Community Outlook Survey (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas)
In July 2010, the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas launched the Community Outlook Survey, a quarterly online survey developed to assess community and economic development in the Eleventh District of the Federal Reserve System—Texas, northern Louisiana and southern New Mexico.
- 2010s
- The New Community Outlook Survey Assesses Community and Economic Development in the Eleventh Federal Reserve District, Second Quarter 2010
- Lack of Affordable Housing, Jobs and Credit Pushes Up Demand for Nonprofit Service Providers, Third Quarter 2010
- Recovery Under Way for Communities in the 11th District, Fourth Quarter 2010
- Uncertainty Remains for Communities in the Eleventh District, First Quarter 2011
- Outlook Less Optimistic in Communities in the Eleventh District, Second Quarter 2011
- Service Providers Adjust to Economic Conditions in the Eleventh District, Third Quarter 2011
- Confidence Rebounds for Communities in the Eleventh District, Fourth Quarter 2011
- Progress Continues for Communities in Eleventh District, First Quarter 2012
- Dwindling Resources and Growing Uncertainty Erode Progress for Communities in Eleventh District, Second Quarter 2012
- Conditions Remain Stagnant for Communities in Eleventh District, but Optimism Peers Through, Third Quarter 2012
- Job Outlook Improves, While Financial Concerns Linger for Communities in the Eleventh District, Fourth Quarter 2012
- Living-Wage Worries Dampen Enthusiasm for Improved Job Market in the Eleventh District, First Issue, January-June 2013
- Declines in Housing Outlook Discourage Service Providers in the Eleventh District, Second Issue, July-December 2013
- Housing and Transit Concerns Complicate Improved Job Picture for Communities in the Eleventh District, First Issue, January-June 2014
- Modest Job Improvement Encourages Service Providers in Eleventh District, Second Issue, July-December 2014
- Housing and Health Care Woes Burden Eleventh District Communities, First Issue, January-June 2015
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Community Outlook Series, 2016-2017.
Continued by the2010-2015
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
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Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Community Development and Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Community Outlook Survey (Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas). Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, 2010-2015., accessed on March 13, 2025.