Staff Picks: Mildred Adams and the Committee on the History of the Federal Reserve

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Learn more about the 1953 project to collect materials related to the history of the Federal Reserve, and about Mildred Adams, its executive director Read more

Category: Staff Picks

Staff Picks: Frances Perkins and the New Deal

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Minimum wage, work hour limitations, and social security: Find out more about Frances Perkins’s bright ideas that brought the United States out of its darkest times. Read more

Category: Staff Picks


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Power up your searches and get faster, more comprehensive access to FRASER’s collections with the new RESTful API. Read more

Category: FRASER Features

Uncurrent Events: The Bank Holiday of 1933

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Henry Ford, a run on gold, and a fireside chat: The chain of events during the Great Depression that sparked the Bank Holiday of 1933. Read more

Category: Uncurrent Events

FRASER Features: How to Use FRASER: 2021 Edition

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Tips, tricks, and tools: Our updated guide to using FRASER includes everything you need to know to find everything you’re looking for. Read more

Category: FRASER Features

Uncurrent Events: Women’s Firsts in FRASER

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FRASER recognizes five women who were first in their leadership roles: Nellie Tayloe Ross, Elizabeth Duncan Koontz, Carmen Rosa Maymi, Juanita M. Kreps, and Nancy Teeters. Read more

Category: Uncurrent Events

Librarian Life: 2020 Year in Review

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From a new look to new collections, discover all the new and notable enhancements and additions to FRASER in 2020. Read more

Category: Librarian Life

Staff Picks: Marriner Eccles

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From his role in the nation’s recovery after the Great Depression to his role in shaping the Federal Reserve, learn more about the contributions of Marriner Eccles to modern economic policy Read more

Category: Staff Picks

Staff Picks: Works of Irving Fisher on FRASER

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Learn more about economist Irving Fisher’s ideas and theories with FRASER’s collection of books and archival material by the “celebrity finance professor.” Read more

Category: Staff Picks

Librarian Life: Beyond the Numbers

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A preview of the 2020 Beyond the Numbers presentations, and a look at FRASER’s collections of economic data and educational resources. Read more

Category: Librarian Life
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