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WORK PEO,TECTS .Al.l!•~rnrs:..1R.ATIOlJ

For I mmediate Release
Friday, August 23, 1940


Employm ent estimates submitted to Congr ess last April by
Colonel F. C. Harrint:;ton , Commissioner of Work Projects, and c...,_ctual
WPA employment since then c om1Jletely r efute a charge attributed to
Wendell L . Willkio , Republican p resid011tial candidate, tha t the rolls
have been increas ed f or political r oa.sons , Howard 0 . Huntor, Acting
WPA Comm i ssi on er, said today .

Tho statement attributed to Mr . Willk:io in press dispatches

that a WPA incr oaso in omp l oyr.iont dttring July was a violation of the
H,?..tch Act and a prediction that tho WPA would increa se its employment
on account of the election simply is not true, 11 Mr . Hunter s.:1id .
"As a matter of actuo.1 fact, the WPA empl oyment docroased fr om June
to July by approximately 100 , 000 persons .
11 Thoro

was a drop below tho 2.uthorized l ovel of WP.A et1plo;y::10nt

f or a very brief period about t ho first of July, bocause of the chnngo s
in operations necessary at the end of our fiscal yenr ,

This minor

fluctuation ho.d nothing to do with job authorizations ancl I utterly
to see what connection it has with tho Hatch Act .
11 Tho

statomont by Con::1issioner Harrington of t he WP.A b efo re

tho House Ap:rwopr inti ons Com:1 it teo , A~ril 4 , 1 940 , is cl ':)ar and
unnistclrn.ble as to t he projected WPA enploynont month by nonth on the
basis of the au thorized appropriation .

The whole plan was outlined on

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It was outlined

pages 402;, 712 a nd 71~ of the House hearin g s .

in the Ser.ate hearings in May , without objer.tion from e ither D8mocra t ic
or Republican memoers of t he Con:mitt ee .

Those p l a ns have been followed .

There is no que stion of Colonel Ha-rrington 1 s intention , and

it was made perfectly clear that WPA emplo ymen t woul d :.ernain a t
approximately the same level for ,Tu l y , Augus t s nd Septeriber , with a
very small in crease proposed for Oc tobe r and


f,.1rther incre ase during

the winter months :provided relief n eed s warranted such increar.e .
Howeve r , those proposed increases , with the single excep ti on of a v 9r y
small in c re a se i n October , would G.11 come aft ':l r th e Hovernber elec ti ons .

It is a l so worthy of not e t.hat WPA omp loyrien t during the

months of this fiscal ye a r r r ~ceding the November el e ction wil l oe the
smallest total emp lo ymen t in the s mont':ls fo:r- thG past three years .

It is also worthy of n ote that approximately one mill i on people are
at p r e sent e li g ible for WPA j obs but not ass i gned t o thorn .

WPA e:nployment will be based on th (': f a ct0rs of the amount

of money made ,waila"ble and the nwnber of people certified as in need
in the v a rious states , and has no connection whatever with an elE., ction
or politic3,J. cnmpaign .

Such char (;es always a:ce made a n d ,,,e expect them , bu t usua lly

they come when the heat and hys teri a of campaign ora t ory is farther
As evi der.:ce the.t such charges were an ticipated , even though

advanced .

\ve have helc:t employment exnctly where
W;:'.. i


said we would des:p i t e a

ting list of mo re than a mil lion appl icP,nts, let me auote fro m t=ti1o ther

statemen t, made by Colonel Harrington l ast April before the same Comm ittee .
On pages 409 a nd 410 of t he Investi 6 a ti on henrings , here is the record :

Colone l HAR~IJrnTON .

There is another elect i on coming a long

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this year, in the month of November , and, if the Congress provicles the
appropriation which I have r 8commended, there will be an increase in the
WPA rolls in October, and a ft:rther increase in Noveniber .

in my statement "before tho c ommittee .

That is already

I presume ths.t it will be described

in some sections of the press as being made to influence the election.


want to put in the record the fact that, if Con6 ress makes the money available , we propose t o increase em~:iloyment in October and. November .


Eut that will be a seasonal increase, wi11 it not ?

Colonel F...AF..RUJGTON .
Hr . DIT':i:ER.

That i s correct; ;:res , sir .

Woll, Colonel , since ;rou have ooon so gracious to volunteer

that statement , may we n'YG with tho sarr!O c:1-egro0 of acco~'.lt
from you an assu.rance that, if tho so roll s arc inc:;:oo.sod. , thoy wil1 b o
increased bocauso of unemplo~ mcnt necis, rather t!1an because of political

C},_-:podicncio s ?
Colonel HARRINGT01'i,
Mr . DIT~R.

fo· . TABER.

I would like to give you that unt1ualif i ed assuranco .

1l'hat is fine .
Do you moan to toll us , colo"1ol , tL.,1.t tho rolls aro 6 oin2; to go

up if the ap:pro 1'.lriation goos


regardless of thn rolio:::' needs of the country .

in October , Novcr:;bor , t., nd December?
Colonel F.JL'R.RINGTG:i.i .

It co1Eos pretty non.r boing a cUsto:rtion of what I said.

I would like to that on tho r ecord..

You t old ns a

little whEo a.go thn.t, if we incrcn.socl the a}'.lpropriati o~ , we could count
on the rolls going up .

I am asking you tho o.uostion , arc t:iey going up

regardless of tho relief needs of tho countr;; at tho ti :".1 0?
Colonol HA..irniliGT01'T .

The answer is "No.

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