bankers Association at Memphis, Tennessee
- Banks and Rural Development : Remarks at the Conference on the Rural Development Program at Memphis, Tennessee
- Address Delivered at Luncheon, Hermitage Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee, on the Occasion of Opening of New Building, Nashville Branch, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- The Public Interest in Agriculture : Remarks at the Annual Farm and Home Week Program, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
- Our Common Interest : Remarks at the Farmer-Banker Meeting of the New Jersey Bankers Association, Trenton, New Jersey
- Economic Growth and Change : Remarks at the Farm Forum in Minneapolis, Minnesota
- Some Essentials for Economic Growth : Remarks at the 35th Annual Convention of the American Cotton Shippers Association, New Orleans, Louisiana
- The Banker's Part in Rural Development : Remarks at the Annual Convention of the West Virginia Bankers Association at White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
- Agricultural Credit in Today's Economy : Remarks at the Annual Directors' Conference, Production Credit Association, Sixth Farm Credit District at St. Louis, Missouri
- Economic Growth : Commencement Address at the Summer Session, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado
- Relations of Monetary and Fiscal Policy to Agricultural Changes : Remarks at the Southern Farm and Ranch Institute, Houston, Texas
- 1960s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935- and Shepardson, Charles Noah, 1896-1975. Statements and Speeches of Charles Noah Shepardson. 1955-1967,, accessed on October 8, 2024.