
H.4.2 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in the United States


  • Condition of Member Banks, 1919-1920
  • Condition of Member Banks in Leading Cities, 1920-1929
  • Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities (B 804), 1929-1935
  • Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities (B 804), 1935-1937
  • Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in 101 Leading Cities (FR 284), 1937-1941
  • Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities (FR 284), 1941-1946
  • Condition of Weekly Reporting Member Banks in Leading Cities (H.4.2), 1947-1966
  • Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks (H.4.2), 1966-1969
  • Weekly Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries (H.4.2), 1969-1978
  • Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks and Domestic Subsidiaries (H.4.2), 1979-1991
  • Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in the United States, 1991-1996
  • H.4.2 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in the United States

    • 1910s
    • 1920s
    • 1930s
    • 1940s
    • 1950s
    • 1960s
    • 1980s
    • 1990s
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    More Information

    From December 16, 1917 to February 1, 1919, the Board published Condition of Member Banks together with Resources and Liabilities of the Federal Reserve Banks. On February 8, 1919, the two releases were separated.

    From 1927 to 1946, condition of reporting member banks in New York and Chicago was part of H.4.2; as of May 14, 1946, the data was published as a separate release, H.4.3.


    • sudocs: FR 1.16
    • oclc: 2565465
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    Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935- and Federal Reserve Board, 1914-1935. H.4.2 Weekly Consolidated Condition Report of Large Commercial Banks in the United States. 1919-1996., accessed on October 19, 2024.