Statements and Speeches of Darryl R. Francis
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Darryl R. Francis. Francis served as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis from January 17, 1966, to February 29, 1976.
- 1960s
- Money, Spending, and Economic Activity : [Remarks Before General American Life Insurance Company, Colony Hotel in Clayton, Missouri]
- Trends Affecting the Future of Mississippi : Speech to Mississippi Economic Council
- The Business Community and Education : Speech at Dedication of Edwardsville Campus, Southern Illinois University
- Farm Capital Investment Needs, Uses and Returns : Lecture for Course Entitled Agricultural Economics, The School of Banking of the South
- National Financial Trends and Agriculture : Speech Before the Farm Credit Group (Outline)
- National Financial Trends and Agriculture : Speech Before Osceola, Ark. Rotary Club, Osceola, Ark. (Draft Outline)
- Banks and Rising Interest Rates : Talk before the Kentucky Bankers Association, Louisville, Kentucky
- Tight Money, its Cause, and its Cure : [Speech at] Cape Girardeau, Missouri (Outline)
- Current Economic Prospects : Talk before the Financial Seminar, Elanco Products Company, Indianapolis, Indiana
- Some Financial Aspects of a Changing Agriculture : Talk before the Financial Analysts of New Orleans
- The Cooperative Future in a Changing Agriculture : Talk before the Finance and Management Sectional Meeting, Farmland Industries, Incorporated, Kansas City, Missouri
- Economic Policy -- The Path to Inflation, Depression, or Growth : Talk before the Spring Credit Conference, Tennessee Bankers Association, Nashville, Tennessee
- Current Economic Policy : [Speech Before] the Rotary Club, Newport, Ark.
- Farm Credit -- Supply and Demand for Funds and Efficiency of Credit Institutions : Speech before the National Agricultural Credit Conference
- Outlook for Farm Credit in Arkansas : Speech before the Arkansas Agricultural Credit Conference
- Changing Sources of Farm Credit : Speech at Chemical Dealers' "Independence Day" Meeting, Tan-Tar-A, Lake of the Ozarks, Osage Beach, Missouri
- [Speech to Eastern Missouri, Balanced Farming, St. Louis]
- The Economic Squeeze : Speech at Mid-South Farm Equipment Association Convention, Memphis, Tennessee
- Our Economic Controls and Policies : Speech at "Kingdom of Callaway" Supper, Fulton, Missouri
- Impact of National Economic Stabilization Policies : Speech at "Kingdom of Callaway" Supper, Fulton, Missouri
- Farming Becomes Big Business : Speech at Georgia Bankers Association Agricultural Conference, Atlanta, Georgia
- Financing Southern Agriculture : Speech at Southern Farm Forum, Memphis, Tennessee
- Routes to Growth : Speech at University of Missouri Cooperative Extension Service Guide for Growth Conference, Columbia, Missouri
- Current Economic Developments : Speech to Greater Savings and Loan League, Clayton, Mo.
- Federal Reserve Bank Operations : A Presentation to the Central Banking Seminar at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
- Current Problems in Domestic Economic Stabilization : Speech to the Program for Management Development Group at Harvard Business School
- The Balance of Payments, the Dollar, and Gold : Speech at The City Club of Portland, Portland, Oregon
- The Balance of Payments, the Dollar, and Gold : Speech at the American Statistical Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- Current Problems in Domestic Economic Stabilization : Speech to a Bank Executives' Seminar, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois
- Changes in Farm Capital Investment -- Uses and Returns : Speech delivered at Ford Motor Company Tractor and Equipment Industry Review, Plaza Inn, Kansas City, Missouri
- The Balance of Payments, the Dollar, and Gold : Speech at a Rotary Inter City Meeting, Webster Groves, Mo.
- Financing Southern Agriculture : Speech at Annual Stockholders Meeting, Federal Land Bank of New Orleans, Biloxi, Mississippi
- Fractional Reserves, Monetary Policy Tools, and the Role of Money : 15-minute Presentation, Madison, Wisconsin
- Routes to Growth : Speech before the Midwest Agribusiness Institute, St. Louis, Missouri
- [Speech Before the] St. Louis Rotary Club, St. Louis, MO
- An Approach to Monetary and Fiscal Management : Before The Money Marketeers, New York City, New York
- Farm Credit -- Who Supplies it and Why? : Speech at the Agricultural Nitrogen Institute Convention, Kansas City, Missouri
- An Approach to Monetary and Fiscal Management : [Speech] Before the Breech Club of Drury College, Springfield, Missouri
- Current Economic Conditions : Talk to the Mortgage Bankers Association of St. Louis
- High Interest Rates -- Causes and Cures : Speech to the Fourth Annual Trust Conference for Missouri Banks, Columbia, Missouri
- Monetary Policy and Inflation : Speech to the 79th Annual Convention of the Arkansas Bankers Association, Hot Springs, Arkansas
- Monetary Policy and Inflation : Speech to the Annual Meeting of Stockholders of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Des Moines, St. Louis, Missouri
- Freedom and Progress : Commencement Address, Mississippi State University
- Farm Capital Demands, Uses and Returns : Lecture for Course Entitled Agricultural Economics, The School of Banking of the South
- Monetary Policy and Inflation : Speech to the Tennessee Association of Realtors at its 50th Annual State Convention, NAREB Regional Convention
- Statement at ABA Monetary Conference in Copenhagen, Denmark
- Controlling Inflation : Speech at the 75th Annual Convention, Kentucky Bankers Association, Louisville, Kentucky
- The Use of Functional Cost Data in Market Analysis : Speech to Functional Cost Cooperators at Evansville, Indiana, September 16, Marion, Illinois, September 17, and the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, September 18
- Selective Credit -- No Substitute for Monetary Restraint : Speech at the 23rd Annual Conference of Bank Correspondents, First National Bank in St. Louis
- The New, New Economics and Monetary Policy : Remarks Prepared for Presentation to the Argus Economic Conference, Phoenix, Arizona
- St. Louis in the Seventies
- A Challenge to Monetary Policy : Speech at the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis Seminar
- 1970s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Francis, Darryl R. Statements and Speeches of Darryl R. Francis. 1966-1976,, accessed on March 8, 2025.