
Maternal Mortality in Fifteen States, Bureau Publication No. 223

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United States. Children's Bureau and Rothert, Frances Catherine, 1897-. Maternal Mortality in Fifteen States, Bureau Publication No. 223 , Washington, D.C: Government Printing Office, 1934, https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/8499, accessed on March 8, 2025.

More Information

At head of title: United States Department of Labor. Frances Perkins, Secretary. Children's Bureau. Grace Abbott, Chief

"The material was analyzed and the report was written by Dr. Frances C. Rothert."--Letter of transmittal.

"An abstract of this report has been published as Maternal deaths; a brief report of a study made in 15 states (U.S. Children's Bureau Publication no. 221)"--Page 1.

Government Printing Office

Washington, D.C

  • sudocs: L 5.20:223
  • oclc: ocm05974608
  • oclc: 05974608
  • lccn: l 34000052

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