Research Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)
Technical working papers presenting preliminary research findings intended for publication in leading finance and economics journals.
- 1990s
- Taylor, Black and Scholes : Series Approximations and Risk Management Pitfalls, Research Paper 9501
- The Evolution and Determinants of Corporate Profits : An International Comparison, Research Paper 9502
- New Evidence on the Effectiveness of the Proxy Mechanism, Research Paper 9503
- Expected Repo Specialness Costs and the Treasury Auction Cycle, Research Paper 9504
- Perspectives on U.S. External Deficits, Research Paper 9505
- Diversification, Size, and Risk at Bank Holding Companies, Research Paper 9506
- Tax Policy, Lump-Sum Pension Distributions, and Household Saving, Research Paper 9507
- Federal Grants During the Eighties, Research Paper 9508r
- Restructuring Measures and Productivity : Evidence from the 1980s, Research Paper 9509
- Industrial Capacity and Industrial Investment, Research Paper 9510
- The Transition to E.M.U. : Structural and Strategic Aspects, Research Paper 9511
- The Differential Impact on Stockholder Wealth of Various Antitakeover Provisions, Research Paper 9512
- The Finance-Growth Nexus : Evidence from Bank Branch Deregulation, Research Paper 9513
- The Literature on Privatization, Research Paper 9514
- Intervention Strategies and Exchange Rate Volatility : A Noise Trading Perspective, Research Paper 9515
- Board Structure, Antitakeover Provisions, and Stockholder Wealth, Research Paper 9516
- Defined Contribution Plans : The Role of Income, Age, and Match Rates, Research Paper 9517
- Modelling U.S. Services Trade Flows : A Cointegration-ECM Approach, Research Paper 9518
- Fiscal Consolidation in Europe, Research Paper 9519
- Stock Market Valuation Indicators : Is This Time Different?, Research Paper 9520
- Using Regional Variation to Explain Widening Earnings Differentials by Educational Attainment, Research Paper 9521
- Modeling Volatility Dynamics, Research Paper 9522
- The Short End of the Forward Convergence Curve and Asymmetric Cat's Tail Convergence, Research Paper 9523
- Evaluating the Predictive Accuracy of Volatility Models, Research Paper 9524
- Forecast Evaluation and Combination, Research Paper 9525
- The Term Structure of Interest Rates and Its Role in Monetary Policy for the European Central Bank, Research Paper 9526
- Multiple Ratings and Credit Standards : Differences of Opinion in the Credit Rating Industry, Research Paper 9527
- Regime-Switching Monetary Policy and Real Business Cycle Fluctuations, Research Paper 9528
- New York Merchandise Exports, Research Paper 9529
- Are Exchange Rates Excessively Volatile? And What Does "Excessively Volatile" Mean Anyway?, Research Paper 9601
- Exchange Rate Cointegration Across Central Bank Regime Shifts, Research Paper 9602
- Consumer Payments over Open Computer Networks, Research Paper 9603
- American Employer Salary Surveys and Labor Economics Research : Issues and Contributions, Research Paper 9604
- European Integration and Asymmetry in the EMS, Research Paper 9605
- Has the Cost of Fighting Inflation Fallen?, Research Paper 9606
- Capacity Utilization-Inflation Linkages : A Cross-Country Analysis, Research Paper 9607
- Determinants and Impacts of Sovereign Credit Ratings, Research Paper 9608r
- Predicting U.S. Recessions : Financial Variables as Leading Indicators, Research Paper 9609
- Capital Flows and Current Account Deficits in the 1990s : Why Did Latin America and East Asian Countries Respond Differently?, Research Paper 9610
- Volatility and Liquidity in Futures Markets, Research Paper 9612
- Two Factors Along the Yield Curve, Research Paper 9613
- What Do Chain Store Sales Tell Us About Consumer Spending?, Research Paper 9614
- Debt and Deficit Ceilings and Sustainability of Fiscal Policies : An Intertemporal Analysis, Research Paper 9615
- Europe and the Maastricht Challenge, Research Paper 9616
- Rational Bias in Macroeconomic Forecasts, Research Paper 9617
- The Effects of Corporate Antitakeover Provisions on Long-Term Investment : Empirical Evidence, Research Paper 9618
- A Three-Factor Econometric Model of the U.S. Term Structure, Research Paper 9619
- Do Banks Follow Their Customers Abroad?, Research Paper 9620
- The Relative Importance of National and Regional Factors in the New York Metropolitan Economy, Research Paper 9621
- Effects of Household Creditworthiness on Mortgage Refinancings, Research Paper 9622
- Do Mergers Improve the X-Efficiency and Scale Efficiency of U.S. Banks? Evidence from the 1980s, Research Paper 9623
- Consumption and Credit : A Model of Time-Varying Liquidity, Research Paper 9624
- The Channel of Monetary Transmission to Demand : Evidence from the Market for Automobile Credit, Research Paper 9625
- Central and Eastern Europe : Financial Markets and Private Capital Flows, Research Paper 9626
- The Effects of Daily Price Limits on Cotton Futures and Options Trading, Research Paper 9627
- Foreign Banks, Profits and Commercial Extension in the United States, Research Paper 9628
- Can a Fiscal Contraction Strengthen a Currency? Some Doubts about Conventional Mundell-Fleming Results, Research Paper 9629
- Entry Restrictions, Industry Evolution and Dynamic Efficiency : Evidence from Commercial Banking, Research Paper 9630
- Interest Rate Expectations and the Shape of the Yield Curve, Research Paper 9631
- Franchise Value, Ownership Structure, and Risk at Savings Institutions, Research Paper 9632
- Price Formation and Liquidity in the U.S. Treasuries Market : Evidence from Intraday Patterns around Announcements, Research Paper 9633
- Ongoing Restructuring of Retail Banking, Research Paper 9634
- Foreign Investment Fluctuations and Emerging Market Stock Returns : The Case of Mexico, Research Paper 9635
- Consumer Sentiment and Household Expenditure : Reevaluating the Forecasting Equations, Research Paper 9636
- Inflation Risk in the U.S. Yield Curve : The Usefulness of Indexed Bonds, Research Paper 9637
- Balancing the Federal Budget and U.S. International Trade Deficits, Research Paper 9638
- Option Value of Credit Lines as an Explanation of High Credit Card Rates, Research Paper 9702
- On the Determinants and Resilience of Bond Flows to Less Developed Countries, 1990-95 : Evidence from Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, Research Paper 9703
- Asset Market Hangovers and Economic Growth, Research Paper 9704
- Can Competition Between Brokers Mitigate Agency Conflicts with Their Customers?, Research Paper 9705
- What Moves the Bond Market?, Research Paper 9706
- Disciplined Discretion : The German and Swiss Monetary Targeting Frameworks in Operation, Research Paper 9707
- Does Consumer Confidence Forecast Household Expenditure? A Sentiment Index Horse Race, Research Paper 9708
- Agency Problems and Risk Taking at Banks, Research Paper 9709
- Regulatory Evaluation of Value-at-Risk Models, Research Paper 9710
- Split Ratings and the Pricing of Credit Risk, Research Paper 9711
- Approximation Bias in Linearized Euler Equations, Research Paper 9712
- Estimating the Adverse Selection Cost in Markets with Multiple Informed Traders, Research Paper 9713r
- Some Comparative Evidence on the Effectiveness of Inflation Targeting, Research Paper 9714
- A General Model of Brokers' Trading, with Applications to Order Flow Internalization, Insider Trading, and Off-Exchange Block Sales, Research Paper 9715
- A New Measure of Fit for Equations with Dichotomous Dependent Variables, Research Paper 9716
- Why Do Interest Rates Predict Macro Outcomes? A Unified Theory of Inflation, Output, Interest, and Policy, Research Paper 9717
- The Growth of World Trade, Research Paper 9718
- Interest Rate Options Dealers' Hedging in the U.S. Dollar Fixed Income Market, Research Paper 9719
- The Political Economy of Deregulation: Evidence from the Relaxation of Bank Branching Restrictions in the United States, Research Paper 9720
- Market Liquidity and Trader Welfare in Multiple Dealer Markets : Evidence from Dual Trading Restrictions, Research Paper 9721r
- Retail Inventories, Internal Finance, and Aggregate Fluctuations : Evidence from Firm-Level U.S. Data, Research Paper 9722
- Is There an Inflation Puzzle?, Research Paper 9723
- Rational Herding and the Spatial Clustering of Bank Branches : An Empirical Analysis, Research Paper 9724
- The Slope of the Credit Yield Curve For Speculative-Grade Issuer, Research Paper 9725r
- Non-Linear Consumption Dynamics, Research Paper 9726
- Technology, Trade and Growth : Some Empirical Findings, Research Paper 9727
- Macroeconomic Forecasts Under the Prism Of Error-Correction Models, Research Paper 9728
- Do Better Schools Matter? Parental Valuation of Elementary Education, Research Paper 9729
- Is Implied Correlation Worth Calculating? Evidence From Foreign Exchange Options and Historical Data, Research Paper 9730
- Information Problems and Deposit Constraints At Banks, Research Paper 9731r
- Measuring Economic Activity and Economic Welfare : What Are We Missing?, Research Paper 9732
- Elasticities of Substitution in Real Business Cycle Models with Home Production, Research Paper 9733
- Cross-Country Comparisons of Industry Total Factor Productivity : Theory and Evidence, Research Paper 9734
- Output Fluctuations in the United States : What Has Changed Since the Early 1980s?, Research Paper 9735
- Structural Change In the Mortgage Market and the Propensity to Refinance, Research Paper 9736
- Education, Political Instability, and Growth, Research Paper 9737
- Skilled Labor—Augmenting Technical Progress in U.S. Manufacturing, Research Paper 9738
- Aggregate Supply and Demand Shocks : A Natural Rate Approach, Research Paper 9739
- Asset Market Hangovers and Economic Growth : U.S. Housing Markets, Research Paper 9801
- Methods for Evaluating Value-at-Risk Estimates, Research Paper 9802
- Interbank Interest Rates as Term Structure Indicators, Research Paper 9803
- Modelling the Instability of Mortgage-Backed Prepayments, Research Paper 9804
- Judging the Risk of Banks : What Makes Banks Opaque?, Research Paper 9805
- Rethinking the Role of NAIRU in Monetary Policy : Implications of Model Formulation and Uncertainty, Research Paper 9806
- Institutional Affiliation and the Role of Venture Capital : Evidence from Initial Public Offerings in Japan, Research Paper 9807
- Risk Sharing within the United States : What Have Financial Markets and Fiscal Federalism Accomplished?, Research Paper 9808
- Stock Market Crises in Developed and Emerging Markets, Research Paper 9809
- Import Demand Under a Foreign Exchange Constraint, Research Paper 9810
- The Changing U.S. Income Distribution : Facts, Explanations, and Unresolved Issues, Research Paper 9811
- Can VARs Describe Monetary Policy?, Research Paper 9812
- An Analysis of Brokers' Trading with Applications to Order Flow Internalization and Off-Exchange Sales, Research Paper 9813
- Estimating the Adverse Selection and Fixed Costs of Trading in Markets with Multiple Informed Traders, Research Paper 9814
- Risk and the Democratization of Credit Cards, Research Paper 9815
- Securities Class Actions, Corporate Governance and Managerial Agency Problems, Research Paper 9816
- What Inventory Behavior Tells Us about Business Cycles, Research Paper 9817
- Does Exchange Rate Stability Increase Trade and Capital Flows?, Research Paper 9818
- The Rise and Decline (?) of U.S. Internal Labor Markets, Research Paper 9819
- Information Asymmetry, Market Segmentation and the Pricing of Cross-listed Shares : Theory and Evidence From Chinese A and B Shares, Research Paper 9820
- How Important is the Stock Market Effect on Consumption?, Research Paper 9821
- Paper Tigers? A Model of the Asian Crisis, Research Paper 9822
- 2000s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
The Research Papers series ceased in 1998 and was continued by Research Update.
Some papers have been withdrawn from the series, resulting in gaps in the numbering system.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- lcc: HG2401 .R437
- oclc: 11480859
Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Research and Statistics Group "Research Papers (Federal Reserve Bank of New York)" New York, N.Y.: Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 1995-2000.