
Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco)


A review of business conditions published by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco.

  • General Business and Agricultural Conditions in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, 1917-1920
  • Agricultural and Business Conditions of the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, 1921-1922
  • Monthly Review of Business Conditions (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco), 1923-1936
  • Monthly Review: Business Conditions in the Twelfth Federal Reserve District, 1937-1941
  • Monthly Review (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco), 1942-1972
  • Business Review (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, 1973-1975
  • Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco), 1975-2010
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This publication was discontinued in April 2010.


  • oclc: 1792659
  • oclc: 5185251
  • oclc: 8514165
  • oclc: 9517728
  • oclc: 21580
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Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. Economic Review (Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco). 1920-2010., accessed on September 10, 2024.