Jane Davis

FRASER Features: Primary Source Primer: Interviews

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Examines how to use an interview as a primary source. Read more

Category: FRASER Features

FRASER Features: Citing FRASER with Zotero

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Learn how to use the free citation manager, Zotero, to cite and manage resources from FRASER. Read more

Category: FRASER Features

Staff Picks: BLS African American Labor Series

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This feature highlights the early work and studies on African American labor done by the Bureau of Labor from 1897 to 1907. Read more

Category: Staff Picks

FRASER Features: Primary Sources Primer: Letters

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Examine FRASER’s letter collections and see what information you can glean from letters as primary source documents. Read more

Category: FRASER Features

FRASER Features: Library Glossary

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Find out what FRASER librarians mean when the terms “metadata”, “series,” and “theme” are used. Read more

Category: FRASER Features

Staff Picks: Bulletins of the Bureau of Labor Statistics

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The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Bulletins are a FRASER staff pick. With over 2,000 bulletins on labor, the workforce, and working conditions, BLS Bulletins are a valuable research asset. Read more

Category: Staff Picks

Staff Picks: Company Housing

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Company-provided housing was once a common practice in America. This 1920 BLS Bulletin examines company housing across the country. Read more

Category: Staff Picks
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