Working Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)
These papers are written by San Francisco Fed economists, in some cases in collaboration with outside economists. They represent work prepared for later publication or presentation to professional meetings.
- 1990s
- Estimating and Testing Rational Expectations Models When the Trend Specification is Uncertain, Working Paper 1996-01
- Compensating Differentials and Evolution of the Quality-of-Life Among U.S. States, Working Paper 1996-06
- Leaving Los Angeles : Migration, Economic Opportunity, and the Quality-of-Life, Working Paper 1996-10
- Location and the Growth of Nations, Working Paper 1997-02
- Is There Private Information in the FX Market? The Tokyo Experiment, Working Paper No. PB97-04
- Returns on Illiquid Assets : Are They Fair Games?, Working Paper 1997-05
- Monetary Policy in A Changing Financial Environment – Searching for An Efficient Monetary Policy Framework in Korea, Working Paper No. PB97-05
- Earnings Mobility and Instability, 1969-1995, Working Paper 1997-06
- The Usual Suspects? Productivity and Demand Shocks and Asia-Pacific Real Exchange Rates, Working Paper No. PB97-06
- Opportunistic and Deliberate Disinflation Under Imperfect Credibility, Working Paper 1997-07
- On the Won : And Other East Asian Currencies, Working Paper No. PB97-07
- Growth and Investment Across Countries : Are Primitives All That Matter?, Working Paper 1997-11
- Expectations, Credibility, and Disinflation in a Small Macroeconomic Model, Working Paper 1998-01
- Korean Banks' Responses to the Strengthening of Capital Adequacy Requirements, Working Paper No. PB98-01
- Declining Job Security, Working Paper 1998-02
- Asia's Financial Crisis : Lessons and Policy Responses, Working Paper No. PB98-02
- Contagion and Trade : Why Are Currency Crises Regional?, Working Paper No. PB98-03
- Optimal Taxation of Capital Income with Imperfectly Competitive Product Markets, Working Paper 1998-04
- Borrowing Constraints and Asset Market Dynamics : Evidence from the Pacific Basin, Working Paper No. PB98-04
- Housing Prices and the (In)stability of Mortgage Prepayment Models : Evidence from California, Working Paper 1998-05
- Was There a Boom in Money and Credit Prior to East Asia's Recent Currency Crisis?, Working Paper No. PB98-05
- A Simple Adaptive Measure of Core Inflation, Working Paper 1998-06
- Contagion Effects During the Asian Financial Crisis : Some Evidence from Stock Price Data, Working Paper No. PB98-06
- Idiosyncratic Risk and the Equity Premium : Evidence from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, Working Paper 1998-07
- Thoughts on the Origins of the Asia Crisis : Impulses and Propagation Mechanisms, Working Paper No. PB98-07
- Alternative Definitions of the Business Cycle and Their Implications for Business Cycle Models : A Reply to Torben Mark Pederson, Working Paper 1998-08
- Securities Activities by Commercial Banking Firms' Section 20 Subsidiaries : Risk, Return, and Diversification Benefits, Working Paper 1998-10
- Money and Credit, Competitiveness, and Currency Crises in Asia and Latin America, Working Paper No. PB99-01
- Are All Banking Crises Alike? The Japanese Experience in International Comparison, Working Paper No. PB99-02
- Optimal Indicators of Socioeconomic Status for Health Research, Working Paper 1999-03
- Is It True that Insurers Benefit from a Catastrophic Event? Market Reactions to the 1995 Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake, Working Paper No. PB99-04
- Japanese Management Views on Overseas Exchange Listings : Survey Results, Working Paper No. PB99-05
- Evaluating Credit Risk Models, Working Paper 1999-06
- Bank Charter Value and the Viability of the Japanese Convoy System, Working Paper No. PB99-06
- The Role of Relative Performance in Bank Closure Decisions, Working Paper 1999-07
- Banking and Currency Crises : How Common Are Twins?, Working Paper No. PB99-07
- Heat Waves, Meteor Showers, and Trading Volume : An Analysis of Volatility Spillovers in the U.S. Treasury Market, Working Paper 1999-09
- Hidden Cost Reductions in Bank Mergers : Accounting for More Productive Banks, Working Paper 1999-10
- Market Evidence on the Opaqueness of Banking Firms' Assets, Working Paper 1999-11
- Housing Price Cycles and Prepayment Rates of U.S. Mortgage Pools, Working Paper 1999-12
- Model Uncertainty, Robust Policies, and the Value of Commitment, Working Paper 1999-14
- The Potential Diversification and Failure Reduction Benefits of Bank Expansion into Nonbanking Activities, Working Paper 2000-01
- Union Effects on Health Insurance Provision and Coverage in the United States, Working Paper 2000-04
- 2000s
- 2010s
- 2020s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Current working papers can be found at
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- Center for Pacific Basin Studies Working Papers
- Center for the Study of Innovation and Productivity Working Papers
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Working Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco). San Francisco, CA: Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1996-2023,, accessed on February 12, 2025.