
Publications of the War Relocation Authority

On March 18, 1942, the War Relocation Authority was created by Executive Order 9102 by President Franklin D. Roosevelt. After the December 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor, President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 9066 authorizing military commanders to create zones from which certain persons could be excluded if they posed a threat to national security. Military areas encompassing all of California and parts of Washington, Oregon, and Arizona were established, establishing the entire West Coast of the United States as off-limits to Americans of Japanese descent. Subsequent civilian orders informed Japanese Americans residing in these zones that they would be scheduled for evacuation, and they were later removed from their West Coast homes and placed in camps operated by the War Relocation Authority. On June 26, 1946, the agency was terminated by Executive Order 9742, signed by President Harry S. Truman.

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United States. War Relocation Authority. Publications of the War Relocation Authority., accessed on January 20, 2025.