Working Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond)
These papers are written by Richmond Fed economists, in some cases in collaboration with outside economists. They represent work prepared for later publication or presentation to professional meetings.
- 1970s
- Simulations of Marginal Reserve Requirements on Large Denomination Certificates of Deposit in the FRB Model, Working Paper 73-1
- Monetary Policy, Bank Credit, and Total Credit : A Preliminary Analysis, Working Paper 73-2
- The Cost of Capital, the Desired Capital Stock, and a Variable Investment Tax Credit as a Stabilization Tool, Working Paper 73-3
- Thrift Institution Competition with Commercial Banks : Empirical Evidence, Working Paper 74-1
- Alternative Optimal Open Market Strategies : A Classical Optimization Certainty Equivalence Approach, Working Paper 74-2
- An Employment Pressure Index as an Alternative Measure of Labor Market Conditions, Working Paper 74-3
- Alternative Reserve Concepts as Operating Targets in Monetary Policy Implementation : Specification of the Structural Model, Working Paper 74-4
- Commercial Banking Performance and Structure : A Factor Analysis Approach, Working Paper 74-5
- A General Model of Bank Decisions, Working Paper 74-6
- Multibank Holding Companies and Bank Behavior, Working Paper 75-1
- Interest Rates, Expectations, and the Wicksellian Policy Rule, Working Paper 75-2
- Bank Management, Competition, and Interest Rates : A Portfolio Model of Discount Window Activity, Working Paper 76-1
- The Motivation for Bank Holding Company Acquisitions, Working Paper 76-2
- Determinants of Long-Term Bond Risk Premiums, Working Paper 76-3
- The Cost of Membership in the Federal Reserve System, Working Paper 77-1
- Interest Rate Expectations and the Demand for Short-Term Business Credit, Working Paper 77-2
- The Risk-Free U.S. Bond Rate : Errors in Construction and Use in Econometric Work, Working Paper 77-3
- Federal Reserve Policy Strategy and Interest Rate Seasonality, Working Paper 78-1
- Uncertain Inflation, Systematic Risk, and the Capital Asset Pricing Model, Working Paper 78-2
- Required Reserves, Correspondent Balances and Cash Asset Positions of Member and Nonmember Banks : Evidence from the Fifth Federal Reserve District, Working Paper 78-3
- Measuring the Default Risk of Bonds Using Yields to Maturity, Working Paper 78-4
- Determinants of Correspondent Banking Relationships with the Federal Reserve System, Working Paper 79-1
- A Note on the Neutrality of Temporary Monetary Disturbances, Working Paper 79-2
- The Determinants of Labor Force Participation : An Empirical Analysis, Working Paper 79-3
- Determinants of the Spread Between Treasury Bill and Private Sector Money Market Rates, Working Paper 79-4
- An Alternate Method of Estimating the Cagan Money Demand Function in Hyperinflation Under Rational Expectations, Working Paper 79-5
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Current working papers available from
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond
Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond. Working Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond). Richmond, VA: Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, 1973-2024,, accessed on February 8, 2025.