Statements and Speeches of William J. McDonough
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of William J. McDonough. McDonough served as President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York from July 19, 1993 until July 21, 2003.
- 1990s
- Remarks, Group of Thirty Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- Statement Prepared for the Committee on Banking, Finance, and Urban Affairs, U.S. House of Representatives
- U.S. - Japan Relations : Remarks, The Japan Society, New York, New York
- Testimony Before the Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs of the United States House of Representatives
- Remarks at a Meeting of the Council of the Americas, New York, New York
- Remarks Before the 66th Annual Mid-Winter Meeting of the New York State Bankers Association, New York
- Financial Market Innovation -- Practical Concerns : Remarks Before the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York, New York
- The U.S. Economy in the Western Hemisphere : Remarks Before the 2nd Pan American Congress, Forex USA, Chicago, Illinois
- Remarks Before the Swift International Banking Operation Seminar (SIBOS), Boston, Massachusetts
- Remarks at the Philadelphia Stock Exchange's Eleventh Annual International Currency Options Symposium, New York City
- Remarks Before the 67th Annual Mid-Winter Meeting of the New York State Bankers Association, New York City
- Remarks at the International Center for Monetary and Banking Studies, Geneva, Switzerland
- The Roy Bridge Memorial Lecture, Guildhall, London
- Remarks Before the Comptroller of the Currency Conference on Foreign Banks in the United States : Economic, Supervisory, and Regulatory Issues, Washington, D.C.
- Remarks Before the Annual Outlook Conference of the Mortgage Bankers Association, New York, New York
- Remarks Before the Symposium on Risk Reduction in Payments, Clearance and Settlement Systems, New York, New York
- Remarks Before the Foreign Policy Association, New York, New York
- A Strategy for Monetary Policy : Remarks Before the Annual Financial Services Forum of the New York State Bankers Association, New York, New York
- Achieving Bank Safety and Soundness: A Central Banker's Perspective : Remarks Before the Joint Conference of ADEBA (Argentine Bankers Association) Institute of International Finance, Inter-American Development Bank and the World Bank, Buenos Aires, Argentina
- Economic Growth and Investment in Human Capital : Remarks Before the Association for a Better New York, New York City
- Remarks Before the Long Island Association, Woodbury, Long Island
- Remarks Before a Group of Business Executives, Rochester, New York
- The Importance of Price Stability : Remarks Before the Economic Club of New York, New York City
- The Transformation of the Retail Payments Business : Remarks Before the BAI Conference [on] the National Payments System, Washington, D.C.
- Remarks Before the Morris County Chamber of Commerce, Morristown, New Jersey
- Remarks Before the New Jersey Council on Economic Education, Short Hills, New Jersey
- The Inaugural Hong Kong Monetary Authority Distinguished Lecture: Asia and the World Economy - A Central Banker's Perspective, Hong Kong
- The Role of Central Banks in Ensuring a Stable Price and Financial Environment : Remarks Before the Society of Investment Analysis, Ireland
- Views on the Conduct of Monetary Policy : Remarks Before the 39th International Congress of the Association Cambiste Internationale - the Financial Markets Association
- Semi-Annual Report to Congress under the Humphrey-Hughes Act : Testimony Before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services of the U.S. House of Representatives
- The Changing Role of Supervision : Remarks Before the Meeting of the Institute of International Bankers
- The Year 2000 Challenges : Remarks Before the Annual Membership Meeting of the Institute of International Finance
- A U.S. Perspective on Economic and Monetary Union in Europe : Remarks Before the Association of German Mortgage Banks
- New York City's Economy : Remarks Before the Conference of Facing the Jobs Challenge
- Remarks at the Securities Industry Association Year 2000 Conference, New York City
- Remarks Before the Bankers' Association for Foreign Trade, Washington, D.C.
- Remarks at the Year 2000 Round Table of the Bank for International Settlements, Basel, Switzerland
- Remarks Assessing Year 2000 Credit Risk, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Remarks Before the Columbia University School of Business Annual Dinner, New York City
- Remarks for Presentation in Mexico City, Mexico
- Issues for the Basle Accord : Remarks at the Conference on Credit Risk Modeling and Regulatory Implications, London, England
- Statement Before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
- Perspective on the Year 2000 Problem : Remarks Before the Regional Y2K Meeting for Financial Regulators in the Asia/Pacific Region
- Keynote Address for the 10th International Conference of Banking Supervisors
- Credit Risk and the "Level Playing Field" : [Speech] Before the Conference on the Challenge of Credit Risk
- The Role of Central Banks in the Global Financial Markets : Remarks Before the Economic Club of New York, New York City
- The Changing Role of Bank Capital : Remarks at the Japan Society Corporate Luncheon Series
- Supporting the Resiliency and Liquidity of Our Capital Markets : Remarks Before the Bond Market Association
- Emerging Issues After the Near-Collapse of Long-Term Capital Management : Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Securities and Government Sponsored Enterprises, US House Committee on Banking and Financial Services
- The Changing Nature of Banking, Risk and Capital Regulation : Remarks Before the 29th Annual Banking Symposium Bank & Financial Analysts Association
- Hedge Funds : Testimony Before the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit, US House Committee on Banking and Financial Services
- Consultative Paper on a New Capital Adequacy Framework : Proposal for a New Capital Adequacy Framework From the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
- Accepting the Distinguished Achievement Award for 1999 : Remarks Before the Money Marketeers of New York University, New York City
- Global Financial Reform: A Regulator's Perspective : Remarks Before the Foreign Policy Association
- 2000s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Federal Reserve Bank of New York and McDonough, William J. Statements and Speeches of William J. McDonough. 1993-2003,, accessed on February 2, 2025.