Statements and Speeches of Michael H. Krimminger
- 2000s
- Statement on Foreclosure Prevention and Intervention: the Importance of Loss Mitigation Strategies for Keeping Families in Their Homes before the Subcommittee on Housing and Community Opportunity of the Financial Services Committee, U.S. House of Representatives, Los Angeles, California
- Statement on Oversight of Implementation of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008 and Efforts to Mitigate Foreclosures, Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, Chicago, Illinois
- Statement on Too Big to Fail: the Role of Bankruptcy and Antitrust Law in Financial Regulation Reform before the Committee on the Judiciary; Subcommittee on Commercial and Administrative Law, U.S. House of Representatives
- Statement on the Private Sector and Government Response to the Mortgage Foreclosure Crisis, Committee on Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
- 2010s
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Krimminger, Michael H. and Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. Statements and Speeches of Michael H. Krimminger. 2007-2011,, accessed on February 7, 2025.