Economic Commentary (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
Economic Commentaries provide deeper analysis of relevant economic issues.
- 1980s
- 1990s
- Does The Fed Cause Christmas?, January 1, 1990
- Can R&D be the Rx for the Midwest?, January 15, 1990
- Is Current Fiscal Policy an Obstacle to Sound Monetary Policy?, February 1, 1990
- How Are Wages Determined?, February 15, 1990
- The Economic Outlook : Growth Weakens, Inflation Unchanged, March 1, 1990
- The Case for Price Stability, March 15, 1990
- The High-Yield Debt Market:1980-1990, April 1, 1990
- Standardizing World Securities Clearance Systems, April 15, 1990
- A Monetary Policy for the 1990s, May 1, 1990
- A Critique of Monetary Protectionism, May 15, 1990
- Making Sense of the Moynihan Gambit : A Perspective on the Social Security Debate, June 1, 1990
- Current Outlook : Sustained Growth, Sustained Inflation, June 15, 1990
- Minority-Owned Banks : History and Trends, July 1, 1990
- State and Local Red Ink : Crisis or Opportunity?, July 15, 1990
- Payment System Risk and Financial Reform, August 1, 1990
- Inflation and Growth : Working More vs. Working Better, August 15, 1990
- Underlying Causes of Commercial Bank Failures in the 1980s, September 1, 1990
- Can State Employment Declines Foretell National Business Cycles?, September 15, 1990
- Don't Worry, We'll Grow Out of It : An Analysis of Demographics, Consumer Spending, and Foreign Debt, October 1, 1990
- The Outlook After the Oil Shock : Between Iraq and a Soft Place, October 15, 1990
- Oil, the Economy, and Monetary Policy, November 1, 1990
- A European System of Central Banks : Observations from Abroad, November 15, 1990
- How Credible are Capital Spending Surveys as Forecasts?, December 1, 1990
- Price Stability and the Swedish Monetary Experiment, December 15, 1990
- Forecast Accuracy and Monetary Policy, January 1, 1991
- The Sectoral and Regional Effects of Oil Shocks : Who's over a Barrel?, January 15, 1991
- 1991 Outlook : Mild Recession, Mild Recovery, February 1, 1991
- The Effect of War Expenditures on U.S. Output, February 15, 1991
- Deregulation, Money, and the Economy, March 1, 1991
- Is This Really a "White-Collar Recession"?, March 15, 1991
- Defending Zero Inflation : All For Naught, April 1, 1991
- Public Subsidies for Private Purposes, April 15, 1991
- Price Stability and Regional Diversity, May 1, 1991
- The RTC and the Escalating Costs of the Thrift Insurance Mess, May 15, 1991
- Realignment in the U.S. Motor Vehicle Industry, June 1, 1991
- Understanding the Recent Behavior of M2, June 15, 1991
- Price Stability and World Economic Recovery, July 1, 1991
- Do Excess Reserves Reveal Credit Crunches?, July 15, 1991
- An Anemic Recovery?, August 1, 1991
- Federal Funds Rate Volatility, August 15, 1991
- Increasing National Saving : Are IRAs the Answer?, September 1, 1991
- Financial Fragility and Regional Economic Growth, September 15, 1991
- Exchange-Market Intervention and U.S. Monetary Policy, October 1, 1991
- Some Observations on Central Bank Accountability, October 15, 1991
- Why U.S. Managers Might Be More Short-run Oriented Than the Japanese, November 1, 1991
- Generational Accounts : A New Approach to Fiscal Policy Evaluation, November 15, 1991
- Median Price Changes : An Alternative Approach to Measuring Current Monetary Inflation, December 1, 1991
- The Outlook : No Boom, No Doom, December 15, 1991
- Unbalanced Growth and the U.S. Productivity Slowdown, January 1, 1992
- Uncertain Inflation and Price-Level Rules, January 15, 1992
- Is Household Debt Inhibiting the Recovery?, February 1, 1992
- Round Table's Rx for the Economy : First, Do No Harm, February 15, 1992
- Is the Rust Belt's Revival Real?, March 1, 1992
- The Case for Disinflation, March 15, 1992
- A Price Objective for Monetary Policy, April 1, 1992
- Can Conventional Theory Explain the Unconventional Recovery?, April 15, 1992
- Securitization : More than Just a Regulatory Artifact, May 1, 1992
- What Monetary Policy Can and Cannot Do, May 15, 1992
- Gilt by Association : Uncovering Expected Inflation, June 1, 1992
- Auctioning Treasury Securities, June 15, 1992
- Has Someone Already Spent the Future?, July 1, 1992
- The Business Cycle, Investment, and a Wayward M2 : A Midyear Review, July 15, 1992
- Should the United States Hold Foreign Currency Reserves?, August 1, 1992
- The Recent Rise in the Value of Education : Market Forces at Work, August 15, 1992
- FDICIA's Prompt Corrective Action Provisions, September 1, 1992
- The M2 Slowdown and Depository Intermediation : Implications for Monetary Policy, September 15, 1992
- Integrating Business and Personal Income Taxes, October 1, 1992
- NAFTA and the Midwest, October 15, 1992
- The Importance of Structure in Decisionmaking, November 1, 1992
- Federal Credit and Insurance Programs : Beyond the Deficit Diversion, November 15, 1992
- Skepticism about the Direction of Inflation : Causes, Costs, and Cures, December 1, 1992
- FDICIA's Discount Window Provisions, December 15, 1992
- The Cost of Buying Time : Lessons from the Thrift Debacle, January 1, 1993
- Bank Exposure to Highly Leveraged Transactions, January 15, 1993
- Some Fiscal Advice for the New Government : Don't Let the Sun Go Down on BEA, February 1, 1993
- Home Mortgage Lending by the Numbers, February 15, 1993
- An Overview of the Clinton Budget Plan, March 1, 1993
- A Market-Based Approach to Regulatory Reform, March 15, 1993
- Price Isn't Everything, April 1, 1993
- On the Political Economy of Trade Restraints, April 15, 1993
- The Energy Tax: Who Pays?, May 1, 1993
- Does Small Business Need a Financial Fix?, May 15, 1993
- Are the Great Lakes Cities Becoming Service Centers?, June 1, 1993
- Do Deficits Matter?, June 15, 1993
- Enterprise Liability : A Prescription for Health Care Reform?, July 1, 1993
- The Evolving Loan Sales Market, July 15, 1993
- Free Markets and Price Stability : Opportunities for Mexico, August 1, 1993
- Assessing Real Interest Rates, August 15, 1993
- Airline Deregulation : Is It Time to Finish the Job?, September 1, 1993
- The Decline in U.S. Saving Rates : A Cause for Concern?, September 15, 1993
- Credibility Begins with a Clear Commitment to Price Stability, October 1, 1993
- The Budget Reconciliation Act of 1993 : A Summary Report, October 15, 1993
- Making the SAIF Safe for Taxpayers, November 1, 1993
- Community Lending and Economic Development, November 15, 1993
- Replacing Reserve Requirements, December 1, 1993
- Long-Term Health Care : Is Social Insurance Desirable?, December 15, 1993
- Monetary Policy and Inflation : 1993 in Perspective, January 1, 1994
- Report of the Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, January 15, 1994
- Are Service-Sector Jobs Inferior?, February 1, 1994
- The National Depositor Preference Law, February 15, 1994
- Issues in CRA Reform, March 1, 1994
- Back to the Future: Prospective Deficits through the Prism of the Past, March 15, 1994
- Central Bank Independence, April 1, 1994
- Health Care Reform from a Generational Perspective, April 15, 1994
- Lessons from the Collapse of Three State-Chartered Private Deposit Insurance Funds, May 1, 1994
- Assessing Progress toward Price Stability : Looking Forward and Looking Backward, May 15, 1994
- The Government's Role in the Health Care Industry : Past, Present, and Future, June 1, 1994
- Are the Japanese to Blame for Our Trade Deficit?, June 15, 1994
- A Beginner's Guide to the U.S. Payments System, July 1, 1994
- Must the Fed Fight Growth?, July 15, 1994
- Midyear Report of the Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, August 1, 1994
- Looking Back at Slow Employment Growth, August 15, 1994
- Banking and the Flow of Funds : Are Banks Losing Market Share?, September 1, 1994
- The Economics of Health Care Reform, September 15, 1994
- Bank Receivership and Conservatorship, October 1, 1994
- Specialization in Risk Management, October 15, 1994
- Fear and Loathing in Executive Pay, November 1, 1994
- Understanding Differences in Regional Poverty Rates, November 15, 1994
- How Important Are U.S. Capital Flows into Mexico?, December 1, 1994
- Year-End Report of the Fourth District Economists' Roundtable, December 15, 1994
- Allocating Publicly Owned Assets : The Case of Personal Communications Services, January 1, 1995
- The Myth of the Overworked American, January 15, 1995
- Another Look at Part-time Employment, February 1, 1995
- Monetary Policy : An Interpretation of 1994, a Challenge for 1995, February 15, 1995
- Is Public Capital Productive? A Review of the Evidence, March 1, 1995
- A Mexican Currency Board?, March 15, 1995
- Are Wages Inflexible?, April 1, 1995
- Growth and Poverty Revisited, April 15, 1995
- Can Foreign Exchange Intervention Signal Monetary Policy Changes?, May 1, 1995
- How Much Is Daylight Credit Worth?, May 15, 1995
- SAIF Policy Options, June 1995
- Monetary Policy and the Federal Funds Futures Market, July 1995
- Regulation and the Future of Banking, August 1, 1995
- A Monetary Policy Paradox, August 15, 1995
- Derivative Mechanics : The CMO, September 1, 1995
- Should Social Security Be Privatized?, September 15, 1995
- Making Payments in Cyberspace, October 1, 1995
- The Consumer Price Index and National Saving, October 15, 1995
- Rooting Out Discrimination in Home Mortgage Lending, November 1995
- M2 Growth in 1995 : A Return to Normalcy?, December 1995
- Social Security : Are We Getting Our Money's Worth?, January 1, 1996
- Making Sense of the Federal Budget Impasse, January 15, 1996
- Mortgage Interest Deductibility and Housing Prices, February 1, 1996
- Glass-Steagall and the Regulatory Dialectic, February 15, 1996
- Are Successful Interventions Random Events?, March 1, 1996
- State Employment 1995 : Slowing to a Recession?, March 15, 1996
- The Future of Banking Supervision, April 1, 1996
- Where Is All the U.S. Currency Hiding?, April 15, 1996
- A Simple Proposal for Privatizing Social Security, May 1, 1996
- The Credit Union Industry : An Overview, May 15, 1996
- Welfare Reform and the Cyclicality of Welfare Programs, June 1996
- Interest Rate Rules for Seasonal and Business Cycles, July 1996
- Inflation Targets : The Next Step for Monetary Policy, August 1, 1996
- Discrimination in Mortgage Lending : What Have We Learned?, August 15, 1996
- Reducing Working Hours : American Workers' Salvation?, September 1, 1996
- The Functions and Future of Retail Banking, September 15, 1996
- Jobs Creation and Government Policy, October 1, 1996
- Competing Currencies : Back to the Future?, October 15, 1996
- Combining Bank Supervision and Monetary Policy, November 1996
- Monetary Policy and Real Economic Growth, December 1996
- The Hidden Costs of Mexican Banking Reform, January 1, 1997
- Stock Market Fundamentals, January 15, 1997
- Information Dynamics and CRA Strategy, February 1, 1997
- Structural Reform of the Social Security System : The Time Has Come, February 15, 1997
- Maintaining a Low Inflation Environment, March 1, 1997
- PMI Reform : Good Intentions Gone Awry, March 15, 1997
- Medicare : Usual and Customary Remedies Will No Longer Work, April 1, 1997
- Where Have All the Tellers Gone?, April 15, 1997
- Is Noninflationary Growth an Oxymoron?, May 1, 1997
- Okun's Law Revisited : Should We Worry About Low Unemployment?, May 15, 1997
- Monetary Policy in the Cold War Era, June 1997
- TIPS for Safer Investing, July 1997
- Wealth, Economic Infrastructure, and Monetary Policy, August 1, 1997
- Wage Inflation and Worker Uncertainty, August 15, 1997
- Money, Fiscal Discipline, and Growth, September 1, 1997
- The Dark Side of Liquidity, September 15, 1997
- Bad Standards, October 1, 1997
- On the Origin and Evolution of the Word "Inflation", October 15, 1997
- Accelerating Money Growth : Is M2 Telling Us Something?, November 1997
- Do More Banking Offices Mean More Banking Services?, December 1997
- A Hitchhiker's Guide to Understanding Exchange Rates, January 1, 1998
- Assessing Fundamental Tax Reform, January 15, 1998
- Canada's Money Targeting Experiment, February 1, 1998
- Network Externalities : The Catch-22 of Retail Payments Innovations, February 15, 1998
- Gold Prices, March 1, 1998
- What Happened to the Inventory Overhang?, March 15, 1998
- Private Money : Everything Old is New Again, April 1, 1998
- Generational Equity and Sustainability in U.S. Fiscal Policy, April 15, 1998
- In Search of the NAIRU, May 1, 1998
- Government-Subsidized Training : A Plan for Prosperity?, May 15, 1998
- Productivity Measures and the "New Economy", June 1, 1998
- Productivity Gains During Business Cycles : What's Normal?, July 1998
- Measuring Pricing Bias in Mortgages, August 1, 1998
- Global ATM Banking : Casting the Net, August 15, 1998
- Bank Notes and Stored-Value Cards : Stepping Lightly into the Past, September 1, 1998
- What Fiscal Surplus?, September 15, 1998
- Currency : Time for Change?, October 1, 1998
- Is the Current-Account Deficit Sustainable?, October 15, 1998
- Social Security's Treatment of Postwar Generations, November 1998
- Subordinated Debt : Tough Love for Banks?, December 1998
- The Euro, January 1, 1999
- Bringing the Unbanked Onboard, January 15, 1999
- Will Increasing the Minimum Wage Help the Poor?, February 1, 1999
- Construction and Monetary Policy : A View from the Sidelines, February 15, 1999
- How Much of Economic Growth Is Fueled by Investment-Specific Technological Progress?, March 1, 1999
- The Challenge of Stability : Mexico's Pursuit of Sound Money, March 15, 1999
- Fixing Social Security : Is the Surplus the Solution?, April 1, 1999
- Money Growth and Inflation : Does Fiscal Policy Matter?, April 15, 1999
- The Truth about Hedge Funds, May 1, 1999
- Mortgage Brokers and Fair Lending, May 15, 1999
- Measuring Total Employment : Are a Few Million Workers Important?, June 1999
- Resisting Electronic Payment Systems : Burning Down the House?, July 1999
- Money Growth and Inflation : How Long is the Long-Run?, August 1, 1999
- The Recent Ascent in Stock Prices : How Exuberant Are You?, August 15, 1999
- Growth and the Internet : Surfing to Prosperity?, September 1, 1999
- Dollarization and Monetary Sovereignty : The Case of Argentina, September 15, 1999
- Financial Crises and Market Regulation, October 1, 1999
- Are We in a Productivity Boom? Evidence from Multifactor Productivity Growth, October 15, 1999
- Forecasts and Sunspots : Looking Back for a Better Future, November 1999
- The Exchange Stabilization Fund : How It Works, December 1999
- 2000s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Title from caption.
Some issues have a distinctive title.
1996-present available online from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
- Economic Trends (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- lcc: HC108.C7 F4a
- oclc: 02167157
- issn: 0428-1276
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Economic Commentary (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland). Cleveland: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 1980-2002., accessed on January 13, 2025.