Statements and Speeches of Michelle W. Bowman
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Michelle W. Bowman. Bowman took office as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System on November 26, 2018.
- 2010s
- 2020s
- The Outlook for Housing : Remarks at the 2020 Economic Forecast Breakfast, Home Builders Association of Greater Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri
- Empowering Community Banks : Remarks at the Conference for Community Bankers, Orlando, Florida
- Direction of Supervision: Impact of Payment System Innovation on Community Banks : Remarks at "Age of Advancement: Intricacies of a Digital World," 2020 Banking Outlook Conference Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Brief Remarks at Outstanding Women of Kansas Awards Ceremony, Topeka, Kansas
- The Pandemic's Effect on the Economy and Banking : Remarks at Kansas Bankers Association CEO and Senior Management Forum/Annual Meeting, Topeka, Kansas (via Webcast)
- Press Release : Statement [Regarding Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking]
- Community Banks Rise to the Challenge : Remarks at "Community Banking in the 21st Century," Research Conference, the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (via Webcast)
- Mortgage Market Regulation and Access to Mortgage Credit : Remarks at "Opportunities and Challenges for Homeownership," Jake Jabs College of Business & Entrepreneurship, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana (via Webcast)
- The Changing Structure of Mortgage Markets and Financial Stability : Remarks at "Financial Stability: Stress, Contagion, and Transmission," 2020 Financial Stability Conference Hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (via Webcast)
- Technology and the Regulatory Agenda for Community Banking : Remarks at Independent Community Bankers of America ThinkTECH Policy Summit Virtual Event
- My Perspective on Bank Regulation and Supervision : Remarks at the Conference for Community Bankers sponsored by the American Bankers Association (Via Prerecorded Video)
- Economic Inclusion in Lower-Income Communities : Remarks at the "Advance Together" Celebration sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (Via Webcast)
- The Economic Outlook and Prospects for Small Business : Remarks at the Economic Club of Oklahoma, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (Via Webcast)
- The Economic Outlook and Implications for Monetary Policy : Remarks at The Colorado Forum, Denver, Colorado (Via Webcast)
- Building Economic Resilience in Communities : Remarks at the Policy Summit 2021: Pathways to Economic Resilience in our Communities, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (Via Prerecorded Video)
- Welcoming Remarks at "Toward an Inclusive Recovery: Improving Labor Force Attachment and Financial Security among Low-Income and Marginalized Workers," Sponsored by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Washington, D.C. (Via Webcast)
- Community Bank Access to Innovation : Remarks at the Government Relations Council (GRC) meeting sponsored by The American Bankers Association, Washington, D.C. (Virtual Conference)
- Creating a New Model for the Future of Supervision : Remarks at the Community Banking in the 21st Century Research and Policy Conference, St. Louis, Missouri (Virtual Conference)
- The View from Here: The Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Implications for Monetary Policy : Remarks at the Dykhouse Scholar Program Speakers Series in Money, Banking, and Regulation South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota
- Welcoming Remarks at the Women in Banking Symposium, Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond (Via Webcast)
- The Lack of New Bank Formations is a Significant Issue for the Banking Industry : Remarks at the 2021 Community Bankers Symposium: Banking on the Future, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
- The U.S. Housing and Mortgage Market: Risks and Resilience : Remarks at the Women in Housing and Finance Public Policy Luncheon, Washington, D.C.
- Engagement, Research and Policy: Integrating Indigenous Voices into Economic Inclusion at the Federal Reserve : Remarks at Virtual Symposium on Indigenous Economies: Bank of Canada, Tulo Centre of Indigenous Economics, the Reserve Bank of New Zealand
- High Inflation and the Outlook for Monetary Policy : Remarks at the American Bankers Association Community Banking Conference, Palm Desert, California
- Welcoming Remarks : Remarks at Fed Listens: Helping Youth Thrive—A Discussion with Leaders, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (Via Livestream)
- The Outlook for Inflation and Monetary Policy : Remarks at the Executive Officers Conference, Massachusetts Bankers Association, Harwich, Massachusetts
- Fighting Inflation in Challenging Times : Remarks at the 2022 CEO & Senior Management Summit sponsored by the Kansas Bankers Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Working Women in the Pandemic Era : Remarks at Arkansas Women's Commission Meeting, Russellville, Arkansas
- Technology, Innovation, and Financial Services : Remarks at the VenCent Fintech Conference, Little Rock, Arkansas
- The New Landscape for Banking Competition : Remarks at the 2022 Community Banking Research Conference, sponsored by the Federal Reserve, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri
- Large Bank Supervision and Regulation : Remarks at the Institute of International Finance (IIF) Event: In Conversation with Michelle Bowman, Washington, D.C. (Virtual)
- Forward Guidance as a Monetary Policy Tool: Considerations for the Current Economic Environment : Remarks before the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York
- Welcoming Remarks : Remarks at "Toward an Inclusive Recovery," sponsored by the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (Via Webcast)
- Financial Education : Remarks at the Financial Literacy and Education Commission Public Meeting, Financial Literacy and Education Commission, Washington, DC (Via Webcast)
- Brief Remarks on the Economy and Bank Supervision : At the Florida Bankers Association Leadership Luncheon Events, Miami, Florida
- Independence, Predictability, and Tailoring in Banking Regulation and Supervision : At the American Bankers Association Community Banking Conference, Orlando, Florida
- Welcoming Remarks at the Midwest Cyber Workshop, organized by the Federal Reserve Banks of Chicago, Kansas City, and St. Louis
- Panel on "Design Issues for Central Bank Facilities in the Future" : At The Chicago Booth Initiative on Global Markets Workshop on Market Dysfunction, Chicago, Illinois
- The Innovation Imperative: Modernizing Traditional Banking : At the Independent Community Bankers of America ICBA Live 2023 Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii
- The Consequences of Fewer Banks in the U.S. Banking System : At the Wharton Financial Regulation Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Considerations for a Central Bank Digital Currency : At the Georgetown University McDonough School of Business Psaros Center for Financial Markets and Policy, Washington, DC
- Brief Remarks at the Fed Listens Event hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Odessa, Texas
- The Evolving Nature of Banking, Bank Culture, and Bank Runs : At the 21st Annual Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Europe and the United States, European Central Bank, Frankfurt, Germany
- Considerations for Revisions to the Bank Regulatory Framework : At the Texas Bankers Association Annual Convention, San Antonio, Texas
- Brief Remarks at a Fed Listens Event on Transitioning to the Post-Pandemic Economy, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Opening Remarks at "Fed Listens: Transitioning to the Post-Pandemic Economy," a plenary session at Policy Summit 2023: Communities Thriving in a Changing Economy, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- Responsive and Responsible Bank Regulation and Supervision : At the Salzburg Global Seminar on Global Turbulence and Financial Resilience: Implications for Financial Services and Society, Salzburg, Austria
- Brief Remarks on the Economy and Monetary Policy at the 2023 CEO and Senior Management Summit and Annual Meeting, sponsored by the Kansas Bankers Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Welcoming Remarks at "Fed Listens: Community Listening Session" hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Welcoming Remarks at "Fed Listens: Joining the Labor Force after COVID, A Discussion on Youth Employment," hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
- Brief Remarks on the Economy and Monetary Policy : At Independent Community Bankers of Colorado, Golden Jubilee, Vail, Colorado
- Welcoming Remarks at the FedCommunities event "Keys to Opportunity in the Housing Market: Research on Strategies for Preserving and Expanding Rental Housing Affordability," Washington, D.C.
- Panel Remarks at the 2023 Symposium on Indigenous Inclusion, The Central Bank Network for Indigenous Inclusion and The Reserve Bank of New Zealand—Te Pūtea Matua, Auckland, New Zealand
- Brief Remarks on the Economy and Bank Regulation at the CEO/Executive Management Conference sponsored by the Mississippi Bankers Association and the Tennessee Bankers Association, Banff, Canada
- The Role of Research, Data, and Analysis in Banking Reforms : At the 2023 Community Banking Research Conference sponsored by the Federal Reserve System, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri
- Brief Remarks on the Economy and Insights from Past Bank Regulatory Reform Efforts : At the Connecticut Bankers Association Annual Meeting, White Sulphur Springs, West Virginia
- Financial Stability in Uncertain Times : At the Reinventing Bretton Woods Committee and Policy Center for the New South Marrakech Economic Festival, Marrakech, Morocco
- Responsible Innovation in Money and Payments : At Roundtable on Central Bank Digital Currency, Harvard Law School Program on International Financial Systems, Washington, D.C.
- Brief Remarks at a Fed Listens event on Transitioning to the Post-Pandemic Economy, hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
- Remarks on the Economy and Bank Supervision and Regulation at the 2023 Ohio Bankers League "Main Event," Columbus, Ohio
- Remarks on the Economy and Prioritization of Bank Supervision and Regulation at New York Bankers Association's Financial Services Forum, Palm Beach, Florida
- Reflections on the Economy and Monetary Policy : At the Utah Bankers Association and Salt Lake City Chamber Banker and Business Leader Breakfast, Salt Lake City, Utah
- Building a More Inclusive Financial System through Collaboration and Action : At the Aspen Institute, Washington, D.C. (via pre-recorded video)
- New Year's Resolutions for Bank Regulatory Policymakers : Remarks at The South Carolina Bankers Association 2024 Community Bankers Conference, Columbia, South Carolina
- The Path Forward for Bank Capital Reform : Remarks at Protect Main Street Sponsored by the Center for Capital Markets at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Washington, D.C. (virtual)
- The Future of Banking : Remarks at The 157th Assembly for Bank Directors, Southwestern Graduate School of Banking, Maui, Hawaii
- Supporting Entrepreneurship & Small Businesses : [Remarks] to the Uneven Outcomes in the Labor Market Conference, Washington, D.C. (virtual)
- Defining a Bank : Remarks at The American Bankers Association 2024 Conference for Community Bankers, San Antonio, Texas
- Accountability for Banks, Accountability for Regulators : Essay for Starling Insights
- Advancing Cross-Border Payments and Financial Inclusion : Remarks at 19th BCBS-FSI High-Level Meeting for Africa, Cape Town, South Africa
- Reflections on the Economy and Bank Regulation : Remarks at the Florida Bankers Association Leadership Luncheon Events, Miami, Florida
- Tailoring, Fidelity to the Rule of Law, and Unintended Consequences : Remarks at the Harvard Law School Faculty Club, Cambridge, Massachusetts
- Reflections on the Economy and Bank Regulation : Remarks at the New Jersey Bankers Association Annual Economic Leadership Forum, Somerset, New Jersey
- Bank Mergers and Acquisitions, and De Novo Bank Formation: Implications for the Future of the Banking System : Remarks at A Workshop on the Future of Banking, Hosted by The Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri
- Bank Liquidity, Regulation, and the Fed's Role as Lender of Last Resort : Remarks at The Roundtable on the Lender of Last Resort: The 2023 Banking Crisis and COVID, sponsored by the Committee on Capital Markets Regulation, Washington, D.C.
- Risks and Uncertainty in Monetary Policy: Current and Past Considerations : Remarks at "Frameworks for Monetary Policy, Regulation, and Bank Capital" Spring 2024 Meeting of the Shadow Open Market Committee, hosted by the Manhattan Institute, New York
- Opening Remarks at 2024 New York Fed Regional and Community Banking Conference, New York
- Brief Remarks on the Economy and Monetary Policy : Remarks at the Massachusetts Bankers Association Annual Convention, Key Biscayne, Florida
- Financial Stability Risks: Resiliency and the Role of Regulators : Remarks at Texas Bankers Association 2024 Annual Meeting, Arlington, Texas
- Innovation and the Evolving Financial Landscape : Remarks at The Digital Chamber DC Blockchain Summit 2024, Washington, D.C.
- Brief Remarks on the Economy, Monetary Policy, and Bank Regulation : Remarks at Pennsylvania Bankers Association 2024 Convention, Nashville, Tennessee
- The Federal Reserve's Balance Sheet as a Monetary Policy Tool: Past Lessons and Future Considerations : Remarks at the 2024 BOJ-IMES Conference, Hosted by the Institute for Monetary and Economic Studies, Bank of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
- Innovation in the Financial System : Remarks at The Salzburg Global Seminar on Financial Technology Innovation, Social Impact, and Regulation: Do We Need New Paradigms? Salzburg, Austria
- Perspectives on U.S. Monetary Policy and Bank Capital Reform : Remarks at Policy Exchange, London, England
- Opening Remarks at The Midwest Cyber Workshop, The Federal Reserve Banks of St. Louis, Chicago, and Kansas City, St. Louis, Missouri
- The Consequences of Bank Capital Reform : Remarks at The ISDA Board of Directors, London, England
- Brief Remarks on the Economy, Monetary Policy, and Bank Regulation : Remarks at the Idaho, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington Bankers Associations 2024 Annual Convention, Stevenson, Washington
- Promoting an Inclusive Financial System : Remarks at Financial Inclusion Practices and Innovations, Washington, D.C.
- Opening Remarks at Fed Listens: Exploring Challenges Facing the Childcare Industry, Working Parents, and Employers, Chicago
- Liquidity, Supervision, and Regulatory Reform : Remarks at "Exploring Conventional Bank Funding Regimes in an Unconventional World" A Research Conference, Co-Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Banks of Dallas and Atlanta, Dallas, Texas
- Opening Remarks at "Advance Together: Celebrating the Achievements of Texas Community Partnerships," a public event at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, Texas
- Update on the Economic Outlook, and Perspective on Bank Culture, M&A, and Liquidity : Remarks at the 2024 CEO and Senior Management Summit and Annual Meeting, Sponsored by the Kansas Bankers Association, Colorado Springs, Colorado
- Remarks on the Economic Outlook and Financial Inclusion at the Alaska Bankers Association, Anchorage, Alaska
- The Future of Stress Testing and the Stress Capital Buffer Framework : Remarks at Executive Council of the Banking Law Section of the Federal Bar Association, Washington, D.C.
- Statement [Regarding September 18, 2024 Dissent]
- Recent Views on Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook : Remarks at the 2024 Kentucky Bankers Association Annual Convention, Hot Springs, Virginia
- Recent Views on Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook : Remarks at the Mid-Size Bank Coalition of America Board of Directors Workshop, Dallas, Texas
- Recent Views on Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook : Remarks at the Georgia Bankers Association President/CEO Conference, Charleston, South Carolina
- Building a Community Banking Framework for the Future : Remarks at The 2024 Community Banking Research Conference, Sponsored by the Federal Reserve System, the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, St. Louis, Missouri
- Challenges to the Community Banking Model : Remarks at The 18th Annual Community Bankers Symposium, Community Banking: Navigating a Changing Landscape, Chicago
- Opening Remarks at the Eighth Annual Fintech Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Approaching Policymaking Pragmatically : Remarks at Forum Club of the Palm Beaches, West Palm Beach, Florida
- Artificial Intelligence in the Financial System : Remarks at The 27th Annual Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Japan and the United States, Washington, D.C.
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Bowman, Michelle W., 1971- and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935-. Statements and Speeches of Michelle W. Bowman. 2019-2024,, accessed on February 18, 2025.