Statements and Speeches of John C. Williams
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of John C. Williams. Williams served as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco from March 1, 2011 to June 17, 2018.
He took office as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York on June 18, 2018. Williams's current speeches can be found at
- 2010s
- Maintaining Price Stability in a Global Economy : Presentation to Town Hall Los Angeles
- Economics Instruction and the Brave New World of Monetary Policy : Presentation to the AEA National Conference on Teaching Economics and Research in Economic Education, San Francisco
- The Outlook for the Economy and Monetary Policy : Presentation to Community Leaders, Salt Lake City
- The Outlook for the U.S. Economy and Role for Monetary Policy : Presentation to the Rotary Club of Seattle
- Risk Management and Macroprudential Supervisory Policies : Welcoming Remarks to the Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance, San Francisco
- Unconventional Monetary Policy: Lessons from the Past Three Years : Presentation to the Swiss National Bank Research Conference, Zurich, Switzerland
- Monetary Policy in an Era of Crises : Presentation to the International Monetary Fund Annual Research Conference, Washington, D.C.
- The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy : Presentation to the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, Phoenix, AZ
- Swimming Upstream: Monetary Policy Following the Financial Crisis : Presentation at the Central Bank of Chile, Fourth Summit Meeting of Central Banks on Inflation Targeting, Santiago, Chile
- The Federal Reserve and the Economic Recovery : Presentation to The Columbian's 2012 Economic Forecast Breakfast, Vancouver, Washington
- The Federal Reserve and the Economic Recovery : Presentation to the Bishop Ranch Forum, San Ramon, California
- The Federal Reserve's Mandate and Best Practice Monetary Policy : Presentation to the Marian Miner Cook Athenaeum, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, California
- Discussion of "Housing, Monetary Policy, and the Recovery" : Presentation to the Monetary Policy Forum, New York, N.Y.
- The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy : Presentation to the CFA Hawaii Seventh Annual Economic Forecast Dinner, Honolulu
- Monetary Policy and the Slow Recovery: It's Not Just About Housing : Presentation to the University of San Diego School of Business Administration, San Diego, CA
- Monetary Policy and the Slow Recovery: It's Not Just About Housing : Presentation to the SPUR Business Breakfast Series, San Francisco
- The Slow Recovery: Causes and Monetary Policy Implications : Presentation to the 2012 Santa Barbara County Economic Summit, Santa Barbara, CA
- Bank Regulation in the Post-Crisis World : Presentation to the California Bankers Association, 121st Annual Convention, Dana Point, CA
- The Economic Outlook: Global and Domestic Challenges to Growth : Presentation to Seattle-Area Community Leaders, Bellevue, WA
- Welcoming Remarks to the Conference on Asian Banking and Finance at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- Monetary Policy, Money, and Inflation : Presentation to the Western Economic Association International, San Francisco
- The Economic Outlook and Challenges to Monetary Policy : Presentation to the Joint Convention of the Idaho, Nevada, and Oregon Bankers Associations, Coeur d'Alene, ID
- The Economic Outlook and Challenges to Monetary Policy : Presentation to Portland Community Leaders, Portland, OR
- The Economic Outlook and Challenges to Monetary Policy : Presentation to the City Club of San Francisco
- The Economy, Fiscal Policy, and Monetary Policy : Presentation to the Financial Women's Association of San Francisco
- The Role of Monetary Policy in Bolstering Economic Growth : Presentation to Community Leaders, Salt Lake City
- The Federal Reserve's Unconventional Policies : Presentation to the Center for Economics and Public Policy, UC Irvine, Irvine, California
- The Role of Monetary Policy in Bolstering Economic Growth : Presentation to the University of San Francisco Center for the Pacific Rim
- The Economy and Monetary Policy in Uncertain Times : Presentation to the SEMI 2013 Industry Strategy Symposium, Half Moon Bay, California
- The Economy and Monetary Policy: Follow the Demand : Presentation to The Forecasters Club, New York, New York
- The Economy and the Federal Reserve: Real Progress, but Too Soon to Relax : Presentation to Town Hall Los Angeles
- The Economic Outlook and Monetary Policy: Moving in the Right Direction : Presentation to the Portland Business Journal CFO of the Year Awards Luncheon, Portland, Oregon
- Life's Unpredictable Arc : Commencement Address, Economics Department, University of California, Berkeley
- The Economic Recovery: Past, Present, and Future : Presentation to the Sonoma County Economic Development Board, Rohnert Park, California
- The Economic Outlook, Unemployment, and Monetary Policy : Presentation to Portland Community Leaders, Portland, Oregon
- Bubbles Tomorrow and Bubbles Yesterday, but Never Bubbles Today? : Presentation to the National Association for Business Economics, San Francisco
- Will Unconventional Monetary Policy Be the New Normal? : Presentation to UC San Diego Economic Roundtable, San Diego, California
- Monetary Policy and the Recovery : Presentation to Boise Business and Community Leaders' Luncheon, Boise, Idaho
- Lessons from the Financial Crisis for Unconventional Monetary Policy : Panel Discussion at the NBER Conference [Boston, Massachusetts]
- Rebalancing the Economy: A Tale of Two Countries : Community Leaders Luncheon Speech, Los Angeles
- Housing, Banking, and the Recovery: The Outlook : Presentation to Lambda Alpha International and Arizona Bankers Association, Phoenix, Arizona
- Economic Conditions and Monetary Policy: A Transitional Phase : Presentation to the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York
- The Federal Reserve: Inside Monetary Policy : Speech to Seattle University Albers School of Business, Seattle, Washington
- The Economic Recovery and Monetary Policy: The Road Back to Ordinary : Presentation to the Association of Trade and Forfaiting in the Americas, San Francisco
- Financial Stability and Monetary Policy: Happy Marriage or Untenable Union? : Presentation to the Deutsche Bundesbank Conference Housing Markets and the Macroeconomy: Challenges for Monetary Policy and Financial Stability, Eltville am Rhein, Germany
- Accommodative Monetary Policy: Savior or Saboteur? : Presentation to the Utah and Montana Bankers Association, Sun Valley, Idaho
- Opening Remarks to the Los Angeles Unite for Veterans Summit, Los Angeles
- Navigating toward Normal: The Road Back to the Future for Monetary Policy : Presentation to Business and Community Leaders, Las Vegas, Nevada
- The View from Here: The Economic Outlook and Its Implications for Monetary Policy : Presentation to CFA Society Hawaii Annual Economic Forecast Dinner, Honolulu
- The View from Here: The Economic Outlook and Its Implications for Monetary Policy : Presentation to Australian Business Economists, San Francisco
- Monetary Policy and the Independence Dilemma : Presentation to Chapman University, Orange, CA
- Impact Investing, Impacting Neighborhoods : Presentation to Pacific Community Ventures, San Francisco
- Looking Forward, Forward Looking: The Path for Monetary Policy : Presentation to the New York Association for Business Economics, New York, NY
- Macroprudential Policy in a Microprudential World : Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance, Singapore
- Data Is the New Black: Monetary Policy by the Numbers : Presentation to NBER East Asia Seminar on Economics, San Francisco
- The Recovery's Final Frontier? : Presentation to International Conference of Commercial Bank Economists, Los Angeles
- The Recovery's Final Frontier? : Presentation to the Mesa Chamber of Commerce, Mesa, Arizona
- Measuring the Effects of Monetary Policy on House Prices and the Economy : Presentation to Bank Indonesia–BIS Conference on "Expanding the Boundaries of Monetary Policy in Asia and the Pacific," Jakarta, Indonesia
- China, Rates, and the Outlook: May the (Economic) Force Be with You : Presentation to the Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for China and the United States, Armonk, NY
- The Economic Outlook: Live Long and Prosper : Presentation to UCLA Anderson School of Management, Los Angeles
- The Economic Outlook: Live Long and Prosper : Presentation to Community Leaders Luncheon, Salt Lake City
- The Economic Outlook: Live Long and Prosper : Presentation to the Urban Land Institute, San Francisco
- The Economic Outlook: Live Long and Prosper : Presentation to Community Leaders, Spokane, WA
- The Rediscovery of Financial Market Imperfections : Comments Prepared for the Conference "A Just Society: Honoring Joseph Stiglitz," Columbia Business School, New York, NY
- All's Well That Ends Better: The Outlook, Education, and the Future of the American Economy : Presentation to the Arizona Council on Economic Education, Tempe, AZ
- Dancing Days Are Here Again: The Long Road Back to Maximum Employment : Presentation to Community Leaders, Portland, OR
- After the First Rate Hike : Presentation to California Bankers Association, Santa Barbara, CA
- The Health of Nations : Presentation to the National Interagency Community Reinvestment Conference, Los Angeles
- The Right Profile: Economic Drivers and the Outlook : Presentation to Town Hall Los Angeles
- Rules of Engagement : Presentation to NYU Stern School of Business, New York, NY
- Discussion of "Language after Liftoff: Fed Communication Away from the Zero Lower Bound" : Presentation at U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, New York, NY
- Trick of the Light? The U.S. Economy, Global Growth, and International Risks in Perspective : Presentation to the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy and U.S. Embassy Speaker Series, Singapore
- Fintech: The Power of the Possible and Potential Pitfalls : Presentation to the LendIt USA 2016 Conference, San Francisco
- Now That Winter Is Over, Springtime Is on My Mind : Presentation to the Sacramento Economic Forum, Sacramento, California
- Longview: The Economic Outlook : Presentation to the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation, Anchorage, Alaska
- Whither Inflation Targeting? : Presentation to the Hayek Group, Reno, Nevada
- Diversity and Inclusion without Excuses : Presented at the Conference on "Improving Diversity in the Financial Services Industry: A Holistic View," Rutgers University, Newark, New Jersey
- Assessing the New Normal(s) : Presentation to the Federal Home Loan Bank of San Francisco's 2016 Member Conference, San Francisco
- Looking Back, Looking Ahead : Presentation to the 2017 Economic Forecast, Sacramento, California
- Keeping the Recovery Sustainable: The Essential Role of an Independent Fed : Remarks to the Santa Cruz Chamber of Commerce, Santa Cruz, California
- From Sustained Recovery to Sustainable Growth: What a Difference Four Years Makes : Remarks to the Forecasters Club, New York, New York
- The Jenga Tower of Prosperity: The Strong, Prosperous, And Resilient Communities Challenge (SPARCC) : Remarks at the SPARCC National Launch Event, New York, New York
- Preparing for the Next Storm: Reassessing Frameworks & Strategies in a Low R-Star World : Remarks to The Shadow Open Market Committee, New York, New York
- Risk, Resilience & Sustainable Growth: U.S. Monetary Policy in a Post-Recovery Era : Remarks to the Symposium on Asian Banking and Finance, Singapore
- The Global Challenge of Very Low R-Star : Figures Presented at the Bank of Korea International Conference, Seoul
- Speed Limits and Stall Speeds: Fostering Sustainable Growth in the United States : Remarks at the University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
- The Global Growth Slump: Causes & Consequences : A Public Lecture Hosted by Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
- Monetary Policy's Role in Fostering Sustainable Growth : Remarks at the Economic Club of Las Vegas
- Interest Rates and the "New Normal" : Remarks to the Community Banking in the 21st Century Research and Policy Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- What's the Future of Interest Rates? The Answer's in the Stars : Remarks at the Salt Lake Area Community Leaders Luncheon, Salt Lake City
- When the United States Sneezes… : Remarks at the 2017 Asia Economic Policy Conference: Monetary Policy Challenges in a Changing Global Environment, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook: A Fine Balancing Act : Remarks at the 54th Annual Economic Forecast Luncheon, Phoenix, Arizona
- Expecting the Expected: Staying Calm When the Data Meet the Forecasts : Remarks to the Financial Women of San Francisco, San Francisco
- Expecting the Expected: Staying Calm When the Data Meet the Forecasts : Remarks at the Community Leaders Luncheon, Honolulu
- Supporting Strong, Steady, and Sustainable Growth : Remarks to the World Affairs Council of Sonoma, Santa Rosa, California
- The Future Fortunes of R-star: Are They Really Rising? : Remarks to the Economic Club of Minnesota, Minneapolis
- Now Is the Time for Banking Culture Reform : Remarks at Governance and Culture Reform Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- 'Normal' Monetary Policy in Words and Deeds : Remarks at Columbia University, School of International and Public Affairs, New York City
- Remarks at the 42nd Annual Central Banking Seminar : Remarks at the 42nd Annual Central Banking Seminar, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Moving Toward 'Normal' U.S. Monetary Policy : Remarks at the Joint Bank Indonesia-Federal Reserve Bank of New York Central Banking Forum, Nusa Dua, Indonesia
- Welcoming Remarks at the Investing in America's Workforce Book Launch Event : Remarks at the Investing in America's Workforce Book Launch Event, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Monetary Policy Strategies for a Low-Neutral-Interest-Rate World : Remarks at the 80th Plenary Meeting of the Group of Thirty, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Monetary Policy: A 'Data Dependent' Approach : Remarks at the New Jersey Bankers Association's Economic Leadership Forum, Somerset, New Jersey
- Discussion of 'Prospects for Inflation in a High Pressure Economy: Is the Phillips Curve Dead or Is It Just Hibernating?' by Peter Hooper, Frederic S. Mishkin, and Amir Sufi : Remarks at the U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, New York City
- The Economic Outlook: The 'New Normal' Is Now : Remarks at The Economic Club of New York, New York City
- The 'New Normal' for Growth : Remarks at the Community Bankers Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Fulfilling Our Economic Potential : Remarks at the Association for Neighborhood & Housing Development 2019 Annual Conference, New York City
- The Joys of Spring : Remarks at the 21st Annual Bronx Bankers Breakfast, Bronx, New York
- When the Facts Change… : Remarks at the 9th High-Level Conference on the International Monetary System, Zürich, Switzerland
- The Research-Policy Nexus: ZLB, JMCB and FOMC : Remarks at the Conference Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Banking Culture: The Path Ahead : Remarks at Building Cultural Capital in the Financial Services Industry: Emerging Practices, Risks and Opportunities, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- If We Fail to Prepare, We Prepare to Fail : Remarks at Council on Foreign Relations, New York City
- Diversity and Inclusion: We Are Not Where We Need to Be : Remarks at OPEN Finance Forum, New York City
- A Tale of Many Economies : Remarks at University at Albany—SUNY, Albany, New York
- 901 Days : Remarks at Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association (SIFMA), New York City
- Living Life Near the ZLB : Remarks at 2019 Annual Meeting of the Central Bank Research Association (CEBRA), New York City
- Monetary Policy and the Economic Outlook : Remarks at Euromoney Real Return XIII: The Inflation-Linked Products Conference 2019, New York City
- LIBOR: The Clock Is Ticking : Remarks at the 2019 U.S. Treasury Market Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Money Markets and the Federal Funds Rate: The Path Forward : Remarks at the MFA Outlook 2019, New York City
- The Gold Beneath Our Feet : Remarks at the GARP Global Risk Forum, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- No Man Is an Island : Remarks at 2019 Asia Economic Policy Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
- 2020s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Williams, John C. (John Carroll). Statements and Speeches of John C. Williams. 2011-2024,, accessed on February 14, 2025.