Economic Commentary (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
Economic Commentaries provide deeper analysis of relevant economic issues.
- 1980s
- The Surge in Gold Prices, January 28, 1980
- Sector Contributions to Recession, February 11, 1980
- Fiscal 1981 Budget Recommendations, February 25, 1980
- The New Aggregates, Economic Activity, and Monetary Policy, March 10, 1980
- Inflation and Cost-of-Living Adjustment Clauses, March 24, 1980
- Reappraising the Economic Outlook for 1980, April 7, 1980
- After Silver and Gold : Some Sober Thoughts on Speculative Bubbles, May 5, 1980
- Market Share Gainers and Losers, May 19, 1980
- Turnabout in U.S. Merchandise Trade, June 2, 1980
- Interest-Rate Futures, June 16, 1980
- Industrial Structure and Recession In Ohio, June 30, 1980
- Competition between Thrifts Institutions and Banks in Ohio, June 14, 1980
- The Consumer Price Index : Concepts, Construction, and Controversy, July 28, 1980
- Shifts in the Composition of Fixed Investment In the 1970s, August 11, 1980
- State and Local Budgets during Business Contractions, August 25, 1980
- The Productivity Slowdown : Is Oil the Culprit?, September 8, 1980
- Repricing Payments and Incentives for the Development of Electronic Funds Transfer, October 6, 1980
- Municipal Finance in Ohio, October 20, 1980
- How Should Banking Markets Be Delineated?, December 1, 1980
- The Pricing of Float and an Efficient Payments Mechanism, December 15, 1980
- Consumer Lending and the Bankruptcy Reform Act of 1978, January 12, 1981
- Trends in Long-Term Commercial Bank Lending, January 26, 1981
- Does the Federal Government Spend Too Much?, February 9, 1981
- Inflation, Interest Rates,and Monetary Growth, February 23, 1981
- U.S. and Foreign Productivity and Competitiveness, March 9, 1981
- Debt Management of Ohio's Major Cities, March 23, 1981
- Bank Expansion in Ohio, April 6, 1981
- The Community Reinvestment Act : Early Experience and Problems, April 20, 1981
- Interpreting the Ms after the NOWs, May 4, 1981
- Community Development Corporations, May 18, 1981
- Why Do Deficits Matter?, July 13, 1981
- Military Spending and the Economic Outlook, July 27, 1981
- The Battle for NOWs, August 10, 1981
- Thrifts, Extended Credit, and Monetary Policy, September 7, 1981
- Issue 1 and Workers' Compensation in Ohio, September 21, 1981
- Current Perspectiveson Home Ownership, November 2, 1981
- Savings and Loan Mergers in 1980, November 16, 1981
- Financial Services and Small Businesses, January 11, 1982
- Methods of Cash Management, April 5, 1982
- Unemployment Insurance : An Old Lesson for the New Federalism?, April 19, 1982
- Bank Holding Companies' Participation in Credit Insurance Underwriting, May 3, 1982
- The Steel Trigger Price Mechanism, May 17, 1982
- The Problem of Seasonally Adjusting Money, May 31, 1982
- Performance of Ohio's Independent Banks, June 14, 1982
- Union Wage Concessions, June 28, 1982
- Anatomy of a Price-Fix, July 12, 1982
- The Strength of Consumer Balance Sheets, July 26, 1982
- Safe-Harbor Leasing : Separating the Wheat from the Chaff, October 4, 1982
- The Shift to Western Coal, October 18, 1982
- Do Deficits Cause Inflation?, November 1, 1982
- Social Security : Issues and Options, January 10, 1983
- Soil Conservation : Market Failure and Program Performance, January 24, 1983
- Issues in the 1983 Auto-Sales Outlook, March 7, 1983
- Loan Quality of Bank Holding Companies, March 21, 1983
- Economic Outlook for 1983, April 4, 1983
- Exchange Rates and U.S. Prices, April 18, 1983
- Velocity and Monetary Targets, June 6, 1983
- The Mythology of Domestic Content, June 20, 1983
- Economic Recovery and the Fourth District, July 5, 1983
- Geographic Banking Markets, September 12, 1983
- The Japanese Postal Savings System : A State-Run Financial Monster?, September 26, 1983
- Banking and Commerce : To Mix or Not to Mix?, December 5, 1983
- Sources of Regional Growth Disparity : The Case of Ohio's Industries, December 19, 1983
- The International Debt Situation, January 3, 1984
- Commercial Bank Holdings of Treasury Debt, January 16, 1984
- Closely Watched Banks, January 30, 1984
- Collective Bargaining and Disinflation, February 13, 1984
- Monetary Policy in the 1980s, February 27, 1984
- Banking without Interstate Barriers, March 12, 1984
- The Monetary Targets in 1984, March 26, 1984
- Reorganizing the U.S. Banking Regulatory Structure, April 9, 1984
- Deregulation and Deposit Pricing, April 23, 1984
- The Economy in 1984 : Industry Perspectives, May 7, 1984
- Nominal Income Targeting, May 21, 1984
- Seeking a Stable Economic Environment, June 4, 1984
- Regional Interstate Banking, June 18, 1984
- The Japanese Cost Advantage in Automobile Production, July 2, 1984
- Rate Deregulation and Deposit Shifting, July 16, 1984
- The Costs of a Protectionist Cure, July 30, 1984
- Small-Issue IDBs-Tax Policy in Search of a Focus, August 13, 1984
- The Recovery of Durable Goods : What Exhilarated the Consumer?, August 27, 1984
- The Service-Sector Recovery in Cleveland, September 10, 1984
- Should We Return to Fixed Exchange Rates, September 24, 1984
- Dimensions of Change in Cleveland's Economy, October 8, 1984
- Flat Taxes and the Limits to Reform, October 22, 1984
- A Problem of Seasonal Adjustment, November 5, 1984
- Ohio's Electricity Prices, January 1, 1985
- Will Adjustable Rate Mortgages Survive?, January 15, 1985
- Recent Changes in the Consumer Bankruptcy Laws, February 1, 1985
- Deposit Rates and Local Markets, February 15, 1985
- The 1985 Humphrey-Hawkins Testimony, March 1, 1985
- Will Taxing Imports Help?, March 15, 1985
- Federal Reserve's Response to the Problems Experienced by ODGF Thrifts, April 1, 1985
- Imports and Domestic Steel, April 15, 1985
- The Debt Burden : What You Don't See, May 1, 1985
- CRR and Monetary Control, May 15, 1985
- The Financial Distress in American Farming, June 1, 1985
- Major Trends in Capital Formation, June 15, 1985
- The Dynamics of Federal Debt, July 1, 1985
- Is Manufacturing Disappearing?, July 15, 1985
- Solutions to the International Debt Problem, August 1, 1985
- Medicaid : Federalism and the Reagan Budget Proposals, August 15, 1985
- The Dollar in the Eighties, September 1, 1985
- Interstate Banking : Its Impact on Ohio Banks, September 15, 1985
- The M1 Target and Disinflation Policy, October 1, 1985
- International Trade and the Fourth District's Recovery, October 15, 1985
- Reserve Borrowings and the Money Market, November 1, 1985
- Bank Earnings : Comparing the Extremes, November 15, 1985
- The Difficulty In Explaining Postwar Stability, December 1, 1985
- How Desirable Is Dollar Depreciation, December 15, 1985
- A Correct Value for the Dollar, January 1, 1986
- Bank Holding Company Voluntary Nonbanking Asset Divestitures, January 15, 1986
- Junk Bonds and Public Policy, February 1, 1986
- Can We Count on Private Pensions?, February 15, 1986
- American Automobile Manufacturing : It's Turning Japanese, March 1, 1986
- Should We Be Concerned About the Speed of the Depreciation?, March 15, 1986
- The Government Securities Market and Proposed Regulation, April 1, 1986
- A Revised Picture : Has Our View of the Economy Changed?, April 15, 1986
- Monetary Policy Debates Reflects Theoretical Issues, May 1, 1986
- How Good Are Corporate Earnings?, May 15, 1986
- The Thrift Industry : Reconstruction in Progress, June 1, 1986
- The Emerging Service Economy, June 15, 1986
- Domestic Nonfinancial Debt : After Three Years of Monitoring, July 1, 1986
- Equity, Efficiency, and Mispriced Deposit Guarantees, July 15, 1986
- Target Zones for Exchange Rates, August 1, 1986
- Will the Dollar's Decline Help Ohio Manufacturers?, August 15, 1986
- Implications of a Tariff on Oil Imports, September 1, 1986
- Alternative Methods for Assessing Risk- Based Deposit- Insurance Premiums, September 15, 1986
- Monetarism and the Ml Target, October 1, 1986
- Debt Growth and the Financial System, October 15, 1986
- Competition and Bank Profitability : Recent Evidence, November 1, 1986
- Is the Consumer Overextended?, November 15, 1986
- Labor Cost Differentials : Causes and Consequences, December 1, 1986
- The Changing Nature of Our Financial Structure : Where Are We Headed? Where Do We Want To Go?, December 15, 1986
- Loan -Quality Differences : Evidence from Ohio Banks, January 1, 1987
- Is the U.S. Pension-Insurance System Going Broke?, January 15, 1987
- Should We Intervene in Exchange Markets?, February 1, 1987
- The Decline in U.S. Agricultural Exports, February 15, 1987
- The Japanese Edge in Investment : The Financial Side, March 1, 1987
- Debt-Deflation and Corporate Finance, March 15, 1987
- Requirements for Eliminating the Trade Deficit, April 1, 1987
- Seeking Safety, April 15, 1987
- Does Dollar Depreciation Matter : The Case of Auto Imports from Japan, May 1, 1987
- Ohio Banks : Hitting the Interstate Acquisition Road, May 15, 1987
- Home Equity Lines : Characteristics and Consequences, June 1, 1987
- Reappraising the 1987-88 Outlook, June 15, 1987
- MIA - M.I.A.?, July 1, 1987
- A Critical Look at SIPC, July 15, 1987
- Interbank Exposure in the Fourth Federal Reserve District, August 1, 1987
- Lessons from the European Monetary System, August 15, 1987
- U.S. Dependence on Foreign Saving, September 1, 1987
- Competition,Concentration, and Fares in the U.S. Airline Industry, September 15, 1987
- FDIC Policies for Dealing with Failed and Troubled Institutions, October 1, 1987
- Two Neglected Implications of Dollar Depreciation, October 15, 1987
- Local Thrift Competition and Bank Earnings, November 1, 1987
- Economic Policy Issues for 1988 and Beyond, November 15, 1987
- Stock-Market Gyrations and Investment, December 1, 1987
- Financial Reform at a Crossroads, December 15, 1987
- Has Manufacturing's Presence in the Economy Diminished?, January 1, 1988
- Public Infrastructure and Economic Development, January 15, 1988
- Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Bank Regulation, Part I, February 1, 1988
- Bank Runs, Deposit Insurance, and Bank Regulation, Part II, February 15, 1988
- The Bank Credit-Card Boom : Some Explanations and Consequences, March 1, 1988
- Federal Budget Deficits : Sources and Forecasts, March 15, 1988
- International Developments and Monetary Policy, April 1, 1988
- Merchandise Trade and the Outlook for 1988, April 15, 1988
- Stable Inflation Fosters Sound Economic Decisions, May 1, 1988
- What's Happening to Labor Compensation?, May 15, 1988
- Debt Repayment and Economic Adjustment, June 1, 1988
- Measuring the Unseen : A Primer on Capacity Utilization, June 15, 1988
- A User's Guide to Capacity-Utilization Measures, July 1, 1988
- Three Common Misperceptions About Foreign Direct Investment, July 15, 1988
- Humphrey-Hawkins: The July 1988 Monetary Policy Report, August 1, 1988
- Is the Thrift Performance Gap Widening? Evidence from Ohio, August 15, 1988
- Intervention and the Dollar, September 1, 1988
- The Case for Zero Inflation, September 15, 1988
- How Are the Ex-ODGF Thrifts Doing?, October 1, 1988
- Assessing and Resisting Inflation, October 15, 1988
- What's Happening to Ohio's Manufacturing Jobs?, November 1, 1988
- Productivity, Costs, and International Competitiveness, November 15, 1988
- Commercial Lending of Ohio's S&Ls, December 1, 1988
- Service-Sector Wages : The Importance of Education, December 15, 1988
- International Policy Coordination : Can We Afford It?, January 1, 1989
- Money and Velocity in the 1980s, January 15, 1989
- Monetary Policy, Information, and Price Stability, February 1, 1989
- Bank Lending to LBOs : Risks and Supervisory Response, February 15, 1989
- The Costs of Default and International Lending, March 1, 1989
- Is There a Message in the Yield Curve?, March 15, 1989
- A Market-Based View of European Monetary Union, April 1, 1989
- Communication and the Humphrey-Hawkins Process, April 15, 1989
- Airline Deregulation : Boon or Bust?, May 1, 1989
- Economic Principles and Deposit- Insurance Reform, May 15, 1989
- Rethinking the Regulatory Response to Risk-Taking in Banking, June 1, 1989
- Payment System Risk Issues, June 15, 1989
- Inflation and Soft Landing Prospects, July 1, 1989
- Setting the Discount Rate, July 15, 1989
- Mergers, Acquisitions and Evolution of the Region's Corporations, August 1, 1989
- LBOs and Conflicts of Interest, August 15, 1989
- Have the Characteristics of High-Earning Banks Changed Evidence from Ohio, September 1, 1989
- The Indicator P-Star : Just What Does It Indicate?, September 15, 1989
- Forecasting Turning Points With Leading Indicators, October 1, 1989
- Breaking the Inflation-Recession Cycle, October 15, 1989
- Foreign Capital Inflows : Another Trojan Horse?, November 1, 1989
- How Soft a Landing, November 15, 1989
- Monetary Policy and the M2 Target, December 1, 1989
- Making Judgments About Mortgage Lending Patterns, December 15, 1989
- 1990s
- 2000s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Title from caption.
Some issues have a distinctive title.
1996-present available online from the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
- Economic Trends (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland)
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- lcc: HC108.C7 F4a
- oclc: 02167157
- issn: 0428-1276
Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland. Economic Commentary (Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland). Cleveland: Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, 1980-2002., accessed on January 24, 2025.