Statements and Speeches of W. P. G. Harding
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of W.P.G. Harding. Harding began his term as a member of the Federal Reserve Board on August 10, 1914, and took office as Governor (now Chair) on August 10, 1916, serving until August 9, 1922.
- 1910s
- Letter to Mr. W.M. Clemens, Managing Editor, The Mobile Item, Mobile, Alabama
- America's Financial Position as Affected by the European War : An Address before the American Academy Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Address before the Texas Bankers' Association Convention at Waco, Texas
- The Results of the European War on America's Financial Position
- The Present Cotton Situation : Speech Under the Auspices of the Birmingham Chamber of Commerce, Birmingham, Alabama
- Efficiency and Industrial Preparedness : Address before the Alumni Society of the University of Alabama, at Tuscaloosa
- The present position and future development of the Federal Reserve System : Address before the Forum of the New York Chapter, American Institute of Banking
- The Federal Reserve System as a New Factor in National and International Finance : Address to the Boston City Club, Boston, Massachusetts
- The Federal Reserve Note, Its Functions and Limitations : From an Address before the Convention of the Ohio Bankers Association at Columbus, Ohio
- The National Banks in War Time : Their Problems and Work : From an Address before the National Bank Section of the American Bankers Association at Chicago, Illinois
- Telegram Suggesting Transit and Audit Conference to be Held in Chicago, Illinois, November 11, 1918
- Inflation the Result, Not the Cause, of High Prices
- Should Exports be Restricted as a Means of Reducing the Present High Cost of Living? : An Address Delivered before the Convention of the West Virginia Bankers' Association at White Sulphur Springs
- 1920s
- The Need for Conservation of Credit : An Address Delivered at Boston before the Massachusetts Bankers' Association
- The Problems of the United States as a Creditor Nation : Delivered before the Second Pan-American Financial Conference, in the Pan-American Building, Washington, D.C.
- The Marketing of Crops : Address Before the Convention of the American Cotton Association at Montgomery, Ala.
- Economy in Using Credit : An Address delivered at the conference in Washington Between the Federal Reserve Board, Members of the Federal Advisory Council, and the Class A Directors of the Twelve Federal Reserve Banks
- Opening Remarks at the Conference with the Federal Reserve Board of the Federal Advisory Council and the Class "A" Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks, Washington, D.C.
- The Problem of Credit Regulation and Control : Address before the Federal Advisory Council, the Class "A" Directors of the Federal Reserve Banks and the Orderly Deflation Committee of the American Bankers' Association, Washington, D.C.
- Present Condition and Future Prospects of the Automotive Industry from the Standpoint of the Federal Reserve Banking System : An Address Delivered before The Motor and Accessory Manufacturers Association, at Cleveland, Ohio
- Functions and Policies of the Federal Reserve System : Address Before the Chamber of Commerce of Cleveland, Ohio
- A Brief Discussion of Present Conditions : Address before the American Farm Bureau Federation at Indianapolis, Indiana
- Address on Western Trip
- Working Back to Normal : An Address Delivered at the Annual Dinner of Group VIII of the New York State Bankers' Association, New York City, N Y.
- The Federal Reserve System: What it Is and What it Is Not : Address at the 'Made-In-Carolinas' Exposition at Charlotte, N. C.
- Letter to Hon. Samuel R. McKelvie, Governor of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska
- Efficiency and Economy in Administration of Federal Reserve Banks
- Response to S. Res. 153 : Letter to the President of the Senate
- The Federal Reserve System as Related to American Business : Address before the Washington Chamber of Commerce.
- Credit, Currency and Business : Address before the Southern Wholesale Dry Goods Association, Birmingham, Ala.
- The Federal Reserve System and the Control of Credit : Remarks of W. P. G. Harding at the dinner of the Economic Club of New York
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Harding, W. P. G. (William Proctor Gould), 1864-1930 and Federal Reserve Board, 1914-1935. Statements and Speeches of W. P. G. Harding. 1915-1929,, accessed on March 26, 2025.