District Notices (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
Information for Eleventh District financial institutions regarding regulatory matters and financial services. May contain information routed from other agencies.
- Circulars, 1914-1990
- Notices, 1991-2014
- 1910s
- [Transfer of Reserves to Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas], [Circular No. 14-1]
- [Making Applications for Rediscounts and Other Functions and Operations of This Bank], [Circular No. 14-2]
- [Eligible Paper for Rediscount], [Circular No. 14-3]
- [Functions of Federal Reserve Bank], [Circular No. 14-4]
- [Member Banks to Maintain Credit Files Relating to Borrowers], [Circular No. 14-5]
- [Length of Time and Rates of Rediscounts], [Circular No. 14-6]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 15-7]
- [Items Not Received for Credit], [Circular No. 15-8]
- [Second Installment of Capital Stock Due], [Circular No. 15-9]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 15-10]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 15-11]
- [Clearing Operations and Charge for Shipment of Currency], [Circular No. 15-12]
- [Financial Statements of Makers of Paper Rediscounted by Federal Reserve Banks], [Circular No. 15-13]
- [Form of Abstract and Summary], [Circular No. 15-14]
- [Inauguration of Collection System], [Circular No. 15-15]
- [Third Installment of Capital Stock Due], [Circular No. 15-16]
- [Charge for Transfer Drafts], [Circular No. 15-17]
- [Exposition of Collection System], [Circular No. 15-15-A]
- [Intra-District Collection], [Circular No. 15-15-B]
- Borrowers' Statements, [Circular No. 15-18]
- Rates for Eastern Exchange, [Circular No. 15-19]
- [Trade Acceptances], [Circular No. 15-20]
- [Form of Application for Rediscount], [Circular No. 15-21]
- Eastern Exchange Rates, [Circular No. 15-22]
- [Cotton Warehouse Facilities], [Circular No. 15-23]
- [Increased Reserve Requirements], [Circular No. 15-24]
- [Blanks for Reserve Requirements], [Circular No. 15-25]
- [Rediscount Rates], [Circular No. 15-26]
- [Retiring Circulation], [Circular No. 15-27]
- [Non-Receipt of Condition of Deposits and Reserves], [Circular No. 15-26-A]
- Bill of Lading Drafts, [Circular No. 15-28]
- Treasury Warrants and Checks, [Circular No. 15-29]
- Dividends, [Circular No. 16-30]
- Shipment of Federal Reserve Notes, [Circular No. 16-31]
- Purchase of United States Government Bonds, [Circular No. 16-32]
- Financial Statement Forms for Farmers and Stockmen, [Circular No. 16-33]
- Rebating Unearned Interest
- [Maintenance of Reserve Deposits], [Circular No. 16-34]
- Check Clearings and Collections, [Circular No. 16-35]
- Chattel Mortgage Paper, [Circular No. 16-36]
- Clearing Operations, [Circular No. 16-37]
- Clearing Operations, [Circular No. 16-38]
- Commodity Loans, [Circular No. 16-39]
- Promissory Notes, [Circular No. 16-40]
- Vault Reserves, [Circular No. 16-41]
- Changes in Reserve Requirements, [Circular No. 16-42]
- Insurance of Currency Shipments, [Circular No. 16-43]
- Concentration of Gold, [Circular No. 16-44]
- Clearing Operations - Reduction of Service Charge, [Circular No. 16-45]
- Relating to Applications to Sell United States Bonds, [Circular No. 17-46]
- Reduction in Reserve Requirements, [Circular No. 17-47]
- Collection of Trade Acceptances, [Circular No. 17-48]
- [Letter From Governor of F. R. Board], [Circular No. 17-49]
- [Report, the Government to Seize Bank Deposits], [Circular No. 17-51]
- [What Constitutes Reserve Balances], [Circular No. 17-50]
- Stamp Tax on Promissory Notes, [Circular No. 17-52]
- Rediscount Rates, [Circular No. 17-53]
- [Election of Directors], [Circular No. 17-54]
- Notice of Dividend, [Circular No. 17-55]
- Plan for the Collection of Maturing Notes, Bills and Other Collection Items, [Circular No. 17-56]
- [Board Meeting, Statement of Condition], [Circular No. 18-1]
- Duty of Banks in War Financing, [Circular No. 18-2]
- [Forms to be Used by Member Banks], [Circular No. 18-3]
- [Executive Order Prohibits All Transactions in Foreign Exchange, Export or Earmarking of Gold or Silver Coin, Etc.], [Circular No. 18-4]
- [Offering of Treasury Certificates of Indebt], [Circular No. 18-5]
- Collection of Checks on Non-Member Banks, [Circular No. 18-6]
- Collection of Checks on Non-Member Banks, [Circular No. 18-7]
- [Second Edition of Index Digest of Federal Reserve Act], [Circular No. 18-8]
- [Address of Hon. Chas. O. Austin, Bank Commissioner], [Circular No. 18-10]
- Our Method of Imparting Useful Information to Member Banks, [Circular No. 18-9]
- "Forewarned is Forearmed!", [Circular No. 18-11]
- [Telegram From Foreign Exchange Division of the Federal Reserve Board], [Circular No. 18-12]
- [Competitive Rates of Interest], [Circular No. 18-13]
- [Deposits in Drouth Stricken Districts], [Circular No. 18-14]
- Establishment of El Paso Branch, [Circular No. 18-15]
- Exchange Quotations, [Circular No. 18-16]
- Bankers Acceptances, [Circular No. 18-17]
- Announcement [Paul G. Taylor Elected as Assistant Cashier], [Circular No. 18-18]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 18-19]
- Bill of Lading Drafts, [Circular No. 18-20]
- Financial Statement Required When Submitting Paper for Rediscount, [Circular No. 18-21]
- Third Annual Report of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, [Circular No. 18-22]
- A Splendid Victory, [Circular No. 18-23]
- [Withdrawal of Silver Certificates From Circulation], [Circular No. 18-24]
- [Success of Third Liberty Loan], [Circular No. 18-25]
- [Sale of War Savings Stamps], [Circular No. 18-26]
- A Timely Function Which Every Eligible Bank in the Eleventh District Should Assume, [Circular No. 18-28]
- Purpose of the Rediscount Facilities of Federal Reserve Bank, [Circular No. 18-29]
- Rebating Unearned Interest, [Circular No. 18-27]
- Currency Shipments, [Circular No. 18-30]
- Suspension of Service Charge, [Circular No. 18-31]
- Wire Transfers, [Circular No. 18-34]
- Opening of El Paso Branch, [Circular No. 18-33]
- [Offering of Stock in New and Untried Companies], [Circular No. 18-35]
- ANNOUNCEMENT Opening of El Paso Branch Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, [Circular No. 18-32]
- Notice of Dividend, [Circular No. 18-36]
- Deposits of Checks With El Paso Branch, [Circular No. 18-37]
- [Letter From W. P. G. Harding, Governor of the Federal Reserve Board], [Circular No. 18-38]
- Drouth Relief From War Finance Corporation, [Circular No. 18-39]
- Orders for Shipments of Currency and Coin, [Circular No. 18-40]
- Advances for Crop Movement Purposes From War Finance Corporation, [Circular No. 18-41]
- [Reference to Circular No. 41], [Circular No. 18-42]
- [Rediscounts to Provide Funds Float], [Circular No. 18-43]
- Advances for Crop Movement Purposes From the War Finance Corporation, [Circular No. 18-44]
- IMPORTANT! [Meeting to Relieve Conditions in the West Caused by Protracted Drouth], [Circular No. 18-45]
- Exchange Rates, [Circular No. 18-46]
- Important, Please Read Carefully, [Circular No. 18-47]
- [Railway Company Pay Checks], [Circular No. 18-48]
- Election of Directors, [Circular No. 18-49]
- Currency and Coin Shipments, [Circular No. 18-50]
- How to Provide for Maturing Obligations to Prevent Impairment or Elimination of Legal Reserve, [Circular No. 18-51]
- Election of Directors, [Circular No. 18-52]
- Excessive Rediscounts by Member Banks, [Circular No. 18-53]
- Election of Directors, [Circular No. 18-54]
- Interest Earned but Not Collected, Interest and Discount Collected or Credited but Not Earned, Method of Accrual, [Circular No. 18-55]
- Election of Officers, [Circular No. 19-1]
- Deductions Allowed in Computing Member Banks' Reserves Carried With Federal Reserve Bank, [Circular No. 19-2]
- Addition to Par List, [Circular No. 19-3]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 19-4]
- [Section 3 of the Act Amends Section 11], [Circular No. 19-5]
- Valuable Information Regarding Reserve and Penalty Charges, [Circular No. 19-11]
- Redemption of Mutilated Currency, [Circular No. 19-6]
- Bankers' Acceptances, [Circular No. 19-7]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 19-8]
- Eligibility of Domestic Acceptances, [Circular No. 19-9]
- [Changes in Official Staff], [Circular No. 19-10]
- [Fourth Annual Report of Operations], [Circular No. 19-12]
- Federal Reserve Exchange and Transfer Drafts, [Circular No. 19-14]
- Establishment of Houston Branch, [Circular No. 19-13]
- [Official Staff of This Bank and Its Branches], [Circular No. 19-15]
- Financing of Cattle Industry, [Circular No. 19-16]
- ANNOUNCEMENT Opening Houston Branch Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, [Circular No. 19-17]
- Time Limit on Telegraphic Transfers, [Circular No. 19-19]
- Deposits of Checks With Houston Branch, [Circular No. 19-20]
- Removal of Restrictions on Member Banks in Preparing Currency Shipments, [Circular No. 19-21]
- Election of Directors, [Circular No. 19-22]
- Loaning Powers of National Banks Under the Amendment to Section 5200 U.S.R.S., [Circular No. 19-23]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 19-24]
- Election of Directors, [Circular No. 19-25]
- Exchange Rates, [Circular No. 19-26]
- Election of Directors, [Circular No. 19-27]
- Discount Rates, [Circular No. 19-29]
- [Protest All Checks of $10.00 and Over], [Circular No. 19-30]
- [Checks Not Handled as Cash Items Which Have Been Protested and Put Through for the Second Time], [Circular No. 19-31]
- Notice of Dividend, [Circular No. 19-28]
- Change in Rate for Purchase of Mail Transfers, [Circular No. 19-32]
- 1920s
- 1930s
- 1940s
- 1950s
- 1960s
- 1970s
- 1980s
- 1990s
- 2000s
- 2010s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Each District Bank of the Federal Reserve System issues circulars to their member banks. The circulars address community relations, bank services, and supervision and regulation and describe the Bank's procedures, and processes since the inception of the Federal Reserve System.
"To reduce duplication among regulatory agencies, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas has discontinued District Notices, effective Jan. 1, 2015. Regulatory and other relevant information can be found on the websites of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC)." -- https://www.dallasfed.org/banking/notices
Circulars for the years 1914-1917 are numbered sequentially. Starting in 1918, numbering starts over with 1 each year. Some circulars are not numbered.
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. District Notices (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas). 1914-2014. https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/5569, accessed on March 2, 2025.