Economic Brief
These are web-exclusive essays, from the Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, on current economic issues and trends that are based on staff economists' ongoing research and published work.
- 2000s
- 2010s
- Is the Output Gap a Faulty Gauge for Monetary Policy?, No. 10-01
- Is a New Asset Bubble Emerging in Certain Markets?, No. 10-02
- Excess Reserves and the New Challenges for Monetary Policy, No. 10-03
- Comparing Labor Markets Across Recessions : A Focus on the Age Composition of the Population, No. 10-04
- Is There Stigma Associated With Discount Window Borrowing?, No. 10-05
- Now How Large Is the Safety Net?, No. 10-06
- How Useful Are Consumer Surveys as Macroeconomic Indicators?, No. 10-07
- When Did the Recession End?, No. 10-08
- The Effects of Local Demographic Characteristics and State-Level Legislation on Foreclosure Rates, No. 10-09
- The Responses of Small and Large Firms to Tight Credit Shocks : The Case of 2008 Through the Lens of Gertler and Gilchrist (1994), No. 10-10
- What Trends Exist in Regional Housing Market Data?, No. 10-11
- The Service Sector and the "Great Recession" - A Fifth District Perspective, No. 10-12
- How Might the Fed's Large-Scale Asset Purchases Lower Long-Term Interest Rates?, No. 11-01
- Small Business Lending During the Recession, No. 11-02
- The Earned Income Tax Credit : Recipients, Labor Force Participation, and Credit Constraints, No. 11-03
- Identifying Systemically Important Financial Institutions, No. 11-04
- The Role of Interchange Fees on Debit and Credit Card Transactions in the Payments System, No. 11-05
- Basel III and the Continuing Evolution of Bank Capital Regulation, No. 11-06
- Monetary Policy With Unknown Natural Rates, No. 11-07
- Is Stimulative Fiscal Policy More Effective at the Zero Lower Bound?, No. 11-08
- Potential Causes and Implications of the Rise in Long-Term Unemployment, No. 11-09
- Fifth District Manufacturing and the Recession : An Analysis of Subsector Performance, No. 11-10
- Recoveries From Recessions Associated With Banking Crises : How Does This One Compare?, No. 11-11
- The Federal Reserve's "Dual Mandate" : The Evolution of an Idea, No. 11-12
- Where Are Households in the Deleveraging Cycle?, No. 12-01
- Experimenting With Contingent Capital Triggers, No. 12-02
- Loan Loss Reserve Accounting and Bank Behavior, No. 12-03
- The Spice of Life : Allowing for Heterogeneity in Macro Models, No. 12-04
- Microenterprise and the Small-Dollar Loan Market, No. 12-05
- The Increased Role of Flows Between Nonparticipation and Unemployment During the Great Recession and Recovery, No. 12-06
- Unsustainable Fiscal Policy : Implications for Monetary Policy, No. 12-07
- TARGET2 : Symptom, Not Cause, of Eurozone Woes, No. 12-08
- Can Orderly Liquidation Solve the Problems of Bailouts and Bankruptcies?, No. 12-09
- Explaining an Industry Cluster : The Case of U.S. Car Makers From 1895-1969, No. 12-10
- Are Depression-Era Employment Swings Overstated?, No. 12-11
- A Citizen's Guide to Unconventional Monetary Policy, No. 12-12
- All Mortgages Are Not Created Equal, No. 13-01
- Why Do Debit Card Networks Charge Percentage Fees?, No. 13-02
- Fed Credit Policy During the Great Depression, No. 13-03
- Job Search Behavior : Lessons From Online Job Search, No. 13-04
- Does Money Still Matter for Monetary Policy?, No. 13-05
- Implications of Risks and Rewards in College Decisions, No. 13-06
- Land of Opportunity? Economic Mobility in the United States, No. 13-07
- Will a Surge in Labor Force Participation Impede Unemployment Rate Improvement?, No. 13-08
- Is Fiscal Austerity Good for the Economy?, No. 13-09
- Welfare Analysis of Debit Card Interchange Fee Regulation, No. 13-10
- Assessing the Risks of Mortgage REITs, No. 13-11
- How Risky Are Young Borrowers?, No. 13-12
- Learning About Fiscal Policy Uncertainty, No. 14-01
- Reforming Money Market Mutual Funds : A Difficult Assignment, No. 14-02
- The Richmond Fed Manufacturing and Service Sector Surveys : A User's Guide, No. 14-03
- The First Time the Fed Bought GSE Debt, No. 14-04
- Expanding the Scope of Workforce Development, No. 14-05
- Does the Unemployment Rate Really Overstate Labor Market Recovery?, No. 14-06
- Should the Fed Do Emergency Lending?, No. 14-07
- The Prevalence of Apprenticeships in Germany and the United States, No. 14-08
- Putting the Beveridge Curve Back to Work, No. 14-09
- Investing Over the Life Cycle : One Size Doesn't Fit All, No. 14-10
- Does Enforcement of Employee Noncompete Agreements Impede the Development of Industry Clusters?, No. 14-11
- Understanding Market Failure in the 2007-08 Crisis, No. 14-12
- Why Does the Fed Study Regional Economics?, No. 15-01
- How Should the Fed Interpret Slow Wage Growth?, No. 15-02
- Explaining the Decline in the Number of Banks Since the Great Recession, No. 15-03
- Nominal GDP : Target or Benchmark?, No. 15-04
- Discount Window Lending : Policy Trade-offs and the 1985 BoNY Computer Failure, No. 15-05
- Did Banking Reforms of the Early 1990s Fail? Lessons From Comparing Two Banking Crises, No. 15-06
- Buyers' Ability and Willingness to Shop Around : An Explanation for Price Dispersion, No. 15-07
- Living Wills for Systemically Important Financial Institutions : Some Expected Benefits and Challenges, No. 15-08
- Inflation Targeting : Could Bad Luck Explain Persistent One-Sided Misses?, No. 15-09
- Calculating the Natural Rate of Interest : A Comparison of Two Alternative Approaches, No. 15-10
- Why Are Women Leaving the Labor Force?, No. 15-11
- Did the Durbin Amendment Reduce Merchant Costs? Evidence From Survey Results, No. 15-12
- Understanding the New Liquidity Coverage Ration Requirements, No. 16-01
- The Cost of Fed Membership, No. 16-02
- Measuring CEO Compensation, No. 16-03
- The Role of Option Value in College Decisions, No. 16-04
- Do Net Interest Margins and Interest Rates Move Together?, No. 16-05
- Using Inventories to Help Explain Post-1984 Business Cycles, No. 16-06
- A "New Normal"? The Prospects for Long-Term Growth in the United States, No. 16-07
- Whom Do the Federal Reserve Bank Boards Serve?, No. 16-08
- How Did Short-Term Market Rates React to Liftoff?, No. 16-09
- Assessing the Effect of the Affordable Care Act on Part-Time Employment, No. 16-10
- The Burns Disinflation of 1974, No. 16-11
- The Role of Central Bank Lending in the Conduct of Monetary Policy, No. 16-12
- Does Redistribution Increase Output?, No. 17-01
- How Couples Approach Portfolio Allocation, No. 17-02
- Are the Effects of Monetary Policy Asymmetric?, No. 17-03
- What Two Billion Retail Transactions Reveal About Consumers' Choice of Payments, No. 17-04
- Medical Spending in Old Age, No. 17-05
- Does the Fed Have a Financial Stability Mandate?, No. 17-06
- Responding to Urban Decline, No. 17-07
- Understanding the Surge in Commercial Real Estate Lending, No. 17-08
- Are the Effects of Fiscal Policy Asymmetric?, No. 17-09
- Should We Worry About Trade Imbalances?, No. 17-10
- Can We Tax Social Security Benefits More Efficiently?, No. 17-11
- Transitioning From High School to College : Differences Across Virginia, No. 17-12
- Unauthorized Immigration : Evaluating the Effects and Policy Responses, No. 18-01
- How Does Family Structure During Childhood Affect College Preparedness and Completion?, No. 18-02
- Preventing Bank Runs, No. 18-03
- The Roots of 'Bubbly' Recessions, No. 18-04
- Estimating Aggregate Fiscal Multipliers From Local Data, No. 18-05
- Assessing Large Financial Firm Resolvability, No. 18-06
- Slowing Growth in Educational Attainment, No. 18-07
- The Impact of Higher Temperatures on Economic Growth, No. 18-08
- How Likely Is a Return to the Zero Lower Bound?, No. 18-09
- Inequality In and Across Cities, No. 18-10
- The Differing Effects of the Business Cycle on Small and Large Banks, No. 18-11
- Have Yield Curve Inversions Become More Likely?, No. 18-12
- It's a Wonderful Loan : A Short History of Building and Loan Associations, No. 19-01
- Large Excess Reserves and the Relationship Between Money and Prices, No. 19-02
- The Persistence of Financial Distress, No. 19-03
- Moving Macroeconomic Analysis Beyond Business Cycles, No. 19-04
- Lifetime Medical Spending of Retirees, No. 19-05
- Are Markets Becoming Less Competitive?, No. 19-06
- Switching Occupational Categories, No. 19-07
- Monetary Policy Across Space and Time, No. 19-08
- Projecting Unemployment and Demographic Trends, No. 19-09
- A Closer Look at Japan's Rising Consumption Tax, No. 19-10
- Linking Municipal Defaults to Inward Migrations, No. 19-11
- Predicting Recessions, No. 19-12
- 2020s
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Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond "Economic Brief" 2008-2025.