Statements and Speeches of James B. McDougal
James B. McDougal was the first governor of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, serving from October 23, 1914, to March 1, 1934.
- 1910s
- Miscellaneous Speeches by Governor McDougal
- Address, [Bankers' Club of Milwaukee, Wisconsin]
- [Speech at Banker's Club of Des Moines, Iowa]
- [Remarks at Dinner for Lord Cunliffe, Chicago]
- [Introductory Remarks at Dinner for William G. McAdoo] : [With Remarks from W.P.G. Harding]
- [Remarks to Group 4, Iowa Bankers Association, New Hampton, Iowa]
- The Liberty Loan of 1917 : Talk Given at Riverside, Illinois
- Memo of Address Made at Milwaukee, Mr Moehlenpah's Dinner
- [Outline for Speech]
- 1920s
- Outline for Remarks to the Members of the Grand rapids Association of Commerce
- Outline for Remarks to the Officials of the Northern Trust Company
- [Outline for Remarks at] Bond Men's Club of Chicago
- [Outline for Remarks at] Advertising Men's Post of the American Legion, Hotel Sherman, [Chicago]
- [Outline for Remarks at] Meeting at DeKalb, Illinois
- Outline for Talk Before Junior Employees, Chicago Stock Exchange
- Outline for Talk at Aurora, [Illinois]
- Outline for Talk, Junior Bank Officers Club
- Outline for Talk, Managers Meeting, International Harvester Co.
- The Federal Reserve System [And How It Operates] : [Outline for Remarks at] Tanners' Council of America
- The Federal Reserve System and How It Operates : Outline for Talk before 10th Annual Banquet of the First National Bank, Fort Wayne, Indiana
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McDougal, James B. and Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. Statements and Speeches of James B. McDougal. 1914-1929,, accessed on January 8, 2025.