Report of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
Quarterly and annual reports of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation describing its operations and lending activities.
- Quarterly Report of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation to the Congress
- Annual Report of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation
- 1930s
- First Quarter 1933, Quarter Ended March 31, 1933
- Second Quarter 1933, Quarter Ended June 30, 1933
- Third Quarter 1933, Quarter Ended September 30, 1933
- Fourth Quarter 1933, Quarter Ended December 31, 1933
- Second Quarter 1934, Quarter Ended June 30, 1934
- Third Quarter 1934, Quarter Ended September 30, 1934
- Fourth Quarter of 1934, Quarter Ended December 31, 1934
- First Quarter of 1935, Quarter Ended March 31, 1935
- Second Quarter 1935, Quarter Ended June 30, 1935
- Third Quarter 1935, Quarter Ended September 30, 1935
- Fourth Quarter 1935, Quarter Ended December 31, 1935
- First Quarter 1936, Quarter Ended March 31, 1936
- Second Quarter 1936, Quarter Ended June 30, 1936
- Third Quarter 1936, Quarter Ended September 30, 1936
- Fourth Quarter 1936, Quarter Ended December 31, 1936
- First Quarter 1937, Quarter Ended March 31, 1937
- Second Quarter 1937, Quarter Ended June 30, 1937
- Third Quarter 1937, Quarter Ended September 30, 1937
- Fourth Quarter 1937, Quarter Ended December 31, 1937
- First Quarter 1938, Quarter Ended March 31, 1938
- Second Quarter 1938, Quarter Ended June 30, 1938
- Third Quarter 1938, Quarter Ended September 30, 1938
- Fourth Quarter 1938, Quarter Ended December 31, 1938
- First Quarter 1939, Quarter Ended March 31, 1939
- Second Quarter 1939, Quarter Ended June 30, 1939
- Third Quarter 1939, Quarter Ended September 30, 1939
- 1940s
- 1950s
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Title varies slightly; some volumes issued without title.
Reports from 1933-1941 published quarterly, published annually thereafter.
No Copyright - United States (NoC-US)
- oclc: 867059936
- oclc: 2956978
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Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Report of the Reconstruction Finance Corporation. Washington, D.C.: U.S. GPO, 1933-1952., accessed on February 7, 2025.