Statements and Speeches of Robert E. Barnett
- 1970s
- Statement on S. 2304, 94th Congress, a Bill "To Strengthen the Supervisory Authority of the Federal Banking Agencies Over Financial Institutions and Their Affiliates," Presented to Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, United States Senate
- Mutual Savings Bank Performance in 1975 and the Outlook for 1976
- Remarks on the Economy, Banking, and Bank Regulation : Address Before the 92nd Annual Convention, Texas Bankers Association, El Paso, Texas
- [Address Before the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, Colorado Springs, Colorado]
- Enforcing the Fair Housing Lending Law : Address Before the 56th Annual Conference, National Association of Mutual Savings Banks, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- The Perplexing Paper Path : Address Before the 75th Annual Convention, Colorado Bankers Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Directors' Responsibilities in Light of the Present Economy and the Banking Outlook : Address Before the Twenty-Fifth Assembly for Bank Directors, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- The FDIC: Deposit Insurance : Address Before the 82nd Annual Convention, Kentucky Bankers Association, Louisville, Kentucky
- FDIC: Six Alternatives to the Present Deposit Insurance System : Address Before the Nebraska Correspondent Bank Conference, Lincoln, Nebraska
- Current Performance of Minority Banks : [Speech to the National Bankers Association]
- The FDIC: Consumer Issues : Address Before the 74th Annual Convention, the Savings Banks' Association of Connecticut, Dorado Beach, Puerto Rico
- The FDIC: Bank Examination and Supervision : Address Before the Missouri Bankers Association's Bank Directors' Conference, Osage Beach, Missouri
- The FDIC: Disclosure : Address Before the CPA Society and Robert Morris Associates, St. Louis, Missouri
- The FDIC: Liquidation Activity : Address Before the Puerto Rico Bankers Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico
- Remarks Before the Philippine Deposit Insurance Corporation
- H. R. 1901, Regulation Q, NOW Accounts, and Payment of Interest on Demand Deposits : Address Before the 49th Mid-Winter Meeting of the New York State Bankers Association, New York City
- Statement on GAO Study of Federal Supervision of Banks Presented to Subcommittee on Financial Institutions Supervision, Regulation and Insurance, Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs and Subcommittee on Commerce, Consumer and Monetary Affairs, Committee on Government Operations, House of Representatives
- Remarks Before the Trustees' Seminar, Savings Banks Association of New York State, Harriman, New York
- [Disclosure of Information and the Health of Banking Industry] : Remarks Before the Banking Symposium, Bank & Financial Analysts Association, New York, New York
- Statement on Condition of the Banking System and Report of the General Accounting Office, Presented to the Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs, United States Senate
- Bureaucrats, Agency Reorganization, and Hidden Agendas : Address Before the Western Independent Bankers, San Francisco, California
- Address Before the Pennsylvania Bankers Association Annual Convention, Atlantic City, New Jersey
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Barnett, Robert E., 1935- and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Statements and Speeches of Robert E. Barnett. 1976-1977,, accessed on February 16, 2025.