Working Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago)
- FRB Chicago Working Papers
- Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Working Paper
- Working Paper Series
- Issues in Financial Regulation
- International Finance Discussion Papers
- Staff Memoranda
- Regional Economic Issues
- Staff Studies
- Macroeconomic Issues
- Issues in Macroeconomics
- 1970s
- Autoregressive Form of Time-Polynomial Extrapolation, SM-75-1
- Reserve Requirements -- Are They Lagged in the Wrong Direction?, SM-75-2
- Lissajous Figures and Cyclical Fluctuations in Unemployment and Inflation, SM-75-3
- Money, Prices, and Interest Rates in Stable Monetary Growth Models, SM-76-1
- Advertising for Demand Deposits, SM-76-2
- Long-Run Deposit Variability, SM-76-3
- Financial Disclosure and Market Evaluations of Bank Debt Securities, SM-76-4
- The Persistence of Aggregate Employment and the Neutrality of Money, SM-77-1
- A Comparative Study of the Effect of Leverage on Risk Premiums for Debt Issues of Banks and Bank Holding Companies, SM-78-1
- Convenience and Needs Considerations : A Post-Audit Survey, SM-78-2
- Bank Soundness and the Market for Large Negotiable Certificates of Deposit, SM-79-1
- The Effect of Holding Company Affiliation Upon the Scale Economies of Banks, SM-79-2
- Large Bank Failures and Investor Perceptions of the Riskiness of Banking, SM-79-3
- Comparing Market and Regulatory Assessments of Bank Soundness, SM-79-4
- Modeling the Market for Bank Debt Capital, SM-79-5
- A Linear Model of the Long-Run Neutrality of Money, SM-79-6
- Reserve Requirements, Deposit Insurance and Monetary Control, SM-79-7
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
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Includes subseries titled: Issues in Financial Regulation, International Finance Discussion Papers, Staff Memoranda, Regional Economic Issues, Staff Studies, Macroeconomic Issues, and Issues in Macroeconomics. Current working papers available from