Statements and Speeches of Charles I. Plosser
This is a collection of transcripts of public statements of Charles I. Plosser. Plosser served as president of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia from 2006-2015.
- 2000s
- The Economic Outlook: Prospects for 2007 : Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce, 2007 Outlook Breakfast, Philadelphia, PA
- Credibility and Commitment : New York Association for Business Economics, New York, NY
- What Can We Expect from the Yield Curve? : NJ Bankers 2007 Annual Convention, Palm Beach, FL
- Opening Remarks, Federal Reserve Community Affairs Research Conference, Financing Community Development, Washington, D.C.
- Price Stability and Economic Welfare : Global Interdependence Center's 25th Annual Monetary & Trade Conference, Philadelphia, PA
- House Prices and Monetary Policy : European Economics and Financial Centre, Distinguished Speakers Series, London, England
- Two Pillars of Central Banking: Monetary Policy and Financial Stability : Opening Remarks to the PACB Convention, Pennsylvania Association of Community Bankers, 130th Annual Convention, Waikoloa, Hawaii
- Invention, Productivity, and the Economy : New Jersey Technology Council, Edison Innovators Speaker Series, Mount Laurel, New Jersey
- Economic Outlook and Central Bank Policy : Presented Before the Economic Outlook Seminar, University of Rochester, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business Administration, Rochester, New York
- The Economic Outlook and the Fed's Roles in Monetary Policy and Financial Stability : Main Line Chamber of Commerce Economic Forecast Breakfast, Gladwyne, PA
- The Economic Outlook and Challenges for Policymakers : Birmingham Rotary Club, Birmingham, Alabama
- The Benefits of Systematic Monetary Policy : National Association for Business Economics, Washington Economic Policy Conference, Washington, D.C.
- Foundations for Sound Central Banking : For the Session on Global Challenges in Monetary Policy, Global Interdependence Center (GIC) Abroad in South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa
- Education and Economic Prosperity : Montgomery County Community College Distinguished Lecture, Blue Bell, Pennsylvania
- Monetary Policy and Financial Stability : The 26th Annual Monetary and Trade Conference, Presented by the Global Interdependence Center and Drexel's LeBow College of Business
- Importance of Financial Econometrics for Financial Innovation and Financial Stability : Inaugural Conference of the Society for Financial Econometrics, New York University Stern School of Business, New York, NY
- Perspectives on the Economy, Inflation, and Monetary Policy : Remarks for the Philadelphia Business Journal Book of Lists Power Breakfast, King of Prussia, PA
- The Limits of Central Banking : Presented to the Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY
- Some Thoughts on the Economy and Financial Regulatory Reform : Presented to the Economics Club of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
- The Financial Tsunami and the Federal Reserve : Presented at the 30th Annual Economic Outlook Seminar, William E. Simon Graduate School of Business, University of Rochester
- The Economic Outlook and Some Challenges Facing the Federal Reserve : 2009 Economic Outlook Panel, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware
- Ensuring Sound Monetary Policy in the Aftermath of Crisis : U.S. Monetary Policy Forum, the Initiative on Global Markets, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, New York
- Redesigning Financial System Regulation : For the New York University Conference "Restoring Financial Stability: How to Repair a Failed System"
- Improving Financial Stability : Distinguished Speaker Series, University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Chicago, Illinois
- A Perspective on the Outlook, Output Gaps, and Price Stability : Money Marketeers, New York
- Demystifying the Federal Reserve : "Demystifying the Economy," Lafayette College Policy Studies Program, Easton, PA
- Sound Monetary Policy for Good Times and Bad : Merk Investments/Stanford SIEPR Panel, Stanford University, Palo Alto, California
- Food or Commodity Price Shocks and Inflation: A Central Banker's Perspective : Food and Water—Basic Challenges to International Stability, 2009 Global Conference Series (Part 4), Presented by the Global Interdependence Center (GIC) in Partnership with the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, Singapore
- Monetary Policy and the Wisdom of Wayne Gretzky : Presented to the 31st Annual Economic Seminar, Sponsored by the Simon Graduate School of Business, Rochester Business Alliance, and JPMorgan Chase & Co., Rochester, NY
- Some Observations About Policy Lessons from the Crisis : The Philadelphia Fed Policy Forum: Policy Lessons from the Economic and Financial Crisis
- 2010s
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
Plosser, Charles I. and Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia. Statements and Speeches of Charles I. Plosser. 2007-2015,, accessed on January 15, 2025.