
Report on Progress of the WPA Program


Reports on the projects of the Works Progress Administration and the activities of WPA organizations; details on the projects and activities of federal agency programs in conservation work, housing, resettlement, and public works; summaries of Works Program funds and expenditures; and statistics on relief.

  • Report on Progress of the Works Program
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Released semimonthly, 1935-1936; three times a year, 1937; annually, 1938-1942.

March 16, 1936 issue printed by U.S. Government Printing Office under title: Report on the Work Program.


U.S. Government Printing Office

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  • oclc: 2397955
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United States. Works Progress Administration. Report on Progress of the WPA Program. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1936-1946., accessed on October 14, 2024.