Statements and Speeches of Richard W. Fisher
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Richard W. Fisher. Fisher served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas from April 4, 2005, to March 19, 2015.
- 2000s
- 2010s
- Risks to Sustained Economic Recovery (With Lessons Learned from Winston Churchill and Teddy Roosevelt) : Remarks before the Annual Meeting of the Waco Business League
- Roadblocks to Recovery (With Apologies to W.H. Auden and Gershon Bleichroder) : Remarks before the World Affairs Council of Dallas/Fort Worth
- Lessons Learned, Convictions Confirmed : Remarks before the Council on Foreign Relations
- Where We Go from Here: The Crisis and Beyond (With Reference to P.G. Wodehouse, John Kenneth Galbraith, Alan Greenspan and an Unnamed Eller College Student) : Remarks before the Eller College of Management, University of Arizona
- Minsky Moments and Financial Regulatory Reform : Remarks before the 19th Annual Hyman P. Minsky Conference on the State of the U.S. and World Economics
- Financial Reform or Financial Dementia? : Remarks at the SW Graduate School of Banking, 53rd Annual Keynote Address and Banquet
- Random Refereeing: How Uncertainty Hinders Economic Growth (With Reference to Lucky Puppies, Pepper... and Salt, Lawrence Summers and Thomas Jefferson) : Remarks before the Greater San Antonio Chamber of Commerce
- Monetary Policy Going Forward (Citing Bagehot, Bernanke and Babe Laufenberg) : Remarks before the Greater Houston Partnership
- Observations on the U.S. Economy: Need the Fed Do More? (With Reference to Elvis Costello, Clarence Day, Narayana Kocherlakota and Bernard Baruch) : Remarks before the Vancouver Board of Trade
- To Ease or Not to Ease? What Next for the Fed? (With Reference to Bill Frenzel, Alan Greenspan, Masaaki Shirakawa, Sherman Maisel and Raghuram Rajan) : Remarks before the Economic Club of Minnesota
- Rangers, Yankees and Federal Open Market Committee: One Game at a Time : Remarks before the New York Association for Business Economics
- Recent Decisions of the Federal Open Market Committee: A Bridge too Fiscal Sanity? (Acknowledging Henry B. Gonzalez and Winston Churchill) : Remarks before the Association for Financial Professionals
- Texas: What Makes Us Exceptional? Where Are We Vulnerable? : Remarks before the 2010 Pre-Session Legislative Conference
- The Limits of Monetary Policy: 'Monetary Policy Responsibility Cannot Substitute for Government Irresponsibility' : Remarks before a Luncheon Meeting of the Manhattan Insititute and e21
- A Need for Innovative Fiscal Policy (With a Nod to John Stemmons, Ronald Reagan and Paddy McCoy) : Remarks before the Stemmons Corridor Business Association
- Churchill, Baruch, Lindsay Lohan, Congress and the Fed : Remarks at the Institute of International Bankers Annual Washington Conference
- Is America's Decline Exaggerated or Inevitable?' The Role of Monetary and Fiscal Policy (With Reference to St. Peter, Calvin Coolidge, Walter Bagehot, Paul Volcker, Winston Churchill and T.R. Fehrenbach : Remarks before the Society of American Business Editors and Writers 2011 Annual Conference
- A Perspective on the U.S. Economy and Monetary Policy (With Reference to the Music of Richard Wagner and Gangsta Rap) : Remarks before New Mexico State University's Spring 2011 Domenici Institute Forum
- Containing (or Restraining) Systemic Risk: The Need to Not Fail on 'Too Big to Fail' (With Reference to Margaret Thatcher, Geoffrey Howe, Irving Kristol, Joe Nocera, Bastiat, Nietzsche, Mencken and Sandy Weill) : Remarks before the Market News International Seminar
- !Andale Pues! Get on with Advancing Hispanic Prosperity Through Education : Remarks at the Hispanic Economic Experience Conference
- An Economic Overview: What's Next? Remembering Carol Reed, Aesop's Fable, Kenneth Arrow and Thomas Dewey : Remarks before the Rotary Club of Dallas
- Connecting the Dots: Texas Employment Growth; a Dissenting Vote; and the Ugly Truth (With Reference to P.G. Wodehouse) : Remarks at the Midland Community Forum
- Of Moose and Men (With No Reference to Steinbeck) : Remarks before the National Association for Business Economics
- Explaining Dissent on the FOMC Vote for Operation Twist (With Reference to Jan Mayen Island, Paul Volcker and Thor's Hammer) : Remarks before the Dallas Assembly
- Texas: What Makes Us Exceptional? Where Are We Vulnerable? : Remarks before the Texas Economic Development Council Annual Conference
- A Report on the Economy (With a Nod to the Carl Sewells and Ben Bernanke) : Remarks before the Texas A&M Retailing Summit
- Buy a Ticket! (With Reference to the Strauss Brothers, Ambassador Mike Moore, Kenneth Arrow, Financial Sharpies, Martin Luther King Jr. and Gov. Dewey) : Remarks before the Dallas Friday Group
- Thoughts on Bastiat (With a Nod to Keynes!) : Remarks at the Bastiat-Hoiles Prize Dinner
- Taming the Too-Big-to-Fails: Will Dodd-Frank Be the Ticket or Is Lap-Band Surgery Required? (With Reference to Vinny Guadagnino, Andrew Haldane, Paul Volcker, John Milton, Tom Hoenig and Churchill's 'Terminological Inexactitude') : Remarks before Columbia University's Politics and Business Club
- Where Have We Been and Where Are We Going? (With Reference to Wodehouse's Lead Pipe, Saint Willibrord's Shuffle, Munch's Scream and Sarah Bloom Raskin's Sink) : Remarks before the Austin Chamber of Commerce
- A Report on the Texas Economy and a Hawk(s)eye View on Recent Fed Pronouncements : What Does It All Mean? Remarks before the Headliners Club
- Texas Redux, America Restrained (With a Discussion of the Limits of Monetary Policy) : Remarks before the Texas Manufacturers Summit 2012
- The United States Should Borrow Mexico's Fiscal Discipline Manual (With Reference to Cantinflas, Guillermo Ortiz's Quip, Inflation Targeting and Many Comparative Metrics) : Remarks before the Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
- Los Estados Unidos Deberian Pedirle Prestado a Mexico su Manual de Disciplina Fiscal: Con Referencia a Cantinflas, una Occurencia de Guillermo Ortiz, Objetivos de Inflacion, y Muchas Medidas Comparativas.. : Discurso en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores
- "Not to Be Used Externally, but Also Harmful if Swallowed": Projecting the Future of the Economy and Lessons Learned from Texas and Mexico : Remarks before the Dallas Regional Chamber of Commerce
- Adios "Texas Ratio" (With an Unauthorized Rewrite of George Strait's Most Memorable Song and a Tribute to Bob Hankins) : Remarks at the Texas Bankers Association's 128th Annual Convention & Exposition
- The Limits of the Powers of Central Banks (With Metaphoric References to Edvard Munch's Scream and Sir Henry Raeburn's The Reverend Robert Walker Skating on Duddingston Loch) : Remarks at St. Andrews University
- Implications of Renminbi Internationalization for the U.S. and the Global Economy (With Reference to Wu Yi, Being Manufactured in China, Yang Rui, Deng Xiaoping and Avoiding the Middle-Income Trap) : Remarks before the 21st Century China Program at the University of California, San Diego
- Vignettes of Dallas Fed History on the Eve of Our Centennial (With Grateful Reference to George Dealey and a Tip of the Hat to Ebby Halliday, W.F. Ramsey, and Fed and Ginger) : Remarks before the Dallas Historical Society
- Remarks before the Australian American Leadership Dialogue
- Comments to the Harvard Club of New York City on Monetary Policy (With Reference to Tommy Tune, Nicole Parent, the FOMC, Velcro, Drunken Sailors and Congress) : Remarks before the Harvard Club of New York City
- The United States Is Not Europe and Texas Ain't France: America as the Thoroughbred Economy : Remarks before the Cato Institute
- The State of the West (With Reference to George Shultz, Eisnehower, Buzz Lightyear, George Strait, the San Francisco Fed and Adam and Eve) : Remarks before the State of the West Symposium
- Excerpts from Richard Fisher's Remarks before the Gainesville Area Chamber of Commerce
- Ending 'Too Big to Fail': A Proposal for Reform Before It's Too Late (With Reference to Patrick Henry, Complexity and Reality) : Remarks before the Committee for the Republic
- Ending 'Too Big to Fail': A Proposal for Reform before It's Too Late (With Reference to Patrick Henry, Complexity and Reality) : Remarks before the Committee for the Republic
- Comments on Monetary Policy and 'Too Big to Fail' (With a Tribute to Irving Kristol) : Remarks before Columbia University's School of International and Public Affairs
- Ending 'Too Big to Fail' : Remarks before the Conservative Political Action Conference
- Oil and Gas, Blondes and Over-Accessorized Brunettes, and Ruthless, Hard-Drinking Cowboys' (With Reference to Sheikh Zayed, Diana Natalicio, My Nephew Charles and President Pena Nieto) : Remarks at the University of Texas at El Paso Centennial Lecture
- Fiscal Policy. Oy! (With Reference to Ben Bernanke, Ken Arrow, Thomas Jefferson, William Shakespeare and the Oracle of Omaha) : Remarks at the 2013 National Association for Business Economics Conference
- "Never Let Your Brains Go to Your Head" (With Reference to "Babe" Fisher) : Remarks before the St. John's School 2013 Graduation Ceremony
- "Never Let Your Brains Go to Your Head" (With Reference to "Babe" Fisher) : Remarks before the Episcopal School of Dallas 2013 Graduation Ceremony
- The Status of the U.S. Economy and a Perspective on 'The Modern Monetarism' (With Reference to Sheila Copps, Thomas Jefferson, Paul Volcker and William Shakespeare) : Remarks before the C.D. Howe Institute Directors' Dinner
- Correcting 'Dodd-Frank' to Actually End 'Too Big to Fail' : Statement before the Committee on Financial Services U.S. House of Representatives
- Horseshift! (With Reference to Gordian Knots) : Remarks before the National Association of State Retirement Administrators 59th Annual Conference
- Placing Manufacturing in Context (With Reference to Frank Sinatra, Joseph Schumpeter, Ernie Preeg, George Mitchell, Tom Stemberg, a Feckless Congress and...Secretariat) : Remarks before the U.S. Manufacturing Summit
- Review, Reflect and Deflect (With Reference to the Texas Ratio, 'Super-Spreaders' and Three Great Newspapers) : Remarks before the Independent Bankers Association of Texas Annual Convention
- Uncertainty Matters (With Reference to Kinky Monetary Policy, Two Nickels and a Dime) : Remarks before the Causes & Macroeconomic Consequences of Uncertainty Conference
- Remarks for $100 Bill Launch : Richard Fisher's remarks for $100 Bill Launch at Houston Branch
- Comentarios en la ocasion del lanzamiento del nuevo billete de $100 : Comentarios de Reichard W. Fisher en la occasion del lanzamiento del nuevo billete de $100
- Annus Horribilis or Annus Mirabilis? (With Reference to Errol Flynn, Robert Roosa, Queen Elizabeth II, Winston Churchill, Felix Rohatyn and Mick Jagger) : Remarks before the Economic Club of New York
- A U.S. Economic Update and Perspective on Monetary Policy (With Reference to Leslie W. Fisher) : Remarks before the Australian Business Economists
- Comments on Monetary Policy (With Praise for Urban Lehner, Norman Borlaug and Dentists) : Remarks before the DTN/The Progressive Farmer Ag Summit 2013
- State of the Texas Economy: An Annual Update (With Reference to Gen. Sheridan and John Steinbeck) : Remarks before the Dallas Breakfast Group
- State of the Texas Economy: An Annual Update (With Reference to Gen. Sheridan and John Steinbeck) : Remarks before the Dallas Breakfast Group
- Beer Goggles, Monetary Camels, the Eye of the Needle and the First Law of Holes (With Reference to Peter Boockvar, the Book of Matthew, Sherlock Holmes, 'The Wolf of Wall Street' and Denis Healey) : Remarks before the National Association of Corporate Directors
- Concluding Remarks From a Speech Before the Financial Executives International : Remarks before the Dallas and Fort Worth chapters of Financial Executives International
- Excerpts From "A Conversation About Longhorns, Longnecks and Liquidity: The Economy and the Course of Monetary Policy" : Remarks before the 9th Annual Alumni Business Conference University of Texas at Austin McCombs School of Business
- !Andale Pues! Having Made the Tough Choices, Mexico Stands to Benefit From Reforms and Navigate Fed's Tapering With Relative Ease : Remarks before the Association of Mexican Banks
- ¡Ándale Pues! Habiendo tomado decisiones difíciles, México está en posición de beneficiarse de las reformas y de navegar el tapering de la Reserva Federal con la relativa facilidad : Discurso ante la Asociación de Bancos de México
- Forward Guidance (With Reference to Monty Python, Odysseus, Apollo, Paul Fisher, Deng Xiaoping and Mario Draghi's Old Man) : Remarks before the Asia Society Hong Kong Center
- Presentation to the Texas Public Policy Foundation
- Comments on Tailored Regulation and Forward Guidance (With Reference to Dr. Seuss, Strother Martin in Cool Hand Luke and Other Serious Economists) : Remarks before the Louisana Bankers Association 114th Annual Convention and Expo
- Never Let Your Brains Go to Your Head' (With Reference to the Sages of the Ages, Diana Sorensen, John Paul Jones and 'Babe' Fisher) : Address for the 151st Commencement, Bryant University
- Monetary Policy and the Maginot Line (With Reference to Jonathan Swift, Neil Irwin, Shakespeare's Portia, Duck Hunting, the Virtues of Nuisance and Paul Volcker) : Monetary Policy: Debate, Dissent and Discussion with Richard Fisher University of Southern California Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
- The Texas Jagannatha (With Reference to Indian Prime Minister Modi, a Hindu Goddess and Wodehouse's Big Money) : Remarks before the U.S.-India Chamber of Commerce
- Remarks upon Receiving the Woodrow Wilson Award for Public Service
- R.I.P. QE3 ... Or Will It? (With Reference to Shakespeare, Betsy Duke, Janet Yellen, Yogi Berra and Lenny Kravitz) : Remarks before the Shadow Open Market Committee, Manhattan Institute
- Comments on Monetary Policy and an Annual Texas Economic Review : Remarks before the Dallas Business Club
- Suggestions After a Decade at the Fed (With Reference to Paul Volcker, Roosa Boys, Hogwarts, the Death Star, Ebenezer Scrooge, Mae West, Herb Kelleher, Worms and Camels, Peter Weir, Charles Kindleberger, Pope Francis and Secretariat) : Remarks before the Economic Club of New York
- Remarks Upon Acceptance of the Mexican Order of the Aztec Eagle
- Homage to Texas, the Great People of Dallas and the Staff of the Dallas Fed : Remarks before the Dallas Regional Chamber
- Janet Yellen Is No Mae West! (With Reference to Jim Baker, Texas Brag, Beyonce, Liftoff, and Dog Years) : Remarks before Rice University's Baker Institute for Public Policy Founding Director's Lecture Series
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Fisher, Richard W., 1949- and Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Statements and Speeches of Richard W. Fisher. 2005-2015,, accessed on February 17, 2025.