Economy Matters : Regional Economics
Economy Matters features timely research and articles on the economic issues affecting the Sixth District region.
- 2010s
- Coastal Mississippi Has Learned to Take a Punch and Get Back Up
- Coastal Restoration : "What's the Cost If We Don't Do It?"
- Middle Tennessee Driving the Volunteer State's Economic Resurgence
- New Orleans, 10 Years after Katrina
- Honda Came to Town at Just the Right Time for Talladega County, Alabama
- The Atlanta Fed's Economic Education Program Goes to the Races, the Ballpark, the Auto Plant...
- Atlanta Fed's New Orleans Branch, the Fed's First, Turns 100
- A Changing Composition : Hispanics in the Southeast
- Data Digests Updated with Recent Data
- Exports a (Small) Cloud on Economy's Silver Lining
- Housing Faces Uneven Recovery in Southeast
- The Atlanta Fed's Miami Branch : A Hub for U.S. Currency
- The Sum of the Parts : A Look at Auto Parts Manufacturing Employment in the Southeast
- For Florida, the Graying of America Presents Both Promises and Pitfalls
- In with the New (Orleans) : An Interview with an Atlanta Fed Regional Executive
- Atlanta Fed Officials Going to the Grassroots
- South Florida Looks to Gain as U.S. Travel Industry Gets Set for Cuba Takeoff
- New Orleans Community Leaders Address Affordable Housing Challenges
- Then and Now : Alabama's Employment Landscape
- What Is REIN? Part 1 : How the Atlanta Fed Stays in Touch with Nearly 50 Million People
- To Reshore or Not to Reshore, That Is the Question
- Apartments, and Rents, Are Rising across the Southeast. Is It Too Much?
- CNN's Great Big Story Airs Piece on Recycling Old Cash
- Employer Perspectives on Southeast Labor Market Conditions in Eight Charts
- Southern States Avoid Minimum Wage-Raising Bandwagon
- Putting Down Roots : Regional Farmers Markets Grow, Diversify
- Southeast Enjoys Record Travel but Growth Expected to Ease
- What Is REIN? Part 2 : How REIN Distills Information for Input into Monetary Policy
- Commercial Real Estate Leads Modest Economic Growth
- Hotel Industry Braces for Cooldown after Record Performance Run
- Tending to the Farm, Part 1 : Farther Out of Sight and Smaller, Agriculture Remains a Major Regional Force
- November Data Digests Released
- Tending to the Farm, Part 2 : Big Chicken Gets Bigger
- After the Waters Recede : Assessing the Impact of Louisiana's Floods
- College Sports Are Big Business, but Not Nearly as Big as College Itself
- Beige Book Mostly Upbeat
- Development in All Directions : Atlanta Poised to Take Off
- New Video Shows How Atlanta Fed Goes to the Grassroots
- Tending to the Farm, Part 3 : Technology Reshapes Agriculture
- Beige Book : Some Employers Pickier, Others Less So
- Southeast's Airports Affected by Cutbacks but Get Boost from Discount Airlines
- Employer Perspectives on Southeast Labor Market Conditions
- Beige Book Reports Growing Workforce Development Efforts
- Ports and the Southeast : Delivering the Goods
- Beige Book Finds Optimism, Ongoing Hiring Challenges
- Birmingham : A Powerful History Forged from Iron
- Inside the Class and Out, the Atlanta Fed Furthers Economic Education
- May Data Digests Released
- Beige Book : Labor Market Tightness Reaching Entry-Level Jobs
- Meet the New Atlanta Fed President
- The Big Easy's Big Tourism Boom
- States' GDP : A Closer Look
- Beige Book : Firms Expand Training Programs
- Transportation Has Long Fueled Atlanta
- To Build or Not Build in the Southeast?
- Southbound and Up : Region Continues Adding Residents
- Hurricane Andrew, 25 Years Later
- Beige Book : Labor Scarce
- Beige Book Finds Hurricane Setbacks but Continued Optimism
- Atlanta Fed President Visits an Optimistic New Orleans
- New Orleans Stays True to Its History Even as It Evolves
- Beige Book : Growth Expected, but Irma's Effects Linger
- The Atlanta Fed's Gail Psilos Opens Doors
- Atlanta Fed Explores Rural-Metro Economic Divide
- Increased Hiring? So Says the Beige Book
- Examining Alabama : An Interview with the Atlanta Fed's Lesley McClure
- Ecommerce Fuels a Warehouse Boom
- January Data Digests Released
- Keeping Her Finger on the Pulse : An Interview with the Atlanta Fed's Shalini Patel
- Atlanta Fed Chief Visits a Nashville on the Rise
- Beige Book Notes Price Pressure
- The Rural South Wins Together, or Not at All
- Beige Book : Good Times for Truck Drivers
- Beige Book Finds Trade Policy Concerns, Creative Recruiting
- The Affordable Housing Shortage : Can Transit-Oriented Development Play a Role?
- The Rail Deal : Atlanta's Transit Agency Pursuing Real Estate Development
- Atlanta Fed President's Visit Highlights Birmingham's Economic Challenges, Opportunities
- Regional Contacts Cite Difficulty in Finding Skilled Labor
- Sunny Days for Florida Tourism
- Will Car-Happy South Florida See a Rail Renaissance?
- From Sawmills to Finance, Jacksonville's Economy Evolves
- Nashville Tourism Singing a Happy Tune
- Beige Book : Firms Struggling to Find Hourly Workers
- Why NAFTA Matters
- Por que o NAFTA é Importante?
- Por qué es importante el TLCAN
- Regional Contacts : Firms Report Rising Costs
- Regional Firms Struggling to Hire Hourly Workers
- Southeast Rural Manufacturing : A Rural-Urban Divide
- Economic Development Incentives Keep Flowing, Despite Uncertain Benefits
- From Garments to Amazon : Economic Incentive Programs Started in Mississippi
- Beige Book : Pay Raises at Major National Firms Seen across the Southeast
- Confronting Rental Affordability Shortages in the Rural Southeast
- Miami : From Land Rushes to Massive Immigration
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Current issues can be found on the Atlanta Fed's website:
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Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- Economy Matters
- Economy Matters : Podcast
- Economy Matters : Economic Research
- Economy Matters : Banking and Finance
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Economy Matters : Regional Economics. Atlanta, GA: Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 2015-2023., accessed on March 31, 2025.