Working Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta)
The Research Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta publishes a working paper series to convey the research of staff economists and visiting scholars and stimulate professional discussion and exploration of economic and financial subjects.
- 1990s
- European Monetary Union : Evidence from Structural VARs, Working Paper 95-1
- Insider Trading and the Problem of Corporate Agency, Working Paper 95-2
- Political Party Negotiations Income Distribution and Endogenous Growth, Working Paper 95-3
- Information Quality Performance Measurement and Security Demand in Rational Expectations Economics, Working Paper 95-4
- Collusion in Uniform-Price Auctions : Experimental Evidence and Implications for Treasury Auctions, Working Paper 95-5
- Error Bands for Impulse Responses, Working Paper 95-6
- Identifying Monetary Policy in a Small Open Economy under Flexible Exchange Rates, Working Paper 95-7
- Bankruptcy Law Capital Allocation and Aggregate Effects : A Dynamic Heterogeneous Agent Model with Incomplete Markets, Working Paper 95-8
- Clearinghouse Access and Bank Runs : Comparing New York and Chicago during the Panic of 1907, Working Paper 95-9
- Fiscal and Monetary Policy Interactions In an Endogenous Growth Model with Financial Intermediaries, Working Paper 95-10
- On the Efficiency of Cash Settlement, Working Paper 95-11
- The Implied Volatility of U.S. Interest Rates : Evidence from Callable U.S. Treasuries, Working Paper 95-12
- Empirical Tests of Two State-Variable HJM Models, Working Paper 95-13
- Off-Farm Income and Risk Reduction in Agriculture : When Does It Matter?, Working Paper 95-14
- An Intertemporal Model of Consumption and Portfolio Allocation, Working Paper 95-15
- Rational Expectations Equilibrium in an Economy with Segmented Capital Asset Markets, Working Paper 95-16
- Index Arbitrage and Nonlinear Dynamics Between the S&P 500 Futures and Cash, Working Paper 95-17
- Financial Market Breakdown Due to Strategy Constraints and Information Asymmetry, Working Paper 95-18
- Asymmetric Information about Volatility and Option Markets, Working Paper 95-19
- Nonaddictive Habit Formation and the Equity Premium Puzzle, Working Paper 96-1
- Applying Economic Restrictions to Foreign Exchange Rate Dynamics : Spot Rates, Futures, and Options, Working Paper 96-2
- Suspension of Payments, Bank Failures and the Nonbank Public's Losses, Working Paper 96-3
- An Endogenous Growth Model of Money, Banking, and Financial Repression, Working Paper 96-4
- Estimation of Risk-Neutral and Statistical Densities by Hermite Polynomial Approximation, Working Paper 96-5
- The Impact of a Dealer's Failure on OTC Derivatives Market Liquidity during Volatile Periods, Working Paper 96-6
- Emerging Debt and Equity Markets : An Exploratory Investigation of Integration Using Daily Data, Working Paper 96-7
- Identification, Vector Autoregression, and Block Recursion, Working Paper 96-8
- Pricing and Hedging Index Options under Stochastic Volatility : An Empirical Examination, Working Paper 96-9
- Payment System Settlement and Bank Incentives, Working Paper 96-10
- Endogenous Term Premia and Anomalies in the Term Structure of Interest Rates : Explaining the Predictability Smile, Working Paper 96-11
- Testing Term Structure Estimation Methods, Working Paper 96-12a
- Bayesian Methods for Dynamic Multivariate Models, Working Paper 96-13
- The Information Content of Financial Aggregates in Australia, Working Paper 96-14
- Specifying a Consistent Joint Maximum-Likelihood (JMLE) Approach to Testing Bond Models, Working Paper 96-15
- Price Reactions to Public Announcements, Working Paper 96-16
- MLE Is Alive and Well in the Financial Markets, Working Paper 96-17
- Are There Optimal Multiple Reserve Requirements?, Working Paper 96-18
- Corporate Hedging in the Insurance Industry : The Use of Financial Derivatives by U.S. Insurers, Working Paper 96-19
- Credible Monetary Policy with Long-Lived Agents : Recursive Approaches, Working Paper 96-20
- Pricing S&P 500 Index Options Using a Hilbert Space Basis, Working Paper 96-21
- Exchange Rate Pass-through and the Role of International Distribution Channels, Working Paper 96-22
- Callable U.S. Treasury Bonds : Optimal Calls, Anomalies, and Implied Volatilities, Working Paper 97-1
- Insider Trading, Costly Monitoring, and Managerial Incentives, Working Paper 97-2
- The Cost of Doing Business Abroad and International Capital Market Equilibrium, Working Paper 97-3
- A General Equilibrium Analysis of Check Float, Working Paper 97-4
- Is the Male Marriage Premium Due to Selection? : The Effect of Shotgun Weddings on the Return to Marriage, Working Paper 97-5a
- Interest Rate Swaps and Economic Exposure, Working Paper 97-6
- Trends in Velocity and Policy Expectations, Working Paper 97-7
- Financial Aggregates as Conditioning Information for Australian Output and Inflation, Working Paper 97-8
- A Closed Form GARCH Option Pricing Model, Working Paper 97-9
- Spline Methods for Extracting Interest Rate Curves from Coupon Bond Prices, Working Paper 97-10
- Normalization, Probability Distribution, and Impulse Responses, Working Paper 97-11
- Derivatives and Corporate Risk Management : Participation and Volume Decisions in the Insurance Industry, Working Paper 97-12
- The Elasticity of Interest Rate Volatility : Chan, Karolyi, Longstaff, and Sanders Revisited, Working Paper 97-13a
- Macroeconomic Fluctuations in Europe : Demand or Supply, Permanent or Temporary?, Working Paper 97-14
- A Transitional Analysis of the Welfare Cost of Inflation, Working Paper 97-15
- Financial Fragility and the Exchange Rate Regime, Working Paper 97-16
- Jump Risk, Time-Varying Risk Premia, and Technical Trading Profits, Working Paper 97-17
- A Public Finance Analysis of Multiple Reserve Requirements, Working Paper 98-1
- On Government Credit Programs, Working Paper 98-2
- Determinants of Recent Immigrants' Locational Choices, Working Paper 98-3
- The Effects of Official English Laws on Limited-English-Proficient Workers, Working Paper 98-4a
- Demandable Debt as a Means of Payment : Banknotes versus Checks, Working Paper 98-5
- The Long-Run Real Effects of Monetary Policy : Keynesian Predictions from a Neoclassical Model, Working Paper 98-6
- Voluntary Disclosure under Imperfect Competition : Experimental Evidence, Working Paper 98-7
- Institutional Investors, Analyst Following, and the January Anomaly, Working Paper 98-8
- Bid-Ask Spreads in Multiple Dealer Settings : Some Experimental Evidence, Working Paper 98-9
- Financial Crises in Emerging Markets : A Canonical Model, Working Paper 98-10
- The Asian Liquidity Crisis, Working Paper 98-11
- Does Monetary Policy Generate Recessions?, Working Paper 98-12
- Stochastic Trends and Cointegration in the Market for Equities, Working Paper 98-13
- Time-Varying Volatility in Canadian and U.S. Stock Index and Index Futures Markets : A Multivariate Analysis, Working Paper 98-14
- Endogenous Market Structures and Financial Development, Working Paper 98-15
- Costly Intermediation and the Big Push, Working Paper 98-16
- Uncertain Litigation Cost and Seller Behavior : Evidence from an Auditing Game, Working Paper 98-17
- The Effects of Subject Pool and Design Experience on Rationality in Experimental Asset Markets, Working Paper 98-18
- Fiscal Competition and Reality : A Time Series Approach, Working Paper 98-19
- Preference-Free Option Pricing with Path-Dependent Volatility : A Closed-Form Approach, Working Paper 98-20
- Real-Time Gross Settlement and the Costs of Immediacy, Working Paper 98-21a
- Conditional Forecasts in Dynamic Multivariate Models, Working Paper 98-22
- An Experimental Study of Circuit Breakers : The Effects of Mandated Market Closures and Temporary Halts on Market Behavior, Working Paper 99-1
- Heterogeneity and the Welfare Cost of Dynamic Factor Taxes, Working Paper 99-2
- Improving Forecasts of the Federal Funds Rate in a Policy Model, Working Paper 99-3
- The Effect of Forecast Bias on Market Behavior : Evidence from Experimental Asset Markets, Working Paper 99-4
- Efficiency in Index Options Markets and Trading in Stock Baskets, Working Paper 99-5
- Barriers to International Capital Flows : Who Should Erect Them and How Big Should They Be?, Working Paper 99-6
- Concentrated Shareholdings and the Number of Outside Analysts, Working Paper 99-7
- Expected Stock Returns and Volatility in a Production Economy : A Theory and Some Evidence, Working Paper 99-8
- Does It Take Two? : The Effect of Partners' Characteristics on Teenage Pregnancy, Working Paper 99-9a
- Settlement Risk under Gross and Net Settlement, Working Paper 99-10a
- Payment Intermediation and the Origins of Banking, Working Paper 99-11
- Financial Regulatory Structure and the Resolution of Conflicting Goals, Working Paper 99-12
- Prior Parameter Uncertainty : Some Implications for Forecasting and Policy Analysis with VAR Models, Working Paper 99-13
- Portable Random Number Generators, Working Paper 99-14
- Liquidity Crises in Emerging Markets : Theory and Policy, Working Paper 99-15
- Why Didn't the United States Establish a Central Bank until after the Panic of 1907?, Working Paper 99-16
- Consumption and Asset Prices with Homothetic Recursive Preferences, Working Paper 99-17
- Consumption and Asset Prices with Recursive Preferences : Continuous-Time Approximations to Discrete-Time Models, Working Paper 99-18
- A Public Finance Analysis of Multiple Reserve Requirements, Working Paper 99-19
- A Discrete-Time Two-Factor Model for Pricing Bonds and Interest Rate Derivatives under Random Volatility, Working Paper 99-20
- Quantifying the Half-Life of Deviations from PPP : The Role of Economic Priors, Working Paper 99-21
- Modest Policy Interventions, Working Paper 99-22
- The Informativeness of Stochastic Frontier and Programming Frontier Efficiency Scores : Cost Efficiency and Other Measures of Bank Holding Company Performance, Working Paper 99-23
- 2000s
- 2010s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Current working papers available from
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta. Working Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta). Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, 1995-2018,, accessed on December 3, 2024.