Statements and Speeches of William Poole
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of William Poole. Poole served as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis from March 23, 1998, to March 31, 2008.
- 1990s
- 2000s
- The Impact of Monetary Policy on Agriculture : 2000 ASU Agriculture-Business Conference, "Agriculture 2000: Issues and Alternatives," ASU Convention Center, Jonesboro, Arkansas
- Great Monetary Myths : Great Issues Series, Saint Louis University, St. Louis, Missouri
- Perspectives on Productivity : "The New Economy in a New Century: Impacts of Technology on What and How We Teach," A Conference Sponsored by the Office of Economic Education and Business Research, SIUE, South-Western College Publishing, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, Edwardsville, Illinois
- The Critical Role of Economic Education in the Conduct of Monetary Policy : Hawaii Council on Economic Education Annual Meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii
- Monetary Aggregates and Monetary Policy in the 21st Century : Memorial Conference to Honor Frank Morris, Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- Confidence and Central Banking : Fain lecture in Celebration of George Borts's Fiftieth Year as a Professor of Economics at Brown University, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island
- Expectations : The Twenty-Second Henry Thornton Lecture, Department of Banking and Finance, City University Business School, London, England
- How Well Do the Markets Understand Fed policy? : Center for Financial Studies, Frankfurt, Germany
- Monetary Policy in Uncertain Times : Missouri Bankers Association Senior Bank Management Conference, Acapulco, Mexico
- Coping with Monetary Policy Risks : Risk Management Association, Memphis, Tennessee
- Economic Forecasts and Monetary Policy : Arkansas Business and Economic Society and the Central Arkansas Chapter of the Risk Management Association, Little Rock, Arkansas
- The Euro: Engine for Prosperity : European Banking & Financial Forum 2001, Czech National Bank Congress Center, Prague, Czech Republic
- Does the United States have a Current Account Deficit Disorder? : Business and Community Leaders Luncheon, The Lannom Center, Dyersburg, Tennessee
- Getting Markets in Synch with Monetary Policy : First Annual Missouri Economics Conference, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri
- What Role for Asset Prices in U.S. Monetary Policy? : Bradley University, Peoria, Illinois
- The Role of Monetary Policy in the Current Macroeconomic Environment : National Association for Business Economics 43rd Annual Meeting, New York, New York
- Our Economic Prospects: One Economist's Perspective : Risk Management Association, Evansville, Indiana
- The Role of Government in U.S. Capital Markets : The Institute of Governmental Affairs, University of California-Davis, Davis, California
- Market Responses to Economic Stress : Little Rock Downtown Rotary Club, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Financial System Robustness : Financial Executives International, St. Louis Chapter, St. Louis, Missouri
- Central Bank Transparency: Why and How? : "How Transparent Should a Central Bank Be?" The Philadelphia Fed Policy Forum, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- What is Happening in the U.S. Economy? : AAIM Management Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- Flation : International Mass Retail Association (IMRA), Scottsdale, Arizona
- Eulogy for Darryl R. Francis, 1912-2002 : Fort Smith, Arkansas
- The Role of Anecdotal Information in Fed Policymaking : Century Club Breakfast, Olin School of Business, Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
- The Role of Finance in the Investment Bust of 2001 : Annual Southwestern Finance Association Meeting, St. Louis, Missouri
- Dynamics of the Recession and the Recovery : Lambuth University, Jackson, Tennessee
- Inflation, Recession, and Fed Policy : Midwest Economic Education Conference, St. Louis, Missouri
- As Easy as P.I.E.: Productivity, Innovation, and Education : Annual technology transfer showcase for the University of Missouri system
- Fed Policy to the Bond Yield : Midwest Region of the National Association of State Treasurers, Missouri History Museum, St. Louis, Missouri
- Financial Stability : Council of State Governments Southern Legislative Conference Annual Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana
- Taking Stock: The State of the Business Recovery : Midwestern States Association of Tax Administrators Conference, St. Louis, Missouri
- The Fed's Role in Community Development : Rays of Hope: A New Day for America's Distressed Urban Areas Conference, Co-sponsored by the Community Affairs Department of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and the University of Illinois East St. Louis Action Project, East St. Louis, Illinois
- From Professor to Policymaker: Emerging from the Shadow : Washington University in St. Louis, Olin School of Business, St. Louis, Missouri
- Institutions for Stable Prices: How to Design an Optimal Central Bank Law : First Conference of the Monetary Stability Foundation, Regional Office of the Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt, Germany
- Growth Prospects for the U.S. Economy : AAIM Management Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- Whither Investment? : Missouri Valley Economics Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- Booms, Recessions, and the Economically Disadvantaged : School of Business and Management, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, Arkansas
- Housing in the Macroeconomy : Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight Symposium, Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center, Washington, D.C.
- The Labor Market and Economic Growth : Southern Illinois University at Edwardsville Third Annual Rutman Lecture, Edwardsville, Illinois
- Shocks and More Shocks : Thirteenth Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference on the State of the U.S. and World Economies, Session on Monetary Policy and the U.S. and World Economies, The Levy Economics Institute of Bard College, New York, New York
- The Fed's Role in Maintaining Financial Stability : University of Central Arkansas, Conway, Arkansas
- The Labor Market and Economic Growth : 2003 Washington Legislative Update Conference, International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans, Washington, D.C.
- Fed Transparency: How, Not Whether : Global Interdependence Center, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- Prospects and Risks in the Bond Market : St. Louis Financial Analysts Society, St. Louis, Missouri
- The Role for Self-regulation and Voluntary Compliance Incentives in the Design of Pension Systems : Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development Conference on Pension Reform in Russia: From Legislation to Implementation, Moscow, Russia
- Economic Growth and the Real Rate of Interest : Bryant College, Providence, Rhode Island
- A Perspective on U.S. International Capital Flows : Tucson Chapter of the Association for Investment Management Research (AIMR), Tucson, Arizona
- A Perspective on U.S. International Trade : Louisville Society of Financial Analysts, Louisville, Kentucky
- A Monetary Policymaker's Perspective : The Cato Institute Book Forum, Washington, D.C.
- State of the U.S. Economy : AAIM Management Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- Best Guesses and Surprises : Charlotte Economics Club, Charlotte, North Carolina
- Trade, Wages, and Employment : LeMoyne-Owen College, Memphis, Tennessee
- Allowing Entrepreneurship : Evansville Rotary Club, Evansville, Indiana
- Inflation Signals and Inflation Noise : University of Arkansas at Little Rock, Peabody Hotel, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Panel on Government Sponsored Enterprises : The 40th Annual Conference on Bank Structure and Competition, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago
- Free Trade: Why are Economists and Noneconomists So Far Apart? : Trade, Globalization and Outsourcing Conference, Reuters America, Inc., New York, New York
- Panel Discussion on Challenges for U.S. Businesses : <i>Growing Global 2004</i>, World Trade Center Saint Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
- World Population Trends and Challenges : Lincoln University, Jefferson City, Missouri
- FOMC Transparency : Ozark Chapter of the Society of Financial Service Professionals, Springfield, Missouri
- Safeguarding Good Policy Practice : "Reflections on Monetary Policy 25 Years after October 1979," Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- Social Security Reform and Demographic Reality : Delta State University, Cleveland, Mississippi
- Maintaining Financial Stability: A Central Banker's Perspective : Czech Economic Association Conference, Prague, Czech Republic
- GSE Risks : St. Louis Society of Financial Analysts, St. Louis, Missouri
- The Outlook: Mississippi and the Nation : Northeast Mississippi Economic Forecast Conference, Tupelo, Mississippi
- Demographic Challenges to the State Pension Systems Around the World : Culver-Stockton College, Canton, Missouri
- A Perspective on the Graying Population and Current Account Deficit : Global Economic Outlook (GEO) Conference, West Palm Beach, Florida
- How Should the Fed Communicate? : "The Future of the Federal Reserve" Center for Economic Policy Studies (CEPS), Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey
- Improving Productivity in Higher Education : Webster University, St. Louis, Missouri
- Staying Out of the Way of Entrepreneurs : "Striking the Right Notes on Entrepreneurship," Memphis, Tennessee
- The Economic Outlook : AAIM Management Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- Understanding the Term Structure of Interest Rates : Money Marketeers, New York, New York
- "After Greenspan: Whither Fed Policy?" : Western Economic Association International Conference (WEAI), San Francisco, California
- How Predictable is Fed Policy? : University of Washington, Seattle, Washington
- The Fed's Monetary Policy Rule : Cato Institute, Washington, D.C.
- How Dangerous is the U.S. Current Account Deficit? : Economic Policy Lecture Series, Lindenwood University, St. Charles, Missouri
- Tracking Inflation : Kentucky State University, Frankfort, Kentucky
- Communicating the Fed's Policy Stance : HM Treasury/GES Conference <i>Is There a New Consensus in Macroeconomics?</i>, London, England
- Inflation Targeting : Junior Achievement of Arkansas Inc., Little Rock, Arkansas
- Fed Communications : St. Louis Forum, St. Louis, Missouri
- Recent Developments in Housing Markets: A National and Local Perspective : St. Louis, Missouri
- The Role of Federal Reserve Banks in the Federal Reserve System : Annual Global Student Investment Forum -- R.I.S.E. VI, "Redefining Investment Strategy Education," University of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio
- Inversion : Global Interdependence Center, Central Bank Series, Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
- The Role of Anecdotal Information in Monetary Policy : The Bank of Korea International Conference on Monetary Policy in an Environment of Low Inflation, Seoul, Korea
- Chinese Growth: A Source of U.S. Export Opportunities : Fiscal Affairs & Government Operations Committee, Council of State Governments' Southern Legislative Conference, Louisville, Kentucky
- Understanding the Fed : Dyer County Chamber of Commerce Annual Membership Luncheon, Dyersburg, Tennessee
- The Monetary Policy Model : National Association of Business Economics (NABE) Annual Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts
- Data Dependence : Middle Tennessee State University Annual Economic Outlook Conference, Murfreesboro, Tennessee
- Data, Data, and Yet More Data : Association for University Business and Economic Research (AUBER) Annual Meeting, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee
- U.S. Labor Input in Coming Years : Chartered Financial Analysts Society of Philadelphia, Wilmington, Delaware
- Responding to Financial Crises: What Role for the Fed? : Panel Discussion, Cato Institute 24th Annual Monetary Conference, Washington, D.C.
- The GSEs: Where Do We Stand? : Chartered Financial Analysts of St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri
- State of the U.S. Economy : AAIM Management Association, St. Louis, Missouri
- U.S. Saving : CFA Society of Nebraska, Omaha, Nebraska
- Energy Prices and the U.S. Business Cycle : Global Interdependence Center (GIC) Abroad in Chile Conference, American Chamber of Commerce in Chile Breakfast, Santiago, Chile
- Inflation, Financial Stability, and Economic Growth : Global Interdependence Center (GIC) Abroad in Chile Conference Keynote Address, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Santiago, Chile
- Understanding Inflation : National Association for Business Economics (NABE) New York Chapter, New York, New York
- Changing World Demographics and Trade Imbalances : The American European Community Association (AECA) Round-Table Conference Luncheon, Brussels, Belgium
- Reputation and the Non-prime Mortgage Market : St. Louis Association of Real Estate Professionals, St. Louis, Missouri
- Energy and the U.S. Macro Economy : Wilmington Club, Wilmington, Delaware
- Greece and the Euro : Global Independence Center Annual Black Tie Gala in Celebration of Greece, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Milton and Money Stock Control : Milton Friedman Luncheon, University of Missouri-Columbia, Columbia, Missouri
- U.S. Export Opportunities : Arkansas Minority Business Development Roundtable, Little Rock, Arkansas
- Protecting Exports : Southern Governors' Association Meeting, Session on Regional Economic Trends, Biloxi, Mississippi
- Jobs and Trade : European Economics & Financial Centre (EEFC) Conference, London, England
- Thinking Like a Central Banker : Market News International, New York, New York
- Real Estate in the U.S. Economy : Industrial Asset Management Council (IAMC) Convention, St. Louis, Missouri
- Market Healing : Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
- Market Bailouts and the "Fed Put" : Cato Institute, Washington, D.C.
- Dollars and Sense : Financial Planning Association of Missouri and Southern Illinois, St. Louis, Missouri
- Reflections : The St. Louis Gateway Chapter of the National Association for Business Economics, St. Louis, Missouri
- Inflation Dynamics : The Baldwin Lecture, Truman State University, Kirksville, Missouri
- Balancing Financial Stability, Price Stability, and Macroeconomic Stability: How Important is Moral Hazard? : U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, New York, New York
- Financial Innovation: Engine of Growth or Source of Instability? : University of Illinois-Springfield, Springfield, Illinois
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis and Poole, William, 1937 June 19-. Statements and Speeches of William Poole. 1998-2008,, accessed on February 17, 2025.