The Money Question of the 53rd Congress
- Debate in Congress on the Silver Question
- Money Question : A Collection of Speeches Delivered in the Senate and the House of Representatives of the United States, in August and September, 1893, on H.R. 1, Concerning Free Coinage of Silver and the Repeal of Part of the Sherman Act
- 1890s
- Silver Coinage : Speech of Hon. W. V. Allen of Nebraska, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- National Bank Interests : Speech of Hon. W. V. Allen of Nebraska, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Purchase of Silver Bullion : Speech of Hon. William B. Allison of Iowa, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. William V. Allen of Nebraska, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Coinage of Silver Bullion : Speech of Hon. William B. Allison of Iowa, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Silver is the Friend of Poverty and the Handmaid of Charity : Speech of Hon. William B. Bate of Tennessee, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Bimetallism -- Free Coinage of Gold and Silver: Let the Same Act which Repeals the Sherman Law Provide for Both : Speech of Hon. James H. Berry of Arkansas, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Demonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. Joseph C. S. Blackburn of Kentucky, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. M. C. Butler of South Carolina, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Speeches of Hon. M. C. Butler of South Carolina, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Repeal of the Silver-purchasing Clause of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. Donelson Caffery of Louisiana, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Resolution to Close Debate on the Bill (H. R. 1) to Repeal the Silver-purchasing Clause of the Act of 1890 : Speech of Hon. Wilkinson Call of Florida, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Repeal of Silver Purchasing Clause of Act of 1890 and the Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. Wilkinson Call of Florida, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. J. D. Cameron of Pennsylvania, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Speech of Hon. James Donald Cameron of Pennsylvania, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Coinage of Silver Bullion : Speech of Hon. Joseph M. Carey of Wyoming, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Restoration of Silver to Equal Monetary Functions with Gold : Speech of Hon. F. M. Cockrell of Missouri, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Against the Bill to Repeal the Purchasing Clause of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. Richard Coke of Texas, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Finance : Remarks of Hon. S. M. Cullom of Illinois, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Panic -- Its causes and its remedy : Speech of Hon. John W. Daniel of Virginia, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- President's Message. Repeal of the Sherman Law : Speech of Hon. J. N. Dolph of Oregon, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Repeal of the Sherman Law : Speech of Hon. J. N. Dolph of Oregon, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Speech of Hon. Fred T. DuBois of Idaho, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Should the Act of July 14, 1890, be Repealed Conditionally or Unconditionally? : Speech of Hon. Charles J. Faulkner of West Virginia, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Silver and the Tariff : Remarks of Hon. Jacob H. Gallinger of New Hampshire, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Demonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. James Z. George of Mississippi, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Remarks of Hon. Arthur P. Gorman of Maryland, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Issue and Sale of Bonds : Speech of Hon. Arthur P. Gorman of Maryland, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Purchase of Silver Bullion : Speech of Hon. George Gray of Delaware, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Silver: English Financial Tyranny and American Subserviency : Speech of Hon. H. C. Hansbrough of North Dakota, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Gold and Silver, the Money of the Constitution -- the Money of the People : Speech of Hon. Isham G. Harris of Tennessee, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Remarks of Hon. Isham G. Harris of Tennessee : Upon the Presentation of the Resolutions of the Cotton Exchange and Merchant's Exchange of Memphis, Tennessee, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Anthony Higgins of Delaware, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Speech of Hon. David B. Hill of New York, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Gold and Silver : Speech of Hon. George F. Hoar of Massachusetts, Debate in the Senate, v.1, A-H
- Speech of Hon. John L. M. Irby of South Carolina, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. James K. Jones of Arkansas, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- The Money Question : Speech of Hon. John P. Jones of Nevada, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Free Coinage of Silver as Related to the Money Power : Speech of Hon. James H. Kyle of South Dakota, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Purchase of Silver Bullion : Speech of Hon. William Lindsay of Kentucky, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Silver and Cloture : Speeches of Hon. Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Currency Reform : Speech of Hon. James McMillan of Michigan, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- The Repeal of the Purchasing Clause of the Republican Law Known as the Sherman Law Demanded. The Position of President Cleveland Sustained. The Democratic Platform Vindicated : Speech of Hon. John R. McPherson of New Jersey, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. John Martin of Kansas, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Repeal of the Sherman Law : Speech of Hon. Roger Q. Mills of Texas, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Bimetallism -- Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. John H. Mitchell of Oregon, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- The Financial Question : Speech of Hon. John T. Morgan of Alabama, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. John T. Morgan of Alabama, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Remonetization of Silver : Speech of Hon. John T. Morgan of Alabama, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Sound Money Cheats Nobody : Speech by Justin S. Morrill of Vermont, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John M. Palmer of Illinois, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Silver Coinage : Speech of Hon. William A. Peffer of Kansas, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- The Financial Question : Speech of Hon. George C. Perkins of California, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- The Decline in the Price of Silver, and its Relation to the Price of Wheat, Cotton, and other Farm Products : Speech of Hon. R. F. Pettigrew of South Dakota, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Silver. The Friend of the Farmer and the Miner. Facts for Farmers : Remarks of Hon. Thomas C. Power of Montana, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- Gold and Silver Against Gold Monopoly -- Unconditional Repeal of the Sherman Law Insures the Latter : Speech of Hon. James L. Pugh of Alabama, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- The Free Coinage Democratic Party against the British Gold Standard Party. The Last Shot into the Ranks of the British Allies : Speech of Hon. James L. Pugh of Alabama, Debate in the Senate, v.2, I-R
- An Act to repeal a part of an act approved July fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled "An act directing the purchase of silver bullion and the issue of Treasury notes thereon, and for other purposes.", Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- An Act directing the coinage of the silver bullion held in the Treasury, and for other purposes, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Report: Coinage of the silver bullion held in the Treasury, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Veto message, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Sherman Law and Free Coinage of Silver : Remarks of Jo Abbott of Texas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. S. B. Alexander of North Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John M. Allen of Mississippi, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Speech of Hon. Marshall Arnold of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John Avery of Michigan, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Joseph W. Bailey of Texas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver: Hon. Joseph W. Bailey of Texas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Uses and Abuses of Financial Legislation : Speech of Hon. William Baker of Kansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Speech of Hon. Richard Bartholdt of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Free Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. Franklin Bartlett of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John C. Bell of Colorado, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Free Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. C. K. Bell of Texas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Bimetallism : Speech of Hon. Newton C. Blanchard of Louisiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Richard P. Bland of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Circulation of National Banks : Speech of Hon. Richard P. Bland of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- On the Senate Proposition to Issue 3 per cent Bonds for the Gold Resumption Fund : Speech of Hon. Richard P. Bland of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver: The Democratic Party Ought to Stand by its Platform : Speech of Hon. C. J. Boatner of Louisiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver: The Money of the Common People: Shall It be Destroyed? : Speech of Hon. W. W. Bowers of California, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Repeal of the Sherman Law : Remarks of Hon. Wm. H. Brawley of South Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Clifton R. Breckinridge of Arkansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. G. H. Brickner of Wisconsin, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Bimetallism : Speech of Hon. Case Broderick of Kansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Elijah V. Brookshire of Indiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Jason B. Brown of Indiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Speech of Hon. Wm. J. Bryan of Nebraska, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Julius C. Burrows of Michigan, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver: A Standard of Value : Hon. W. D. Bynum of Indiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. Asher G. Caruth of Kentucky, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Honest Money for All : Speech of Hon. J. G. Cannon of Illinois, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Thomas C. Catchings of Mississippi, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Champ Clark of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. W. Bourke Cockran of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Free Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. Henry A. Coffeen of Wyoming, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. Charles M. Cooper of Florida, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- True Bimetallism: Repeal the Sherman Law, Make the Silver Dollar as Good as Gold, and All the Dollars Equal : Speech of Hon. George W. Cooper of Indiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Free Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. S. B. Cooper of Texas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver Question : Speech of Hon. James W. Covert of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver: There Can be no Higher Test of Duty of a Public Officer than to Faithfully Perform the Promises Made to the People : Speech of Hon. Nicholas N. Cox of Tennessee, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- For the Free Coinage of Silver and Against the Unconditional Repeal of the Sherman Law : Speech of Hon. Wm. T. Crawford of North Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Free Coinage and the Sherman Act. The New York Democracy Standing by the President on the Chicago Platform : Speech of Hon. Amos J. Cummings of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Against the Silver-purchasing Policy : Speech of Hon. John Dalzell of Pennsylvania, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Charles Daniels of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John Davis of Kansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver: When Judgment is Looking for the Path to Duty in the Dark, Conscience Hangs out a Lamp : Speech of Hon. David A. De Armond of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Speech of the Hon. Robert E. De Forest of Connecticut In Support of the Bill Repealing the Purchasing Clause of the Sherman Silver Act, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- The Silver Question : Speech of Hon. Nelson Dingley Jr. of Maine, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Bimetallism : Speech of Hon. A. M. Dockery of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Present State of the Silver Question : Speech of Hon. Johnathan P. Dolliver of Iowa, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John T. Dunn of New Jersey, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. William T. Ellis of Kentucky, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Remarks by Dr. Thomas Dunn English, of New Jersey, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. William Everett of Massachusetts, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John R. Fellows of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Remarks of the Hon. Ashbel P. Fitch, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Geo. W. Fithian of Illinois, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Speech of Hon. John J. Gardner of New Jersey, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John H. Gear of Iowa, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. Julius Goldzier of Illinois, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Benjamin F. Grady of North Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Repeal of the Sherman Silver Law : Speech of Hon. Charles H. Grosvenor of Ohio, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.4, A-G
- Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. A. L. Hager of Iowa, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. Charles D. Haines of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Speech of Hon. O. M. Hall of Minnesota, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Uriel S. Hall of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. W. A. Harris of Kansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Remarks of Hon. Chas. S. Hartman of Montana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Free Coinage of Both Gold and Silver as the Standard Money of the Country, Without Discrimination Against Either Metal, Their Maintenance Upon a Parity, and Equal Protection by the Officers of the Government the Paramount Duty of Democrats : Speech of Hon. William H. Hatch of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Free Coinage of Silver -- Ratio 16 to 1 : Speech of Hon. J. T. Heard of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. David B. Henderson of Iowa, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- The Silver Question : Speech of Hon. Jos. C. Hendrix of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. P. Hepburn of Iowa, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Repeal of the Purchasing Clause of the Sherman Act, and Causes of the Present Financial Stringency : Speech of Hon. Josiah D. Hicks of Pennsylvania, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Democratic Attitude on the Repeal of the Sherman Law : Speech of Hon. Albert J. Hopkins of Illinois, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Charles E. Hooker of Mississippi, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Remarks of Hon. A. C. Hopkins of Pennsylvania, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Thomas J. Hudson of Kansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Remarks of Hon. George W. Hulick of Ohio, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Bimetallism: A Sound and Stable Currency : Speech of Hon. George P. Ikirt of Ohio, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Remarks of Hon. Henry U. Johnson of Indiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Midsummer Money Panic of Ninety-three : Speech of Hon. M. N. Johnson of North Dakota, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Tom L. Johnson of Ohio, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Free Coinage of Silver and Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. W. A. Jones of Virginia, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Home Rule for America : Speech of Hon. Omer M. Kem of Nebraska, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Election Laws : Speech of Hon. John F. Lacey of Iowa, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Edward Lane of Illinois, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Fernando C. Layton of Ohio, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Leonidas F. Livingston of Georgia, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Stop the Purchase of Silver Bullion : Speech of Hon. S. W. McCall of Massachusetts, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Speech of Hon. James B. McCreary of Kentucky, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. J. J. McDannold of Illinois, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Free Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. J. C. McDearmon of Tennessee, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. William A. M'Keighan of Nebraska, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Repeal the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. Michael J. McEttrick of Massachusetts, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Free Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. John L. McLaurin of South Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Bimetallism : Speech of Hon. Thos. C. McRae of Arkansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. J. W. Maddox of Georgia, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. James G. Maguire of California, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. James G. Maguire of California, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Seth L. Milliken of Maine, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. H. D. Money of Mississippi, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Charles H. Morgan of Missouri, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- The Democratic Party Platform Economic and Financial Policy Responsible for the Present Appalling Situation of the Country : Speech of Hon. Elijah A. Morse of Massachusetts, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Charles L. Moses of Georgia, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. George W. Murray of South Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- The Silver Question, its Industrial and Financial Aspect : Speech of Hon. Francis G. Newlands of Nevada, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Repeal of the Sherman Law : Speech of Hon. Josiah Patterson of Tennessee, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- A Dollar Equal in Value to Every Other Dollar : Speech of Hon. Sereno E. Payne of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Free Coinage of Silver : Speech of Hon. Lafe Pence of Colorado, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Remarks of Hon. Lafe Pence of Colorado, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John O. Pendleton of West Virginia, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John A. Pickler of South Dakota, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- American Coinage : Speech of Hon. Phillip S. Post of Illinois, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. H. H. Powers of Vermont, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Joseph L. Rawlins of Utah, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Isidor Rayner of Maryland, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Thomas B. Reed of Maine, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. J. A. D. Richards of Ohio, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. James D. Richardson of Tennessee, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Relief : Speech of Hon. William Ryan of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Thomas Settle of North Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Speech of Hon. Joseph C. Sibley of Pennsylvania, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Jerry Simpson of Kansas, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Henry C. Snodgrass of Tennessee, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Lewis Sperry of Connecticut, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Free Coinage of Silver and the Repeal of the Sherman Act : Speech of Hon. William M. Springer, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Thomas R. Stockdale of Mississippi, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- The Sherman Law and Silver Coinage : Speech of Hon Charles W. Stone of Pennsylvania, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. W. Jasper Talbert of South Carolina, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- The Silver Question : Speech of Hon. A. A. Taylor of Tennessee, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- The Present Condition of the Country : Speech of Hon. Henry F. Thomas of Michigan, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Charles Tracey of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John Van Voorhis of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Why the Purchase Clause of the Act of July 14, 1890 (called Sherman Law) Should be Repealed, and Why Free Coinage of Silver Would be Unjust : Remarks of Hon. J. H. Walker of Massachusetts, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Sherman Act Repeal : Speech of Hon. John De Witt Warner of New York, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. John S. Williams of Mississippi, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
- Silver : Speech of Hon. Dan Waugh of Indiana, Debate in the House of Representatives, v.5, H-Z
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United States. Congress. House and United States. Congress. Senate. The Money Question of the 53rd Congress , 1893-1894,, accessed on March 11, 2025.