Statements and Speeches of Ernest T. Patrikis
- 1990s
- Future Directions for Real-Time Gross Settlement Systems: The United States Perspective : Remarks before the Symposium on Risk Reduction in Payments, Clearance and Settlement Systems
- Price Transparency--A Quote is a Quote is a… : Remarks before the Financial Markets Conference on Transparency and Liquidity in Derivatives, Coral Gables, Florida
- Dealer/End-User Relationships--What They Are and What They Should Be : Remarks before the End-Users of Derivatives Association, Second Annual Conference & Member Meeting, Washington, D.C.
- The Controversy Continues: Gross vs. Net Settlement : Remarks before The International ACH Conference, San Francisco, California
- Payments 1996: Maximizing Customer Service and Productivity Through Technology : Remarks before the National Automated Clearing House Association National Council for Uniform Interest Compensation, San Francisco, California
- Developments on the Management of Foreign Exchange Settlement Risk : Remarks before the Bankers Association for Foreign Trade 74th Annual Convention, Tucson, Arizona
- Islamic Finance in the United States--The Regulatory Framework : Remarks before the Islamic Finance and Investment Conference New York, New York
- Visions of Large Value Payment Systems : Remarks, 14th Payment Systems International Conference: Recreating the Payment System Franchise - Lost Territory or New Ground?, Montreux, Switzerland
- Internet Banking and Payment : Remarks before the Queen Mary and Wesfield College and UNISYS International Management Centre
- Supervision and Regulation : Remarks before the PSA 1997 Annual Meeting
- Perspectives on Future Improvements to the Payments System : Remarks before the Payments 97 Conference
- Retail Banking Evolution and Risks : Remarks before the Bank of Japan
- Operational Risk in Clearing and Settlement Systems : Remarks before the OPSummit 98, Paris, France
- Global Electronic Commerce--The Next Century : Remarks before the 1998 International ACH Conference, Seattle, Washington
- The Federal Reserve System's Supervision and Regulation of the Foreign Operations of United States Banking Organizations : [Presentation,] Regulation and Supervision of Bank Affiliated Conglomerates in Latin America, Miami, Florida
- Japan's Big Bang Financial Reforms : Remarks before the Brooklyn Law School Center for the Study of International Business Law, New York Stock Exchange Breakfast Roundtable
- A Central Bank View of Emerging Consumer Payment Systems : Remarks before the Conference on Making Electronic Commerce Work in Today's Financial Services Industry, New York, New York
- Statement before the Committee on Banking and Financial Services, U.S. House of Representatives
- Statement before the Special Committee on the Year 2000 Technology Problem, U.S. Senate
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
- Statements and Speeches of Federal Reserve Bank of New York Officials
- Statements and Speeches of Federal Reserve Officials
Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Patrikis, Ernest T. and Federal Reserve Bank of New York. Statements and Speeches of Ernest T. Patrikis. 1996-1998,, accessed on March 10, 2025.