
C.8 Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties and Standard Metropolitan Areas


  • Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties, 1941-1946
  • Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties and Standard Metropolitan Areas, 1950-1966
  • C.8 Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties and Standard Metropolitan Areas
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Vols. for 1947-1949, "Include deposits of individuals, partnerships and corporations. Excludes interbank and governmental deposits." 1950-1964, include also the latter.

Title varies slightly.


  • sudocs: FR 1.11/6:
  • oclc: 5780489
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Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (U.S.), 1935- , Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and United States. Office of the Comptroller of the Currency. C.8 Distribution of Bank Deposits by Counties and Standard Metropolitan Areas. 1943-1964., accessed on March 2, 2025.