Statements and Speeches of Susan Schmidt Bies
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Susan Schmidt Bies. Bies served as a member of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System from December 7, 2001, until she resigned on March 30, 2007.
- 2000s
- Strengthening the Financial System of the 21st Century Through Sound Accounting and Disclosure : Remarks at the Symposium on Building the Financial System of the 21st Century: An Agenda for Europe and the United States, Rüschlikon, Switzerland
- Current Challenges of Community Banks : Remarks at the Ohio Bankers Day Conference, Ohio Department of Commerce, Columbus, Ohio
- Lessons to be Re-learned from Recent Breakdowns in Corporate Accounting : Remarks before the Institute of International Bankers, New York, New York
- Bank Performance and Corporate Governance : Remarks before the Tennessee Bankers Association, Hot Springs, Virginia
- Banking Supervision and its Application in Developing Countries : Remarks at the World Bank Group's Finance Forum 2002, Chantilly, Virginia
- Bank Performance and Corporate Governance : Remarks before the Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers, Memphis, Tennessee
- The Challenge for Corporate Governance Posed by Financial Innovation : Remarks at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, D.C.
- Corporate Governance and Risk Management : Remarks at the Annual International Symposium on Derivatives and Risk Management, Fordham University School of Law, New York, New York
- Effective Accounting and Disclosure for Financial Transactions and Financial Institutions : Remarks at the National Conference on Banks and Savings Institutions, American Institute of Certified Public Accountants, Washington, D.C.
- Remarks at the Canadian American Business Council's RBC Distinguished Speakers Series, Embassy of Canada, Washington, D.C.
- Credit Availability for Small Business : Remarks before Local Business Owners, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Buffalo Branch, Buffalo, New York
- Financial Markets and Corporate Governance in the United States and Other Countries : Remarks at Thunderbird, the American Graduate School of International Management, Glendale, Arizona
- Retirement Savings, Equity Ownership, and Challenges to Investors : Remarks at a Joint Presentation to the National Economics Club and the Committee on the Status of Women in the Economics Profession of the American Economic Association, Washington, D.C.
- Corporate Governance : Remarks at the Institute of Internal Auditors Conference, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Restoring Our Confidence in Bank Controls and Financial Statements : Remarks before the Conference of State Bank Supervisors, Asheville, N.C.
- Strengthening Compliance Through Effective Corporate Governance : Remarks at the American Bankers Association Annual Regulatory Compliance Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Managing Business Risks : Remarks before the Oregon Bankers Association, Independent Community Banks of Oregon and the Idaho Bankers Association, Sunriver, Oregon
- The Role of Community Bank Directors in Strengthening Corporate Governance : Remarks at the Community Bank Directors Conference of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Des Moines, Iowa
- Effective Corporate Governance and the Role of Counsel : Remarks at the Annual Meeting of the American Bar Association, San Francisco, California
- Comments on the Current State of the Economy : Remarks at the Annual Economic Outlook Conference, Middle Tennessee State University, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Effective Market Discipline: the Roles of Auditors, Companies, and Analysts : Remarks at the Conference on Market Discipline, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois
- Enterprise-wide Compliance Programs : Remarks at the Bond Market Association's Legal and Compliance Conference, New York, New York
- Financial Markets and Corporate Governance : Remarks at the Economic Club of Memphis Dinner, Memphis, Tennessee
- Qualitative Aspects of Effective Risk Management : Remarks at the Global Association of Risk Professionals Fifth Annual Convention, New York, New York
- The Economic Outlook and the State of Household and Business Finances : Remarks before the New York Forecasters Club, New York, New York
- The Economic Outlook and Financial Health of Bank Customers : Remarks at the Economic Growth and Regulatory Paperwork Reduction Act Banker Outreach Meeting, Nashville, Tennessee
- Current Issues in Corporate Governance : Remarks at the Bank Administration Institute's Fiduciary Risk Management Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada
- Innovation in Financial Markets and Banking Relationships : Remarks at the Financial Executives International 2004 Summit, San Diego, California
- Financial Innovation and Effective Risk Management : Remarks to the Financial Services Institute 2004, Washington, D.C.
- U.S. - EU Regulatory Dialogue : Statement before the Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
- Corporate Governance and Community Banks : Remarks before the Annual Convention of the Arkansas Bankers Association, Hot Springs, Arkansas
- Corporate Governance: Where Do We Go from Here? : Remarks to the Institute of Internal Auditors' Financial Services Conference, Arlington, Virginia
- Bank Secrecy Act Enforcement : Testimony before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate
- IASB Reform : Written Statement at the International Accounting Standards Committee Foundation Meeting, New York, New York
- Trends in Risk Management and Corporate Governance : Remarks at the Financial Managers Society Finance and Accounting Forum for Financial Institutions, Washington, D.C.
- Business Financial Conditions and Relationships with Bankers : Remarks to Financial Executives International Chicago Chapter Dinner, Chicago, Illinois
- Using Enterprise-wide Risk Management to Effectively Execute Business Strategies : Remarks to the Risk Management Association and Consumer Bankers Association Retail Risk Conference, Chicago, Illinois
- Corporate Governance and Risk Management at Community Banks : Remarks to the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Community Bank Directors Conference, Chicago, Illinois
- Challenges Facing the Accounting Profession Today : Remarks to the Cincinnati Chapter of the Ohio Society of Certified Public Accountants, Cincinnati, Ohio
- Developments in Financial Markets and Financial Management : Remarks at the Bond Market Association's Regional Bond Traders and Sales Managers Roundtable, Irving, Texas
- Enterprise Perspectives in Financial Institution Supervision : Remarks at the University of Connecticut School of Law, Connecticut Law Review Symposium, Hartford, Connecticut
- The Federal Reserve System and the economy : Remarks at the American Association of Individual Investors Washington Chapter Meeting, Arlington, Virginia
- Financial Supervision Issues : Remarks to the Securities Industry Association Annual Meeting, Boca Raton, Florida
- Fair Value Accounting : Remarks to the International Association of Credit Portfolio Managers General Meeting, New York, New York
- It's Not Just About the Models: Recognizing the Importance of Qualitative Factors in an Effective Risk-management Process : Remarks to the International Center for Business Information's Risk Management 2004 Conference, Geneva, Switzerland
- The Economy and Challenges in Retirement Savings : Remarks to the Financial Executives International Baltimore Chapter, Baltimore, Maryland
- Behind the Scenes at the FOMC : How the Federal Reserve Determines Monetary Policy : Remarks at the Academic Speaker Series, University of Tennessee at Martin, Martin, Tennessee
- Bank Secrecy Act and Capital Compliance Issues : Remarks at the Institute of International Bankers Annual Washington Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, Bank Secrecy Act, and Capital Issues : Remarks at the Financial Services Roundtable Annual Meeting, Palm Beach, Florida
- The Economy and Managing Personal Finances : Remarks at the Canisius College Richard J. Wehle School of Business Community Business Luncheon, Buffalo, New York
- The Basel II Accord and H.R. 1226 : Testimony before the Subcommittee on Domestic and International Monetary Policy, Trade, and Technology and the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
- Financial Stability Benefits and Implementation Challenges of Basel II : Remarks at the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey's International Conference on Financial Stability and Implications of Basel II, Istanbul, Turkey
- Observations on Measuring and Managing Operational Risk under Basel II : Remarks at the Federal Reserve System's Conference on Implementing and Advanced Measurement Approach for Operational Risk, Boston, Massachusetts
- Capital and Risk Management : Remarks at the Women in Housing and Finance Spring Symposium, Capital Issues for Financial Institutions, Washington, D.C.
- Community Banks: A Regulatory Update : Remarks at the American Bankers Association Chief Financial Officers Exchange Conference, Chicago, Illinois
- Enhancing Risk Management Under Basel II : Remarks at the Risk USA 2005 Congress, Boston, Massachusetts
- Current Regulatory Issues : Remarks at the North Carolina Bankers Association 109th Annual Convention, Kiawah Island, South Carolina
- Basel II Developments in the United States : Remarks before the Institute of International Bankers, Washington, D.C.
- Regulatory Issues : Remarks at the National Bankers Association Annual Convention, Beverly Hills, California
- Basel II Implementation and Revisions to Basel I : Testimony before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, United States Senate
- Recent Developments in Regulatory Capital : Remarks at the Standard and Poor's North American Financial Institutions Conference, New York, New York
- Linkages Between Internal Capital Measures and Regulatory Capital Requirements : Remarks at the International Center for Business Information's Risk Management Conference: Basel Summit, Geneva, Switzerland
- Productivity and Economic Outlook : Speech before the Tech Council of Maryland's Financial Executive Forum, Bethesda, Maryland
- The Continuous Challenges of Risk Management : Speech at the Financial Services Institute, Washington, D.C.
- Sound Capital and Risk Management : Speech at the OpRisk USA 2006 Conference, New York, New York
- An Update on Regulatory Issues : Speech at the Banking Institute, Charlotte, North Carolina
- A Risk-Management Perspective on Recent Regulatory Proposals : Speech at the America's Community Bankers Risk Management and Finance Forum, Naples, Florida
- A Bank Supervisor's Perspective on Enterprise Risk Management : Speech at the Enterprise Risk Management Roundtable, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina
- Supervisory Perspective on Current Bank Capital, Market Risk, and Loan Product Issues : Speech at the Bank Administration Institute Treasury Management Conference, Orlando, Florida
- Implementing Basel II: Choices and Challenges : Speech at the Global Association of Risk Professionals' Basel II and Banking Regulation Forum, Barcelona, Spain
- Challenges of Conducting Effective Risk Management in Community Banks : Speech at the Western Independent Bankers Annual CFO & Risk Management Conference, Coronado, California
- A Supervisor's Perspective on Enterprise Risk Management : Speech at the Financial Women's Association Washington Briefing, Washington, D.C.
- A Supervisor's Perspective on Mortgage Markets and Mortgage Lending Practices : Speech at the Mortgage Bankers Association, Presidents Conference, Half Moon Bay, California
- Addressing Challenges Raised by Basel II Implementation : Speech at the Risk Capital 2006 Forum, Paris, France
- Statement before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
- Basel II : Testimony before the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs, U.S. Senate
- A U.S. Supervisor's Perspective on Current Banking Issues : Speech at the British Bankers' Association, 10th Annual Supervision Conference, London, England
- A Supervisory Perspective on Enterprise Risk Management : Speech at the American Bankers Association Annual Convention, Phoenix, Arizona
- The Economic Outlook : Speech at the Drake-FEI Lecture, Des Moines, Iowa
- A U.S. Perspective on Basel II Implementation : Speech at the Institute for International Bankers Seminar on the Impact of Basel II on Financial Markets and Business Strategies, New York, New York
- Enterprise Risk Management and Mortgage Lending : Speech at the National Credit Union Administration, 2007 Risk Mitigation Summit, Washington, D.C.
- Economic Outlook and Developments in Mortgage Markets : Speech at the Eller College of Management Distinguished Speaker Series, Tucson, Arizona
- An Update on Basel II Implementation in the United States : Speech at the Global Association of Risk Professionals Basel II Summit, New York, New York
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Bies, Susan Schmidt and Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935-. Statements and Speeches of Susan Schmidt Bies. 2002-2007,, accessed on March 25, 2025.