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MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES 1929-40 U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Harry L. Hopkins, Secretary BUREAU OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC COMMERCE James W. Young, Director + Economic Series No. 6 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES 1929-40 BY FREDERICK M. CONE National Income Division UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON ; 1940 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price 10 cents PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATIONAL INCOME DIVISION National Income at Nearly 70 Billion Dollars in 1939. Reprint from Survey of Current Business, June 1940. Presents summary data for the decade 1929 through 1939 on national income by industrial source and type of payment, and compensation of employees by industrial groups. Includes revisions from previous income publications. No charge. Income in the United States, 1929-37. November 1938. Contains more de tailed information on national income for the years 1929 through 1937, including estimates of total income and composition of income by industrial source, and compensation and number of employees by industrial divisions. A chapter is devoted to discussions of the income concepts and terminology and the sources and methods of estimation. Price 10 cents. National income in the United States, 1929 35. November 1936. This bulletin includes a comprehensive discussion of the concepts and scope of the official estimates of national income and describes in detail the methods of estimation involved. Price 25 cents. State Income Payments, 1929-38. Reprint from Survey of Current Business, April 1940. Presents income payments by type of payment for each of the States from 1929 through 1938, as well as per capita income payments by States. In cludes also a brief discussion of the trends indicated by the data. No charge. Concentration and Composition of Individual Incomes, 1918-37, October 1940. Prepared for the Temporary National Economic Committee. An analysis of the changes in the shares of total individual income received by high-income recip ients and in the composition of these shares. Also contains data on the con centration of purchasing power and the effects of relief and veternas’ adjusted service payments on income concentration. Price 20 cents. Economic Conditions in the Osteopathic Profession. July 1939. Contains re sults of a survey of income in the osteopathic profession covering selected years from 1929 through 1937. No charge. Incomes of Chiropractors and Chiropodists. August 1939. Presents distri butions of income and average incomes for each of the professions for selected years from 1929 through 1937. No charge. Economic Conditions in the Dental Profession. September 1939. Contains re sults of a survey of income in the dental profession covering selected years from 1929 through 1937. Presents data relating income to type of practice, years of practice, type of income received, and geographic location. Price 10 cents. Indebtedness in the United States, 1929-39. Reprint from Survey of Current Business, June 1940. Presents summary data for the decade 1929 through 1939 on Federal, State, and local public debt, and long-term and short-term corporate and noncorporate private debt, compiled on a net-debt basis. This study differs in concept and scope from earlier studies made by the Department of Commerce which were confined to long-term debts. No charge. N o t e . —These bulletins may be obtained on request from the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce at Washington, or from any of its district offices, with the exception of National Income in the United States, 1929-35, and the study of income concentration. The latter reports may be obtained from the Superin tendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. (Postage stamps are not acceptable in payment for any bulletins for which a charge is indicated.) n CONTENTS Foreword______________________________________________________ Introduction-----------------------------------------------------------------Chapter I Concepts and scope of the estimates__ .. __ National income and income payments. . Salaries and wages_____________ ___ ____ _ ____ ____________ Dividends and interest---------------- . _ __ Entrepreneurial income______ Net rents and r o y a l t i e s . ------Direct relief, gifts, and inheritances . _______ Other labor income. _______ — ..... — ___ ____ ______________ Other forms of income_______________________________________ Chapter II Interpretation and use of the estimates_____________________________ Income payments and consumer purchasing power ------------I ncome payments as an index of general economic activity________ Appendix.—Sources and methods_____________ TABLES 1. National income and income payments by years, 1929 38__ 2. Income payments by months, 1929 40 CHARTS 1. Income payments and department-store sales_____________________ 2. Income payments and commodity production. ... . . . . ----------------3. Indexes of salaries and wages by major industrial groups___________ 4. Income payments and bank debits__ 5. Methods of adjusting monthly data to annual averages------------ill Page iv 1 3 3 4 f> 5 6 (i 7 8 11 12 16 27 10 22 15 18 21 21 28 FOREWORD This bulletin is another in a series of publications prepared by the Department of Commerce on the subject of income in the United States. The Department’s annual estimates of the national income, which provide break-downs by industrial sources and by types of pay ment, have proved widely useful and have stimulated a rapidly grow ing interest in the measurement of our income. In addition, the Department’s annual estimates of the flow of income to individuals in each of the various States have been extensively used in the business community as well as among research workers and Government officials. The annual figures, while valuable and essential for many purposes, are not sufficiently current to provide a measure of short-term changes in the economic activity of the Nation as evidenced by the flow of income to individuals. To meet this need, the Department first published estimates of monthly income payments early in 1938. This series, extending back to January 1929, has been revised and brought up to date. It is published each month in the Survey of Current Business and provides a measure of month-to-month changes in the aggregate income flow to individuals and a break-down by types of income payments. This series is particularly useful as an indicator of changes in general business activity and is helpful to business in providing a measure approximating the purchasing power of consumers. This bulletin is published for the purpose of describing in detail the sources and methods underlying the estimates and discussing the va rious uses and limitations which should guide those who use the statis tics. The estimates and the bulletin have been prepared in the National Income Division of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce. This work is under the supervision of E. A. Tupper, Chief Statistician of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, and under the general direction of Robert R. Nathan, Chief of the National Income Division. Frederick M. Cone has been primarily responsible for the development of methods and techniques employed in the preparation of the figures. J ames W. Y oung , Director, Bureau oj Foreign and Domestic Commerce. A ugust 1940. IV MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS IN THE UNITED STATES, 1929-40 INTRODUCTION Early in 1938 the Department of Commerce published its first esti mates of monthly income in the United States. Since that time a number of changes in the content of the series and in the methods of estimation have been made. Further revisions of equal importance ' may be undertaken in the future as new source material becomes avail able and as the application of the series to the purposes it is intended to serve, reveals its adequacies for those purposes. It is believed, however, that the concept of income payments and tin1 sources and methods involved in its measurement have become sufficiently crystal lized to render advisable a more comprehensive description of the series at this time. For those who have been using the monthly series since its original publication 12 it may be, useful to indicate briefly the major revisions which have subsequently been made, before proceeding to describe the estimates as they now stand. The original series represented an outgrowth of the Department’s annual estimates of the national income and was prepared largely in response to a demand for a measure of current changes in the, Nation’s income. Since it was not feasible to construct a satisfactory index of current changes in the item of business savings, the objective at that time was limited to a break down by months of what has been termed “ income paid out” in the annual estimates. This is a measure of the total compensation disbursed by business enterprises for services rendered by individuals. The sum of income paid out and business savings comprises the national income.3 It soon became apparent, however, that current changes in income disbursed by business enterprises were likely to be misleading as an indication of movements in the net value of goods and services pro duced, because of the marked quarterly changes in the residual item of business savings. Also, it appeared that the series would probably find its most important application as an indicator of changes in the current purchasing power of consumers. Therefore, in correct ing the monthly series to accord with the revised annual income estimates 1 Owing to the comprehensive nature of income aggregates, new information is constantly coming to hand which makes advisable the revision of many individual components. Despite the frequent apj>earanec of such additional source materials, revisions in the income aggregates have in the past, been of a moderate character. Thus, since its original publication in 1934 the Department's estimate of the national income for 1929 has varied from 80.8 to 83.0 billion dollars—i. e., within a range of less than 3 percent. 'The estimated trend in national income has been confined to much narrower limits. Thus, in all the various revisions the year 1933 expressed as a percentage of 1929 has varied only from 51.5 to 52.1. * “Monthly Income Payments in the United States,” February 1938 issue of the Survey of Current Business. 3 For an extended discussion of the concepts and scope of the nat ional-income estimates, the reader is referred to chapters 1 and 2 of National Income in the united States, 1929-35. 1 2 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 from 1929 to 1937, inclusive, it was considered advisable to depart from the concept of income paid out and to construct a series that would more closely represent the actual payment of income to individ uals. A brief description of the revised series was published in the October 1938 issue of the Survey of Current Business.4 The esti mated volume of income payments was later raised somewhat for the whole period as a result of revisions in the annual figures,5 hut the concept of income payments as a measure of the flow of consumer purchasing power is essentially that which was briefly described in the October 1938 issue of the Survey of Current Business. 4 “Revised Estimates of Monthly Income Payments in the United States, 1929-38.” * “National Income in 1938 at 64 Billion Dollars,” June 1939 issue of the Survey of Current Business. C hapter I CONCEPTS AND SCOPE OF THE ESTIMATES In recent years national-income estimates have been applied to a variety of uses, only two of which are noted here. The national income proper continues to be generally accepted as the most compre hensive index of the product of the Nation’s economic activity and of its economic welfare. More recently, however, the violent cyclical movements of the past 10 years have concentrated attention upon the purchasing-power aspect, of the national-income aggregate. The national income is a measure of the net value of the Nation’s economic output and at the same time a measure of the command over this output. It is the demand or purchasing-power aspect of the national income which has assumed increasing importance in recent years. Its segments have considerable usefulness as measures of fluctuations in consumer purchasing power, and as determinants of such important variables as savings, investment, and consumption. In this con nection, two important changes in method arc demanded. In the first place, it is immediately evident that the year, which is the unit of time forced upon the national-income estimator by prevailing accounting procedure, is too large a unit for the analysis of short-term fluctuations or for the determination of current business and govern mental policy. Secondly, some of the value judgments that com plicate the work of the national-income estimator are not relevant to the purposes noted above. In particular, the effect of a given amount of personal income upon consumer purchasing as a whole must be conceived of as being independent of whether or not this income represents a reward for a service rendered. In the analysis of cyclical fluctuations, interest ultimately attaches to the flow of funds from industry and Government to the consumer and his disposal of these funds, which in turn constitutes a demand for consumable goods and services and for capital goods. For the most part, however, consumers acquire a command over goods only in return for definite services which they currently render in the pro duction of these or other goods. Therefore, the present monthly series on income payments in the United States is, as already noted, closely related to the Department’s estimates of the national income, and for this reason and also because the latter figures are compara tively well known to the general public, it will be useful, in describing the content of the series, to relate the treatment of its several items, wherever possible, to the treatment of the same or comparable items in the national income as estimated by the Department of Commerce. NATIONAL INCOME AND INCOME PAYMENTS In the annual income reports of the Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce, national income is defined as the net value of all com modities produced and all services rendered within the United States. 3 4 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-4Ô The significance of the concept has been developed at some length in the various publications6 of the Bureau on this subject, and it is not necessary to enlarge upon the concept here, except as it incidentally enters into the description of the monthly series. In any given year the business enterprises producing the com modities and services that make up the national income may not pay out to the individuals contributing- to their activities exactly the value of the year’s net product. In some years business units increase their net worth by retaining a share of their net product. These undistributed earnings are termed positive business savings. In other years the relative inelasticity of business costs with respect to business income forces business units to sustain their payments to individuals by drafts upon business capital and surplus. This excess of income disbursed over the value of product is called negative business savings. The share of the national product distributed to individuals each year includes the salaries, wages, dividends, interest, and rents and royalties disbursed by business enterprises in return for the personal services or capital which individuals have contributed to the process of production, in addition to what individual entrepreneurs take either in cash or in kind from their business for their own personal expenditures. This aggregate has been defined in earlier studies as “income paid out.” Until recently, the aggregate disbursements of income to the agents of production (income paid out) might well have been taken as representative of the flow of purchasing power to individuals considered as ultimate consumers. The severe economic distress of the past 10 years has, however, occasioned several important changes in public fiscal policy, which have served to negate the identity between the distributed portion of the national income and con sumer purchasing power and to make desirable a separate series measuring the latter quantity. The character of these changes will be evident in the discussion of the separate items included in income payments. SALARIES AND WAGES Salaries and wages included in income payments are identical with those included in the national-income estimates, save for one important exception. Since 1936 national income includes, along with the com pensation received directly by the employee, also that portion of his wage or salary which he contributes to the Social Security programs, as well as the Social Security contribution of his employer to the employee’s account. It is reasoned that such contributions represent on the one hand a labor cost to the employer, and on the other a share in the net product which accrues to the employee’s account though not immediately available to him Such contributions are excluded from income payments because they are definitely not at the em ployee’s immediate disposal. On the other hand, employee benefits are included in income payments (cf. “Other labor income,” below). Income in kind is inducted in salaries and wages in both series for those industries in which this type of income is of importance. The inclusion of this nonmonetary type of income in a series designed to represent the flow of funds or purchasing power to consumers may » Cf. especially: National Income, 1929-32; National Income in the United States, 1929-35; and Income in the United States, 1929-37. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 5 seem questionable at first sight, but payments in kind constitute an effective command over consumer’s goods, though this command is exercised by the employer rather than the employee. Payments in kind constitute about 2 percent of total salaries and wages but are particularly important in certain industries, notably agriculture, domestic service, water transportation, and in the military and naval services of the Federal Government. DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST In national-income estimates, institutional investors, such as banks and insurance companies, are considered to be aggregates of individuals, on the ground that dividends and interest received by such institutions represent accruals to the credit of individual deposi tors or policyholders. Consistently with this procedure, the dis tributive shares in the national product do not include funds which individuals actually receive, in the form of interest, from these insti tutional savings organizations. This treatment, not an entirely satisfactory one, is necessitated by the consideration that it is at present impossible to determine what proportion of withdrawals by investors from such institutions represents the interest on invested capital and what proportion represents the return of their principal. This deficiency is particularly important in the case of income pay ments because the individual consumer cannot be considered to exercise immediate command over the current investment income accruing to his account. On the other hand, the individual can, and frequently does, withdraw all or part of his capital, including the accrued interest thereon, from the institution. Therefore, one pos sible solution for this problem might be the deduction from total income payments as now measured of all interest income of such institutions as well as the net of consumer deposits over withdrawals from such institutions. Such a procedure would be tantamount to isolating th(> demand for a certain type of goods, e. g., bank balances, and calculating the residual purchasing power for all other goods anil services. It seems likely that this is the direction that the statistical analysis of cyclical fluctuations will ultimately take, but for the present the inclusion of such capital transfers would involve a radical depar ture from the concept of income and would lead to an analysis of the disposal as against the mere receipt of consumer income. ENTREPRENEURIAL INCOME Entrepreneurial income, as included in income payments, com prises the net income of farm operators and independent professional men and the computed withdrawals of independent businessmen in other lines of enterprise. Because the fields of agriculture and pro fessional service account for more than one-half of total entrepre neurial income, the aggregate is known by this more familiar term rather than as entrepreneurial withdrawals. The withdrawal of an entrepreneur is defined as that portion of his business receipts that he withdraws from his enterprise for personal or nonbusiness uses. It is obvious that this concept of an entrepreneurial withdrawal is the proper one for inclusion in a measure of consumer purchasing power, but there is great difficulty in determining the actual volume of such withdrawals, particularly in agriculture and professional 230746°—40-----2 6 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 service, in which fields no distinction is here drawn between an entre preneur’s net income and his withdrawal for nonbusiness uses. In the field of professional service, capital requirements are in general so limited as to render unimportant the distinction between the entre preneur’s personal savings and his business savings. In agriculture, it has been found impossible to make a satisfactory estimate of entrepreneurial withdrawals. Furthermore, the limited information now at hand indicates that farm purchasing varies substantially with the net income of farm operators. Therefore, pending further studies on this subject, agricultural net income has been included in income payments. NET RENTS AND ROYALTIES Net rents and royalties are included in the national-income aggre gate as an independent type of income, but for lack of space are shown in combination with entrepreneurial income in the monthly series. They may be defined as gross rents and royalties less expenses, depre ciation, and depletion. Interest payments in this connection are classified as expenses inasmuch as they appear elsewhere as a type of income. In fact, net rents as thus computed represent to a consider able degree interest return on the equity of the owner or operator, and on that account might well have been combined with dividends and interest into an aggregate of property income. However, net rents include an element of return for the efforts of the owner and operator, and are, therefore, classified with entrepreneurial income, which is like wise a combination of interest income and labor income. DIRECT RELIEF, GIFTS, AND INHERITANCES Direct relief, gifts, and inheritances are all excluded from national income estimates on the ground that, although they constitute in many cases a substantial component of personal income, such receipts are more in the nature of income transfers than rewards for services rendered in the productive process, and therefore represent no addi tion to the income of society. Likewise, gifts and inheritances are excluded from income payments because such additions to the income of the recipient are considered to be simultaneously counterbalanced by an equal deduction from the income (or wealth) of the giver or from the wealth of the deceased. It is obvious, however, that such transfers of income or wealth have a very marked influence upon the distribution of individual income and consequently upon the disposi tion of available purchasing power as between different types of consumer’s and capital goods, if not upon the volume of such pur chasing power. Direct relief, as disbursed by governmental agencies, is not, how ever, excluded from income payments, since such relief is not imme diately offset by a like reduction in the income (or claim over income) of the nonrelief portion of the population if the Government finances relief by borrowing. In such a case the purchase of Government obligations must be considered as entailing the same sort of decision as any other act of individual investment, and, therefore, the inaugura tion of a direct-relief program does actually increase the volume of funds at, the disposal of ultimate consumers. Of course, it is not in general possible to say which functions of government are operated on the basis of current tax receipts and which are operated on borrowed MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 192 9-4 0 7 funds, but for the period during which direct relief has been of impor tance, there have been only isolated attempts to earmark tax receipts for relief purposes, whereas the flotation of bonds for such purposes has been a common occurrence throughout the period. The Federal Government in particular has been financing a considerable portion of its expenditures on borrowed funds during these years. For these reasons all governmental expenditures on relief7 are included in the monthly series. It should be noted, however, that the whole problem of the effect of taxes upon the disposition of consumer income is a complicated one, and certain aspects of this question will be noted in another part of this bulletin. The treatment outlined above refers to transfers of income among individuals or from governments to individuals. In the case of con tributions to charity by business units, a somewhat different treatment is required. Under prevailing legislation, business units are permitted to enter such items as deductible costs, and since national-income estimates lean heavily on corporation income-tax data, the reporting of such contributions as a cost and their exclusion from the estimates of national income in effect understates the computed national income total by that amount. At the present time there is not sufficient infor mation available to permit a correction for this bias. Consequently, such contributions are included in neither the national income nor the monthly series on income payments. Such additions to personal income by business units, while substantial in absolute amount, represent but a fraction of the volume of direct relief or income trans fers between individuals. OTHER LABOR INCOME Other labor income comprises industrial pensions, industrial com pensation for injuries, and veterans’ benefits of various types, in addition to social-insurance benefits under the terms of the Social Security Act, the treatment of which has already been indicated in the earlier discussion of salaries and wages. Income of this type differs from direct relief, which is awarded on the basis of needs, in that it represents a return for services rendered at some time or another; it differs from salaries and wages in that the reward is separated in time from the service which it represents and is, therefore, only indirectly related to the current level of economic activity. This type of income in reality comprises two distinct types, each of which requires separate discussion. 1. Industrial pensions and compensation for injuries are included in national income as well as in the monthly series. The ideal treatment for this type of income would be that which is applied to the fiscal operations of the Social Security Act, namely, the inclusion in the national income of the employee’s full wage and the employer’s con tribution to such funds for the period during which the employer or employee makes his contribution to the appropriate fund, and the inclusion of employee benefits in income payments for the period during which the employee receives them. Actually there is not sufficient information to permit this procedure; in many cases the employer is the only contributor, the plan is on a pay-as-you-go basis, and benefits 7 As in computing the national income, work-relief wages are included with other salaries and wages on the ground that the value of works projects is commensurate with the cost of the projects, as with other functions of government. 8 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 19 29-40 are reported as a current expense. For these reasons the actual bene fits are included in both national income and income payments for the period during which they are received. It will be noted that no provision has been made in the construction of the monthly series for individual annuity and accident insurance policies, although the monetary consequences of such policies are very much like those of the industry- or Government-sponsored plans that are taken into account, namely, the increase in the demand for invest ment opportunities relative to consumption that occurs while the insurance funds are being built up and the shift in demand while they are being depleted. Private insurance and annuity policies should, however, be considered as among the many goods that compete for the consumer’s dollar, whereas he has no choice as to the disposal of a portion of his income when the insurance plan is a matter of legislation or of company policy. 2. Federal pensions and compensation to war veterans have, over the period its a whole, averaged more than $400,000,000 per year and, prior to the inauguration of social-insurance benefits in recent years, constituted the largest single component of “Other labor income.” In addition to its regular pensions to veterans, the Federal Govern ment since 1931 has disbursed nearly $3,000,000,000 to the veterans of the World War in consideration of their services during that period. Both types of veterans’ benefits are excluded from the Bureau’s national-income estimates on the ground that the services for which such payments are designed to compensate were rendered before the period covered by the Bureau’s figures, but both are included in the monthly series as constituting an important addition to consumer purchasing power, especially in the years 1931 and 1936. Prior to June 1936 payments to World War veterans took the form of cash loans on the security of their adjusted service certificates; in that month the Federal Government, in discharge of its obligations on account of adjusted service legislation, remitted to the veterans more than $2,000,000,000 worth of adjusted service bonds and some cash. The larger portion of these bonds were liquidated during the year 1936, but the Treasury has been redeeming them in smaller amounts during the past 3 years; the present rate is about $2,000,000 a month. More properly, then, the payments to veterans represent in the first instance loans on existing assets and in the second the gradual liquida tion of these assets rather than the actual payment of income as here defined. Nevertheless, because these disbursements of the Federal Government were in the nature of original receipts to the veterans and because, owing to the large volume of the disbursements and their wide distribution among 3,000,000 veterans, they represented an important stimulus to consumption on two distinct occasions, they have been incorporated into the monthly series. The treatment illustrates the difficulty of distinguishing at times between capital movements and income flow in the analysis of consumer purchasing. OTHER FORMS OF INCOME There are various other minor types of personal income which are not included either in the Bureau’s national-income estimates or in the monthly series of income payments. Realized gains or losses from the sale of assets are not included in national-income estimates because they are strictly price phenomena MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 9 and in no sense measure net value of product in a given period. This type of income is likewise excluded from income payments but on somewhat different grounds. It is assumed that the transfer of a capital asset makes no contribution to mass purchasing power, since the increase in funds available to the seller is simultaneously offset by the immobilization of an equal volume of the purchaser’s current income.8 Capital gains do, however, exert important influences upon the distribution of current purchasing power and consequently upon its disposal among different goods and commodities. In particular, it is suspected that income arising from a realized gain on capital transactions is subjected to quite different treatment in its disposition than is income of a more regular nature. But this con sideration is only one of many psychological influences that indirectly affect the direction of business activity and for this reason is not involved in the present discussion. Earnings from odd jobs or from illegal activities are excluded from both series, the former because of insufficient data, the latter because such activities are considered as being of no economic value within the legal framework of the producing economy. The exclusion of these two items from the income-payments series cannot be considered as seriously impairing its usefulness. If such exclusion results in an understatement of the dollar volume of consumer demand, this understatement is offset by the exclusion of the same items from the supply of goods and services (national income). In fact, for purposes of comparison it is desirable that a consistent procedure be observed for such items. Imputed income from the ownership of durable consumers’ goods is excluded from the income-payment series as representing no addition to consumer purchasing power. This type of income is, however, included in many estimates of the national income by nongovernmental agencies, and it is likely that future studies by this Bureau may adopt this procedure. In that event there will be a further important difference between national income and income payments. The accompanying table indicates the magnitude of many of the items of which the treatment has been discussed above. Several minor items have been grouped together in order to shorten the table. These minor components include the effects of the Federal civil-service retirement operations, State allowances to war veterans, and some smaller items subjected to different treatment in constructing the two aggregates. 8 This offset is not strictly true in a period of generally rising prices when capital appreciation is supported by an increase in the volume of credit. For such a situation the volume of new credit is a more adequate measure of the increase in consumer buying than the aggregate of capital gains as such. Table 1.—National Income and Income Payments by Years, 1929-38 Item Contributions to retirement systems for governmental Additions: 1930 1931 82. 885 1,33» 81,54« 68.901 -5,033 73,934 54.310 -7. 490 61,800 131 60 421 168 140 94 445 191 149 158 525 907 211 160 326 548 147 227 82,064 74,524 63, 452 49, 319 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 50,304 -2. 407 52,711 3 55.833 -1.390 57, 223 7 64,792 -791 65, 583 299 167 580 431 54 246 180 828 353 26 271 192 1.099 385 19 282 205 672 399 1,427 268 1 46,830 54,006 58,809 67. 846 70,925 63. 459 -803 -2.284 71,728 65. 743 950 1, 119 329 295 122 108 215 223 837 1,008 409 398 128 57 269 268 1 396 96 35 3 10 71, 783 66,242 40,074 42,440 -8. 157 -3,246 48. 231 45,686 1938 1939 69.308 -294 1,196 319 112 234 1,067 422 34 279 429 109 15 70.096 1 National-income figures differ slightly from those published In the June 1940 Survey of Current Business. The national income totals for the years 1933 to 1939 have been sig nificantly revised owing to important revisions in estimated work-relief wages which were made subsequent to the publication of the national-income estimates for 1939. Several additional changes of a minor character have also been effected for the years 1938 and 1939. 3 Exclusive of business savings in agriculture. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 Other deductions: 1929 O1 C hapter II INTERPRETATION AND USE OF THE ESTIMATES In the preceding chapter the content of the monthly series has been described at some length. The mere enumeration of the various items included in the series will have served to acquaint the reader with its general nature and to indicate its possible uses. However, it seems advisable to describe more fully the income-payments concept, even at the risk of some repetition, and to define at some length the limita tions attaching to its use. Although intended primarily as a measure of consumer purchasing power, the monthly series is readily applicable to a number of other uses. Among these, particular attention will be devoted to the use of the series as an index of general business activity. For each of these uses it may ultimately be desirable that a distinct measure of the monthly fluctuations in income be computed and published. For the present, however, it seems likely that the multiplication of income series would merely result in greater confusion, and it seems preferable to publish a single series, while noting briefly such ad justments as are desirable in each instance. Moreover, the break down of the present series is presented with these various appli cations in mind. Thus, the presentation of income payments by type of payment is intended to be indicative in a very rough way of the distribution of current income by size of income, which, as well as the volume of income, is a very important factor in deter mining the direction of consumer demand. It is well known that direct relief and unemployment benefits are subject to different disposal than dividends and interest, which are for the most part currently received by institutional investors or persons enjoying a high level of income. However, this type of analysis is at present limited by the wide variation in the average income from the im portant item of salaries and wages, even within each industry group. On the other hand, the break-down of labor income by industrial groups is designed to serve as an imperfect measure of the con tribution of the various industrial segments of the economy to cur rent economic activity. Similarly, the index of nonagricultural in come payments is presented primarily to provide a measure of general economic activity that shall exclude the current contribution of agriculture, and secondarily as a measure of the monthly purchasing power of the nonfarm segments of the population. The remainder of this chapter will be devoted to a discussion of the two important applications of the series noted above, with special attention to its use as an index of changes in consumer purchasing power. As in the previous chapter, it will be convenient to start with the better-known concept of national income. In the estimation and analysis of the national income, it has been found useful to distinguish between the business enterprises that con11 12 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 duct the Nation’s economic activity and the individuals whose services make that activity possible. The concept of a business enterprise in this connection includes not only business units in the narrow sense but also such enterprises as governmental bodies, farms, private hospitals, trade associations, and independent professional practices. The year-to-year output of the Nation’s business enterprises is defined as the national income. In return for their assistance in the productive process, business enterprises disburse to individuals their share in the monetary value of the year’s output. Individuals must, however, be considered not only as the ultimate agents of production but also as the ultimate end of production and their distributive shares in the national product as the payments by means of which business enter prises enable individuals to consume the output of the economy. Hence arises the notion of consumer purchasing power and its close relationship to the national income. As indicated previously, the two aggregates are not necessarily equal and, in fact, are not likely ever to be equal over a limited period of time. The reasons for this divergence are twofold. First, as noted in chapter I, business units do not, over the short period, pay out to individuals the exact value of the period’s output but retain the ownership of a part of this output in the form of undistributed earnings or under adverse conditions pay out more than the period’s net output, notably by failing to meet depreciation and obsolescence charges. Secondly, business enterprises not only make payments to individuals who have contributed to the output of the period but also, in in creasing measure, to persons who have made such contributions in the past or who have made no contributions at all. This lack of identity between the value of current output and the aggregate flow of income to consumers has been the subject of increasing attention in business-cycle analysis. In particular, the question is asked: Under what conditions is the current flow of income from business or governmental units into the hands of individuals such as to enable consumers to take of!' the market the final products of government and industry without giving rise to those economic disturbances that are commonly associated with the business cycle?9 Associated with this question is a related problem of equal importance: how does the “consumer disposal” of these funds affect the stability of economic activity? Without entering into any of the theoretical aspects of these related problems, the monthly series on income payments is offered as a measure of the current flow of funds from business enter prises to individuals and constitutes at least a first step essential to an analysis of the disposal of consumer income. INCOME PAYMENTS ANI) CONSUMER PURCHASING POWER In chapter I it was stated that the income-payments series was intended primarily as a measure of changes in the current purchasing power of consumers, but there was no attempt to define the term “purchasing power.” In recent years the term has received consider able attention in economic literature, but so far no consistent definition seems to have been evolved. On the whole, it does not seem profitable 9 It is not intended to imply that Consumer purchasing is the sole or even the most imjxirtant element in the generation of cyclical changes in business activity. A similarly imj>ortant role must be assigned to business purchasing, osi>ecially of raw materials and durable capital, but this type of demand is necessarily excluded from this discussion. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 19 29-40 13 to speak of a community’s power to purchase in general, but rather of its ability to purchase certain types of goods. Purchasing power in the broad sense of the term is a function of wealth as well as of income. Goods can be exchanged against goods, and the only possible limit to the volume of such exchanges in a given period of time is the volume of goods in existence and the velocity with which such exchanges can be accomplished. Such a concept of purchasing power seems to be as little susceptible to practical use as it is possible of precise measurement. It seems more profitable to restrict the term “consumer purchasing power” to signify the ability of consumers to purchase the new goods and services currently produced by business enterprises. This defini tion is more consistent with what is conceived to be the primary func tion of an economic society, namely, the production of new goods and services, the process of exchanging assets assuming importance largely to the degree to which it facilitates this production. Consumer pur chasing power in this sense is currently created only by the flow of funds from business enterprises to individuals. That is to say, it is impossible for individuals as such to increase their buying power in the aggregate. It is possible for a given individual to increase his own consumption of the current industrial output by the sale of what ever assets he may possess. But purchases and sales of existing assets among individuals must cancel in the aggregate and, therefore, can neither augment nor decrease the volume of consumer buying power. Similarly the extension of new consumer credits results in no addition to purchasing power insofar as the funds that sustain such credits arise from the current savings of individuals.10 Even if it be conceded that the purchasing power of consumers, as defined above, is restricted to the flow of funds from business enterprises, it is none the less not valid to identify this aggregate with “income payments,” which has been defined us the flow of income from business enterprises. There are circumstances under which the purchases and sales of assets may be said to exert an influence on consumer buying power, namely, in those instances where such transactions take place, not among individuals, but between indi viduals and business entities. Corporations can, for example by the purchase of securities in the open market, increase the ability of individuals to purchase the current industrial output to the extent that these securities are purchased from individuals, and some author ities have stressed such operations as an important factor in cyclical fluctuations. Similarly, business enterprises may absorb a certain amount of consumer buying power bv the open-market sale of securities. Therefore, the usefulness of the income-payment series, as an index of consumer purchasing power, is limited by our present inability to measure transfers of assets between individuals and busi ness units. In practice, the importance of this limitation is minimized by the consideration that at the present time the series is likely to be most useful in analyzing the demand for consumer’s goods in the narrow sense and that the major portion of this demand arises from consumers who are but little affected by considerations of t he type discussed above. 10 On the other hand, credits of this nature do havean important influence upon the directionof current demand. Thecreation of installment credit, e. when financed by current savings, results in an increased demand for consumer’s goods accompanied by a relative decline in the demand for capital goods. The reverse of this shift in demand accompanies the liquidation of consumer credits. 230746° 40------------- 3 14 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 Moreover, it is in the power of business units in general and of banks in particular to furnish a genuine stimulus to consumer buying by the extension of new credits. This type of consumer borrowing may take two forms: A retailer, for example, may elect to finance his customer by leaving some of his profits in the form of accounts receivable,11 or he may choose to borrow from a bank. In either case, the business community must be considered to have supplied consumers with buying power additional to that which represents a return for services rendered. While changes in the volume of con sumer credit are normally small in relation to the average volume of income payments, consumer credit is subject to wide fluctuations and is, therefore, generally recognized as a factor of strategic import ance in the analysis of cyclical fluctuations. It is, however, subject to independent measurement and will receive no further consideration here. Finally, some consideration should be given to the ability of the monetary authority to make new money available to the public. It may be profitable at this point to distinguish between consumer purchasing power as a vague potential and consumer purchasing as a realization of that potential. Income statistics as now presented refer exclusively to the past; therefore, there seems to be little profit in speculating as to how much new money the monetary authority might have made available in the period under review and it seems better to restrict our analysis to the actual volume of new money created.1112 Similarly, when it is a question of estimating future purchasing power, the ability of the monetary authority to create new money or of the banks to extend new credits is of little consequence. Over the period during which income payments can be forecast with any degree of certainty, the volume of new money or of new credits that are likely to be created can also be estimated with a fair degree of accuracy. In fact, unforeseen changes in either of these items are likely to be associated with simultaneous fluctuations in income. At any rate, both of these forces are subject to independent measurement. With the three qualifications noted above, the income-payments series presented in this bulletin is believed to represent with a fair degree of accuracy 13 the volume of funds currently made available to individuals by business enterprises and, therefore, the current level of consumer purchasing power as that concept has been defined above. It is evident at once that it is impossible to work out a very close correlation between the demand for investment goods and the flow 11 A rigorous analysis would classify this type of lending as merely involving a shift in demand (cf. lootnote 1»), since undistributed profits generally take the form of a demand for investment goods. However, since business savings are excluded from this analysis, which is by daf'mition limited to consumer purchasing power and excludes any considerat ion of demand on the part of business units, these credits should for con sistency be considered as an actual increase in the consumer demand for current output. i* I n this respect the use of the term “power” is perhaps unfortunate: its use is justified, however, in con junction with the term “consumer,’since consumer buying power is limited by the actual volume of funds made available by business enterprises. The volume of new money or new credits that might have been but were not made available to consumers may be considered to be analogous to the idle labor and capital which have been particularly characteristic of recent years. Such idle resources might have been brought together to generate additional purchasing power, but, while their measurement is important as indicating the expansive possibilities of the economic system, they may be disregarded in any analysis of its perform ance. ls Inadequacies in the basic material have already been noted in Chapter I. Most important among these is the want of statistical material that forces us to consider institutional investors, not as business enterprises, but as aggregates of individuals. Minor déficiences arise, for example, from the exclusion of the funds sj»ent by public institutions on such items as food and clothing, or from the omission of certain business allowances which are charged to business expenses other than salaries and wages. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 15 of current income. Even assuming that it were possible at present to establish some relationship between the incomes and savings of individuals, individual savings represent only a part of the total demand for capital goods. Thus, in 1929, individual savings were supplemented by an estimated $2,000,000,000 of business savings, whereas in the years 1931-33 individual savings were offset by negative business savings of approximately $20,000,000,000. For this reason, the correlation of effective demand with income flow must at present be confined to consumers’ goods as distinguished from producers’ or capital goods. The sale of consumers’ goods at retail affords the most fruitful subject for this type of analysis, partly because such sales represent the one major type of consumer expendi ture for which current statistics are available, partly because retail sales account for the major portion of consumer expenditures. Figure 1 illustrates the degree of correlation between the seasonally adjusted Figure 1.—Income payments and department-store sales. income index and the Federal Reserve Board’s adjusted index of department-store sales, which may be taken as indicative of expendi tures of urban consumers on general merchandise other than foods and those of an essentially nondurable nature. On the whole, the relationship is striking for the period 1929-35, particularly when it is considered that department-store sales represent but a minor portion of all retail sales. However, during 1936 and the first half of 1937, department stores failed to share fully in the sharp recovery in income that characterized that period. Several factors may have resulted in the divergence. Indications are that a large portion of the veterans’ bonus of 1936 may have gone into a more durable type of goods than those purchasable in department stores, and it is unlikely that any large portion of the extra dividends arising from the operation of the undistributed-profits tax would flow immediately into departmentstore purchases. The sharply improved level of farm income in 1936 may have been another factor, since farm purchasing appears to only a minor extent in department stores. Subsequent to the 1937 reces 16 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 sion, income and department-store sales have followed generally parallel trends but on different levels as compared with the 1929 averages. The lower level of department-store sales as compared with income since 1937 may be explained in large part by the marked growth in the sales of mail-order houses in recent years. For purposes of analyzing consumer demand for the current output of goods and services, it may sometimes seem desirable to deduct from current consumer income those outlays over which the consumer may be considered to exercise no choice, or at any rate only a limited choice. Of primary importance among such outlays are, of course, the taxes paid by individuals to Federal, State, and local governments, since in the short run the individual consumer exercises no choice at all over the disposal of tins portion of his income. On the other hand, in preparing national-income estimates, it is useful to consider indi vidual taxes as a payment for the services customarily performed by government, the desirability of these services being determined at some period in the past by the democratic process. Whether or not it is necessary or desirable to consider taxes as a species of demand in national-income studies, in the case of income payments it is obviously desirable to determine that portion of consumer income which actually was or is being devoted to taxes in order to approxi mate more closely the residual income available for the purchase of commodities currently coming into the market. Thus, in analyzing the probable effect of an expected increase in industrial production upon the consumer demand for the new goods arising from the pro ductive process, it would be desirable to be able to determine what proportion of the increased consumer income could be expected to be absorbed by increased taxation. It is evident, however, that for such an analysis taxes differ only in degree from various other types of fixed outlays or outlays which as sume a certain degree of priority in the individual consumer’s budgets. Insurance premiums, for example, are not a fixed outlay for a given individual, yet in the aggregate they fluctuate very moderately as compared with other types of purchases. Other items that may for some purposes be considered as fixed outlays are interest on individual mortgages of a nonbusiness character and, over a shorter period, in stallments on consumer-goods purchased “on time.” 14 INCOME PAYMENTS AS AN INDEX OF GENERAL ECONOMIC ACTIVITY It has been emphasized above that the income-payments series is not intended to be indicative of changes in the output of the economic community, but, inasmuch as by far the larger part of all individual income received represents a payment for some service rendered in the production of an economic good, the monthly series reflects in '« It will be noted that in one instance the current series does make allowance for tax deductions from cur rent income i. e., for contributions to the Social Security programs. These contributions may be con sidered as mendy insurance premiums which, because the schedule of payments is prescribed by law as in the case of any tax, can bo readily calculated. In future releases it may be desirable to adjust the income series for tax outlays if studies of the tax payments of individuals make such an adjustment feasible. The consideration of other types of fixed outlays appear to be somewhat further in the future, since primary data are lacking at pnsent. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 17 considerable degree 16 the current output of goods and services, and represents the most comprehensive measure of general economic activity now available. Tins is not to say that the income index is thereby the most significant index of economic change. Perhaps it is more useful to look upon this index as a background against which to view the changes in the more sensitive indicators of business activity. This relationship may be illustrated by a comparison of income payments with some of the more restricted and therefore more sensitive business indicators such as the index of industrial production. During the past 3 years of pronounced business fluctuations, the industrial production index of the Federal Reserve Board varied much more than did the index of income payments. The production index declined from 117 in August of 1937 to 76 in May 1938, a drop of more than one-third as compared with a decline of less than oneeighth in income payments. Similarly, the production index rose from 92 in May 1939 to 127 in December, a gain of about 40 percent, whereas the income index increased less than 10 percent during the same period. Of primary importance in the relative stability of the income series is the inclusion in it of all the service and distributive industries as well as the more volatile commodity-producing industries. On the other hand, price changes enter into the income index and tend to work for greater instability relative to physical output. The net result of these influences is to make variations in the income index vitally dependent on fluctuations in industrial output, but in no very simple manner. Thus, during the 24 months following the peak of 1929, a drop of one-third in the production index was associ ated with a decline of one-fourth in income payments. It is, there fore, indicated that whereas the drop in industrial production during 1937 and 1938 was as great as that during the period 1929-31, the former was relatively restricted in its effects upon the economy as a whole. Similarly, although the 40 percent rise in production during the latter part of 1939 was associated with a rise of only 10 percent in the income index, the higher levels of production, if sustained for any length of time, might be expected to give rise to a greatly increased volume of income payments. The accompanying chart permits a more detailed analysis of the relationship between income and industrial activity. For purposes of comparison, it was desirable that the production series be adjusted to represent the value rather than the volume of current output. Therefore, the index of manufacturing production was multiplied by the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ index of wholesale prices of finished products, and the output of petroleum, anthracite, and bituminous i* As noted in ch. I, the adjusted income index as now published contains several items, notably direct relief and the soldier’s bonus, whose wide fluctuations in recent years are quite unrelated to business activity, and which might easily be removed from the series. In fact, it. would be a simple matter to correct the series for all item«* not related to business activity and to publish two adjusted series, one representing the flow of income to consumers, the other the share of the national income currently distributed to the produc tive agents. It is felt, however, that the resulting gain inaccuracy would be more than offset by the possible confusion caused by the publication of two series whose, month-to-month fluctuations would in most periods be very similar. Therefore, the income-payments series alone is introduced in the following dis cussion. For measuring changes in economic activity some may prefer the adjusted index of salaries and wages which does not reflect the secular increase in direct relief or the 1931 and 1936 payments to veterans. This index, however, is also defective in several respects; e. g., agriculture is inadequately represented, since agricultural wages represent a very small proportion of total income in agriculture and secondly, over the period 1929-40 labor income has experienced a slight growth relative to total national income. On a monthto-month basis, however, the changes in the adjusted wage index are probably more representative than the total income index of current changes in nonagricultural activity. This comparison i particularly true dur ing the period in which unemployment compensation benefits have begun to offset pay-roll changes in some degree. 18 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 coal by appropriate price indexes. To afford further comparability with the series on labor income in the commodity-producing indus tries, the value of construction contracts awarded (seasonally corrected) was included in the composite production series and each of the individual series weighted by the income produced in that industry in 1929. All three of the composite series (production, total income, and labor income in the commodity-producing in dustries—less agriculture) are shown in the form of 3-months moving averages to eliminate minor variations and facilitate comparison. As was to be expected, there is a close correlation between the dollar value of industrial output and salaries and wages originating in the commodity-producing industries. The income series is more stable with respect to shorter fluctuations, but follows the dollar value of production very closely on the long swings. Thus, by the spring of 1933, income had reached a low point 64 percent below its 1929 maximum, whereas a month or two earlier the value of current production had turned upward from a point 69 percent below its predepression peak. In the summer of 1937 both indexes approxi mated 80 percent of their respective 1929 peaks. The relatively greater stability of the income index may be explained in large part by the heavy weight given to durable producer’s goods in the Reserve Board’s index of manufacturing production. The month-to-month fluctuations in the index of total income payments are of a very mild character as compared with the series discussed above. In general, minor fluctuations in industrial output are not reflected in total income payments except as they take the form of changes in the slope of the latter curve. Thus, the tempo'• With respect to fig. 2, above, it should be noted that this report was in proof form when the Reserve Board completely revised its index of industrial production to provide a broader measure of current changes in industrial output. The relationships noted above are, however, but little affected by the inclusion of the new series in the commodity-value index. Prior to 1935 the latter index was virtually unchanged by the substitution, although it showed slightly greater resistance to short-term fluctuations. Since 1935, however, the new series shows a marked secular rise relative to the old series and also relative to the laborincome index and since 1937 has averaged considerably higher than either of these series on a 1929 base. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 19 rary industrial recovery in the fall of 1932 resulted merely in slowing up the decline in income payments which continued into the spring of 1933. Similarly, the fluctuations in industrial output after the speculative spurt in 1933 were reflected in a slower rate of growth in income during 1934 as compared with the rapid increase during 1933 and that which began in June 1935. Reflecting the short-term stability in income payments, the index has shown only five definite reversals of trend in the 11-year period covered by the series—these trend reversals being associated with the long cycle that reached its peak in the fall of 1929 and its trough in the spring of 1933, and the shorter cycles of the past 3 years, in particular the downward turn in the late summer of 1937, the upward swing that began in the middle of the following year, and the recent decline from the peak of December 1939. It will be noted that for the period 1929 to 1935, the value of commodity production, exclusive of agriculture, shows a lead of 1 to 3 months over the index of labor income in the same general industries. This relationship is particularly noticeable in 1929. Although industrial production reached its peak about the end of the second quarter of the year and declined sharply throughout the third quarter, the income index advanced markedly throughout the latter period and did not show a noticeable decline until the final quarter of the year. The lead of production over income appears also in the rise that began in the fall of 1932 and again in the spring of 1933, and in every other instance in the following few years, but in no case is the timing as clearly marked as in 1929. Since 1937 it is impossible to establish any definite tendency of this nature. In respect to timing, the four trend reversals in the total index noted coincide with trend reversals in the index for the commodity-producing industries, although minor trend reversals in the latter series have no counterpart in total income. This close correspondence is more or less to be expected since the commodity-producing industries account for about 30 percent of total income payments and represent by far the most variable component of that total. In general, then, it may be said that although the index of total income reflects the general changes in industrial output in the past 10 years, the income index has, on the whole, shown much more resistance to cyclical fluctuations than the former index, and shows considerably more stability in the short run.17 In computing the index from month to month, it has frequently been remarked that a sharp rise in industrial production during a given month may be accompanied by a very small rise in the income index. This must be explained not only by the relative stability in certain components of the dollar index but also by the fact that it takes a certain amount of time for impulses generated in any given branch of the manu facturing industry to propagate themselves through the economic system. Figure 3 illustrates the manner in which various industries are affected by changes in the volume of current industrial output. 17 It is proper to point out that this short-run stability may reflect in part rather inadequate source material and sometimes arbitrary methods of handling such material as is available. In fwticular, the method of adjusting dividends and interest for seasonal variation is such as to yield a smooth curve free of minor fluctuations; similarly, monthly withdrawals are estimated on the assumption that the entrepreneur frequently draws upon his capital to maintain his scale of living and that withdrawals are, over the short term, relatively independent of net income which may be supposed to fluctuate more or less with current business activity. 20 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 More the pay rolls in the economic system are classified into three groups of industries: Pay rolls in the commodity-producing industries depend very closely even in month-to-month fluctuations on industrial production; the distributive industries perform services for both pro ducer and consumer and, therefore, reflect both changes in industrial activity and consumer expenditures; whereas salaries and wages received in the service industries depend directly on consumer expendi tures and only in a general way on current industrial output. Govern ment pay rolls are not shown here since they can be assumed to bear no relation to industrial production in the. short run. Of course, the interdependence of the various industries is greater than that indicated, since industrial output and consumer income are very closely related. Therefore, month-to-month changes in current income reflect not only current changes in industrial output but also the cumulative effects of recent changes in the same aggregate. ft is not to be expected that over longer periods of time the income index will continue to reflect changed levels of industrial output, owing to the varying rates of growth of different industries. Figure 3 indicates that, over the past 10 years, the service industries have shown a secular growth relative to the distributive industries. No such conclusion is possible with respect to the commodity-producing industries, since it is impossible to determine how “normal” was the situation existing in the first half of 1937. Collateral evidence on this point, however, indicates a gradual decline in the relative importance of the commodity-producing industries in the decade ended 1928 and suggests that this relative decline in importance may well have continued into the period covered by the monthly income-payments series. The accompanying chart (fig. 4) permits a comparison of the trend in income payments with that in bank debits outside New York City over the past 7 years. Both series are represented by 3-month moving averages to facilitate graphical comparison. This comparison is of particular interest because income payments have often been identified with the gross volume of money transactions. Actually, income payments represent only a small fraction of all transactions. Thus, in 1939, income payments totaled 70 billion dollars whereas bank debits in 141 cities outside of New York City totaled 218 billion dollars. Debits of New York City banks accounted for an additional 150 billions. In addition to income payments, other important factors in the debiting of accounts are interbusiness transfers and title transfers among individuals, particularly stock-exchange transfers. The importance of the latter item is greatly diminished, however, by excluding the debits of New York City banks and by confining the comparison to the period following the bank crisis of 1933. For this period the two.series show a very high degree of correlation with respect, to cyclical fluctuations. The income index is more stable in the short run because of the relatively greater sensitivity of bank di'bits to month-to-month fluctuations in general business activity. For the years prior to 1933, the bank debits index exhibited markedly wider cyclical fluctuations than the income index. In 1933 income payments were 40 percent below 1929, whereas bank debits showed a drop of 56 percent over the same period, reflecting partly the abnor mally large volume of stock transfers in the earlier years. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 Figure 4.—Income payments and bank debits. 21 Table 2.—Income Payments, by Months, 1929 40 index of total Total in income come pay payments ments Adjusted Year and month adjusted index Salaries and wages Millions of dollars 99. 5 99. 2 98.9 99. 0 99.0 99. 3 loo. 3 102. 2 101. 4 102. 0 99. 0 99. :> 6.937 6. 342 6. 553 6. 759 0,681 6.891 7. 180 6,739 6,988 7. 400 6,810 6. 784 82,004 99.5 99. 2 99. 3 99. 2 99.3 99. 5 100. 5 101. 8 101.4 101.5 99. 7 99. 1 4, 146 4. 176 4. 276 t. 341 4, 426 1,453 4. 355 i. 306 1. 494 1. 561 4,371 4. 304 52,299 1.641 1.691 1.748 1.801 1.861 1.885 1.868 1,910 1.917 1,824 1.784 1,684 21,717 1.117 1.093 1, 129 1. 140 1. 162 1. 165 1. 178 1.179 l, 184 l, 205 1, 166 1,184 13,902 970 970 978 978 978 977 981 984 980 995 986 997 11,780 418 419 421 422 425 426 328 323 407 437 435 439 4.900 98.2 97. 0 94. 9 94. 4 93. 3 91.7 90.0 88.6 88. 0 80.4 84.8 83.9 6,999 6, 211 6, 296 6,416 6. 309 6,418 6.408 5. 828 5,975 6,178 5,766 5.720 74. 524 97.5 90. 1 94. 6 93. 7 92. 6 91.4 90. 1 88.7 88.2 86.7 85.0 83.8 4.087 4.060 4.082 4.099 4,124 4, 102 3,888 3,811 3.886 3. 893 3, 734 3,660 47,426 “ ■ 1,567 1,583 1,588 1,612 1,632 1.027 1.560 1,530 1,527 1,505 1,395 1,308 18. 434 1.116 1,082 I. 102 1. 100 1, 107 1.098 1,074 1,049 1,045 1,050 1,013 1,024 12,860 973 964 959 952 947 937 917 902 898 893 882 881 11,105 431 431 433 435 438 440 337 330 416 445 443 444 5,023 ._ . _— Total . ... . Adjusted index 1929=100 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 60 77 70 77 77 78 78 78 78 78 80 79 79 935 1,347 795 898 1.038 857 1,007 1.306 738 856 1,084 901 1.021 11,851 1,362 1.290 1.297 1. 298 1.315 1.349 1, 436 1, 522 1,555 1,070 1,451 1,374 16;919 6,320 5. 807 6, 000 6, 189 6. 076 6. 236 6, 443 5, 939 6. 156 6, 432 6,078 6, 141 73,817 98.6 98. S 99. 1 99. 1 99. 3 99. 5 100. 5 101. 8 101. 6 101. 7 100. 1 99. S 7 80 79 81 81 81 75 87 83 83 85 86 88 989 ' —- - 1,536 851 937 1.031 889 1,043 1. 242 742 772 968 803 898 11,715 1,289 1,214 1. 188 1. 191 1,208 1. 192 1. 184 1. 185 1.227 1. 223 1, 134 1.062 14,300 ...---- 6, 456 5. 730 5,823 5.915 5, 767 5,872 5,857 5. 277 5, 377 5,568 5,253 5, 293 68,188 98.7 97. 4 96. 3 95. 4 94. 3 93.0 92.0 90.5 89.8 88.5 87.0 86. 1 887 7 6 7 7 7 9 1 9 12 3 94 4 —1 --------- . — 1----- — MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 1929-100 ofMillions dollars 1929-100 1929 January February March . . . .Nlay... .......... June................... July September.. . October.. November. Decomber. Total 1930 January February March April M ay.................. June......... ......... July August September October. November . December T o ta l.......... Nonagricultural income Social EntreDivi preneuria Direct Security benefits dends income Com Distrib Service and other and other and net modity- utive in in Govern Work relief and Total producing relief labor in interest rents and ment wages dustries royalties dustries come industries 1931 82.7 81.9 85.4 85.1 80.0 77. S 70. G 74.7 72.9 71.7 70.8 G9.8 5,873 5,271 5,673 5,813 5.389 5, 431 5. 436 4.897 4,935 5,133 4,819 4, 782 63, 452 82.6 81.9 81.0 79.8 78.3 77. 1 76.3 74.8 73. 1 71.5 70.3 69.0 3, 480 3, 472 3,506 3, 494 3,486 3. 443 3,272 3. 190 3,211 3.202 3.090 3,019 39,865 1, 211 1. 229 1,245 1,255 1,258 1,233 1. 200 1,174 1, 136 1. 108 1,033 977 14,059 970 948 969 956 951 945 929 903 892 886 860 858 11,070 859 853 849 839 827 818 799 780 774 769 760 743 9,670 438 439 439 440 441 441 337 329 405 434 431 433 5,007 2 3 4 4 6 6 7 4 4 5 6 8 59 14 14 14 13 12 11 11 12 12 13 14 IS 158 88 92 395 442 182 124 121 110 107 110 106 114 1,991 1,283 733 793 909 754 914 1,087 080 706 886 724 801 10, 270 1,008 960 965 955 955 939 945 905 899 922 885 830 11,168 5,507 4,952 5, 332 5, 471 5.030 5,073 5,002 4, 564 4,597 4. 755 4. 476 4.505 59, 324 84.9 84.3 88.3 88. 1 82.7 80.7 79.7 78. 1 76.5 75. 1 73.8 72.9 68.3 60.8 64.9 62.7 61.0 58.8 57.3 57.0 56.8 56.7 56. 1 55.6 4,865 4.297 4. 295 4.307 4. 132 4. 162 4,070 3,693 3.828 4,048 3.804 3,818 49, 319 67.6 66.0 64. 2 61.9 60. 1 58. 1 56. 3 55.8 56.0 56.2 55.5 54.7 2,868 2,818 2, 792 2, 716 2. 677 2.591 2,392 2, 356 2.457 2,517 2, 448 2.403 31,030 892 887 866 832 S09 777 749 746 767 784 740 700 9,549 800 764 768 746 740 709 080 665 670 682 665 667 8.556 737 724 711 61« 683 660 635 622 622 626 618 612 7,943 428 431 433 435 435 436 319 313 388 414 408 410 4.850 11 12 14 10 10 9 9 10 10 11 12 14 132 17 21 25 24 25 26 23 26 27 30 37 45 326 110 103 102 102 101 97 115 119 103 100 98 98 1,248 1,084 602 646 765 643 790 888 531 555 706 553 aso 8, 393 786 753 730 700 686 658 652 661 686 695 673 642 8,322 4, 620 4,076 4.0-80 4,095 3, 907 3, 947 3, 844 3, 462 3, 567 3, 771 3, 547 3. 602 46, 518 71.3 69.6 68.0 65.7 63.9 61.9 60.4 59.9 59.6 59.6 58.7 58.2 55.6 54.6 53. 1 53.0 54. 4 56. 1 56. 6 58. 1 60.0 60.3 60. 6 62.4 4,044 3. 535 3. 513 3,611 3. 656 3,885 4. 016 3. 759 4. 036 4. 385 4, 096 4,294 46,830 54.4 53.4 51.2 51.0 51.9 53. 6 55.0 57.6 58. 7 59.2 59.7 62.8 2,319 2.285 2.230 2. 240 2,310 2.386 2. 336 2. 434 2, 565 2. 645 2. 621 2,751 29, 124 662 672 643 662 706 758 796 851 887 899 859 839 9,234 633 605 596 602 617 628 638 665 682 707 690 699 7, 762 602 589 570 569 572 579 580 597 609 623 625 629 7,144 401 395 391 378 380 378 277 273 342 371 370 372 4,328 21 24 30 29 35 43 45 48 45 45 79 212 656 48 50 57 52 49 47 42 42 41 44 53 55 580 98 96 97 95 93 109 77 77 77 75 74 74 1,042 938 501 527 613 532 625 798 452 483 723 516 643 7,351 041 603 602 611 672 718 763 7.54 870 898 830 771 8,733 3,839 3, 357 3,319 3, 395 3,373 3, 55(3 3, 643 3,414 3. 578 3, 897 3,691 3. 970 43,032 57.8 56.8 55.2 .54.7 55.3 56.8 57.3 59.4 60.3 60.8 61.6 64.0 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 January.-............... February.. .. . .. March ......... April. ............. May. June.. .. __ ... J u ly ____________ August..................... September______ Octol>cr............. ...... November............ December. Total. .. . .. 1932 January. February March............ ....... April......................... May...................... June........................ July_____________ August ............... September.............. October ... . . . November_______ December............... Total.......... 1933 January F eb ru ary March ........... April......................... M a y ..................... June.......................... J uly ............................ August .............. September .............. October ........... November................ December................. Total............... bO cc Table 2.—Income Payments, by Months, 1929-40—Continued ' ............... Index of total Total in income come pay payments ments Adjusted index Year and month adjusted Salaries and wages ill ions 1929-100 1929-100 ofMdollars 1934 64. 4 January. ______ 64. 5 February 64. 8 March ______ 64. 0 April ................ May ...................... 65. 5 65. 6 June ................ July ................. 65.8 67. 0 August .............. 66. I September ............ 67.3 October .............. 67.2 November.......... 67.4 December ........... Total............... 1935 January 68.8 69. 6 February __ 69. 6 March ....... 70.5 April ............ May . ..................... 70. 6 June.......................... 70.3 July........................ 69. 9 71.9 August 72.8 September 74. 1 October 75.« November 76. 1 December . Total........... ~ ....... Social Entre Nonagricultural income Direct Security Divi- preneurial l>enefits income and other dendsand ottier and net Work relief and labor in interest rents and Total Adjusted relief royalties index wages come Millions of dollars 1929=100 4,685 4. 199 4. 274 4. 382 4. 244 4.471 4, 627 4,361 4. 585 4. 963 4, 475 4.740 54,006 64.2 64. 3 64. 6 63. 5 64.8 64. 7 64. 4 64.9 63. 5 64. 4 64.9 65.5 2,752 2,760 2,816 2,781 2,844 2. 649 2. 735 2. 750 2,781 2.886 2. 866 2,890 33. 710 830 893 944 977 1, 003 1.001 966 977 947 986 963 972 11,459 676 673 700 706 718 720 720 714 720 735 723 741 8,546 632 637 643 <>49 657 658 663 651 648 665 666 668 7, 827 367 375 377 378 387 393 311 310 376 405 407 405 4,491 247 182 152 71 79 77 85 98 90 95 107 104 1.387 56 58 69 <>9 68 64 62 68 67 76 81 90 828 74 72 75 76 85 82 82 82 82 84 84 83 961 1,003 547 547 705 451 639 857 494 629 825 463 777 7.937 800 762 767 751 796 837 891 967 1.026 1,092 981 900 10/570 4,338 3, 895 3.972 4.084 3.904 4,084 4. 189 3. 862 4.020 4. 332 3. 970 4. 333 48,983 65.0 65.3 66.0 65.4 66. 7 66. 5 66.6 67.0 65.8 66.8 67.4 68. 1 4,824 4, 495 4,676 4. 929 4. 615 4. 821 4. 774 4, 705 5, 127 5, 459 5,014 5.370 58,809 67.5 68. 2 68. 3 68. 7 69. 0 69. 1 69. 1 70.3 71.0 71.7 72.9 75.0 .........* 2,889 2. 928 2,977 3, 013 3. 031 3. 044 2. 936 2,981 3. 117 3,221 3,208 3,304 36, 649 973 1,021 1,044 1, 054 1, 053 1. 064 1. 046 1. 093 1, 132 1, 164 1, 136 1, 143 12,923 723 718 739 753 760 762 762 763 781 795 784 814 9, 154 674 <>80 <>85 689 691 695 694 693 702 713 718 727 8,361 402 403 407 415 418 423 333 335 416 451 450 456 4,909 117 106 102 102 109 100 101 97 86 98 120 164 1,302 98 94 102 102 97 89 88 91 89 94 84 71 1.099 83 84 85 86 86 87 87 86 90 89 89 88 1,040 879 520 623 810 476 674 717 .501 706 832 482 835 8,055 875 869 889 918 925 927 946 1,046 1, 125 1,223 1, 151 1,072 11,966 4,455 4,137 4. 294 4,514 4. 184 4. 381 4,318 4. 159 4,509 4, 745 4,381 4,837 52, 914 69.7 70.0 70. 1 70.5 70.8 70.8 70.9 71.9 72.6 73.4 74.2 75.6 ■■ MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 Com Distrib Service modity- utive Total producing in in Govern ment industries di istries dustries bO 1937 January................. February ................ March .. ........... A pril........................ M ay............ ............. June.......................... J u ly .......................... August September . . . __ . October ........... November ____ . December ............ . Total.............. 1938 January February ................ M arch April ..................... May ........................ June ........................ July ........... August ....... September ............ October November December .......... Total............... 76.9 76.3 77.7 78.8 79.8 92.4 87.4 83.2 83.3 84.2 85.3 87.3 5,226 4.902 5. 188 5,335 5, 140 6,306 5,965 5,270 5, 842 6. 092 5. 625 6,955 67, 846 75.5 75.8 76.5 77.0 78. 1 78.6 79.3 80. 1 80.4 81.5 83.0 84.9 3,229 3,254 3, 327 3, 370 3, 430 3,462 3. 371 3,407 3.531 3.665 3, 670 3,733 41,449 1,097 1, 111 1,152 1, 186 1,232 1.254 1.255 1,293 1.307 1,361 1, 362 1,383 14,993 781 783 804 812 823 829 834 835 850 871 867 897 9,986 728 736 739 745 751 759 759 761 769 785 792 807 9,131 447 444 447 452 457 461 369 362 447 480 477 486 5, 329 176 180 185 175 167 159 154 156 158 168 172 160 2,010 62 62 61 56 51 50 49 50 53 55 58 65 672 88 88 88 87 87 887 500 164 135 122 112 114 2,472 876 568 733 812 523 799 875 472 852 895 507 1,809 9. 721 971 930 979 1,010 1,049 1, 108 1, 170 1, 177 1,271 1,355 1,278 1,234 13, 532 4,813 4, 532 4, 772 4, 884 4,646 5, 763 5, 357 4, 665 5, 148 5,320 4,946 6,349 61. 195 76.3 77.0 78.0 78.7 79.7 93.6 88. 1 83. 4 83.4 84.2 85.3 86.9 86.3 87. 4 89.4 89.0 88.9 89.3 89.2 89.0 87.3 86.6 84.9 83.7 5,810 5,417 5,944 6,015 5,699 6, 274 6, 133 5,863 6, 127 6,291 5,657 6,553 71,783 84.0 85.4 86.6 87.6 88.5 88.5 88. 5 89. 2 87.5 86.8 84.6 82.8 3,578 3.647 3, 764 3,822 3,884 3, 900 3, 772 3,800 3,849 3,904 3,737 3,640 45,297 1.309 1,365 1,430 1,483 1. 520 1,527 1,518 1,549 1, 518 1,521 1,384 1.259 17,383 848 850 890 804 912 919 918 929 929 942 912 924 10,867 794 80S 819 823 829 836 836 839 841 846 842 840 9,953 477 473 476 476 479 483 383 375 457 488 488 503 5,558 150 151 149 146 144 135 117 108 104 107 111 114 1,536 71 72 75 71 66 63 63 65 67 68 73 83 837 104 100 101 98 95 106 103 101 102 102 101 103 1, 216 901 488 788 866 .504 1, 015 932 622 785 852 480 1,561 9,794 1, 156 1,110 1,216 1,1.58 1, 150 1, 190 1,263 1, 275 1,324 1,365 1, 266 1,166 14.639 5,281 4. 938 5, 363 5, 488 5, 174 5, 703 5, 487 5, 216 5. 422 5, 535 5,000 6,002 64,609 86.0 87. 1 88. 1 88.9 89.3 89.6 89.5 89.5 87.8 87. 1 85.3 83.9 82.3 81.5 81.2 80. 1 79. 1 78.7 78.7 79.8 80.4 81.7 82. 1 83. 1 5,602 80.3 5, 104 79.9 5. 348 79.2 5,478 78.8 5. 168 78.4 5,543 78.0 5. 475 78.6 5, 183 80.5 5,674 81.3 82.0 5. 952 5,554 83. 1 6, 161 84.5 66,242 ................ 3,420 3,407 3, 440 3, 446 3. 444 3. 443 3.340 3. 418 3. 570 3, 684 3,677 3,719 42,008 1, 145 1. 157 1. 160 1. 151 1. 156 1. 150 1, 155 1.211 1,255 1. 293 1,276 1.268 14.377 854 834 847 849 843 837 834 839 851 870 866 900 10, 224 816 800 794 791 780 778 772 111 787 799 810 824 9,528 487 489 496 500 504 510 404 403 489 524 526 533 5,865 118 127 143 155 161 168 175 188 188 198 199 194 2.014 89 90 91 85 81 80 80 80 80 80 83 89 1,008 103 120 146 139 140 146 143 152 145 139 131 129 1,633 878 4.56 600 760 458 814 814 434 712 760 473 1,099 8,258 1, 112 1,031 1,071 1,048 1,045 1,060 1,098 1,099 1, 167 1,289 1, 190 1, 125 13, 335 81.9 5, 106 4, 683 81.6 4, 888 81.4 5,029 80.5 4,710 80.0 5,069 79.7 4,956 79.8 4, 6S3 81. 5 5, 109 81.9 5,267 82.4 4, 987 83.3 5,679 84.4 60. 166 |................ MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 19 29-4 0 1936 January................... February.................. March .................... April .................. May ..................... June.......................... July........................... August September................ October .............. November .............. December .............. CtoT> Table 2.—Income Payments, by Months, 1929 40—Continued I ndcx of total Total in income come pay payments ments Adjusted Year and month adjusted index Salaries and wages Com Distrib Service modity- utive Total producing in in Govern ment industries dustries dustries 1930 January February March .......... April May .................... June .......... ...... July ................ August September October November December Total........ 1040 January ........... February M arch................... April May __ June July ___ August .......... . September. October November December Total............... N'onagricultural Total Millions of dollars Adjusted index 1929=100 83.4 83.7 84.6 83. 1 83.8 84. 1 83.6 85 2 86. 1 88.0 88. 5 90.0 5,720 5,208 5,771 5,674 5, 449 5,956 5, 736 5, 439 6,025 6, 259 5, 867. 6, 904 70. 096 84.3 84. 1 83.9 82.4 83. 1 84.3 83.8 84.8 85.0 86.9 87.7 88.9 3,585 3, 589 3,644 3,611 3,655 3, 723 3, 565 3,604 3, 738 3,911 3, 879 3,908 44,412 1,222 1,245 1,266 1, 245 1.272 1,321 1, 311 1, 359 1,398 1,472 1, 449 1,420 15,980 852 839 863 861 871 882 877 880 898 928 915 945 10,611 810 809 .808 810 816 826 817 816 827 846 850 862 9,897 518 518 524 522 528 536 419 417 504 541 537 547 6, 111 183 178 183 173 168 158 141 132 111 124 128 134 1,813 92 94 95 90 87 85 85 87 87 88 88 89 1,067 132 137 153 137 143 149 141 150 140 133 134 137 1,686 810 425 762 750 462 915 839 443 799 775 486 1,517 8,983 1,101 1,053 l' 117 1,086 1, 102 1,0*4 1, 106 1, 155 1,261 1, 352 1,278 1,253 13,948 5, 243 4,888 5, 295 5,214 4,962 5, 485 5,239 4,908 5,386 5, .>11 5, 239 6, 321 = =63,= =721= 00.3 89.7 88.4 88.2 88.6 88.7 89.3 90.3 6,093 5,604 5,987 5,965 5.689 6, 252 6,075 5.761 88.2 87.5 87.0 86.2 87.3 87.7 88.6 89.9 3,767 3, 742 3. 784 3, 784 3, 838 3, 864 3. 786 3,836 1,349 1,339 1, 352 1,356 1, 391 1,419 1,423 1, 189 902 882 900 900 908 915 920 925 847 845 845 845 854 ,860 854 859 535 536 539 .540 548 550 440 445 134 140 148 143 137 120 118 118 95 95 94 92 89 86 85 85 148 151 155 152 166 166 167 164 840 447 820 799 472 1,021 886 469 1,243 1, 169 1. 134 1, 138 1, 124 1, 115 1, 182 1,207 5, 533 5,108 5,519 5,479 5, 211 5, 785 5, 534 5,210 S3 8 86 9 86 9 90.4 90. 2 89.6 89. 3 88.7 89.8 90. 7 91,1 92. 2 ................. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 1029-100 ofMillions dollars 1929=» 100 Social Entre Direct Security Divi preneurs benefits income other and other dends and and net Work andrelief relief labor in interest rents and wages come royalties Appendix.—SOURCES AND METHODS It should first be pointed out that for the most part the individual components of the monthly series are based upon annual income estimates prepared in the National Income Division. The sources and methods employed in constructing the annual estimates have been discussed elsewhere,1and no attempt will lie made to describe them here. Because the monthly estimates are corrected each year within a short period after the completion of the annual income totals, the im portance of cumulative errors creeping into the monthly data is not very great. On the whole, comparisons of the annual aggregate of monthly estimates with the subsequent annual figures have so far yielded fairly satisfactory results. Thus, for the year 1938, the following results were obtained: Percentage Change in Income Payments by Type of Payment, 1938 to 1939 Item Preliminary Revived estimate, estimate, January September 1940 1 1940* +6.3 +7.1 +3.2 +8.1 +8.7 +8.9 +4.« +6.8 1 Based on the original monthly figures for 193». * Revisions based on the annual income estimates for 1939. It should Ire noted that the annual estimates of national income, particularly for the years 1938 and 1939, are subject to further revision ns additional source material becomes available. Though the absolute level of estimated income in both years may change as the result of further information, experience has shown that the trend from one year to another is likely to be but little affected by further revisions. Even in the case of dividends for which substantial revisions may be necessary on the publication of Statistics of Income for the year in question, the monthly dividend estimates are likely to approximate the preliminary annual estimate of dividends, since both are subject to the same limitation that they depend too greatly upon the reported dividend disbursements of large corporations. METHODS OF ADJUSTING MONTHLY INDEXES TO ANNUAL ESTIMATES Inasmuch as the monthly series is adjusted to annual estimates, special interest attaches to the methods by which the adjustment is made. In only a few indus tries are the monthly pay-roll data sufficiently complete so that the annual esti mates represent merely a summation of the pay rolls for the individual months. In many instances annual totals are available, whereas current estimates must be based upon industry samples or upon series only indirectly related to income in a given industry. In other instances periodical surveys or censuses must be used to bring a monthly index into line with the actual trend in an industry. In correcting the monthly income estimates to the annual totals, two general methods have been used. One of the methods used is that adopted by the Bureau of labor Statistics in adjusting its employment and pay-roll indexes to conform with the trends of the industrial surveys of the Bureau of the Census. This is essentially a straight-line adjustment between the annual averages shown in a pair of census years. Underlying this method is the assumption that none of the observed bias arose in the earlier census year, but that the causes producing this 1In detail in (he volume National Income in the United States 1929-35. and briefly in Income in the United States, 1929-37. 27 M O N T H L Y INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 28 bias began to operate in January of the following year and continued to operate at a uniform rate until December of the second census year. A description of the method is presented in Bulletin No. 610 of the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics. Because of its simplicity, the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ method was considered satisfactory for periods of time longer than 1 year, but for adjusting the monthly series to annual totals for each year it is believed to give too serious a distortion to the month-to-month comparisons, since all of the correction would be made in the second year of a 2-year comparison. This is especially true in the final months of the year when an error is particularly important because all succeeding values of the series must be distorted to the same extent.' Therefore, in making annual adjustments, the method used was one based upon an unpublished paper by V. Lewis Bassie of the U. S. Department of Commerce. This method involves the assumption that the observed bias may have developed at any time between January of the first census year and December of the second census year. The most probable development of the bias is then calculated by constructing a third-degree correction curve which is characterized by the following four limit ing conditions: (1) In the first year the average correction is zero; (2) in the Figure o. Methods of adjusting monthly data to annual averages. second year the average correction is such as will be necessary to bring the index into line with the census results; (3) the correction shall be zero at the beginning of the first year; and (4) the slope of the correction curve is zero at the end of the second census year. Mr. Bassie’s mathematical formula, which was originally derived in order to correct for biennial surveys, was then modified so as to be applicable to those cases in which a survey (or at any rate information more reliable than that available monthly) was available every year. The accompanying chart indicates the difference between the results obtained by the two methods described above. In constructing the chart it was assumed that the necessary correction was one of 5 percent. A further difference should be noted in the methods of correction. The straight line method is of an arithmetic nature, the necessary correction for each month being added to the unadjusted data. In the application of the corrections derived from the third-degree curve, the corrections so obtained are added to or subtracted from 100 percent and the resulting percentage multiplied by the monthly values of the unadjusted series. Although this method will not reduce the total for the second year to the exact survey total, the resulting error will be negligible. In those instances in which the necessary correction is small and the seasonal fluctuations in the unadjusted series of minor importance, some saving of labor is obtained, without a correspond ing reduction in accuracy, by applying an arithmetic correction derived from the third-degree curve shown in the chart. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 29 NATURE OF THE DOLLAR TOTALS AND ADJUSTED INDEXES In the analysis of time series it has been found useful to distinguish four factors which constitute the fluctuations in such a series. These factors arc, respectively, the secular trend, and cyclical, seasonal, and random elements. The process of adjustment for seasonal variation consists in eliminating the seasonal influence in order to facilitate an analysis of the trend, cycle, and random elements. In the case of the present series, neither the totals nor the adjusted indexes can be considered to conform strictly to this usage. The character of the com ponent series will be evident from the methods of estimation outlined below, but it may be useful here to indicate the general character of the unadjusted dollar totals of income payments. In general the unadjusted series includes all four elements, but in some instances random elements arc necessarily excluded by the method of estimation. This would, in particular, be true wherever a seasonal movement is superimposed upon a trend-cycle line constructed from the annual figures—which was the procedure adopted in estimating labor income in several minor industrial fields. In other instances, as in estimating net rents and royalties, it has not been considered feasible even to impose seasonal fluctuations, and in such instances only trend and cycle elements enter into the composite scries. For most of the fields for which such procedures are necessary, however, as, for example, in estimating rents and royalties or income in the service industries, random or seasonal ele ments are not believed to be of great importance. Such a generalization may not, however, be expected to hold true of such critical periods as the earlv months of 1933. The adjusted index of total income payments contains even fewer random elements than the unadjusted totals because of the special treatment accorded to dividend and interest payments. Because the seasonal pattern, particularly for dividends, is of a very unstable character, it is impossible to distinguish very satisfactorily between seasonal and random elements, and, therefore, the seasonal adjustment adopted is of such a character as to remove not only all seasonal influences but also all random elements of a short-term character. In one other respect the adjusted index does not confrom to general practice: namely, for relief payments and other benefits it has not been considered advisable to attempt a seasonal adjustment. For these items the movement appears to be highly irregu lar, and a sufficiently long period is not available to yield a satisfactory seasonal pattern. Consequently, the seasonal elements undoubtedly present in relief payments impart a slight seasonal influence to the adjusted index of total income payments. On the other hand, relief benefits represent but a very small fraction of all income disbursements, and, when properly weighted, their seasonal varia tions may be considered to be of negligible importance. Some few remarks are in order here as to the purposes which it is believed that the totals and the adjusted indexes will serve. In general it is believed that the adjusted index will be the more useful at the present time because the wide sea sonal fluctuations in certain items, particularly dividends and interest, give a rather misleading picture of changes in economic activity. Even in analyzing consumer demand the unadjusted totals are of rather limited value because of the present impossibility of correcting for the flow of funds into and out of savings accounts and other deposits. Nevertheless, the unadjusted totals arc presented for those who may wish to attempt such adjustments. However, as noted in the body of this report, the series is at present most readily applicable to the analysis of the demand for consumers’ goods in the narrow sense and for such expenditures the seasonally adjusted index may be considered to give a rough adjustment. Teachers, for the most part, actually receive income during 8 to 10 months of the year, but their expenditures may be assumed to be spread out fairly evenly over the 12 months of the year. Because of the minor character of the short-term fluctuations in income pay ments and the possibility of changing seasonal influences in various industries, too much importance should not be assigned to small month-to-montli changes in the adjusted index. Except in periods of major fluctuations in industrial activity, current comparisons are probably better limited to quarterly averages. METHODS OF ADJUSTING FOR SEASONAL INFLUENCES In adjusting the monthly income series for seasonal variation, each of the major component items is adjusted independently. For salaries and wages, a seasonal factor is computed for each of the major industries, and the seasonally adjusted 30 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, I929-4U indexes thus obtained are weighted by the relative importance of the industrial groups in 1929 in order to arrive at the seasonally adjusted index of employees’ compensation. In order to obtain the seasonally corrected index of total income payments, the adjusted index of salaries and wages is in turn weighted by the relative importance of this type of income to total income in 1929 and added to the similarly weighted adjusted indexes for dividends and interest and for entrepreneurial income. In the case of entrepreneurial income, the net income of farm operators is the only component which need be corrected for seasonal fluctuations, as the other components were assumed to show no seasonal fluctua tions (cf. under “Entrepreneurial income”). As noted above, relief payments, benefits, and related items are not corrected for seasonal variation. For those items (direct relief and other labor income) which run back to 1929, the unadjusted indexes were weighted and added to the cumulative total obtained above. For those items (work relief, agricultural benefits, and adjusted service payments) which were not present in 1929, the same effect is obtained by expressing them as a relative of the average of total income payments in 1929 and adding to indexes for salaries and wages, entrepreneurial income, and dividends and interest. Work-relief payments are included in the adjusted index of salaries and wages as well as in total income. Except in the case of dividends and interest, the ratio-to-moving-average is the general method employed in correcting for seasonal influences. For all industrial groups, it was considered desirable to work out two independent sets of factors, one for the period 1929 33, the other for the period 1934 to date. The method of correction adopted for dividends and interest yielded no usable seasonal factors (cf. discussion under dividends). SOURCES AND METHODS FOR SPECIFIC ITEMS SALARIES AND WAGES Estimates for this type of income are based primarily on the monthly pay-roll indexes of the Bureau of Labor Statistics. For the most part, these indexes have proved rather satisfactory in reflecting changes in pay rolls when checked by the various industrial censuses. It should be noted that the Bureau of Labor Statistics indexes are based on reports referring to typical pay periods within the month, generally the pay period ending nearest the 15th of the month. There fore, they do not reflect total pay rolls for the month, but rather a rate of flow of wages for a week in the early or middle part of the month.2 Therefore, those indexes are not affected by the length of the month or by the number of Saturdays or pay periods occurring within the month. In the process of adjusting these indexes to annual wages, the total pay roll for the year was allocated according to the rates of pay indicated for each month. Where wages are paid only for time actually worked there is a possible source of error in this practice. Since the weekly pay-roll periods in question may end anywhere between the 12th and the 18th of the month, this period will in certain years include such holidays as Labor Day, Armistice Day, and in certain States Lincoln’s Birthday and the Election Day holiday. In such years the estimated rate of pay for the month affected will be lower than the true rate, in some indus tries perhaps one-sixth lower. If these holidays were included in the pay-roll period each year, the process of adjustment for seasonal variation would eliminate this seasonal factor from the adjusted index. But since most of these holidays may in some years fall within the pay period, and in other years outside it, there remains a residuum of error even in the seasonally corrected index. Any errors introduced by holidays, strikes, or other factors, are not, however, cumulative in nature, but are automatically corrected for the succeeding month. The industries for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly pay-roll indexes are currently used are the following: Manufacturing, wages only. Brokerage. Mining, wages only. Wholesale and retail trade. Street railways. Year-round hotels. Telephone and telegraph. Laundry and dry-cleaning establish Electric light, power, and gas. ments. Insurance. * For some industries, notably minim- pay rolls are made up on a semimonthly basis so that the p a y roll indexes cover pay rolls for the first 15 days of the month. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 31 For the most part, these indexes are available back to 1929, but in some minor instances it was necessary to resort to extrapolation for the early years. In the aggregate the industries covered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics pay-roll indexes account for approximately 47 percent of all salaries and wages paid in 1938. In addition to the Bureau of Labor Statistics data, official reports of pay rolls on a current basis are available for several other important industries, including the executive, legislative, judicial, and military services of the Federal Govern ment, the majority of steam railways, the various forms of work relief, and for those banks which are members of the Federal Reserve System. In the aggregate these reports covered an additional 16 percent of all salaries and wages in 1938. In addition, as noted below, information of this character will soon be available for the pay rolls of State and local governments. For another large group of industries, information of a less satisfactory character is available. In recent years State departments of labor and industry have been collecting statistics relating to pay rolls in an increasing number of industries. For other industries, information relating to production or shipments can be taken as indicative of current changes in employment and pay rolls in particular lines of industry. Industries susceptible to this type of treatment account for a further 17 percent of total wages and salaries. There remains about 20 percent of all salaries and wages for which no current information is available. This group includes, however, several important indus tries, such as education, which are subject to very small changes from year to year, but contains in addition several large industries, mostly of the service group, which experience definite cyclical fluctuations. The method used to estimate month-to-month changes in this area is indicated below. In the following discussion describing the particular method used to estimate month-to-month changes in the salaries and wages for each industry, no reference will be made to those industries for which the Bureau of Labor Statistics collects current information, since the Bassie method, discusser! above, was used in each instance. A G R IC U L T U R A L W A G E S The basic material on employment and wage rates in agriculture is taken from pages 8 to 11 of the January 1939 issue of Crops and Markets. The product of hired labor and the weighted average wage rate is adjusted to the annual totals. The necessary adjustments are usually very small. Employment and wage-rate figures for the first of each month are assumed to apply to that month. Since wage-rate data are compiled only on a quarterly basis it is necessary to estimate wage rates for the other 8 months. For this purpose indexes of seasonal variation were computed for the months of January, April, July, and October. It was observed that the seasonal fluctuations in wage rates roughly parallelled the seasonal variations in employment. (Seasonal variation in agricultural employ ment from p. 17 of Trends in Employment in Agriculture 1909 1936 W. P. A.) Seasonal indexes of wage rates for the other 8 months were, therefore, graphically interpolated by comparison with the seasonal indexes of employment for those months. Nonseasonal fluctuations in wage rates are interpolated by a straightline method. In making the current estimates, it is usually necessary to estimate wage rates 1 or 2 months in advance of their compilation by the Bureau of Agri cultural Economics. For this purpose the main reliance is upon the seasonal index, but in times of substantial nonseasonal fluctuations in agricultural employ ment a roughly determined cyclical pattern is applied. M A N U F A C T U R IN G S A L A R IE S Several attempts have been made to construct a satisfactory indicator of changes in this important source of income (salaries in manufacturing constituted nearly 8 percent of total salaries and wages in 1938). However, because of the dearth of source material, the present series is projected largely on the basis of the rela tionships that are observed to hold between salaries and wages in this industry over the past 10 years. In distributing the annual totals for the period 1929-38, some help was obtained from an index of clerical salaries in Wisconsin factories (recently discontinued). Some assistance was also rendered by a semiannual index of clerical salaries in manufacturing industries compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics for the years 1935-38, but as yet unpublished. Both series suffer from the limitation that they apply exclusively to clerical employees, who represent only about one-third of the total salaries in manufac 32 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 turing. In addition, the New York State Department of Labor publishes an annua] study of the earnings of office workers employed in New York State fac tories. This tabulation has the advantage that it covers supervisory and technical as well as clerical employees, but its usefulness is limited by the fact that it refers to only 1 month (October) of each year. Nevertheless, it does serve as a useful check on the estimated trend in manufacturing establishments during the earlier part of the years. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry has in recent months teen publishing estimates of employment and weekly pay rolls of salaried workers in manufacturing establishments in that State. While this series is of too recent origin to be of value for historical purposes, it is expected that it will in the future be of considerable value in estimating current changes in this field. At present it is assumed that there is no seasonal variation in salaries in the manufacturing industry. An instance of the relative seasonal stability in salaries as compared with wages for an extreme case is given by a study of the Ohio Unemployment Compensation Commission which indicated that the employment of office and inside sales workers in Ohio canning establishments varied front 85.3 to 130.7 of the annual average, while the employment of all employees varied from 45.4 to 343.2 of the average. Inasmuch as the extremes in the seasonal variations for total manufacturing wages are within 5 |>ercent of the year’s aver age, the seasonal variation in aggregate salaries may be assumed to be very slight. Using all this information, it was concluded that, in general, salaries follow the trend of wages after seasonal correction, with a somewhat smaller amplitude of the cyclical swings. There is also a tendency for salaries to lag behind wages, but the relationship is not sufficiently definite to be taken into account in deter mining current changes in manufacturing salaries. It appears that in recent years salaries have become more responsive to current business trends and in this respect parallel more closely the month-to-month changes in wages. M IN IN G S A L A R IE S As in manufacturing, monthly salaries in this industry are based largely on changes in the seasonally corrected index of wages. C O N S T R U C T IO N The Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes a monthly pay-roll index, which, however, is not sufficiently complete for the purposes of this series, since it covers only building construction and excludes road building and other types of engi neering projects. In addition to the monthly index, the Bureau of Labor Sta tistics estimates monthly employment in all contract construction in connection with its monthly employment aggregates. This estimate, together with the Labor Department’s index of average pay in building construction, is used to distribute annual pay rolls as estimated by the Department of Commerce, and also to project these estimates on a current basis. S T E A M R A IL W A Y S , P U L L M A N A N D E X P R E S S The compensation of employees of class I railways are reported monthly to the Interstate Commerce Commission. These monthly reports are adjusted to the total of employees’ compensation for all railways as shown in the annual publica tion entitled. “Statistics of Railways.” The pay rolls of the railway express system and the Pullman Co. have been reported monthly to the Interstate Com merce Commission since 1934. Prior to 1934 the monthly break-down for these companies is based on revenue statistics. It should be noted that the railway companies report to the Interstate Commerce Commission the wages paid out during the calendar month. This is the only industry, therefore, in which a correction should be made for the number of working days in the month. Actu ally, the refinement to be effected did not seem to justify the labor involved, and no correction was attempted. The Interstate Commerce Commission’s figures are not made available in time to be included in the estimates for the latest month. As a rough expedient, the adjusted index of railway employment is assumed to represent the cyclical change in compensation. The change in the employment index is then corrected to give effect, to the ordinary seasonal fluctuations in compensation. The corrected percentage change is then applied to the compensation of railway, Pullman, and express employees for the preceding month. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1 9 2 9 - 4 0 33 M O T O R T R U C K IN G Current information relating to pay rolls in the motor-trucking industry are confined to three series: (1) an index of wages for identical reporting firms classi fied as “ Motor freight, docks and warehouses” by the Pennsylvania Department of Labor and Industry; (2) a similar index for the “Teaming, Trucking, and Handling Industries” in Massachusetts; (3) an index of commodity movements by motor truck prepared by the American Trucking Association. The value of the two pay-roll series is impaired by the fact that neither index covers the “motor trucking” industry alone. The Pennsylvania Department of Labor and In dustry’s index shows very wide fluctuations over the past few years, whereas the Massachusetts index has been very stable. The American Trucking Associa tion's index refers largely to interstate trucking and shows wider seasonal and cyclical fluctuations than would be expected of a more comprehensive index. An additional limitation upon this index is its availability only sines January 1937. From that date, pay-roll changes in the motor trucking industry have been based on the three indexes. The indexes are plotted on a single chart and a composite index estimated graphically by a rough weighting of the changes in the several indexes. For the period 1932 to 1936 the two State indexes form the basis of the monthly break-down. For the period 1929 to 1931, the month-to-month changes are based on monthly fluctuations in miscellaneous and 1. c. 1. carlondings, because in Massachusetts such loadings were found to correlate closely with the pay-roll index for the years 1932 to 1937. M OTOR B U SSES The motor-bus industry is relatively limited in scope and magnitude, excluding as it does motor busses operated by electric railways or subsidiaries or their successor companies. . These latter are covered in the Bureau of Labor Statistics pay-roll index for street railways. For estimating the month-to-month trend in pay rolls of independent bus conipanies, some weight is given to the pay-roll index prepared by the Massachusetts Department of Labor, covering 90 percent of the industry in that State. Some weight is also given to the volume of passenger traffic on steam railways with special allowance for those periods in recent years when changes in passenger rates have presumably influenced the competitive position of the railroads. STO RAG E The month-to-month changes in pay rolls in the storage industry are estimated by applying an index of seasonal variation to a smooth curve connecting the annual averages. The index of seasonal variation is constructed from monthly pay-roll data in the 1935 Census. As the revenue from the storage of agricultural products constitute a substantial part of the revenue of this industry, some weight is given to crop movements in constructing the curve. For current months, the smooth curve is simply carried forward by reference to similar periods in the past, with special weight given to the movement of crops. W A T E R T R A N S P O R T A T IO N Pay-roll estimates in the field of water transportation are of necessity based on statistics relating to the monthly movement of freight by water. The only useful series available are: (1) Volume of freight moving through the Sault Sainte Marie; this series is believed to be a fairly good indicator of freight movements and to a lesser extent of wages on the Great Lakes. (2) Ship clearances of American vessels in foreign trade, which give some indication of wages of personnel on United States vessels engaged in foreign commerce. (3) Movement of freight through the Panama Canal in United States vessels—largely composed of inter coastal traffic but, of course, including some traffic from the east coast to the Orient or to the western coast of South America and some traffic between west coast and Europe, which, to this extent, is a duplication with (2). (4) Ship clearances in foreign trade (United States and other vessels), which should provide a rough measure of the wages of stevedores in boarding such freight. (5) The War Department publishes monthly figures on freight movements on the Ohio, Allegheny, and Monongahela Rivers, but these series are not indicative of any thing except traffic in the Pittsburgh district and should be weighted accordingly. 34 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 The principal deficiency is that there is no current index of freight movements in coastwise trade which is the most important of all types of water traffic. In order to give some effect to the available indexes of current freight movements, a weighted index was constructed from the five component series listed above for the period 1929 to 1938. In 1929, the salaries and wages of the labor involved in the handling and movement of the traffic reflected in this index is believed to have represented about 60 percent of the total salaries and wages in the water-trans portation industry as a whole. The residual 40 percent roughly measures the salaries and wages of persons employed in coastwise movement of freight, including the stevedoring necessary to load and unload such freight. The month-to-month changes in this volume of income were based on the movement of freight by rail. The combined index is then adjusted to the annual totals for each year. In general, the index works fairly well for the period 1929-35 but has a downward bias in recent years. The divergence is probably to be explained by the growth of coastwise waterway traffic relative to railway traffic over the later period. The Research Division of the United States Maritime Commission is now compiling information relating to employment and pay rolls in water-borne traffic. Therefore, reliable indexes will soon be available for these industries on a current basis, but for historical purposes it is still necessary to rely on traffic statistics. B A N K IN G Bureau of Labor Statistics indexes are available for the («jriod 1932-35. In 1936, the Bureau of Labor Statistics discontinued this series on the advice of the Central Statistical Board to the effect that fluctuations in employment and pay rolls were too small to justify the collection of current information. In addition, the Federal Reserve Board compiles data on a semiannual basis for all member banks. For the years 1932 to 1935, inclusive, the Bureau of Labor Statistics series was adjusted to the annual estimates for all banks exclusive of building and loan associations (included with miscellaneous in monthly estimates) and brokerage (estimated separately). For the years 1929 to 1931, inclusive, the Federal Reserve figures were used. The Reserve figures showed a consistent seasonal rise during the latter half of the year, which, by comparison with pay-roll estimates for the Pittsburgh banks, was concluded to represent bonuses and payments for overtime during the month of December. Therefore, a smooth curve was fitted to the Reserve data for the first half of the years 1928-32, inclu sive, to get the trend exclusive of such “bonuses.” The monthly movement in salaries was calculated from this curve, and the computed deficiencies for the latter half of each year were added to the calculated December figure. These monthly data for member banks were then adjusted to the annual estimates for all banks. For current information, it is necessary to rely upon the Reserve Board’s semiannual reports and upon pay-roll indexes published by the Massa chusetts Department of Labor and Industries and by the University of Pitts burgh (this index covers banks in western Pennsylvania). None of these sources in banking salaries have been very mild in the years following the liquidation of the early 30’s. BROKERAGE Month-to-month changes in pay rolls in the brokerage business have been published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics since January 1932. For the years 1929 to 1931, monthly pay rolls were estimated by the graphical comparison of pay rolls for the period 1932-39, with the volume of stocks traded each month on thé Now' York Stock Kxchange. The general relationship noted for these years is projected for the earlier years. IN S U R A N C E The Bureau of Labor Statistics monthly pay-roll index is available since January 1932. For the years 1932 to 1938 this index was, therefore, adjusted to the annual estimates for these years. For the years 1929 to 1931, a smooth curve was fitted to the annual data for 1929-32. The monthly series thus obtained was linked to the January 1932 figure for the adjusted Bureau of Labor Statistics index and then converted backwards to the annual estimates. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 19 29-40 35 R EA L ESTA TE The monthly income of employees in real-estate enterprises is estimated on the basis of a monthly index of real-estate activity published in the Real Estate Analyst. This procedure is justified by the circumstance that pay rolls in this industry represent largely commissions which depend primarily on the volume of real-estate activity. At any rate, the monthly pay-roll estimates may be ex pected to predict, with a fair degree of accuracy, changes in the annual aggregate, since this is also based largely on the series appearing in the Real Estate Analyst. L A U N D R I E S A N D D Y E IN G A N D C L E A N I N G E S T A B L IS H M E N T S The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ indexes for these two industries exclude clerical and technical employees: wherefore, salaried employees in these industries are included with “miscellaneous” employees. The coverage is 27 percent for dyeing and cleaning and 30 percent for laundries. For the years 1931 to date, the monthly indexes are adjusted annually to our estimates. For the years 1929 to 1930, the estimates are based on the employment estimates of the Com mittee for Economic Security. Y E A R -R O U N D H O T E L S W'AGES AND SU BSISTEN CE The Bureau of Labor Statistics’ index covers 50 percent of the industry, includ ing both salaried and wage personnel. The index is based upon cash payments only. It has been corrected to the 1933 Census, as have the annual estimates, but, owing to the inclusion of subsistence in the latter, the percentage change from 1929 to 1933 is not the same. However, the discrepancy was so small that the month-to-month fluctuation in the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ index was simply applied to the more inclusive dollar figures. G RA TU ITIES In the annual income estimates gratuities are estimated as a percentage of the hotel expenditures of guests. In computing the monthly income of employees from this source, the Horwath & Horwatli figures covering room rentals and hotel restaurant sales were weighted according to the relative importance of each as shown by the Census of 1935, and the resulting composite index adjusted to the annual estimates of gratuities received by hotel employees. SEA SON AL H O TELS The Censuses of 1933 and 1935 yielded an index of seasonal variation of employ ment in each of these years. It was assumed that the seasonal variations in pay rolls followed the same pattern, and the seasonal factors for 1933 were applied to the annual wages for 1932 and 1933, the 1935 seasonal to all other years on the assumption that the 1933 seasonal was typical of the worst years of the depres sion, the 1935 seasonal of relatively better years. The cyclical changes in this series are estimated currently on the basis of pay rolls of year-round hotels and the trend in certain luxury expenditures: for example, Pullman traffic. R E S T A U R A N T S A N D D R IN K IN G P L A C E S PAY ROLLS Several States are now collecting and publishing pay-roll indexes for restaurants. Massachusetts has been publishing such figures since September 1931; Kansas since August 1932; New York State, November 1932; Maryland, January 1934; Illinois, July 1935; Wisconsin, August 1937, and Minnesota since 1938. These State indexes were weighted according to their importance in the Censuses of 1933 and 1935 and a chain index was constructed to cover the period 1932 to date. For most of 1932 the index reflects merely changes in the Massachusetts index, but becomes more comprehensive and more reliable as new States have been added. The 7 States now represented in the index accounted for more than 40 percent of the salaries and wages in restaurants in 1935, so that, assuming 50 percent coverage, within each of the reporting States, the index may be assumed to be based on reports from 20 percent of the industry. None of the State indexes 36 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 is believed to cover drinking places, so these are estimated separately for the period 1933 to 1935. With 1935 as a base the index is adjusted to the annual dollar pay rolls back to 1932. Estimated pay rolls in drinking places (cf. below) are added for the years 1933 to 1935. For the period 1929 to 1931 a smooth curve was drawn through the annual estimates and seasonally adjusted figures read from the curve. The seasonal factors calculated from the index for the period 1933 to 1938 were applied to this curve. When drinking places had been added to restaurants for 1935, the restaurant index was linked at December of that year and adjusted to the annual data for restaurants and drinking places for the years 1935 to 1938, on the assumption that after 1935 restaurant pay rolls reflected also pay rolls in drinking places. The separate treatment of drinking places between 1933 and 1935 is necessary because of the unusual changes following the repeal of the prohibition amendment. Since the “drinking places’’ industry grew very rapidly after the repeal of pro hibition in 1933, it was considered desirable for purposes of historical accuracy to estimate pay rolls separately for the years 1933 to 1935. Monthly fluctuations in employment are given in the Censuses of 1933 and 1935, and are employed in estimating monthly labor income for those years. The census figures, however, are of no value as indicating the cyclical or seasonal character of fluctuations in employment, inasmuch as the dominant influence during these years was the suc cessive legalization of liquor in the various States. In each year there was a marked rise in employment during the months April to July and a slow' rise there after, presumably the effect of legislative activity during the early months of the year. For the year 1934, the same characteristic rise was assumed; for later years it is assumed that this influence has diminished in importance and that any further changes have been largely of a cyclical character. Hence the combination of this item with restaurants after 1935. G RA TU ITIES In the annual estimates these are taken to represent 10 percent of restaurant sales. Therefore it is only necessary to construct an index of restaurant sales. For this purpose the Marketing Research Division’s index of restaurant sales and the chain-restaurant sales carried in the Survey of Current Business until recently (Childs and Waldorf still available though not published) were used. A composite index was built up by giving chains and independents equal weight— this only for the period beginning January 1937, because the Marketing Research Division’s information is not available before that date. A seasonal w'as then computed for this period and applied to data read from a smooth curve drawn through annual data for restaurants only for the period 1929-35. For the years 1933 to 1935 it was necessary to add the sales of drinking places (cf. pay rolls). The growth in pay rolls of drinking places over this period was assumed to be similar to the growth in pay rolls. For the period 1935 to date the same pro cedure was adopted as in the case of pay rolls, but, since the index was not availa ble for 1936, recourse was had to a smooth curve drawn through annual data for restaurants and drinking places. The seasonal factors computed above were also applied before adjustment to the annual data. INCOM E IN K IN D (MEALS) Pay rolls are used as a trend and adjusted to the annual estimates of income in kind. The adjustment is a rough one; the ratio of actual annual estimates to annual figures as given by the pay-roll trend is calculated for each year, and this ratio is assumed to vary continuously w-ithin each year. The ratio for each month as determined by inspection is multiplied by the trend as calculated above. D O M E S T IC S E R V I C E As in the case of the annual estimates of the number of domestic servants, the monthly fluctuations in domestic-service employment are those estimated by the Committee for Economic Security. Monthly rates of pay are then calculated by drawing a smooth freehand curve through the average monthly W'age for each year. The product of these two series yields the monthly income of domestic servants. In the original compilation, the estimates were carried forward on the basis of employment alone, but the resulting annual figure for 1937 was so far below the actual total that it was considered desirable to extrapolate wage rates MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 37 also, and this is now being done. Employment estimates are a composite of estimates of employment in manufacturing, trade, etc. P R IV A T E E D U C A T IO N Estimates in the field of private education are largely a matter of determining the monthly distribution of the annual salaries and estimating very roughly, on the basis of the general movement of total income payments, the percentage change of the current year over the preceding year. Year-to-year variations are slight. The method of determining the monthly distribution is a variation of that used for public education (q. v.). O T H E R IN D U S T R IE S Included in this catch-all group are the following items: building and loan associations and miscellaneous industries of the finance group; the bulk of the industries classified as service industries in the annual estimates, including the employees of independent professional practitioners; and finally, the industries grouped under “miscellaneous” in the annual estimates. These combined indus tries accounted for $6,145,000,000 in 1929, or 12 percent of the total compensa tion of employees in that year. Inasmuch as the larger part of these industries are engaged in the production of services the demand for which does not vary significantly from one month of the year to another, it was assumed that there were no seasonal variations in employment and pay rolls in this group of industries. By experiment, it was found that the pay-roll series for the distributive industries gave a fairly good fit to the annual estimates of this miscellaneous group, and therefore the seasonally adjusted index of labor income in the distributive group was applied to the 1929 total for these industries. The adjustments neces sary to bring the annual totals thus obtained into line with the estimated annual totals are indicated below: 1930, +0.6; 1931, +1.5; 1932, +2.8; 1933, +1.2; 1934, +0.5; 1935, -1.3; 1936, -0.2; 1937, +0.6; 1938, +0.5. It is evident that these industries are subject to somewhat smaller cyclical fluctuations than is the distributive group, and allowance must lie made for this difference in periods of rapid changes in activity. g o v er n m en t : g en er a l c o n s id e r a t io n s The total salaries and wages of governmental units as included in this series will not be found to be identical with that presented in the annual income esti mates, for two reasons: (1) Retirement contributions of governmental em ployees have been deducted in the monthly series; and (2) certain types of com pensation representing a reward for part-time services have been classified in the annual estimates with other labor income in order that salaries and wages may be comparable with the number of employees. Since the number of employed per sons is not estimated in connection with the monthly series, such types of income have for convenience been included with salaries and wages. FED ERA L GOVERNM ENT CIV IL EX EC U TIV E O TH ER THAN POSTAL SERV ICE Payroll statistics are available only since November 1933. Prior to that date, it is necessary to rely upon midmonth employment figures multiplied by monthly estimates of average pay. These monthly estimates of average pay are con structed by drawing a smooth curve through the fiscal year averages with cor rection for the legislative changes in the rates of pay in July 1932 and April 1933. The monthly pay-roll estimates were then adjusted to the fiscal-year totals, but inasmuch as the necessary adjustments were small, an arbitrary smoothing method was employed. POSTAL SERV ICE The same method was used except that it was necessary to make some provi sion for the large sums paid out to temporary employees during the Christinas season, inasmuch as these employees would not be included in the midmonth employment totals. As was found to be the case in recent years, these additional payments were assumed to be closely related to the expansion in department store sales during the month. The monthly estimates so obtained were adjusted 38 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 to the fiscal-year totals by an arbitrary smoothing method. The necessary adjustments were small in every case. M ILITARY, L EG ISLA TIV E, AND JU D IC IA L Subsequent to November 1933, payments to employees in these branches of the Federal Government are reported monthly to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Prior to that date a smooth curve was drawn through the fiscal-year averages. A D JU S T M E N T S F O R R E T IR E M E N T S Y S T E M S The annual congressional appropriations on account of the Civil Service Retire ment which are included in national income have been dropped from this series Similarly, employee contributions to the retirement fund have been deducted from the salaries of executive employees. Employee contributions to the fund are available only on a fiscal-year basis, so that it is necessary to calculate such payments as a proportion of salaries for each year and apply this proportion to the individual months. On a current basis, deductions are estimated by applying the average for the latest fiscal year available to salaries paid out during the current month. Similarly, the contributions of States and local governmental units to their own retirement funds have been excluded from the monthly series, and the employee contribution deducted from salaries, and wages. Since contributions are available only on an annual basis, a procedure similar to that used for Federal employees is adopted. STATE AND LOCAL G O VERNM ENTS PU BLIC EDUCATION As there is no current measure of cyclical changes in teacher’s salaries, the chief problem here was to allocate the annual figures on a monthly basis. For this purpose, the source used was the March 1932 Research Bulletin of the National Education Association. Table 11 in that bulletin gives, for cities with popula tion greater than 2,500, the number of months over which teachers’ salary pay ments extend by size of cities. The cities in each size group were then weighted by their pay roll for the year 1931-32 (cf. p. 35 of Statistics of City School Systems for 1931-32, U. S. Office of Education), and there was thus obtained the percentage of annual teachers’ salaries that extended over 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 months. Where salaries were paid during 11 months, it was assumed that August was the month during which no payments were made; for 10 months, July and August; for 9 months, July to September;3 for 8 months, June to September. On these assumptions a monthly distribution of all teachers’ salaries was computed which indicated a constant rate for October to May, with a reduced rate for June and July and very low rates for August and September. When corrected for seasonal variation, this series would show an increase or decrease in October of each year and a constant rate over the following 11 months. This annual change is de termined on the basis of the rough estimates of informed workers in this field The method assumes that salary changes are effected only at the beginning of the school year While this may be the general practice, it was certainly not maintained during the depression years, when many local governments were forced to retrench whenever possible. On the other hand, such salary cuts often took the form of a more or less voluntary return of part of the teachers’ salary and in such cases the salaries reported by local governments might not necessarily be reduced. Therefore, no attempt was made to account for changes in personnel or salaries within the school year. In recent years the year-to-year changes in the volume of teachers’ salaries have been small. STATE AND LOCAL CONSTRUCTION The monthly estimate of salaries and wages on public construction are based on a confidential estimate of monthly employment by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. To these employment estimates is applied the average compensation for this type of work computed from employment and pay-roll statistics that the Bureau of * When1teachers are paid on a monthly basis, at least some of these payments might be made at the end of June. It was assumed, however, that even in such cases the payment was more reasonably allocated to the following month during which, presumably, it was first available for expenditure. MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 39 Labor Statistics has been collecting from a small number of State and local governments during recent years. As the average compensation showed little variation over these years, the same average was used for all the years 1929-39. O TH ER STATE AND LOCAL GOVERNM ENT PAY By the method outlined above, annual estimates were obtained of the com pensation of public employees on construction projects, which constitute the most variable of the functions performed by local governments. These annual estimates are then subtracted from the annual estimates of total compensation of State and local government employees, exclusive of public education, and a smooth curve drawn through the annual averages. The result is a much smoother curve than could have been drawn if construction were not deducted, and there can be less hesitation in extrapolating the curve in the current period. Since January 1940 the Bureau of the Census has been collecting quarterly information on the employment and pay rolls of State governments and munici palities. It is hoped that this material will be very helpful in improving the estimates of the current income of governmental employees. Similar material for the years 1929 to 1939 will soon be made available by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. W O R K R E L IE F This type of income since 1933 includes relief and nonrelief earnings on work relief and administrative projects under the Federal Emergency Relief Adminis tration; earnings on the Civil Works program of the winter months of 1933 34; and the income of enrolled personnel in the Civilian Conservation Corps (the salaries of nonenrolled personnel being included for the most part in the pay rolls of other governmental agencies) and the income of employees on Work Projects. Monthly data have been supplied by the Work Projects Administration and, inasmuch as these monthly figures are aggregated to give the totals appearing in the national income estimates, no adjustment is necessary. The present series also includes an estimate of work-relief wages for the years 1930 to 1932. This type of income became of increasing importance during 1932, and therefore, in order to prevent a sharp discontinuity in the work-relief and employees’ income series in January 1933, work-relief wages have been roughly estimated for the years 1930-32. The resulting estimates for work and direct relief are less reliable than that for their aggregate, but any resulting bias is not carried into the totalincome-payments series. For the method used to arrive at this estimate, see under “Direct relief.” ENTREPRENEURIAL INCOME AND NET RENTS AND ROYALTIES N E T IN C O M E O F F A R M O P E R A T O R S This item represents the most important component of entrepreneurial income— both because of its magnitude, averaging as it does one-third of total entrepren eurial income as here defined, and because of its variability. Thus, in 1932 agricultural net income was 70 percent lower than in 1929, whereas all other entrepreneurial incomes showed in the aggregate a decline of only 30 percent for the same period. The net income of farm operators has in recent years been composed of two elements: (1) the net income arising from the production and sale of farm products, and (2) Government benefit payments. The former item is computed by deduction of estimated costs from gross income. The latter item is carried in its entirety to net income. For estimating agricultural net income on a monthly basis, the Agriculture Department’s estimates of cash income from farm marketings is used. The Department of Agriculture’s unadjusted dollar series is then adjusted to the annual estimates (exclusive of Government benefits) of the net income of farm operators, which include the value of farm products consumed on the farm. The net-income figures are naturally more variable from a cyclical standpoint than are the gross-income figures, cost items being relatively more stable. Conse quently, in projecting this series into the current period, account is taken of this tendency in accordance with the observed relative movements in gross and net income for similar points in the cyclical trends of the past 10 years. To the monthly net-income figure as thus obtained is added the governmental benefits received by farmers. 40 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 In correcting farm income for seasonal fluctuations, a single set of factors is computed for the period 1929 37. Farm benefits are not adjusted for seasonal influences. The seasonal factors thus computed are not entirely satisfactory, and even after correction the agricultural-income figures show marked month-tomonth fluctuations which are communicated in reduced measure to the index of total income payments. The index of nonagricultural income, therefore, serves the important function of abstracting these random fluctuations and of presenting the nonseasonal changes in the more stable forms of income. In computing nonagricultural in come, the items deducted are: Agricultural net income (as defined above), agricultural wages, and interest and net rents arising from farm property. It should be noted that a substantial volume of these latter two types of income are received by persons not living on farms, particularly those receiving mortgage interest. On the other hand, farm incomes are supplemented by part-time earn ings in industry, by an unknown volume of nonfarm property income, and by a small amount of direct relief, including emergency subsistence payments. Con sequently, the nonagricultural-income series represents income payments arising from nonagricultural activities, rather than income received by the nonfarm population. The difference between total income payments and nonagricultural income payments will not, however, be found to be identical with income produced as incorporated in the annual income estimates. This divergence is accounted for by the circumstance that agricultural net rents are in the annual aggregates included in the finance group along with net rents and royalties on nonfarm property. O T H E R E N T R E P R E N E U R I A L IN C O M E As noted in the body of this report, this item represents largely withdrawals rather than income in the accepted sense—save in the important case of independ ent professional men, for whom, because of the small scale of capital involved, it is impractical to distinguish net income from personal withdrawals even on an annual basis. Information relative to the month-to-month fluctuations in this type of income is entirely lacking on either a historical or a current basis. There fore it is necessary to assume that withdrawals are not subject to seasonal influ ences and, in projecting the estimates, to base such projections on the study of past performance with special reference to the seasonally corrected indexes of salaries and wages in the distributive and service industries. The resulting series is relatively insensitive to fluctuations in economic activity. If this result fails to accord with the common conception of the entrepreneur as the bearer of risk, it is none the less reasonable to assume that, for entrepreneurs as for other persons, expenditures can be expected to be substantially more stable than income. And since the personal expenditures of entrepreneurs determine largely his busi ness withdrawals, these latter may also be expected to show a certain degree of stability. At any rate, the monthly series has so far predicted with fair accuracy the changes in entrepreneurial withdrawals as entered in the annual income estimates. N E T R E N T S A N D R O Y A L T IE S Rents and royalties, as included in the national-income estimates as well as in the present series, represent the net return from the ownership and operation of rented property, after the deduction of various cost items. Therefore this item is more properly classified with entrepreneurial income rather than with property incomes (dividends and interest) in the narrower sense of that term. An additional reason for combining this item with entrepreneurial income lies in the paucity of data available for both items; in contrast it is felt that the trend in dividends and interest can be determined with a fair degree of accuracy. As in the case of “other entrepreneurial income” the treatment of this item is limited to an attempt to determine trend and cyclical influences from the annual data. In projecting the annual data into the current period some assistance is rendered by the Bureau of Labor Statistics index of housing costs and by the housing component of the National Industrial Conference Board’s index of living costs. Both indexes must, how'ever, be considered of very limited value for this purpose- first, because residential rents account for only 50 percent of all net rents and royalties; secondly, because both indexes can at best be taken as re flecting gross income from residential rents, whereas what is desired is some meas ure of net income from such sources. Net rents and royalties showTmuch wider MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 41 fluctuations than other entrepreneurial income as included in the present series. The principal reason for this is that rents and royalties include an element of business savings. However, because of the small size of the rents item, as well as the great difficulties involved in estimating withdrawals for those persons receiving such incomes, no attempt lias been made to eliminate this element from the monthly income estimates. DIVIDENDS AND INTEREST Dividends are estimated largely on the basis of the series of dividend payments compiled by the New York Journal of Commerce, supplemented by special studies for critical periods (as when the Journal of Commerce series was radically altered in 1934). The Journal of Commerce series was selected because it comprises actual payments to shareholders during the current month, rather than dividend declarations as measured by the New York Times series, and is forthatreason more comparable, in respect to timing, with the estimates of labor income. Interest payments on corporate and governmental indebtedness are also esti mated to a large extent, especially in the earlier years, on the Journal of Com merce series. For the years 1929 to 1935, the Journal of Commerce sories is adjusted to the annual estimates of long-term interest for corporate and govern mental bodies. Despite the relatively stable nature of the series, the adjustments for these years are surprisingly large. Beginning with 1930, interest payments by the Federal Government are taken directly from the Daily Treasury State ments, and the trend of interest payments on other corporate debt is determined on the basis of special studies of issues, retirements, and refunding operations in the security markets. Seasonal fluctuations are still based upon the Journal of Commerce series. For all years, interest payments on farm and urban home mortgages and on the indebtedness of unincorporated enterprises are assumed to have no seasonal fluctuations and are, therefore, estimated by drawing a smooth curve through the annual estimates and extrapolating this curve forward on the basis of fragmentary information on changes in the volume of mortgages and interest rates on such mortgages. It is a matter of some difficulty to correct dividend and interest payments for seasonal variation, and so far none of the orthodox methods lias been found to be applicable. The principal difficulty lies in the fact that, although there is a definite seasonal pattern for dividends, the pattern is subject to rapid changes which seem to be cumulative in nature. An index of seasonal variation for dividends has been calculated by the ratio-to-moving-average method for three periods, and these indexes are compared below: Indexes of Seasonal Variation for Dividends Month 1929-31 1932-34 1936-37 161 89 97 97 93 107 197 98 93 97 78 101 100 July. 44 76 101 39 130 Month 1929-31 1932-34 19:16-37 131 76 78 96 88 88 136 73 66 108 76 78 108 44 111 41 306 As might be concluded from a comparison of the seasonal factors for 1929-31 and 1932-34, it would have been possible to correct dividends for seasonal varia tions over the years 1929-35 by computing a seasonal factor every year from the variations for the latest 3 years, and such a method does give a fairly smooth curve, which, however, still exhibits random fluctuations such as are not observable in seasonally corrected employees’ compensation. Hut at any rate, this method would not be applicable to the later years during which the undistributed-profits tax was in force. As a matter of fact, dividends could hardly have been said to have a true seasonal pattern during this period. This tax, as already remarked, imposed a penalty upon corporations not paying dividends in the years in which they were earned. Therefore, insofar as a full year’s operation proved to be more profitable than had been expected in the earlier months of the year, there would tend to be large dividend payments in the final month of the year. Insofar as operations for the year as a whole did not come up to earlier expectations, there might well be a tendency for dividends to fall off at the year end. Thus, in 1936 42 MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 19 29-40 when business activity experienced a sharp rise during the last half of the year, December dividends accounted for nearly 30 percent of all dividends disbursed during the year. On the other hand, the closing months of the year 1937 were marked by a sharp drop in industrial activity, and December dividends amounted to only 22 percent of all dividends. The year 1938 was one of greatly reduced business activity, and, therefore, dividends in the final month represented only 17 percent of the year’s total. The sharp rise in corporate incomes in the last quarter of 1939 was again reflected in the fact that December dividends accounted for fully 24 percent of the year’s total. There was a well-defined seasonal pattern for interest payments during the early years of the period under review, but with the inauguration of the Federal Government’s refunding program, and the smaller-scale refunding operations of public-utility corporations, this seasonal pattern has fluctuated widely in recent years. Owing, therefore, to the difficulty of correcting dividends and interest for seasonal variations in recent years by the orthodox methods, it was decided to determine the nonseasonal movements for the whole period by merely computing a 13-month moving average centered on the seventh month and smoothing through this average at critical points. The results obtained by this method are satisfactory in most respects, but it is necessary to project this index for ward to cover the latest 5 months. This projection is based largely on a com parison of movements in this average with movements in the adjusted index of employees’ compensation for similar periods in the past. To the extent that this comparison proves faulty, it is necessary to revise the adjusted index of total income payments from time to time. While this procedure may occasion some inconvenience to those who use the series, it is to some extent justified by the fact already indicated above that the actual payments of dividends (and in some periods, interest) do not reflect current business operations, as do, for example, production indexes and pay-roll statistics, but refer rather to the earnings of some preceding period. The construction of a smooth trend for dividends and interest, even by the use of rather arbitrary methods, is believed to be justified by the uses to which the adjusted index may be put. In its primary use as an index of consumer purchasing power, it seems desirable to minimize the effects of month-to-month changes in property incomes because (1) so much of this type of income accrues to trust accounts of various kinds and so is not immediately available for con sumption, and (2) of the remainder, it is likely that the expenditure based upon this income is extended over a period of several months rather than being con centrated in the months in which the income is received (cf. similar treatment in case of entrepreneurial income). Secondly, with respect to the use of the index as an indicator of general economic activity, month-to-month fluctuations in dividends are misleading here, as they should be largely offset by changes in business savings. Thus, the high level of December dividend payments must be considered to be largely offset by negative business savings, particularly in years of depressed activity. Similarly the low rate of dividend disbursements in sur rounding months is accompanied by positive business savings—that is, by an accumulation of net income to be paid out quarterly or semiannually, according to the usual dividend-paying practice. DIRECT AND OTHER RELIEF Included in this type of income are “general relief,” “payments to recipients of special types of public assistance” (old-age assistance, aid to dependent children, and aid to the blind), and “emergency subsistence payments to farmers.” The earnings of relief persons employed on work-relief projects under the F. E. R. A. have been deducted from the general relief estimates published in the Social Security Bulletin and included in the work-relief estimates; cf. table 3, “Statistical Summary of Emergency Relief Activities, January 1933 through December 1935.” Subsequent to January 1933 the relief estimate are those of the Social Security Board and the Works Progress Administration. Neither of these agencies has released relief estimate for earlier years, and therefore these were constructed in the following way. Of primary importance were the estimate appearing in appendix B, p. 69, of Trends in Different Types of Public and Private Relief in Urban Areas, 1929-1935, Publication No. 237 of the Children’s Bureau of the Department of Labor. In this appendix are given estimate of work relief, direct relief, and categorical assistance by months for the period 1929 to 1935, for 120 urban areas. For each MONTHLY INCOME PAYMENTS, 1929-40 43 of these three types of relief there was constructed an index for the years before 1933 by linking the Children’s Bureau estimates to the Works Progress Adminis tration estimates for the first 4 months of 1933. (Because of the unsatisfactory nature of the estimates for the early months of 1933 this was considered a more conservative procedure than that of linking the indexes at January 1933.) By adding the monthly estimates for the three types of relief, a first estimate for all relief from 1929 to 1932 was obtained, but it was still necessary to correct this estimate for the varying trend of urban and rural relief. Tlie only estimate available is one for 1932 (Trends in Relief Expenditures, 1910-1935, by Anne E. Geddes, p. 44). From this source, public relief was estimated at $447,000,000 for 1932, whereas the estimate based solely on the information for 120 urban areas was $531,000,000, indicating that the upward trend in rural relief from 1932 to 1933 was more marked than that indicated for urban relief by the Children’s Bureau series. On the assumption of a similar differential trend for 1929 to 1931, the annual estimates for this period were also revised downward and the monthly estimates adjusted to these annual estimates by the Bassie method. Work-relief payments were estimated roughly on the basis of the proportions of work-relief expenditures to all other relief expenditures as estimated by the Children’s Bureau for urban areas for the years prior to 1933. There is no esti mate of total work-relief wages comparable to the Works Progress Administration estimate of total disbursements for 1932. Therefore the estimates of work-relief wages and direct relief must be regarded as less reliable than their estimated total for the years before 1933. OTHER LABOR INCOME The characteristic common to the income included here has been noted in the text of this report-—in general, the disbursements included represent compensa tion for past services. The most important components, their relative importance, and the method of estimation are noted separately below. In general they repre sent the results of official tabulations, or of arbitrary smoothing of annual data. P E N S IO N S T O V E T E R A N S Pensions to veterans constitute the largest single item for the period as a whole, and for recent years have approximated 35 million dollars a month. The monthly entries for the whole period are furnished by the United States Veterans’ Administration. A D JU S T E D -S E R V IC E B E N E F IT S TO W O R L D W A R V E T E R A N S This item is now of diminishing importance. Estimates for the years 1931 to 1937 were constructed on the basis of data supplied by the United States Veterans’ Administration and the United States Treasury Department. Current figures are taken from the month-end statements of the Treasury Department. Adjusted-service benefits constituted an important addition to income in 1931 and 1936, and for these years produce severe breaks in the otherwise fairly smooth curve of total income payments. For some purposes if would seem advisable to smooth over these discontinuities, by an arbitrary process if necessary. If the income index is considered as an index of economic activity, such benefits obviously have no place in the index; even where interest attaches to the primary or purchas ing power aspect of the index, a comparison with department-store sales, or other available indexes of retail sales, indicates that the bonus payments of the summer of 1936 had little effect on retail activity in those months. Indications are that the expenditure of the $1,200,000,000 of benefits disbursed during June and July 1936 was distributed over a period of several months preceding and following their actual disbursement. For those who may be interested in making some such M ONTHLY 44 INCOME PAYMENTS, 19 29-40 allowances, or who for other reasons may wish to eliminate adjusted-service pay ments from the income series, they are shown below: Adjusted Service Benefit Payments [In millions of dollars] Month 1931 February................................ March................................... June....................................... July......................................... August................................... September..... ....................... October ___ _________ November_____________ December.............................. 5 307 352 92 39 25 19 17 17 13 21 1932 19 12 10 10 9 9 21 26 11 8 6 6 1933 6 5 7 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 3 3 1934 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1935 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1936 1 1 1 800 413 77 48 35 25 26 1937 1938 18 13 13 10 7 18 12 9 8 8 6 6 6 5 6 5 4 8 5 5 4 4 3 3 1939 3 2 3 3 2 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 O T H E R F E D E R A L D IS B U R S E M E N T S Included here are all annuities to former civil-service employees as well as refunds to persons withdrawing from the retirement system. Also, as regards retirement benefits to military personnel, monthly data are from official sources. In the aggregate these items accounted for roughly $85,000,000 of income in 1939. S O C IA L S E C U R IT Y B E N E F IT S Social Security benefits have been of increasing importance since 1937, when they totaled only $40,000,000. Unemployment-insurance benefits now consti tute the most important single component of “other labor income,” aggregating $435,000,000 in 1939. Railroad retirement benefits accounted foranother $100,000,000 in 1939. Disbursements under the old-age-insurance provisions of the Social Security Act amounted to only $12,000,000 in 1939, but, consequent upon the recent liberalization of the provisions of this act, such disbursements are expected to grow in importance during 1940. AH monthly data are from official sources. w o r k m e n ’s C O M P E N S A T IO N , P R IV A T E R E T IR E M E N T B E N E F IT S , E T C . All other labor income includes workmen’s compensation, benefits .under retire ment systems sponsored by private industry or non-Federal governments, and a small volume of Federal Government pensions for which no monthly data are available. Because of the lack of monthly data, month-to-month changes are estimated by graphical interpolation of the annual data. In the aggregate, these items show little change from year to year. o