Economic Synopses
These brief essays delve into the economic issues of the day for a generally informed readership.
- Economic Synopses : Short Essays and Reports on The Economic Issues of The Day
- 2000s
- 2010s
- The Evolving Size Distribution of Banks, 2010, No. 1
- Measuring Financial Market Stress, 2010, No. 2
- Are Low Interest Rates Good for Consumers?, 2010, No. 3
- Okun's Law : Output and Unemployment, 2010, No. 4
- Using FOMC Forecasts to Forecast the Economy, 2010, No. 5
- Money Supply, Credit Expansion, and Housing Price Inflation, 2010, No. 6
- Why Income Per Worker Differs Worldwide, 2010, No. 7
- When Will Business Lending Pick Up?, 2010, No. 8
- Not Your Father's Oil Shock, 2010, No. 9
- "How Central Should the Central Bank Be?" A Comment, 2010, No. 10
- Monetary Policy and Asset Prices, 2010, No. 11
- Economic Growth and the Global Savings Glut, 2010, No. 12
- City Growth and Industry Employment Reallocation, 2010, No. 13
- Monetizing the Debt, 2010, No. 14
- Why Do People Dislike Inflation?, 2010, No. 15
- Recent Changes in Labor Force Participation : Trend or Cycle?, 2010, No. 16
- The First U.S. Quantitative Easing : The 1930s, 2010, No. 17
- A Jump in Consumer Loans?, 2010, No. 18
- Why Aren't the Chinese Buying More American Goods?, 2010, No. 19
- Using Stock Market Liquidity to Forecast Recessions, 2010, No. 20
- Business Cycle Measures, 2010, No. 21
- Sovereign Debt Shadows, 2010, No. 22
- The European Debt Crisis and U.S. Economic Growth, 2010, No. 23
- The Monetary Base and Bank Lending : You Can Lead a Horse to Water…, 2010, No. 24
- Which Comes First : Inflation or the FOMC's Funds Rate Target?, 2010, No. 25
- The Effects of Large-Scale Asset Purchases on TIPS Inflation Expectations, 2010, No. 26
- Deflation and the Fisher Equation, 2010, No. 27
- Can the FOMC Increase the Funds Rate Without Reducing Reserves?, 2010, No. 28
- Would QE2 Have a Significant Effect on Economic Growth, Employment, or Inflation?, 2010, No. 29
- U.S. Historical Experience with Deflation, 2010, No. 30
- Is More QE in Sight?, 2010, No. 31
- Japan Reenters the Foreign Exchange Market, 2010, No. 32
- Is the Fed's Definition of Price Stability Evolving?, 2010, No. 33
- The Downside of Quantitative Easing, 2010, No. 34
- Mortality Rates and the Business Cycle : An Opportunity for Greater Transparency, 2010, No. 35
- Monetary Policy and Longer-Term Rates : An Opportunity for Greater Transparency, 2010, No. 36
- Unemployment and the Role of Monetary Policy, 2010, No. 37
- When Do Recessions Begin and End?, 2010, No. 38
- What Does the Change in the FOMC's Statement of Objectives Mean?, 2011, No. 1
- Monetary Policy, Bubbles, and Goldilocks, 2011, No. 2
- Location and the Return to Education, 2011, No. 3
- Are Bank Reserves and Bank Lending Connected?, 2011, No. 4
- The Difference Between Currency Manipulation and Monetary Policy, 2011, No. 5
- Housing's Role in a Recovery, 2011, No. 6
- Monetary Policy at the Zero Bound, 2011, No. 7
- Fiscal Policy and Expected Inflation, 2011, No. 8
- U.S. Trade Springs Back, 2011, No. 9
- Monetary Policy's Effects on Unemployment, 2011, No. 10
- The Effects of Education on Health, 2011, No. 11
- Core Versus Headline Inflation : An Opportunity for Greater Transparency, 2011, No. 12
- CPI Inflation : Running on Motor Fuel, 2011, No. 13
- Food Prices and Inflation in Emerging Markets, 2011, No. 14
- Income Mobility, 2011, No. 15
- Core Versus Headline Inflation Again, 2011, No. 16
- RMB Appreciation and U.S. Inflation Risk, 2011, No. 17
- Is the FOMC's Policy Inflating Asset Prices?, 2011, No. 18
- Oil Price Shocks and Inflation Risk, 2011, No. 19
- The Federal Debt : Too Little Revenue or Too Much Spending, 2011, No. 20
- The Federal Debt : What's the Source of the Increase in Spending?, 2011, No. 21
- Some Closure on Foreclosures?, 2011, No. 22
- The Great Foreign Exchange Intervention of 2011, 2011, No. 23
- Tax Rates and Revenue Since the 1970s, 2011, No. 24
- The Gender Wage Gap, 2011, No. 25
- Changes in the Mortgage Market Since the Crisis, 2011, No. 26
- Capital Controls by Any Other Name, 2011, No. 27
- Should Food Be Excluded from Core CPI?, 2011, No. 28
- The FOMC's Interest Rate Policy : How Long Is the Long Run?, 2011, No. 29
- Searching for the Financial Accelerator : How Credit Affects the Business Cycle, 2011, No. 30
- Immigration at the Extremes of the Skill Distribution, 2011, No. 31
- Households During the Great Recession : The Financial Accelerator in Action?, 2011, No. 32
- State Balanced-Budget and Debt Rules, 2011, No. 33
- Liquidity Crises in the Small and Large, 2011, No. 34
- Construction and the Great Recession, 2011, No. 35
- Using Brent and WTI Oil Prices to Predict Gasoline Prices, 2011, No. 36
- Why Is Employment Growth So Low?, 2011, No. 37
- Inflation Objective and Policy Credibility : A Potential Problem for the FOMC, 2011, No. 38
- Real Estate Bubbles and Weak Recoveries, 2011, No. 39
- Jobless Recoveries or Jobless Growth?, 2011, No. 40
- Initial Claims and Employment Growth : Are We at the Threshold?, 2011, No. 41
- Fiscal Policy in the Great Recession and Lessons from the Past, 2012, No. 1
- Employment Dynamics During Economic Recoveries, 2012, No. 2
- Following the Fed with a News Tracker, 2012, No. 3
- Quantitative Easing and Money Growth : Potential for Higher Inflation?, 2012, No. 4
- Identifying Structural and Cyclical Shocks Across U.S. Regions, 2012, No. 5
- The Mysterious Greek Yield Curve, 2012, No. 6
- How Well Do Initial Claims Forecast Employment Growth Over the Business Cycle and Over Time?, 2012, No. 7
- Speculation in the Oil Market, 2012, No. 8
- The FOMC : Transparency Achieved?, 2012, No. 9
- Home Equity and Household Income, 2012, No. 10
- What Is Potential GDP and Why Does It Matter?, 2012, No. 11
- Get by with a Little Help from My…Other Exports, 2012, No. 12
- The Relationships Among Changes in GDP, Employment, and Unemployment : This Time, It's Different, 2012, No. 13
- Foreign Direct Investment in the United States During the Financial Crisis, 2012, No. 14
- Okun's Law : A Meaningful Guide for Monetary Policy?, 2012, No. 15
- Firm Size and Employment Dynamics in Recessions and Recoveries, 2012, No. 16
- Reducing the U.S. Deficit by Recycling Capital Inflows, 2012, No. 17
- The Efficacy of Monetary Policy : A Tale from Two Decades, 2012, No. 18
- The Effects of Wealth Bubbles on Consumption, 2012, No. 19
- Coming to America : Covered Bonds?, 2012, No. 20
- Commodity Futures Index Trading and Spot Oil Prices, 2012, No. 21
- Driving to Recession and Recovery, 2012, No. 22
- The Efficacy of the FOMC's Zero Interest Rate Policy, 2012, No. 23
- Can Trade Links Transmit a European Crisis?, 2012, No. 24
- How Positive Are Recent Employment and Labor Market Trends?, 2012, No. 25
- Verbal Guidance and the Efficacy of Forward Guidance, 2012, No. 26
- A Proposal for Improving Forward Guidance, 2012, No. 27
- Unemployment Insurance Fraud, 2012, No. 28
- Prime and Subprime Hybrid Mortgages, 2012, No. 29
- Monetary Policy and the Expected Adjustment Path of Key Variables, 2012, No. 30
- How Can QE3 Affect the Housing Market?, 2012, No. 31
- Bouncing Back from the Great Recession : The United States Versus Europe, 2012, No. 32
- Quantitative Easing the Swedish Way, 2012, No. 33
- The Fiscal Cliff in Context, 2012, No. 34
- Can Repatriation Taxes Explain the Recent Increase in Cash Holdings?, 2012, No. 35
- Is the FOMC's Unemployment Rate Threshold a Good Idea?, 2013, No. 1
- Rent or Buy?, 2013, No. 2
- From "Man-Cession" to "He-Covery" : Same Old, Same Old, 2013, No. 3
- Why Is Output Growth So Slow?, 2013, No. 4
- Is the Fed Monetizing Government Debt?, 2013, No. 5
- Measuring the Contribution of Construction to the Slow Recovery, 2013, No. 6
- Political Pressure on the Bank of Japan : Interference or Accountability?, 2013, No. 7
- Would It Help To Eliminate Interest on Reserves?, 2013, No. 8
- Life Cycle Patterns and Boom-Bust Dynamics in U.S. Housing Prices, 2013, No. 9
- Lessons from the Recent Recession : The Faster They Grow, the Harder They Fall, 2013, No. 10
- The Macroeconomy of the U.S. States : On the Road to Recovery?, 2013, No. 11
- Winners and Losers in the Great Recession, 2013, No. 12
- The Great Chinese Housing Boom, 2013, No. 13
- What Flattened the Earnings Profile of Recent College Graduates?, 2013, No. 14
- Low Inflation in a World of Securitization, 2013, No. 15
- Household Wealth : Has It Recovered?, 2013, No. 16
- Translating Kurzarbeit, 2013, No. 17
- Unemployment Benefits : How Much Money Goes Unclaimed?, 2013, No. 18
- Japan as a Role Model?, 2013, No. 19
- The Mechanics Behind Manufacturing Job Losses, 2013, No. 20
- A Perspective on Possible Fed Exit Strategies, 2013, No. 21
- Mind the Regional Output Gap, 2013, No. 22
- Okun's Law in Recession and Recovery, 2013, No. 23
- Does the Economy Need More Spending Now?, 2013, No. 24
- Forward Guidance 101A : A Roadmap of the U.S. Experience, 2013, No. 25
- Current Risks from Exports and Foreign Sales, 2013, No. 26
- Major U.S. Trading Partners Before and After the Great Recession, 2013, No. 27
- Forward Guidance 101B : A Roadmap of the International Experience, 2013, No. 28
- Is Nominal GDP Targeting a Rule Policymakers Could Accept?, 2013, No. 29
- The Size and Growth of Businesses Started During the Financial Crisis, 2013, No. 30
- Bank vs. Bond Financing Over the Business Cycle, 2013, No. 31
- The Recent Boom in House Prices : Why Is This Time Different?, 2013, No. 32
- U.S. Inflation and Its Components, 2013, No. 33
- The Role of Total Hours Worked in Japan's (Lack of) GDP Growth, 2013, No. 34
- Quantitative Easing in Japan : Past and Present, 2014, No. 1
- Lessons from the Taper Tantrum, 2014, No. 2
- Has QE Been Effective?, 2014, No. 3
- Currency Returns During the Financial Crisis and Great Recession, 2014, No. 4
- The Deleveraging of U.S. Households Since the Financial Crisis, 2014, No. 5
- Discouraged Workers : What Do We Know?, 2014, No. 6
- Labor Market Update, 2014, No. 7
- Are Virtual "Currencies" Likely to Succeed?, 2014, No. 8
- Accounting for Discouraged Workers in the Unemployment Rate, 2014, No. 9
- Signs of Improving Labor Market Conditions, 2014, No. 10
- Employment Revision Asymmetries, 2014, No. 11
- Recent Trends in Student Loans : More Loans and Higher Balances, 2014, No. 12
- Where Is the Slack in the Labor Market?, 2014, No. 13
- What's Behind—and Beyond—the Default Rate on Student Loans?, 2014, No. 14
- Job Separation Rate Shows Economic Shifts, 2014, No. 15
- The Effects of Extending Unemployment Insurance Benefits, 2014, No. 16
- How Negative Is Negative Real GDP Growth?, 2014, No. 17
- The Cost of Chasing Returns, 2014, No. 18
- Comparing International Bond Yields, 2014, No. 19
- "Unemployment Claims Hit 8½-Year Low" : Interpret with Caution, 2014, No. 20
- U.S. Job Polarization Persists, 2014, No. 21
- Measuring (Most of) the Slack in the Labor Market, 2014, No. 22
- The Rising Complexity of the FOMC Statement, 2014, No. 23
- Recent ECB Policy and Inflation Expectations, 2014, No. 24
- Why Is Credit Card Delinquency Declining?, 2014, No. 25
- Projecting GDP Growth Using Trends in Labor Force Participation, 2014, No. 26
- Monetary Policy and the Output Gap, 2014, No. 27
- Global Monetary Policy Amidst Deflationary Concerns, 2015, No. 1
- The Economic Fundamentals of Emerging Market Volatility, 2015, No. 2
- Are Oil Price Declines Good for the Economy?, 2015, No. 3
- Firm Size and Employment Dynamics, 2015, No. 4
- Measuring Labor Productivity : Technology and the Labor Supply, 2015, No. 5
- Jobs : More Slowly Created, More Slowly Destroyed, 2015, No. 6
- Student Loan Delinquency : A Big Problem Getting Worse?, 2015, No. 7
- Oil Prices : Is Supply or Demand Behind the Slump?, 2015, No. 8
- How Accurate Are Measures of Long-Term Inflation Expectations?, 2015, No. 9
- How Much Do Oil Prices Affect Inflation?, 2015, No. 10
- Safe Occupations Are Growing, 2015, No. 11
- Liftoff and the Natural Rate of Interest, 2015, No. 12
- The Relationship Between Labor Market Conditions and Wage Growth, 2015, No. 13
- Lagging Long-Term Wage Growth, 2015, No. 14
- Synchronization of Business Cycles and the Extensive Margin of Trade, 2015, No. 15
- Is Inflation Running Hot or Cold?, 2015, No. 16
- A Cross-Country Comparison of Labor Force Participation, 2015, No. 17
- Financial Engineering Versus Cancer, 2015, No. 18
- Secular Stagnation and Returns on Capital, 2015, No. 19
- How Much Do Oil Prices Affect Employment?, 2015, No. 20
- The Greek Debt Crisis : What Are the Potential Scenarios Going Forward?, 2015, No. 21
- What Drives Household Debt?, 2015, No. 22
- India's Atypical Structural Transformation, 2015, No. 23
- China's Slowdown : Is Currency Appreciation to Blame?, 2015, No. 24
- Introducing the St. Louis Fed Price Pressures Measure, 2015, No. 25
- Age and Gender Differences in Long-Term Unemployment : Before and After the Great Recession, 2015, No. 26
- The Unemployment and Participation Rates for Aggregate Human Capital, 2015, No. 27
- Private Investment and the Great Recession, 2016, No. 1
- Bank Lending During Recessions, 2016, No. 2
- The Dynamics of Mortgage Debt in Default, 2016, No. 3
- Russia's Demographic Problems Started Before the Collapse of the Soviet Union, 2016, No. 4
- Revisiting GDP Growth Projections, 2016, No. 5
- PMI and GDP : Do They Correlate for the United States? For China?, 2016, No. 6
- Taking Stock : Income Inequality and the Stock Market, 2016, No. 7
- Filling the Tank on Fridays May Be a Bad Idea for St. Louisans, 2016, No. 8
- Chinese Foreign Exchange Reserves and the U.S. Economy, 2016, No. 9
- U.S. Fiscal Policy : Reality and Outlook, 2016, No. 10
- The Deleveraging of U.S. Households : Credit Card Debt over the Lifecycle, 2016, No. 11
- Potential U.S. Consequences of China's Capital Account Liberalization, 2016, No. 12
- Who Exactly Benefits from Too Big To Fail?, 2016, No. 13
- Have Labor Costs Slowed the Recovery?, 2016, No. 14
- The Recent Evolution of U.S. Local Labor Markets, 2016, No. 15
- Labor Compensation and Labor Productivity : Recent Recoveries and the Long-Term Trend, 2016, No. 16
- Long-Run Economic Effects of Changes in the Age Dependency Ratio, 2016, No. 17
- Household Financial Distress and Household Deleveraging, 2016, No. 18
- Employment and Capacity Utilization Over the Business Cycle, 2016, No. 19
- Sovereign Default and Economic Performance in Oil-Producing Economies, 2016, No. 20
- The Heterogeneous Impacts of Rising Inflation, 2016, No. 21
- The Direction of Capital Flows, 2016, No. 22
- A Closer Look at Federal Income Taxes, 2016, No. 23
- Does the Pullback in the Bond Market Matter?, 2016, No. 24
- A Perspective on Nominal Interest Rates, 2016, No. 25
- The Rise in Chinese Tourism and Its Effects on the Balance of Payments, 2016, No. 26
- Does a Stronger Dollar Erode the Profitability of U.S. Firms?, 2016, No. 27
- Secured and Unsecured Debt Over the Business Cycle, 2017, No. 1
- Aging and Wealth Inequality, 2017, No. 2
- The People's Bank of China Boosts the Yuan, 2017, No. 3
- The Connection Between Social Security Disability Insurance and High Unemployment, 2017, No. 4
- Does Data Confusion Equal Forecast Confusion?, 2017, No. 5
- The Survival Rate of the Smallest Establishments During the Great Recession, 2017, No. 6
- Remembering Allan H. Meltzer, 2017, No. 7
- What Could We Have Expected from a $10 Minimum Wage in the City of St. Louis?, 2017, No. 8
- Measures of Pollution, 2017, No. 9
- The Rising Federal Funds Rate in the Current Low Long-Term Interest Rate Environment, 2017, No. 10
- Convergence in Productivity, R&D Intensity, and Technology Adoption, 2017, No. 11
- State Variation of Tax Deductions, 2017, No. 12
- Earnings Losses Through Unemployment and Unemployment Duration, 2017, No. 13
- Why the 2009 Recovery Act Didn't Improve the Nation's Highways, 2017, No. 14
- The Evolution of St. Louis's Wage Distribution, 2017, No. 15
- The Decline of Coal, 2017, No. 16
- Financial Conditions Indexes, 2017, No. 17
- Does a State's Political Stance Impact Its Government Revenues and Spending?, 2017, No. 18
- City Growth and Real Income, 2017, No. 19
- Trade Adjusts Gradually After Trade Liberalization, 2018, No. 1
- Manufacturing and Service Sector Roles in the Evolution of Innovation and Productivity, 2018, No. 2
- Comparing Japan's Lost Decade with the U.S. Great Recession, 2018, No. 3
- Here's Why U.S. Manufacturing Is Fundamentally Strong, 2018, No. 4
- On the Supply of, and Demand for, U.S. Treasury Debt, 2018, No. 5
- Warning : Don't Infer Regional Inflation Differences from House Price Changes, 2018, No. 6
- On Corporate Income Taxes, Employment, and Wages, 2018, No. 7
- Evolution of the Teen Abortion Rate in the United States, 2018, No. 8
- The Housing Supply Puzzle : Part 1, Divergent Markets, 2018, No. 9
- The Housing Supply Puzzle : Part 2, Rental Demand, 2018, No. 10
- The Housing Supply Puzzle : Part 3, Price Gaps, 2018, No. 11
- What Happens When Countries Increase Tariffs?, 2018, No. 12
- Trade Liberalization and Economic Development, 2018, No. 13
- What Does China's Rise in Patents Mean? A Look at Quality vs. Quantity, 2018, No. 14
- Understanding the Trade Imbalance and Employment Decline in U.S. Manufacturing, 2018, No. 15
- Recession Signals : The Yield Curve vs. Unemployment Rate Troughs, 2018, No. 16
- Price Markups for Small and Large Firms Over the Business Cycle, 2018, No. 17
- Why Are U.S. Bond Yields So High?, 2018, No. 18
- Developments in Household Debt in Eighth District MSAs, 2018, No. 19
- Firms' Price-Markup Dynamics During the Great Recession, 2018, No. 20
- How Open to Trade Is the U.S. Economy?, 2018, No. 21
- What Are the Fiscal Costs of a (Great) Recession?, 2018, No. 22
- What Are Teachers Really Paid? Adjusting Wages for Regional Differences in Cost of Living, 2018, No. 23
- Married Men Sit Atop the Wage Ladder, 2018, No. 24
- Measuring Potential Output, 2018, No. 25
- Which Countries and Industries Contributed the Most to the Decline in Trade Barriers Around the World?, 2018, No. 26
- Gauging the Evolution of Monetary Policy Communication Before and After the Financial Crisis, 2018, No. 27
- Rising Interest Rates, the Deficit, and Public Debt, 2018, No. 28
- The Impact of Automation on Inequality, 2018, No. 29
- Does the Yield Curve Really Forecast Recession?, 2018, No. 30
- Mapping the U.S. Production Network : Identifying Hub Industries, 2018, No. 31
- Multiple Jobholders, 2018, No. 32
- Industry Connectivity : A Case Study of the Construction Industry, 2018, No. 33
- Whither the Price of Bitcoin?, 2019, No. 1
- Is the Fed Following a "Modernized" Version of the Taylor Rule? Part 1, 2019, No. 2
- Is the Fed Following a "Modernized" Version of the Taylor Rule? Part 2, 2019, No. 3
- The Global Decline of the Natural Rate of Interest and Implications for Monetary Policy, 2019, No. 4
- A Closer Look at China's Supposed Misappropriation of U.S. Intellectual Property, 2019, No. 5
- A Bad Moon Rising? Uncertainty Shocks and Economic Outcomes, 2019, No. 6
- China's Innovation and Global Technology Diffusion, 2019, No. 7
- What to Expect from Quantitative Tightening, 2019, No. 8
- Predicting the Yield Curve Inversions that Predict Recessions : Part 1, 2019, No. 9
- Predicting the Yield Curve Inversions that Predict Recessions : Part 2, 2019, No. 10
- Factors Behind the Decline in the U.S. Natural Rate of Interest, 2019, No. 11
- The Role of Credit in the Exit of Firms Across U.S. Industries During the Great Recession, 2019, No. 12
- Historical U.S. Trade Deficits, 2019, No. 13
- Why Is the St. Louis Metro Area Population Growing So Slowly?, 2019, No. 14
- Can Countercyclical Capital Buffers Help Prevent a Financial Crisis?, 2019, No. 15
- Auto Sales and the 2007-09 Recession, 2019, No. 16
- The Asset Holdings of the Bank of Japan, 2019, No. 17
- Tail Risk : Part 1, The Persistent Effects of the Great Recession, 2019, No. 18
- Tail Risk : Part 2, The Missing Recovery After the Great Recession, 2019, No. 19
- Tail Risk : Part 3, The Return on Safe and Liquid Assets, 2019, No. 20
- Are U.S. Housing Markets Hot, Hot, Hot?, 2019, No. 21
- Tax Cuts, Venture Capital, and Long-Term Growth, 2019, No. 22
- Do Firms Switch Their Legal Form of Organization When Taxes Change?, 2019, No. 23
- Decomposing the Low PCE Inflation Rate, 2019, No. 24
- International Trade and the Dynamics of Manufacturing Activity, 2019, No. 25
- The Cyclicality of the Aging U.S. Motor Vehicle Fleet, 2019, No. 26
- Construction Permits and Future Housing Supply : Implications for 2020, 2019, No. 27
- 2020s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis
- doi:
- issn: 2573-2420
- oclc: 318084843
Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Economic Synopses. 2002-2024., accessed on February 12, 2025.