Federal Expenditure Policy for Economic Growth and Stability : Papers Submitted by Panelists Appearing Before the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy
- 1950s
- Federal Expenditure Policy for Economic Growth and Stability: Papers Submitted by Panelists Appearing Before the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy
- Historical Magnitudes and Developments Affecting the Amount and Type of Federal Expenditures : Historical Changes in Demands for Public Expenditures for Community Amenities
- Federal Expenditure, Economic Growth, and Stability
- The Growth of Government over the Past 50 Years : An Analytical Review
- Some Historical Aspects of Federal Fiscal Policy, 1790-1956
- Considerations in Determining Government Functions : Expansion of Governmental Responsibilities
- Economics and the Applied Theory of Public Expenditures
- Principles of Budget Determination
- Some Problems in Optimizing the Level of Public Expenditures
- Government and the Market
- Federal Expenditures in Modern America
- Level of Government at which Public Functions are Performed
- Federal Expenditure and State Functions
- The Increasing Role of Intergovernment Transfer Payments in the Performance of State and Local Functions
- Centralized Versus Decentralized Finance
- Expenditure Policy for Economic Growth and Stability in a Federal Setting
- Adjustment of Governmental Responsibilities via Grants
- The Tenable Range of Functions of Local Government
- Economy and Efficiency in Government Expenditures : Some Devices for Increasing Efficiency in Government Expenditure
- Economy and Efficiency in Government Expenditures
- The Interest Rate in Cost-Benefit Analysis
- Economy in Government Spending : The Concept
- Criteria of Efficiency in Government Expenditures
- Economy and Efficiency in Government Expenditures
- Federal Expenditures and Economic Growth : Contribution of Federal Expenditures to Economic Growth and Stability
- Government Expenditures and Growth
- Federal Expenditures and Economic Growth
- Federal Expenditures and Economic Growth
- Federal Expenditures and Economic Growth : Analysis and Policy
- Government Expenditure and Economic Growth
- Government Spending and Economic Stability
- Anticyclical Expenditure Variation
- Federal Spending and the Stability of the Postwar Economy
- Varying Public Construction and Housing to Promote Economic Stability
- Federal Spending and Economic Stability
- Government Interest Payments : Their Relationship to Economic Growth and Stability
- Federal Expenditure and Economic Stability : The Fallacy of the Balanced Budget
- Procedures for Determining Federal Spending Programs : The Hidden Effects of Federal Credit Programs
- Guides and Procedures for Determining Federal Expenditure Programs
- Basic Weakness in Federal Budget Procedure
- Systemic Improvement in the Federal Budgetary Process
- Improving Budget Procedures in Congress
- Government Budgets and their Relation to National Accounts
- The Federal Government Spending Process
- Federal Expenditures for National Security : Military Expenditures, Economic Growth, and Stability
- Economic Effects of Postwar National Security Expenditures
- The Impacts of National Security Expenditure Upon the Stability and Growth of the American Economy
- Federal Spending for National Security
- The Defense Budget
- Federal Expenditures for Foreign Aid : The Relationship of the Federal Government's Foreign Aid Programs and Expenditures to the Process of Economic Growth in the Private Sectors of the Economy; the Usefulness or Limitations of Such Programs for Purposes of Stabilization; and the Standards Employed by the Department of State in Determining the Kind and Size of Such Programs Requested
- The Foreign Aid Expenditures of the United States
- America's Foreign Aid Program
- Some Notes on Foreign Economic Aid
- A Perspective on Foreign Aid
- Self-Help, Traditional Investment and Foreign Economic Aid
- Foreign Aid--Some Issues and Problems in Assessment
- Federal Expenditures for Natural Resource Development
- Evaluation of Federal Expenditures for Water Resource Projects
- Water Resources
- The Use of Natural Resource Expenditures to Promote Growth and Stability in the American Economy
- Federal Expenditure Policy for Economic Growth and Stability in the Area of Natural-Resource Development with Special Reference to the Potential Impact of Atomic-Energy Developments on the Energy, Fuel, and Power Economies of the Country
- The Development of Nuclear Energy
- Atomic Power and Energy Resource Planning
- Federal Expenditures for Regional Development : Area Development Expenditures and Economic Stability in Local Areas
- Federal Expenditures for Regional Development
- Problems in Evaluating Federal Expenditures for Regional Development
- Aspects of Regional Economic Growth
- A Regional Framework for Government Expenditures
- Federal Expenditures for Housing and Urban Redevelopment : Construction Costs and Government Policy
- Fiscal Implications of Federal Housing Programs
- Federal Expenditures for Housing and Urban Redevelopment
- Federal Expenditures for Housing and Urban Development
- Federal Expenditures for Development of Human Resources, Including Health, Education, and Social Security : Relationship of Health, Education, and Social Security Programs Administered by the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare to Economic Growth and Stability
- The Federal Government's Labor and Manpower Programs
- Education and Economic Growth
- Federal Expenditure Policy for Health, Education, and Social Security
- Health, Education, and Welfare Policies and Expenditures for Economic Growth and the General Welfare
- The Importance of Federal Expenditures for Development of Human Resources through Education
- Federal Investments in Human Resources
- Perspectives for a Human Resource Policy
- The Pension Structure
- Welfare Programs and Economic Growth and Stability
- Federal Responsibilities for Education
- Criteria of Federal Welfare Expenditures : A Lawyer's View
- Federal Expenditures for Transportation
- The Federal Highway Program
- The Federal Government's Role in the Highway Program
- Public Works--Fond Hopes and Harsh Realities
- How to Provide the Roads for which Users are Willing to Pay
- Highway Expenditures for Economic Growth and Stability
- Federal Expenditures for Research and Development : Atomic Energy Commission Programs, Economic Growth and Stability
- Federal Research Expenditure Policy and its Relation to Economic Growth and Stability
- Federal Research--Stimulator of Progress
- Federal Expenditure Policy for Research and Development
- Issues of Federal Science Policy
- Federal Expenditures for Research and Development
In order to aid in the retrieval of information from this publication, significant tables, charts, and/or articles have been extracted and can be viewed individually or across a span of issues.
85th Congress, 1st Session, Joint Committee Print
Government Printing Office
No Copyright - United States (NoC-US)
- oclc: 4224904
United States. Congress. Joint Economic Committee, 1956- , United States. Congress. Joint Economic Committee. Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy and Eighty-Fifth Congress, 1957-1959. Federal Expenditure Policy for Economic Growth and Stability : Papers Submitted by Panelists Appearing Before the Subcommittee on Fiscal Policy , Washington: Government Printing Office, 1957, https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/1151, accessed on March 20, 2025.