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A rnseting of the Federal Itesarve Board was held in the office of
the Board on Wednesday, June 7, 1922, at 11:00 a.m.
PRESENT: Vice GoNernor Platt
Mr. Hamlin
Mr. Miller
Mr. Cr issinger
Mr. lioxton, Secretary.
Minutes of the meeting of the Board held on June 5th were read and
031 mot on approved..
The Vice Governor reported the reserve positions of the several Federal
reserve banks as at close of business June 5th.
Mr. Hamlin submitted a naemorandurn dated June 6th, from Tr. E. W.
Freeman, Assistant Counsel, giving an opinion as to the application of the
Budget and Accounting Act of 1921 to the Federal Reserve Boerd, ani moved
that the Secretary be instructed to acquaint those in charge of the accounting of the Federal Reserve Board with the contents of the said memorandum
for their info mai on and guidance.
Letter dated June

6th, from Senator Harris of Georgia, requesting

infoxmation as to the number of banks in the United States which
wauld be
eligible for rrembership in the Federal Reserve System, should Senate Bill
3531, introdired by Senator Harris, be passed by Congress and signed_ by
the President.


Upon motion, the Secretary was instructed to secure
the information desired by Senator Harris from the Federal
reserve banks.


Upon motion of Mr. Miller, it was voted that the time of the
regular meetings of the Board be changed from 10:30 a.m. to 10 a.m., beginning next Tuesday, June 13th, and to continue during the period that
the daylight savings schedule elan be in force in the City of 7,7ashington.
Dated June 6th, Recornnending changes in stock at Federal reserve banks,
as set forth in the alxiliary minute book of this date.
Letter dated June 5th, from the Comptroller of the Currency, re-

que st ing approval of a salary of


per annum to be paid to Mr. James

B. iiernd.on, Jr., National Bank .L:xarniner in the Eleventh Federal

At 11:35 a.m. the meetint3 adjollrned.

APPle ved
Vice Governor.
